Elections in Ilek-Vaad
04-12-2003, 23:43
LNS (Lassic News Service) Lassic, Ilek-Vaad
Elections draw nearer as voters shake off apathy.
Election day draws ever closer in The Free Republic as the main parties square off. The P.R.P. (Progressive Republican Party) attempts to regain power a year after a stunning upset by the R.O.P. The R.O.P. (Republican Order Party) finds itself in power for the first time in 45 years and can seemingly do no wrong. "With Ilek-Vaad's economic boom and military and diplomatic leadership blossoming under the firm hand of Scipio Nemaraan (the current First Republican), it is inconceiveable that the R.O.P. could suffer any sort of defeat." said noted columnist and talk show host James Rifkin "It is clearly their election to lose."
The biggest challenge comes from the rightist V.L.P. (Vaadist Loyalist Party). The V.L.P. have tapped into their conservative roots and shored up support with the more conservative peoples of the newly annexed Lumpen Republic. The leader of the V.L.P., Unrath Assad has managed to both critiscize and associate with the R.O.P. government, even engineering the defection of the R.O.P.'s wildly popular Minister of Defence Atalea Grant.
The largest factor in this election is the performance of Aran Adhemar, the R.O.P. Minister of Foreign Affairs. he has been elected 11 times and has held his position even when the P.R.P. held power. With eleven consecutive terms (second only to the Honoured Statesman) he is poised to bring an overwhelming R.O.P. victory riding on his coat tails. "The Minister of Foreign Affairs has managed to out maneuver his opponents at home and abroad and project an image of a democratic and friendly Ilek-Vaad to the world, even during bloody conflicts." said talk show host Jimmy McLaughlin.
Voter excitement that was at an all time low earlier this year is rising in a steady tide, pundits aren't sure who this will favor but it does look as though Ilek-Vaad will be in for a knock down dragout three way fight for control of the Republican Council and the right to select the First Republican come Februaury.
-Pat The Llama, LNS election coverage
At a local fundraiser, the Ambassador from Phyrric, Mr Horne, approaches Mr Adhemer as if they were long lost friends.
"Aran, it is so good to see you again." Exchanges a traditional kiss on each cheek in the fashion of a true Latin. "Let's go into this stateroom and have a chat", moves in closer to whisper in the left ear, "I have a gift from Pyrrhus."
The two greet others in a curtious fashion on their way to the stateroom just off the ballroom. Upon entry to the stateroom, there are a few others in there, Mr Horne addresses them politely, "may we have this room for just a second please, this is official diplomatic needs." The two people that were in the room gesture a friendly motion and leave expeditiously.
"I send greetings from the Nation of Phyrric (reaching into his dinner coat, pulling out a small vile of alcohol and pouring two drinks). You have been friendly to our causes and we wish to (looking around as if someone is eaves-dropping), how should I state this? A tax free, undeclared donation to your campaign. (Handing over a white envelope that is 6 inches thick with cash) We hope this serves you well as you have served Pyrrhus with such devout loyalty and dedication in the best interest of our alliance."
Both lift up there shots and slam it promptly.
"Now, lets go get drunk (leaves the room, notices the two still standing close by) thank you for the room, it is all yours" (puts arm around shoulders of Aran as to guide him away from the press and nosey individuals)
Terra Malus
05-12-2003, 10:48
The Athenaeum
Athenaea Manilani
"Did you see the LNS broadcast this morning? It seems that our friends in Ilek-Vaad will have an interesting election come February. Everyone appears to be eager to participate."
"Yes Excellency, and it looks like our friend Minister Adhemar will power to ROP to yet another victory."
"Ah, do not be too sure Minister," the emperor retorted with a a slight smile. "Never count out the PRP, they were in power for 45 years. I'm sure they still have clout and a few aces up their sleeves. I'd be very surprised if they don't win at least 20% of Republican Council seats. The VLP's also mounting a very good campaign. They're doing pretty well, especially that Unrath Assad. That defection of the Defence Minister was a political masterstroke. Grant's very popular, the ROP better watch out."
"Should we send a small, er, token of our friendship to the Foreign Minister?"
"Not this time, elections are sacred. We must not in any way interfere or influence the results. But I will call the Minister later and wish him luck."
"As you wish, Excellency."
05-12-2003, 17:17
The Minister of Foreign Affairs graciously greets Mr. Horne and graciously accepts the campaign contribution
"Why thank you Ambassador Horne, but I am afraid it cannot remain tax free, although our laws do allow us to take donations from anonymous contributors. The R.O.P. is glad to accept your help and with such generous support we will remain in control, All Power to the People."
He then puts his arm around around Mr. Horne's shoulder "and I happen to know the perfect bar nearby..............."
05-12-2003, 17:40
LNS, Coventry, Ilek-Vaad
P.R.P. Receives Autoworkers Union endorsement
At a P.R.P. rally today at Autoworkers Union Local 528, Union Chairman Rex Winston was on stage with P.R.P. Chairman Theleb Kanaan to announce the unions backing of the P.R.P. " Mr. Kanaan and the Progressives have worked tirelessly for the working man and the unions. We are proud to support the P.R.P. "
This was as expected, the P.R.P. often gains support of the nations largest unions. Mr. Kanaan also expressed his wish to debate his adversaries " I have not yet met Mr. Assad or Mr. Nemaraan in a debate, I would hope that they would want the people to see all of our views and feelings compared side by side. I would hope that Mr. Assad and Mr. Nemeraan are not afraid of me or my views? or do they wish to hide theirs?" The chiding comments drew roars of applause from the crowd.
Mr. Kanaan has been 4 times elected by the Republican Council to the post of First Republican and is acknowledged as the most experienced debater of any party. Officials of the V.L.P. and the R.O.P. declined to comment on whether there would be any debates beyond those by candidates for the seats on the Republican Council.
LNS- Election Roundup
08-12-2003, 18:34
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad
Minister of Foreign Affairs Routes Opponents in Debate
In an LNS nationally televised debate, the standing Minister of Foreign Affairs scored an overwhelming victory against his opponents. The three way debate between the Minister and his two main opponents was held at the House of the Republic on saturday. The three debaters were: Aran Adhemar of the R.O.P.-the encumbant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Sirdar Ali-Shah of the V.L.P. and Sir Maxmilian Vero of the P.R.P.
Sir Vero of the P.R.P. announced his candidacy only last week in place of the slain Sir William Issem and seemed ill prepared for the debate and mostly hung back as Dr. Ali-Shah and the Minister exchanged verbal blows. Dr. Ali-Shah repeatedly pointed to her doctorates in Political Science and Philosophy as her main credentials while the Minister pointed to her 'Academic Inexperience' as he called it.
" Dr. Ali-Shah's work in 'theoretical' political theory is much admired, I have read her books and found them very interesting.I must say though that writing or reading books is a far cry from the face to face dealings with diplomats from hundreds of nations, many who have never read Dr. Ali-Shah's treatsies and would probably not react as a text book when engaged." said the Minister at one point.
Polls on the street indicate that the standing Minister of Foreign Affairs could very well carry upwards of 90% of the vote, a crushing landslide for the opposition.
LNS-Election Roundup
11-12-2003, 22:30
LNS,Lassic, Ilek-Vaad
R.O.P. Fundraising tops P.R.P. and V.L.P. Combined
Campaign finance numbers were released today by all three major parties and the R.O.P. announced that it had 29 million Dr to spend on the upcoming campaign. This number tops the combined 18.5 million Dr of the P.R.P and the V.L.P.
The R.O.P. also began a media campaign well ahead of elections in every major city in the Republic. "The R.O.P. seems bound and determined to retain their power and are pulling out all the stops" said P.R.P. analyst Sancho Jackson.
The numbers released also showed that major corporations that at one time backed only a single party, are now spreading donations to all the major parties. Most notable is Jaguar-Daimler Motors, a perennial P.R.P. campaign contributor, has donated well over a million Dr to each major party.
LNS, Tollan ,Ilek-Vaad
New Command General Promoted
In other news the fires atop the great pyramid of Teztcatlipoca were set and a column of thick smoke announced the decision of the Supreme Republican Commander to name a new Red Jaguar Command General. Staff Seargent Mirai Assad of the 1st Red Jaguar Command announced that Colonel Adan Ring of the 2nd Purifiers Division ws being promoted to 3rd Red Jaguar Command as Command General.
LNS-News Roundup
14-12-2003, 04:28
V.L.P. Chairman Unrath Assad blasts R.O.P.'s UNAOTO Involvement
At a rally in the southern port city of Costa-Tula, Unrath Assad of the V.L.P. for the first time attacked the current governments decision to join UNAOTO "I have several problems with the way Ilek-Vaad joined, and has been involved in the UNAOTO." said Mr. Assad "I do believe that as a member of UNAOTO Ilek-Vaad can project a stronger international presence, but with the non-existant leadership in UNAOTO and the luke warm support of UNAOTO's other members it is a dangerous move. Ilek-Vaad needs to take control of the UNAOTO and steer it in the right direction! In recent conflicts things would have gone much better with our Supreme Republican Commander in charge."
"We should also push to force the UNAOTO to have stronger central leadership and be more aggressive against tyrannical and rogue governments. No monarchy,dictatorship or oppresive regime should feel safe anywhere in the world!"
Unrath Assad's comments drew cheers from the crowd and cast serious doubt of the UNAOTO charter being ratified in the general election.
"If the V.L.P. comes to power and I am chosen as First Republican , I will appoint a special representative to deal soley with UNAOTO and make it clear to our allies that Ilek-Vaad is strong and is for spreading democratic ideals across the globe!" stated Mr. Assad at the end of his speech. His speech seemed to be aimed directly at the heart of the R.O.P.'s foreign and military policies.
Pat the Llama, LNS- Election Special
15-12-2003, 22:08
R.O.P. Blitzes Media
The R.O.P. started it's multi-million drachma media campaign, releasing 6 elections ads today. The ads were screened by the media today just before their release and mainly focus on the record of The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior. Both have very high publicity ratings and both have excelled at their positions.
The R.O.P.'s Minister of the Interior is seen as responsible for the re-vitalization of the nations beaches and the near 1% unemployment rate. The ads featuring the Minister stressed the positives of economic growth without compromising the enviroment.
None of the R.O.P.'s ads directly attacked any of the opposition. "I think the voters want to hear about our record, what we have done with our time in office. I personally see no reason to personally attack any of the candidates, I just want the voters to see the R.O.P.'s views so that they can compare them to the views of our adversaries. I think once the people see our track record that they will support us." Stated the First Republican at the press conference unveiling the ads.
The ads will be aired nationally up to election day. The non-partisan nature of the campaign is not only suprising for thr R.O.P. but appears to put the R.O.P. on the moral high ground. "It will be difficult for the V.L.P. who rely on personal attacks to gain attention to do so with the R.O.P. apparently so firmly committed to a campaign based on the issues. However it may play into the hands of the P.R.P. who have always been non-partisan and leveraged victory through debate and merit." Said syndicated columnist Max Fletchinghousrin.
19-12-2003, 19:07
LNS,Ilek-Vaad, Lassic
Full list of candidates
The three main parties today officially submitted candidate lists for the seats of the Republican Council. The major parties announced that all current encumbents would be seeking re-election. The encumbents are as follows:
Minister of Internal Affairs: Vadic Von Raukov (ROP)
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Aran Adhemar (ROP)
Minister of Economics: Daniel Remijan (ROP)
Minister of Education: Lars Danielsson (PRP)
Minister of Defence: Atalea Grant (VLP)
Minister of Technology: Sir Valdemar Isrhing (PRP)
Minister of National Security: Namaan Vaad (ROP)
Minister of Judicial Affairs: Verio Martin (PRP)
The R.O.P. announced it's additional candidates as: Valeria Sedjani for Minister of Education, Tony Hull for Minister of Defence, Izmirai Adnan for Minister of Technology and Lloyd Foster for Minister of Judicial Affairs. It was also announced that Scipio Nemaraan would be retained as First Republican if the R.O.P. maintains it's majority.
The P.R.P. announced it's additional candidates as Sir Daniel Hill for Minister of Internal Affairs,Sir Maxmilian Vero for Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thomas Wright for Minister of Economics, General Turin Ilek-Itxaad for Minister of Defence, Jackson Vabeck for Minister of National Security and Thomas Nikopol for Minister of Judicial Affairs. It was announced that should they hold the majority that Theleb Kanaan would be elected as First Republican.
The V.L.P. announced it's additional candidates as Ikbal Al-Masoud for Minister of Internal Affairs, Dr. Sirdar Ali-Shah for Minister of Foreign Affairs, Michael Isfor fpr Minister of Economics, Carl Carlsson for Minister of Education, Daniel Hammond for Minister of Technology, Coyohuital Xaqocitatl for Minister of National Security and Ivar Istvaad for Minister of Judicial Affairs. It was announced that should the V.L.P. take the majority that Unrath Assad would be elected as First Republican.
It is expected that at least five more debates between various candidates and of course more political juggling and grandstanding before the February elections. Voters seem anxious to get to the polls and a record turnout is expected.
LNS Election Roundup
30-12-2003, 17:48
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad
First Republican set to Debate Party Chairmen
In a suprise move today, the First Republican announced that he would debate his two main rivals. The R.O.P. has turned down offers of debate for the First Republican on the grounds that voters do not choose the First Republican. The debate is set for next Monday and will be aired on prime time. The First Republican will debate V.L.P. Chairman Unrath Assad and the formidable P.R.P. Chairman Theleb Kanaan.
"This is a bit of a dangerous move for the R.O.P." said columnist Jack Talkinton "With their current popularity even a draw could look more like a win for the V.L.P. and the P.R.P. This debate may be a way of breaking the deadlock in many close races." According to polls ,the only certainty seems to be the retention of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Other Republican Council seats are nearly deadlocked in very close races.
The Monday night debate could be a major turning point in the election and will be closely watched.
Pat The Llama, LNS Election News
22-01-2004, 22:15
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad
Election Fortnight Looms
With polling slated to take place February 12th-14th, candidates are making last minute junkets to sway voters. The encumbent Minister of Foreign Affairs still holds an insurmountable lead but every other race is seperated by 4-5%, a gap that can be closed by election day.
The debate between the Chairmen of the three main parties was a win for Theleb Kanaan and may give a boost to the flagging P.R.P. The P.R.P. candidates and members have been fanning out across the country to build more grass-roots support. Meanwhile the R.O.P. continued it's media blitz, moving advertising to the internet and mass mailing campaigns. The R.O.P. seeks to improve it's stock through recognition. Unrath Assad of the V.L.P. has campaigned unceasingly and appears to be gaining support, although it is hard to judge how much damage was done to his party in the debate.
The only sure thing is that the Minister of Foreign Affairs will be retained, but it remains to be seen if this will be enough to give the R.O.P. a wider victory and help them to retain power.
LNS,Election News
22-01-2004, 23:00
23-01-2004, 18:47
LNS, Narvik, Ilek-Vaad
Theleb Kanaan kicks off national tour
Emulating the Honoured Statesman, Mr. Kanaan began his nationwaide election tour in Narvik, seeking to build voter confidence from the ground up. Mr. Kanaan's stunning televised debate in which he out maneuvered both Scipio Nemaraan of the R.O.P. and Unrath Assad of the V.L.P. has given the P.R.P. campaign new life. With most voters unfamiliar with all of the new faces in the P.R.P. Mr. Kanaan has taken it upon himself to rally the party.
"I want all of the people in Ilek-Vaad to prosper. I want every citizen to have health care and social services befitting a national superpower. The R.O.P. has been good for business and for the military and that's fine, but we need to do good for all the people! We all know the only way to do this is to vote for our P.R.P. candidates, the old guard are gone, but our new young candidates can re-invigorate the Republic and bring a better life for us and our children! All Power to the People!" stated Mr. Kanaan at a rally in Issem Court Park in Narvik.
In other parts of the city, the outlawed Communist Republican Party staged a violent rally just north of midtown. Masked students with communist flags threw molotov cocktails and overturned cars. It was estimated that nearly 17,000 took part in the rally. Velite Guard forces were overwhelmed and the 4th Purifier Division moved in to control the crowd. Nearly 1,000 were arrested and 500 injured.
One student who identified himself as a communist leader spoke to reporters " In 1998 the nation saw the bloody repression of the people and the rigged election that took the C.R.P. out of power. The P.R.P. are puppets of the military industrial complex. End the Purifier occupation of Narvik!End government control of the people! Long live the prloletariat!"
He was arrested moments later.
Footnote: In 1998 the C.R.P. was defeated in a landslide election by the P.R.P. The Communist party attempted to take power in a bloody coupe that was eventually put down by the Retaliatory Guard in a month long seige of Narvik.
LNS, Election News
28-01-2004, 18:49
First Republican Throws down the gauntlet.
The First Republican today embarked on his own national speaking tour, that coincidentally mirrors the tour of P.R.P. Chairman Theleb Kanaan. Poll numbers have shown the R.O.P. slipping since the last debate and the R.O.P. hopes to regain it's broad base of support.
"Where ever Mr. Kanaan speak, I will speak also. Every point he makes, I will rebuff and every attack that comes I will meet. Ilek-Vaad has been reviatlized under the R.O.P. and we want to continues building prosperity with the help of the people." The First Republican told reporters today.
The speaking tour combined with the R.O.P.'s media blitz will certainly make the race more interesting.
The main side effect of the heated rivalry between the R.O.P. and P.R.P. is that the V.L.P. has been able to quietly gather support without notice. The V.L.P. have also been gaining in the polls, but apparently not enough to rouse the P.R.P. and R.O.P. from their direct confrontation.
LNS Election News
05-02-2004, 18:22
LNS,Lassic, Ilek-Vaad
Elections set to begin, Nation prepares for week-off
Beginning on February 9th elections in Ilek-Vaad will begin.Polls will open at 8:00 a.m. Monday morning and will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 13th. In accordance with the constitution all businesses must at least give every employee a full day off to vote, but most companies schedule the whole week off at this time of year for not only election purposes but for the end of the fiscal year. Polling is expected to be at least 60-70% turnout this year. The Velite Guard have already begun preparing polling places and setting up the satellite linked network voting system.
The contenders for the seats in the Republican Council are making their final rounds, as no campaigning will be allowed after polls open. Most Polls still show the R.O.P. retaining power. Election results will be posted only after all votes have been tallied and LNS will report them Friday night.
10-02-2004, 15:41
LNS, Ilek-Vaad
Polling has begun.
In all of Ilek-Vaad's major cities voting has begun. On Monday morning the voting was a mere trickle but it has steadily increased. Voting is expected to be in near record numbers. Cold weather and intermittant snow in northern parts of the Ilek-Vaad kept voters indoors but with lighter weather expected more turnout is predicted.
With all campaigning stopped the nation is in a state of relaxed anticipation. Most families are taking advantage of the week off for vactioning. With Ilek-Vaad's satellite linked voting, citizens can vote from anywhere in the country. Reservations on the warm southern coast, especially in Costa Tula and Costa Mela, are up as most hotels are expecting brisk business.
It is uncertain that the civil war in Phyrric will have any effect on the vote. The situation has been very closely watched , with most people leaning toward sending aid to the embattled government.
12-02-2004, 13:57
12-02-2004, 15:33
LNS ,Lassic
Minister Of Foreign Affairs Killed!
Late last night Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aran Adhemar, was killed by tanks loyal to the rebel Admiral Antiachus in the Phyrric civil war. The REpublican Council Immediately relaxed the rebels to the Retaliatory Guard, all 14 Retaliatory Guard Armies were called up and are preparing to depart. No comment was available from The Supreme REpublican Commander. The First Republican has declared atoday, a day of mourning in memory of the 12 time Minister of Foreign Affairs he spoke briefly to the press " So many times Aran went into the middle of a combat zone, and came un touched and with a ceasefire agreement or a peace accord. We were all beginning to think he was bullet-proof, he personally ended more wars than Ilek-Vaad has even been involved in, his sucessful mediations led to amiable ends to uncounted conflicts, He was a great and honourable man."
His death leaves the R.O.P. in turmoil. Only 2 candidates now remain for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. With elections currently under way the R.O.P. cannot name a replacement candidate and it places serious doubt on how the R.O.P. can retain control of the REpublican Council without the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Next Minister of FGoreign Affairs will be Sir Maxmilllian Verio of the P.R.P. or Dr. Sirdar Ali-Shah of the V.L.P. Dr. Ali-Shah had been polling in 2nd place before elections started earlier this week, it could be a major coupe for the rightest V.L.P. party.
LNS, World Service
13-02-2004, 16:04
LNS Election Results
Elections concluded today in the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad. With some suprising but mostly expected results the V.L.P. took a majority of Republican Council seats. With the death of the popular Minister of foreign Affairs the R.O.P. was unable to garner enough support to retain power, even if the R.O.P. and the P.R.P. were to form a coalition they would only be able to call runoff elections, and no government has done this in years. In the past runoffs have proved so unpopular that the parties that forced them were often defeated in landslides.
The offical results are as follows, with all polls closed and 64% voter turnout:
Minister of Internal Affairs:
Vadic Von Raukov (R.O.P.) 56%
Sir Daniel Hill (P.R.P.) 22%
Ikbal Al-Masoud (V.L.P.) 22%
Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Aran Adhemar (R.O.P.-deceased) 76%
Sirdar Ali-Shah (V.L.P.) 21%
Sir Maxmillian Vero (P.R.P.) 3%
Minister of Economics:
Daniel Remijan (R.O.P.) 65%
Thomas Wright (P.R.P.) 30%
Michael Isfor (V.L.P.)5%
Minister of Education:
Lars Danielsson (P.R.P) 54%
Valeria Sedjani (R.O.P.) 44%
Carl Carllsson (V.L.P.)2%
Minister of Defence:
Atalea Grant (V.L.P.) 63%
Tony Hull (R.O.P.) 31%
Turin Ilek-Itxaad (P.R.P.) 6%
Minister of Technology:
Sir Valdemar Isrhing (P.R.P.) 41%
Izmirai Adnan (R.O.P) 34%
Daniel Hammond (V.L.P.) 25%
Minister of National Security:
Coyohuital Xaqocitatl (V.L.P.) 38%
Namaan Vaad (R.O.P.) 33%
Jackson Vabeck (P.R.P.) 29%
Minister of Judical Affairs:
Ivar Istvaad (V.L.P.) 40%
Verio Martin (P.R.P.) 38%
Lloyd Foster (R.O.P.) 22%
Referendum on Ratifying UnAPS treaty : Yes 53% No: 42% Abstain 5%
This gives the V.L.P. 4 seats on the Council and 2 seats each for the R.O.P. and the P.R.P. It is expected that V.L.P. Chairman Unrath Assad will be elected First Republican. The new Republican Council will meet on Monday to choose a First Republican and a Supreme Republican Commander.
The V.L.P. does not have a wide mandate from the people and must tread very carefully, simply gaining a majority to pass legislation will be difficult. The V.L.P. will most likely court the centrist R.O.P. as the P.R.P. oppose just about everything the V.L.P. stands for. This also makes runoffs unlikely as the R.O.P. are in position to play 'king maker' and can squeeze concessions from the V.L.P. in exchange for shoring up their precarious split majority.
LNS Election news
13-02-2004, 19:49
The Dutch Democratic Republic congratulates the people of Ilek-Vaad with having a democratic and orderly election.
We are convinced that the decision to ratify the UnAPS treaty is also a wise decision.
~Ministry of Foreign Affairs press statement.
13-02-2004, 20:30
Republican Council meets and elects a First Republican
The new Republican Council met earlier today and after some wrangling Unrath Assad, leader of the rightes V.L.P. was elected First Republican by a vote of 5-3. The vote went right down party lines with the exception of the R.O.P. one meber voted with the P.R.P. for Theleb Kanaan and the other with the V.L.P.
It was seen as a signal that the R.O.P. would support the new government when it suited them , but that they could not expect to have everything their own way. The First Republican's first act was to re-instate Istvan Vaikov as Supreme Republican Commander and to begin debate on naming a special envoy to the UnAPS.
When asked about the civil war in Phyrric and the meetings in Lavenrunz the First Republican was rather blunt " The rebels in Phyrric will be dealt with by our Supreme Republican Commander, and I can assure him that we want him to do it with as heavy hand as possible. The attack on embassies is an invasion of sovereign soil and the murder of another nations diplomat is reprehensible. As for the council in Lavenrunz, I do not think much of it. I do not trust any of the nations gathered there, I see no point in discussing mediation with puppets of CACE and The Reich, they have no idea what civilization is, much less mediation."
He was then asked if he was set to recall the Right Honourable Sir Ilem Arden he responded "No. Sir Ilem has been an ambassador to 4 nations, has presided over dozens of treaties and negotiations as a neutral third party and is quite possibly the most respected unelected official in the Republic. I will retain him as my chief of staff and I will allow him to continue his mission, he was of the opinion that much may be accomplished."
LNS, World Service