05-12-2003, 18:18
Canuk Central uses a form of "conscription" that makes all citizens complete at least 20 years of compulsary military service. I have already ordered many weapons, and tanks for my crusade against landmines. I have 8 million troops at the moment. They are all now taking some of the best military training. Consisting of hand to hand combat, weapon classes, military tatics, stealth classes, bushcraft/ fieldcraft classes, survival sessions, physical fitness coarses, warcraft sessions, and much more. When they finish their lessons at my Marine base my nation will have the best trained military in the world. I only have 8 million but if well-trained It can stop a nation of 15 million from using landmines. If you wish to join my crusade, then move to my region Canadian Hemisphere. These troops will only be used for disarming and defusing land mines, killing terrorists, and solving international disputes (they teach tough love and keep the peace).