Clarifying Something I See A Lot(check this out newbies)
Something I have seen a lot even with all the stickies is small nations not quite grasping the point of rping. Newbies who aren't noobs are always trying to posses nukes and other weapons they can't have also they dont get how to buy something or wire money. So, I have to lay it out in plain English and if it doesn't work I give up.
1)Nukes and Newbies:
If you are new to this game or have a population under lets say 150 million you are too young for nukes. I now they seem cool and you are dying to obliterate that big guy who teases you but you will have to wait. In a game like this first impressions really stick.
Now you're probably saying to yourself 'okay I'll wait until I have a population over 150 million and then I'll start glassin people!!' Wrong! It isn't recomended many people know you possses nukes until your over 200 million. As I said first impressions stick. No matter how big you are nukes are generally frowned apon in this game. It helps to have them but never launch an attack with them. You will lose almost all your popularity. Hope that clarifies nukes.
2)Buying weapons:
Many times in the technical forum you will find someone asking 'how do I buy weapns?' Technically you don't buy weapons you say your buying weapons. Does your head hurt yet, well if it does it will only get worse. When you buy, lets say a plane, it may cost 500 million. So, you take 500 million and subtract it from your GDP(Gross Domestic Product). Then if you ever go to war you have that one plane, not 8743957983745 planes only the ones you bought. Now you may think after you buy the plane it won't cost you any more money. Wrong again grasshopper, you must spend x dollars maintaining the plane depending on what type of plane it is. You must maintain it evey year or the poor piolot who flies it wont come back in one peice. This is why it is considered godmodding when a nation 3 days old has 2,000 f-22s. Now just to sum up the actual spending of money.
3)GDP and wiring money:
Your GDP is all the money your nation earns in a year. I'll use my GDP calculator as an example: To see your GDP replace "Largent" in the adress with your nations name.
So when you see your GDP you amy think 'okay 7.9 trillion per year isn't bad!' No it isn't but thats not what you spend in a year. On military you can only spend what your military budget alows you to spend. In my case it is 1.5 trillion but I also have to take into acount maitanace which we talked about earlier so its about 25 billion I can spend on weapons per year. Also, like buying weapos wiring money doesn't actually take place. You should keep track off all the money you earn and lose in NS so when you spend money you subtract it from the total you saved up(in that catagory mind you). When money is wired to you you add to your total. When you think about it NS is so metaphorical...actually no it isn't.
It has been painful writing this, so newbies better read it and better start living by it and if they don't my NS experience will be almost as painful as wirting this thread. So....DON'T BE A NOOB :tantrum:
Very well said, good work.
Steel Butterfly
08-12-2003, 00:03
don't use the pipian calculator is designed by and biased for liberals
what do you recomend thats the only one I know
Steel Butterfly
08-12-2003, 00:08
Do some research and come up with it on your own.
Um, okay, I'll see what I can find :)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
08-12-2003, 00:11
The problem with pipian is that it uses the civil rights level to calculate the nation budget.
Or have I gotten it wrong?
Steel Butterfly
08-12-2003, 00:30
yes...and that does not make sense...I should know...I'm a economics and poli sci major
Draconis Nightcrawlis
08-12-2003, 00:37
Yeaa, because a capitalist nation with no civil rights would have a huge budget, while a liberal nation with loads of civil rights could have a smaller budget.
okay I got the new calculator
its the link in the post :roll:
08-12-2003, 17:59
OOC: You do realize that is still the pipian calculator, right?
I still use it even if it isn*t the best, because it is the only one generally accepted.
It is pipian but that was the only one could find and it is almost kinda different from pipian.
08-12-2003, 22:58
08-12-2003, 23:00
*Tag* :D
Steel Butterfly
13-12-2003, 03:31
You'll get over it
You'll get over it
I guess I'll have to :roll:
Good job. This should be a stickie.
Good job. This should be a stickie.
It would be nice but there are so many threads like it I doubt a mod will stickie it. Too bad :(
3)GDP and wiring money:
Your GDP is all the money your nation earns in a year. I'll use my GDP calculator as an example: To see your GDP replace "Largent" in the adress with your nations name.
What organization/alliance is the SOTA?
Good job. This should be a stickie.
It would be nice but there are so many threads like it I doubt a mod will stickie it. Too bad :(
Maybe it could be edited into my sticky thread that is a list of links for newbies to see. However, I can no longer edit it since my nation was deleted and brought back.
Soviet Haaregrad
13-12-2003, 04:04
Nuclear weapons should come in between 80 and 150 million. During the Cold War many nations possessed then that had under 100 million. If the country has assistance or a really good economy and lots of military spending then they can have nukes well before 150 million...
Nuclear weapons should come in between 80 and 150 million. During the Cold War many nations possessed then that had under 100 million. If the country has assistance or a really good economy and lots of military spending then they can have nukes well before 150 million...
thats real life not Nationstates. In real life tiny nations have large amounts of nukes but then again in NS there are well over 100 nations with pops over 1 bil so numbers change slightly.
the calculator isnt working it just gives a server error
the calculator isnt working it just gives a server error
It was working an hour ago when I tried it.
Soviet Haaregrad
13-12-2003, 04:30
Nuclear weapons should come in between 80 and 150 million. During the Cold War many nations possessed then that had under 100 million. If the country has assistance or a really good economy and lots of military spending then they can have nukes well before 150 million...
thats real life not Nationstates. In real life tiny nations have large amounts of nukes but then again in NS there are well over 100 nations with pops over 1 bil so numbers change slightly.
Well if you wish to play it realistically...
Nuclear weapons should come in between 80 and 150 million. During the Cold War many nations possessed then that had under 100 million. If the country has assistance or a really good economy and lots of military spending then they can have nukes well before 150 million...
thats real life not Nationstates. In real life tiny nations have large amounts of nukes but then again in NS there are well over 100 nations with pops over 1 bil so numbers change slightly.
Well if you wish to play it realistically...
its only fair :lol:
Soviet Haaregrad
13-12-2003, 04:38
Nuclear weapons should come in between 80 and 150 million. During the Cold War many nations possessed then that had under 100 million. If the country has assistance or a really good economy and lots of military spending then they can have nukes well before 150 million...
thats real life not Nationstates. In real life tiny nations have large amounts of nukes but then again in NS there are well over 100 nations with pops over 1 bil so numbers change slightly.
Well if you wish to play it realistically...
its only fair :lol:
Realistic = fair...
unrealistic=n00b...OOOOO harsh :lol:
Foe Hammer
13-12-2003, 04:47
3)GDP and wiring money:
Your GDP is all the money your nation earns in a year. I'll use my GDP calculator as an example: To see your GDP replace "Largent" in the adress with your nations name.
So when you see your GDP you amy think 'okay 7.9 trillion per year isn't bad!' No it isn't but thats not what you spend in a year. On military you can only spend what your military budget alows you to spend. In my case it is 1.5 trillion but I also have to take into acount maitanace which we talked about earlier so its about 25 billion I can spend on weapons per year. Also, like buying weapos wiring money doesn't actually take place. You should keep track off all the money you earn and lose in NS so when you spend money you subtract it from the total you saved up(in that catagory mind you). When money is wired to you you add to your total. When you think about it NS is so metaphorical...actually no it isn't.
Wrong, you don't add to your total for sales. Most weapon companies in this game are not government owned, so unless your government barges in and takes the corporation's money, you should leave your total alone when selling weapons to somebody. However, if your weapons company IS government-owned, you would add only a percentage of that amount to your budget. Why? Employees. Paychecks. Well, unless you have slaves who make the weapons. When adding totals to your budget, you should only add the profits, and not the entire amount.
3)GDP and wiring money:
Your GDP is all the money your nation earns in a year. I'll use my GDP calculator as an example: To see your GDP replace "Largent" in the adress with your nations name.
So when you see your GDP you amy think 'okay 7.9 trillion per year isn't bad!' No it isn't but thats not what you spend in a year. On military you can only spend what your military budget alows you to spend. In my case it is 1.5 trillion but I also have to take into acount maitanace which we talked about earlier so its about 25 billion I can spend on weapons per year. Also, like buying weapos wiring money doesn't actually take place. You should keep track off all the money you earn and lose in NS so when you spend money you subtract it from the total you saved up(in that catagory mind you). When money is wired to you you add to your total. When you think about it NS is so metaphorical...actually no it isn't.
Wrong, you don't add to your total for sales. Most weapon companies in this game are not government owned, so unless your government barges in and takes the corporation's money, you should leave your total alone when selling weapons to somebody. However, if your weapons company IS government-owned, you would add only a percentage of that amount to your budget. Why? Employees. Paychecks. Well, unless you have slaves who make the weapons. When adding totals to your budget, you should only add the profits, and not the entire amount.
Unless the nation is communist.
Foe Hammer
13-12-2003, 04:51
3)GDP and wiring money:
Your GDP is all the money your nation earns in a year. I'll use my GDP calculator as an example: To see your GDP replace "Largent" in the adress with your nations name.
So when you see your GDP you amy think 'okay 7.9 trillion per year isn't bad!' No it isn't but thats not what you spend in a year. On military you can only spend what your military budget alows you to spend. In my case it is 1.5 trillion but I also have to take into acount maitanace which we talked about earlier so its about 25 billion I can spend on weapons per year. Also, like buying weapos wiring money doesn't actually take place. You should keep track off all the money you earn and lose in NS so when you spend money you subtract it from the total you saved up(in that catagory mind you). When money is wired to you you add to your total. When you think about it NS is so metaphorical...actually no it isn't.
Wrong, you don't add to your total for sales. Most weapon companies in this game are not government owned, so unless your government barges in and takes the corporation's money, you should leave your total alone when selling weapons to somebody. However, if your weapons company IS government-owned, you would add only a percentage of that amount to your budget. Why? Employees. Paychecks. Well, unless you have slaves who make the weapons. When adding totals to your budget, you should only add the profits, and not the entire amount.
Unless the nation is communist.
3)GDP and wiring money:
Your GDP is all the money your nation earns in a year. I'll use my GDP calculator as an example: To see your GDP replace "Largent" in the adress with your nations name.
So when you see your GDP you amy think 'okay 7.9 trillion per year isn't bad!' No it isn't but thats not what you spend in a year. On military you can only spend what your military budget alows you to spend. In my case it is 1.5 trillion but I also have to take into acount maitanace which we talked about earlier so its about 25 billion I can spend on weapons per year. Also, like buying weapos wiring money doesn't actually take place. You should keep track off all the money you earn and lose in NS so when you spend money you subtract it from the total you saved up(in that catagory mind you). When money is wired to you you add to your total. When you think about it NS is so metaphorical...actually no it isn't.
Wrong, you don't add to your total for sales. Most weapon companies in this game are not government owned, so unless your government barges in and takes the corporation's money, you should leave your total alone when selling weapons to somebody. However, if your weapons company IS government-owned, you would add only a percentage of that amount to your budget. Why? Employees. Paychecks. Well, unless you have slaves who make the weapons. When adding totals to your budget, you should only add the profits, and not the entire amount.
Actually many storefronts are government owned and it is only common sense to pay emploies and things like that. This is a thread for newbies, not SPEDs.
Although it's an interesting thread, we won't sticky this. The mods and admin don't moderate roleplay and as such are very unwilling to endorse rules and guidelines.
Ill just bump it all day long :twisted: