NationStates Jolt Archive

Roania tests new weapon...

05-12-2003, 10:55
[code:1:105aa66f40]Uplinking video image and report
Satellite link established
Transferring data
TO: Lord Captain Commander Stephen Orlickson
FROM: Lord Captain Izareus Trent
Thought for the day: In serving the realm, everything is justified

The test has gone as planned, commander, and you can inform the council of it. At noon, the SeaSpray2 missile was launched at a penal village in the conquered lands of Jiggolostic. As we theorised, it detonated 30 feet over the centre of the village, releasing its cargo, the caustic substance Chemical G4. It rained down in a patter, burning through roofs and glass, and scouring bare skin to the bones and through. It remained caustic for over 3 hours, long enough to burn through an average sized house.

Current knowledge suggests that in batteries of 3 or more missiles, with their areas of effect (currently estimated at around 30 metres in optimal conditions, see attached subsheet) connecting, there will be very little that can stand against this weapon. It outperforms the SeaSpray1 by a margin of 50%, and the older FlameWater series by 200% or more. Currently, cost of production stands at around 1 million NSdollars a missile, but the warlabs here have reported a certainty that it will become cheaper in the future.

The video contains an image of the test, captured using satellite video sequences, and helicopter surveillance.

This is a glorious beginning for the Principality.

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OOC: All posts *Must* be OOC from this point on...
05-12-2003, 10:58

dont harm humans, even prisoners

*leaves thread for good*
05-12-2003, 11:02

dont harm humans, even prisoners

*leaves thread for good*

OOC: I'll take it that's OOC?
05-12-2003, 11:05

dont harm humans, even prisoners

*leaves thread for good*

OOC: I'll take it that's OOC?

all except the middle line. I would have written more but i dont want to offend a nation larger than myself
05-12-2003, 11:06
(OC Glad Kain is escaping then... :D )
05-12-2003, 11:15
(OC Glad Kain is escaping then... :D )

OOC: I think that Kain will find that running won't help.
05-12-2003, 11:19
We trust that Roania evacuated the village beforehand? If you did not, we pray for and pity the wayword souls of your government...
05-12-2003, 11:27
"Sir, someone managed to intercept our communique."

"Blast... last time we use cheap imports..."

"Don't worry, they only managed it by being directly underneath the satellite at the time."

"Good. Did they respond?"

"Yes, sir."

We trust that Roania evacuated the village beforehand? If you did not, we pray for and pity the wayword souls of your government...

"Hmm... well, I don't think we did, Lord Captain."

"Of course not! What's the point of a weapons test that doesn't test the weapon? And it's not like they were civilians, or something."
United Indiastan
05-12-2003, 11:28
"We find your tests unimpressive, and generally impractical. 30ft? Thats a sorry altitude for an airburst. And what effect would it have on concrete or reinforced steel? It only seems appropraite for use on unprepared civilian targets, which are vunerable enough to conventional arms before adding chemical weapons to the mix. Simple incinderaries will burn a house down and kill someone just as dead without the world branding you a monster for using chemicals. Think about it."

-Indiastan Ministry of Military Intelligence
05-12-2003, 11:31
"We find your tests unimpressive, and generally impractical. 30ft? Thats a sorry altitude for an airburst. And what effect would it have on concrete or reinforced steel? It only seems appropraite for use on unprepared civilian targets, which are vunerable enough to conventional arms before adding chemical weapons to the mix. Simple incinderaries will burn a house down and kill someone just as dead without the world branding you a monster for using chemicals. Think about it."

-Indiastan Ministry of Military Intelligence

OOC: It was an acid based weapon, and of course it burnt through the metal and concrete. It's not even as if Roanians build out of anything that's not metal or concrete.

IC: "We also have some spies. Luckily, we found them all and killed them."
05-12-2003, 11:35
"The souls that you destroy are forever branished upon you.
Killing one, thoroughly destroys your own soul, and with all that you have killed, I fear how badly damaged your souls may be"
-- The Meditating Monk of Mount Hochimong-tsu
05-12-2003, 11:37
OOC: Wasn't that monastery destroyed?

IC: "Hmm... it appears that the Tibetans are somehow capable of picking up our secure transmissions..."

"Damn those yellow meditating bastards!"

"Quite... perhaps now is the time for a large scale test..."
05-12-2003, 11:39
We can intercept most messages with Meditation.

However, selling of that information so secret to nations is most definately condenmed, as it would kill people, and their soul's deaths would be our fault.
The Ctan
05-12-2003, 13:33
OOC: It was an acid based weapon, and of course it burnt through the metal and concrete. It's not even as if Roanians build out of anything that's not metal or concrete.

OOC: You might want to change the first post, caustic doesn't always mean corrosive. You might also want to import the more expensive encryption software next time :wink:
05-12-2003, 13:36
i think it is a terrible weapon, if i was IC i would be planning terrorist attacks on your people.

But as i'm OOC that doesn't really matter
05-12-2003, 13:37

Using other nations as target practice?
Want to buy some 1024 bit encryption software Roania?
05-12-2003, 13:46
Lord Vorn, Head of the TDI. "Hmm not bad. Theres some worse stuff that we and others have come up with. Not that we would use them of course unless we had to, It wouldn't be Honorable. Our major research lends it self to more powerful and cheaper explosives."
imported_Foolish Pesants
05-12-2003, 13:57
I find it good to see that someone has taken the true value of incendiaries and is using it for great justice. Truly the power to suffocate your foes with righteous fire is always good for the betterment of whatever reason. Still I don't see you claming that fact, even though it IS the easiest way to destroy stuff(and usually most fun too).
05-12-2003, 14:01
05-12-2003, 14:08
Yep, we used our entire Napalm and Phosphor bomb supply up fighting rebels and demons in SteamEarth while supporting the government. They sure make a mess ...
05-12-2003, 18:11
"Behold, dull citizens! The chancellor of a billion things is about to make his will known to you pathetic inbreds!"

"Hullo. I am the chancellor, and i´m okay! I would like to announce the following announcement, whose announcing is being announced by none other than the current announcee, me!"

"Your puny insignificant tests inspire nothing but contempt, sneering and a slight peckishness in me! I have seen more significant damage dealt by infants spewing partially digested dairy produce! You would do better at your pathetic wars by sending the aforementioned infants into battle with an elastic band and some sugar! Actually, that´s not a bad idea! Chancellor? Bring me your eldest son!"

"I would, my most benevolent emperor, if you had not eaten them this morning."

"Oh. Um. This is what´s known as an awkward moment."

"Vermin and gentlescum, the emperor, and his chancellor, who is a really great guy."
05-12-2003, 23:59
OOC: I trust you are all aware of the fact that I conquered Jiggolostic 1 month ago? And that anyone dumb enough to claim they can read my IC communications is being added to a list of targets?