NationStates Jolt Archive

Encounters [Freebodnik V]

GMC Military Arms
04-12-2003, 11:45
Typical, Feb thought, typical that it’d need servicing this far out at sea. Guess we should find somewhere to set down and run some diagnostics before any serious problems develop. She glanced at the instrument panel; not that she needed to, but it felt more human to do that. The same red light still on, advising her of instability in the primary plant. Of course, there was still the secondary, but that’d take time to wind up; far easier just to set down and make some quick evaluations of precisely what was wrong. Just need some solid ground, really.

Feb switched her voice over to comm systems ‘This is Leopard to Ayato, we’ve got a red light on the bridge here, looking for somewhere to set down and check it out, over.’

The voice came back, ‘Roger that Leopard, there’s a island chain a little way South of your position, we’ll come in with you.’

Another voice chimed in, ‘This is battlegroup of the carrier Lilia Litvyak, do you require assistance Leopard?’

Feb smiled as she replied, ‘Negative at this time Lilia Litvyak, but stand by if you can.’

‘Roger on that, Leopard. Lilia Litvyak out.’

Feb stepped over to the window, looking out at the green islands up ahead, so unlike the bleak shores near Hammer Bay.

She spoke through the comm systems again, this time an unscrambled radio message directed toward the nearest island, ‘This is Federal Air Destroyer Leopard to local air defence command, request permission to land, over.’

She crossed her arms, Now let’s just hope they’re friendly.

[Leopard’s painted in white Arctic camo and looks a little [very little] like a high-tech airship]
Freebodnik V
05-12-2003, 06:46
"Why hello there Leopard! It's pleasant to see you! Our radar detected you a while back, and we were wondering when you'd ask for clearance to land!" crackles a cheerful male voice on the radio, "There aren't any sailgliders due to take off at the airstrip, so go ahead and come on down! I'm sending uploading the information now - and welcome to Freebodnik Five!"
GMC Military Arms
06-12-2003, 12:32
Feb smiles, Well, sounds ok, and they're not shooting at us...Guess it's time for me to have a crack at playing diplomat...

'Ok, bring us in...Nice and slow.'

Leopard slowly comes to a halt over the airfield's main runway, probably taking up most of it, not yet landing. A couple of figures slide down from it's underside on ropes, a man and a woman, looking around for whoever seems to be in charge. The man seems in his early thirties, a little unshaven but friendly looking, with a fairly impressive set of rank insignia. The woman next to him is more odd-looking; pale, with shoulder-length white hair and yellow eyes, her rank insignia a little more impressive. She's the one who speaks.

'My name's Feb, Captain in charge of this Air Destroyer.' she salutes.
Freebodnik V
06-12-2003, 16:39
She finds herself greeted by a group of about two hundred people who have gathered in a circle around the vehicle on the tarmac of the airstrip. A middle-aged Asian gentleman steps forward, shaking her hand emphatically.

"How are you? I'm Li-Sung 135284, this week's Speaker. This here-" he gestures to the rolling fields of yellow wheat, dirt paths, and elegant solar-powered cottages,"- is Commune 284, but we've named it United Remembrance. We're all pleased to meet you!"
GMC Military Arms
08-12-2003, 12:02
'Thank you...' Feb blinks, 'Erm, you'll have to excuse me, but...your surname is a number?'
Freebodnik V
08-12-2003, 15:57
A look of confusion passes over their eyes as they consider this strange question.

Li-Sung bursts out in hearty, rich laughter. "Ahh yes, it's rather odd to strangers at first, eh?"

He wipes tears from his eyes.

"It's really quite simple actually. I am the 138st of Commune 284. Hence, my surname is 138-284. It's so that we can all identify one another - even if we meet someone from across the islands - we can still locate their house and commune for a visit."
GMC Military Arms
09-12-2003, 14:19
She smiles, 'Oh, I see...Just thought you might be an AI or something, s'all....' she grins, 'Should probably introduce myself a little better...Technically, my surname is DAEDALUS Version 6.71; I'm the AI in command of that Air Destroyer...My given name is February.'

She thinks for a moment, 'Anyway, I've been requested to pass on our thanks for allowing us to use your runway...We'd like permission to put down here for a few days, if that won't be a problem.'
Freebodnik V
16-12-2003, 02:49
Li-Sung chuckled, "Of course! Our airways are free for anyone to land when they have need."

A woman approaches, "You're an AI? Amazing! I'm Jezebelle, I work down at the computer lab over there."

She gestured at a domelike, ovoid building with rosebushes growing about it, its glass and crystal accented with a growth of glossy dark green ivy.

"Perhaps you'd like to come down there with me?"
GMC Military Arms
17-12-2003, 14:57
Feb smiles, and nods, 'Well, I guess I've got the time...Just give me a minute...' the Air Destroyer pulls alongside the runway and touches down, then Feb walks after Jezebelle, looking around, 'This is a beautiful country...'
Freebodnik V
17-12-2003, 16:53
"Why thanks!" said a tall African man as the crowd followed Jezebelle and Feb. "It's tough work keeping the place green and good, but that's what makes it rewarding. I'm N'Gugi, I'm a Groundsman. We groundsmen and women help keep Freebodnik V tidy and blooming, travelling from commune to commune and teaching people to farm and grow the right trees and plants."

He looked at a small chronometer on his wrist, "Oh! It's about time I went. Nice meeting you!"

He left down a side road and off to a large botanical garden with a cluster of glass domes filled with green jungle plants.

Jezebel waved, along with many people in the crowd. Presently they reached the computer lab, and the crowd of well wishers deposited welcoming wreaths of flowers and bunches of small growing plants and books at Feb's feet. Many gave hugs of goodbyes and wishes for the new visitor to come see them sometime, and then dispersed, leaving Jezebel, Feb, and a few others.

They entered the lab and found themselves confronted by a dazzling array of white, transparent, and chrome machinery, holographic icons softly glowing on cubes of white optic glass, being manipulated by men, women, and children in white jumpsuits. At the centre several robotic arms in a glass cylinder moved brightly coloured toys and objects around.