Xanthal shrinks (again).
Xanthal has rescended its claims to the Garron, Nethlek, Pictoris, and Than systems.
These changes are part of Xanthal's ongoing campaign of territory consolodation begun when the Empire was replaced with the Republic in 3296.
Five Civilized Nations
05-12-2003, 15:54
poor Xanthal, getting smaller every day... :cry:
Wait a second, I'm fighting in one of those systems....
In that case DNS will claim Than.
Five Civilized Nations: Nothing wrong with that... The biggest bitch for Xanthal has been moving it's facilities out of those systems to the Aellis system.
DNS: This is happening about ten fifteen years after the war.
Gotcha, we'll take control then.
People live there, DNS. They won't let you just 'claim' them.
Foe Hammer
06-12-2003, 02:27
LIberty Fleet Alpha and the Flagship fleet have entered the Garron system and are siezing all planets in the name of Foe Hammer.
No flag, no country. That's a rule that I've just made up and will be enforcing with this gun lent by the NRA. So ha. (Eddie Izzard rules.)
Well, the Garron system is uninhabited; so that's something else. I'm not sure why you'd want it though, it's just got a lot of strip-mined planets and a double star. Worthless.
Foe Hammer
06-12-2003, 04:01
Well, the Garron system is uninhabited; so that's something else. I'm not sure why you'd want it though, it's just got a lot of strip-mined planets and a double star. Worthless.
Ok, how about the Nethlik system?
It has potential, if you're willing to work at it. Out of it's four dozen planets, the 29th. and 33rd. are inhabitable (the 33rd. thanks to Xanthalian engineering). The rest of the planets are pretty worthless, though some have a few worthwhile resources. The biggest problem with the Nethlek system is it's gravitational fields. With 48 planets (not to mention asteroids and stuff), navigating the damn thing is hell.
So noted, of course Istar is expanding into solar systems that are both useful and unclaimed so this will be investigated.
~Denubis, High Clerical Scribe of the Sacred Chancery
AO Centaurs
06-12-2003, 04:31
(Tag) for intelegence purpuses (we like to know who our nahbores are)
EDIT: Stupid Puppets, It's me, Atlantian Outcasts
Foe Hammer
06-12-2003, 04:35
Which of the available systems are good?
I should know about the Garron System, I fought at Garron XII didn't I? anyhow, I'd gladly lay claim to it if noone else will, I have my reasons.
Kecha: Claim whatever you want, we have no more intrests there.
Foe Hammer: Nethlek is as good as it gets, unless you want to go to war with the inhabitants of Pictoris or Than.
Very well, I hereby lay claim to the Garron System, in it's total fullness, for the Holy Empire of Kecha.
Foe Hammer
06-12-2003, 05:04
Kecha: Claim whatever you want, we have no more intrests there.
Foe Hammer: Nethlek is as good as it gets, unless you want to go to war with the inhabitants of Pictoris or Than.
Fine, We hereby claim Nethlek in the name of the Space Empire of Foe Hammer.
Here goes nothing...
Anyone who enters the Nethlek system will likely find that large amounts of space orks have taken up residence in the system. They are using the plethora of planets as a base for their crazed pirate raiding. There are large amounts of ships and bases of varying kinds in the system.
(This post isn't mean't to piss anyone off. Sopace orks do this sort of thing all the time. They go wherever they can and take over. If Foe Hammer is interested in some good naval RPing then we can fight over the system. It would be good fun!)
Oh yeah here's the rundown on what the Space orks are... you may find it amusing! Space Orks Info. (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=91618&highlight=)
I"m really serious Foe Hammer... i'm not trying to be an ass. Let's have an RP over the system. You'd probably beat the orks into a pulp anyway!
FH: I know of this sort of situation, just make like the Roman Empire, show some pure, organized force to the Green Skin brutes, and they'll run away.
I resent that!... well not really, it's probably true! :wink: But the orks won't run off... they'll just die.
People live there, DNS. They won't let you just 'claim' them.
I know, but we can ask them to join, and show them the benefits of joining. We can RP a disscussion between DNS and the leaders of the respective planets. DNS has aways been more of a federal system than single, unified state.
Foe Hammer
06-12-2003, 19:22
The Flagship fleet has entered the Nethlek system. The Flagship, a massive 30km long ship, transmits this message -
"Attention inhabitants of the Nethlek system. This is the Foe Hammer Flagship Fleet. We are here to claim this system in the name of Foe Hammer. Xanthal has turned over system control to us. Flagship Fleet out."
The message replays once every 5 minutes.
OOC: well... I guess I assume that your good with for a battle then. :?
IC: Grobash sat at his control panel at an outpost on an ateroid moon of one of the farther out planets of the Nethlik system. Suddenly, one of the red lights on dis panel lit up and the Foe Hammer message began playing.
"Oi, wats dis lotta stinkwaste!" The ork said. "Du boss is gonna wanta see dis." and Grobash went off to find the boss.
Warboss Atluk Grogdam Sat at his table sharpening his fangs on a whetstone, when Grobash entered his chamber. The ork relayed the message to the Warboss and a toothy-grin spread across Atluks gnarled visage. "Get du space stuff reddy to go", he yelled to his orks.
9If you want to we should continue this on a different thread, How about one labelled FOE HAMMER LAYS CLAIM TO THE NETHLIK SYSTEM.?
Is that good?
DNS-2 arrives in the Than system under diplomatic flags. Embassaries are sent down to talk to the planets leaders, and they begin the slow process of getting the planets to become states in the DNS.
OOC: That was just to legit the post, Xanthal, if it isn't too much trouble, could I get some stats on what the system's like? IE planets, habitablity, mineral deposits, etc.
DNS: The Than people (though they are no longer a part of Xanthal) are still under my control since they are my NPCs. Than VI (we evacuated Than IV) has become very xenophobic since they left the Republic. It'll be a very long, very hard process getting them to join you; and you may never succeed. If you want to RP it out, create a thread and give me the link here or by TG.
yeah... or foe hammer could totally and completely ignore me.