Society of Jesus banned in Hrstrovokia
05-12-2003, 19:19
The 502 year old religious order, the Society of Jesus, has been banned in the Federation of Hrstrovokia.
Prime Minister Tesygran announced the banning and expulsion of all members of the Society of Jesus earlier today at the Dassau Parliament building. Tesygran claimed that the “Hrstrovokia and the Society of Jesus can no longer co-exist due to that order’s steadfast refusal to accept that the state is the ultimate, the highest organisation of god and people.”
“The Jesuits have declined to renounce their vow of absolute obedience to the Pope, the head of the Roman Catholic faith. This is simply unacceptable. We cannot allow this order to continue its role in the education of the state, both academically and religiously while it claims allegiance to another. It is in direct contravention with Hrstrovokia’s oath of allegiance to the state and only the state.
The 9,000 member Society of Jesus faces exile. It’s residences, schools and colleges will be seized by the State, and any finances which they posses will be transferred to the Federal Department of Finance for distribution amongst charities in Hrstrovokia.
In an interview today, Primate of all Hrstrovokia, Cardinal Suminghartisk denounced the Goverments decision as “a great mistake” and “an infringement upon the faith and rights of almost 700,000,000 loyal Catholics, who have had the utmost belief and undisupted loyalty to both our Lord and Hrstrovokia.”
Cardinal Suminghartisk has been cautioned by the Panel for State Security (P.S.S.) for “agitating the citizens” and could be possibly charged with Incitement to Riot. Despite this, he went on to say that “it is a total hypocrisy and extremely prejudiced that only the Roman Catholic’s, the Society of Jesus, be treated this way and not any of the other religions of Hrstrovokia, such as Protestantism.”
Suminghartisk has been a very vocal opponent of the Governments policy to Boroglia and it’s war with the Republic of Al Anbar and the breakaway People’s Republic of Boroglia.
05-12-2003, 19:43
With disgust we deplore the base and discriminatory practices of the criminal Federation of Hrstrovokia. The Jesuits have performed an incalculably valuable service to the youth of the Federation of Hrstrovokia through their tireless efforts in Hrstrovokian classrooms over the years. Their expulsion is a transparent attack on Hrstrovokian Roman Catholics, who are the voiceless victims of their oppressive government.
We hope for Prime Minister Tesygran's sake that on the happy day of his demise his explanation to Saint Peter for this foul assault on religious freedom is more compelling than the feeble, self-aggrandizing explanation he has offered to his own people.
Co-Signed by Jacques Cardinal Conomos, Archbishop of New Rome
06-12-2003, 18:39
Ever since the findings of the Dernsladt Experiment, the Government has approached Religious influence upon State Education with disdain, and attempted to reduce or remove it.
The dogmatic, fanatical Jesuits, established to check the spread of Protestantism, have done enough damage in Hrstrovokia. This is not a personal vendetta of any kind, as Prime Minister Tesygran is himself a Roman Catholic, who we might add, was offended and disappointed by the Pantocratorian Government's response.
For reasons of National security, we feel that it would be dangerous to submit to the public the Pantocratorian Government's provocative comments.
06-12-2003, 18:43
Your Prime Minister is no true Catholic if he would compel the Jesuits to renounce their vow. To do so would be an assault on the sacrament of orders. The Jesuits do great work, especially in the field of education. Yet, your Prime Minister would have them expelled simply because they hold God to be higher than he and his precious state.
If our initial letter caused the Prime Minister any offence, then good. It was most certainly fully intended.
06-12-2003, 18:48
In a Speech to the State Council, Chairman Hans von Marienholst offically condemed Hrstrovokia's policy of banning the Society of Jesus and ordered the Elizabethshire Interest Section in The Boardsies Region to offer asylum to all those Society Members who wish to emigrate. Chairman von Marienholst also dispatched four Heavy Crusiers, a Helichoppter carrier, a converted cruise liner and hospital ship to the The Boardsies Region to take aboard those who wish to flee. Chairman Von Marienholst insists however, this is not the begining of hosilities.
Elizabethshire State News
Ottoman Empire
06-12-2003, 18:50
While the Catholic community in Ottoman Empire is admittedly small, we would be pleased to grant asylum to any member of the Society of Jesus who may wish to emigrate here. We believe that the Jesuits, who are highly educated, would be an asset to our empire, and our policies of religious tolerance would ensure their rights to live and work here unmolested. With your permission, Hrstrovokia, we will contact the leaders of the Order in your country to inform them of our offer. Any who wish to come are welcome.
Sultan Omer
Keeper of the Gate of Felicity
06-12-2003, 18:52
We are opposed to your treatment of the Jesuits. Please reconsider your position as they are not an extremist or violent Catholic sect.
Cardinal Augustus Brown
Minister for Religion and Culture
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
06-12-2003, 19:00
:shock: :?
We, the People of the Great and United Soverign Nation of Hullania, do truthfully state:
Such an incident is not acceptable. While Marx did say, "Religion is the opium of the People.", it is not acceptable to take away something that the PEOPLE value. If religion is such a thing it should not be toyed with. It does not matter if the particular religion argues with the government, it is through this agruement that a greater nation is built.
- The International Religious Affairs Minister of the Hullanian Socialist Party,
Nikkoli Vespunit
I admit i killed sammy!! it was an accident ,well kind of.
Pres. Cucumber The Clown
I admit i killed sammy!! it was an accident ,well kind of.
Pres. Cucumber The Clown
The 502 year old religious order, the Society of Jesus, has been banned in the Federation of Hrstrovokia.
Prime Minister Tesygran announced the banning and expulsion of all members of the Society of Jesus earlier today at the Dassau Parliament building. Tesygran claimed that the ?Hrstrovokia and the Society of Jesus can no longer co-exist due to that order?s steadfast refusal to accept that the state is the ultimate, the highest organisation of god and people.?
?The Jesuits have declined to renounce their vow of absolute obedience to the Pope, the head of the Roman Catholic faith. This is simply unacceptable. We cannot allow this order to continue its role in the education of the state, both academically and religiously while it claims allegiance to another. It is in direct contravention with Hrstrovokia?s oath of allegiance to the state and only the state.
The 9,000 member Society of Jesus faces exile. It?s residences, schools and colleges will be seized by the State, and any finances which they posses will be transferred to the Federal Department of Finance for distribution amongst charities in Hrstrovokia.
In an interview today, Primate of all Hrstrovokia, Cardinal Suminghartisk denounced the Goverments decision as ?a great mistake? and ?an infringement upon the faith and rights of almost 700,000,000 loyal Catholics, who have had the utmost belief and undisupted loyalty to both our Lord and Hrstrovokia.?
Cardinal Suminghartisk has been cautioned by the Panel for State Security (P.S.S.) for ?agitating the citizens? and could be possibly charged with Incitement to Riot. Despite this, he went on to say that ?it is a total hypocrisy and extremely prejudiced that only the Roman Catholic?s, the Society of Jesus, be treated this way and not any of the other religions of Hrstrovokia, such as Protestantism.?
Suminghartisk has been a very vocal opponent of the Governments policy to Boroglia and it?s war with the Republic of Al Anbar and the breakaway People?s Republic of Boroglia.
This is a grave mistake, indeed. You leave morals on your doorstep and let in the beurocratic scum. The only check on the raw politics of government is religion and without it a nation will turn its head toward the burning chasms of Hell and soon plunge into it. Amerigo a Communistic and Catholic nation (OOC: trust me it works out... through the bastardization of both doctorines) is willing to accept any Catholic refugees coming from your nation.
It is a shame that your government, must make a decision on the spiritual health of all of your peoples. May God have mercy on their souls.
Chief of Religion
David Balboa
If someone in my organization betrayed me, I'd do the same thing! rub em out! BUT, i cannot see any basis for offing someone for betraying me, who hasnt even sworn an oath to me! Sure, if they had blown up a whore house or busted up my cars, ya id smoke em. but these jesuits are peaceful. they dont deserve this. And besides, its ignorant of Hrstrovokia to think that you can make people swear to you, and not God. We may not make him happy, but we still respect him, and so should you Hrstrovokia.
Don of Lost Heaven
10-12-2003, 19:46
The increasing solidarity between Catholic's and Protestants in their common fight for the maintenance of fundamental Christian values has resulted in victory for civil rights in Hrstrovokia.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Tesygran, under pressure from his own cabinent, the media and the people, removed the ban on the Society of Jesus, abolished the P.S.S. and made a public apology.
Demonstrations and strikes across the Federation had disabled the ability of the Government to effectively control the state. The Headquarters of the P.S.S. were stormed by angry demonstrators and wrecked. The police refused to intervene.
Cardinal Suminghartisk hailed International opinion as a "great determining voice, a voice which the Goverment simply could not ignore".
The Confederatory Empire of Hleelzuuyar expresses its regret that foreign pressure has forced Hrstrovokia to give up its sovereign rights. We are prepared to send advisors to help eradicate the contaminating foreign influences and promote true independence for Hrstrovokia.
Captain Chixlens Kelmsehno
11-12-2003, 04:04
The Imperial Government congratulates Prime Minister Tesygran on finally doing the right thing in this matter. We sincerely hope that being forced to reverse this decision has taught him how much the people of his own country, as well as those of other countries, value religious freedom.
It takes a brave politician to admit when he's wrong, and we applaud the Prime Minister for eventually doing so.