Are orcs sentient?
The Principality of Roania wishes to have an answer on this subject, as we are considering putting them all to work in the mines as bipedal manual labor. The Academy of Roan says that they are not intelligent, but the University of Agua says they are.
Any evidence on either side would be appreciated.!oFZNcNHdzVjI5!ZLcnppvb74X!wpvDsSKxExvQv8kBjY0BTWTSHphnvdYP4oXLuXQU2!gaC10CaJd2hiF2kEk1jv30 1IPzyL6pt9kgqHTkPiQ/Alexander.jpg?dc=4675448497796832826
Prince Alexander Tyral Black
Prince of The Most Holy Principality of Roania; Conqueror of Jiggolostic; Protector of the Commonwealth
(Grudging) Minion of Elentari Sirithril
Ally of SATO; WBO; CENNA*0Nu7c*k ZLSOb0FVhiLhuZMFOIw/LadySiriCard.jpg?dc=4675447248048271874
The Underground City
30-11-2003, 05:18
Examinations have shown that although the typical orc is low on intelligence, they have great potential, and the department of biological research has found many specimens showing an intellect as great as the more intelligent of humans.
~Lord Richard Zach
Minister of Biological research in The Underground City (
We would like to see proof of this.!oFZNcNHdzVjI5!ZLcnppvb74X!wpvDsSKxExvQv8kBjY0BTWTSHphnvdYP4oXLuXQU2!gaC10CaJd2hiF2kEk1jv30 1IPzyL6pt9kgqHTkPiQ/Alexander.jpg?dc=4675448497796832826
Prince Alexander Tyral Black
Prince of The Most Holy Principality of Roania; Conqueror of Jiggolostic; Protector of the Commonwealth
(Grudging) Minion of Elentari Sirithril
Ally of SATO; WBO; CENNA*0Nu7c*k ZLSOb0FVhiLhuZMFOIw/LadySiriCard.jpg?dc=4675447248048271874
Orcs are as sentient as elves.
And how sentient are elves?
~Holy Emperor Vladimir
Not very!
~High Imperial Guard Gorbachev
Oh ho ho! Good boy, Gorbachev.
~Holy Emperor Vladimir
Well, depends on the type of orc.
I have met som orcs and goblins in the hals od Angband that are no more intellegent as the scum under my boot. I have met other orcs that I can have a resonable conversation with.
~General Theallas
The Underground City
30-11-2003, 05:31
An orc with a high IQ who chose not to release his name was invited to travel to Roania to prove his sentience, but responded with the following statement:
"Thanks, but I'd rather rip out my liver and eat it at a candlelit dinner with a nymphomaniac troll than go to Roania."
~Lord Richard Zach
Minister of Biological research in The Underground City (
OOC: So far, we have five votes saying that orcs are dumber than mold.
Athel Nora
30-11-2003, 13:38
Orks are not that stupid, there just limited in the way they think.
Generaly they are creatures that show no respect for intelligence.
They are also single minded, all they are intent on is destruction.
If you want evidence on this than I invite you to the planet of Arvia on which Imperial forces are having a hard time protecting human settlements.
Information gained from captured specimen on Arvia (specimen is now dead):
"We Orks izza tuff race, dat'z fer zoggin' sure. But, wiv da noo edishun, we izn't just tuff; we'z DEAD 'ARD! No more uv dat shootin' an' hidin' behind big rocks an' takin' pot shots like sum silly 'oomie or grot. Not uz! Now we go chargin' in ter 'and ter 'and like da big gitz we iz."
note: "'oomie" is their word for human. "Grot" is suspected to be a ork sub group (slave?)
As you see they are agresive and one can not understand the conspect of "Peace" The only way to calm them down is by destroying them.
30-11-2003, 13:55
Speaking Fromm the Crookfur point of view:
If the mythical Creatures known as Orks (or Orcs) were known to actually exist then here would indeed be no doubt that they are a fully sentient species. From the in depth research carried out by the mythology departments of Crookfur universoties we can offer the following eveidence to support our decision.
1: Orks exhibit a fully developed speach and oral histroy tradition and are capable of learning.
2: they appear to be fully capable of understanding theology with a number of religions being practised (ie traditional worship of Ork style gods, worship of power deities in middle earth and finally the worship of the chaos god khorne)
3: they also exhibit a fully developed sense of humor which surely is the most important sign of true sentience although this humor tend towards the crude side ie "grotsmacker fell of his warboar and into the slop pit, hur hur"
4: fully developed universal currency (teeth/teef)
5: advanced tool use, even in medieval version where the smaller orkoid race knwon as goblins have acheived a technical mastery of flight that almost reaches that of dwarves (i reffer you tot he legendary goblin doom diver).
Are Roanians sentient?
a. Guess so
b. No. They are just like dogs and cats, they stick to the first Elf queen in sight
c. Who?
I'd say B :D,
"Even the most mentally incapable orcs are sentient, but orcs come in vast variaties of breeds, some of which, or rather most posess an intelect surpassing your own, we have a proud and rich religious history, raning from Gork and Mork, To the sacred tribe of Gruumsh, Illnevel, Luthic, Baghtru, Shaargass and Yurtrussl, we have made contributions to the arts of war and in several other fields. So before you question our sentience perhaps you should question your own"--Mundrek Mingshul High Scholar of The Great Lord Korhend's Dominion
30-11-2003, 16:23
We have to say yes they are. If they weren't the humans and elves would have wiped them out much earlier.
Slutbum Wallah
30-11-2003, 16:31
Of course Orks are intelligent. They talk, co-operate, manufacture and operate in urban societies. Any claims that Orks aren't intelligent is typical racist Elf propaganda from your average Sirithil worshipper. Another reason why elves should be ropunded up and shot.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Of course Orks are intelligent. They talk, co-operate, manufacture and operate in urban societies. Any claims that Orks aren't intelligent is typical racist Elf propaganda from your average Sirithil worshipper. Another reason why elves should be ropunded up and shot.
*whipes tear* finnally some agreeance :)
Of course Orks are intelligent. They talk, co-operate, manufacture and operate in urban societies. Any claims that Orks aren't intelligent is typical racist Elf propaganda from your average Sirithil worshipper. Another reason why elves should be ropunded up and shot.
hmm, interesting, so elves can be rounded up by human nations, elves who: talk, co-operate, manufacture and operate in urban societies. But orcs who do the same are full scentient, and should not be killed? Am I the only person here who sees the hypocritical strains in this?
perhaps hypocritical but this is in retaliation
30-11-2003, 17:17
I see there are different kinds of orcs, but i vote for most of them, the same way as i judge americans.
Nope, they're not. They aren't civilised or anything. But those rare ones who are, i see no reason why shouldn't they deserve the same respect as humen or elves.
Of course Orks are intelligent. They talk, co-operate, manufacture and operate in urban societies. Any claims that Orks aren't intelligent is typical racist Elf propaganda from your average Sirithil worshipper. Another reason why elves should be ropunded up and shot.
I agree! Elves should be rounded up and shot! Oh ho ho!
~Certainly not Holy Emperor Vladimir... Oh ho ho!
Hmm... so it seems that everyone thinks that orcs are sentient... well... that's inconvenient.
01-12-2003, 07:10
"Eh, who kare 'bout orks? They think they smarter than trolls. We show them soon! Who say trolls sentient, who say no?"
graazz the immortal, Officer of Complaints for the VerDa-An
(OOC: That's dealing with complaints, not making them.)
IC: "Hmm.... Orcs are smart enough, I guess. Some of them make artwork, and they do have something of a sense of humor. However, personality also needs to be taken into account when deciding on treatment...."
ZarIn, current High Chief of the VerDa-An
The Principality of Roania wishes to have an answer on this subject, as we are considering putting them all to work in the mines as bipedal manual labor.Gar! The dark millenia of exploitation shall soon come to an end my orcish comrades! Turn your pick axes on your chains and then on your overseers! Turn your weapons on your officers if they seek to use you as an armed means of oppression! For too long have the wizarding classes held the marauding classes down. It is time that we sieze the means of destruction! The United Socialist Hordes are with you!
No Kings! No Wizards! Orks of the world UNITE!
-Gensec Khan,
General Secretary of the United Socialist Hordes of the Communis Orks
Traditionally, the orcs of our nation have been considered to be as sentient as trolls, satyrs, brownies, humans, or other such beings.
I'd much prefer the company of an orc to an elf. At least with an orc they let you know whats on their mind, elves are too insidious and they implore subterfuge far too much for my taste. At least, through my experiences orcs are more honest, and even though almost all elves hold an unjust prejudice against orcs, someday your orc miners will eventually overthrow you, and your entire mining force will have to be put down, causing major economic problems for your people.
The Principality of Roania wishes to have an answer on this subject, as we are considering putting them all to work in the mines as bipedal manual labor. The Academy of Roan says that they are not intelligent, but the University of Agua says they are.
Any evidence on either side would be appreciated.
....Why use them as manual labor. That is a totally inefficient use for their natural abilities. When they make excellent combat troops, especially skilled in the "bury 'em with bodies" tactic, or "make them use up all ammo so we can smashee" attack.
Heck, would trust a bloodthirsty ork more than one of them tricksy elves, at least they're honest with their intentions.
Hmm... so it seems that everyone thinks that orcs are sentient... well... that's inconvenient.
Euh, non. 24 think that they are sentient, 15 think that they are not, and 11 want to crush your skull.
~Holy Emperor Vladimir
Slutbum Wallah
01-12-2003, 23:37
....Why use them as manual labor. That is a totally inefficient use for their natural abilities. When they make excellent combat troops, especially skilled in the "bury 'em with bodies" tactic, or "make them use up all ammo so we can smashee" attack.
Heck, would trust a bloodthirsty ork more than one of them tricksy elves, at least they're honest with their intentions.
They're actually pretty pish at cannon fodder tactics. Half the time the actually get to the enemy lines and rout 'em, leaving you with several thousand angry Orks and only enough supplies for you and your chauffeur.
Hmm... so it seems that everyone thinks that orcs are sentient... well... that's inconvenient.
Euh, non. 24 think that they are sentient, 15 think that they are not, and 11 want to crush your skull.
~Holy Emperor Vladimir
Only 11? That's a good day.
03-12-2003, 08:22
Hmm... so it seems that everyone thinks that orcs are sentient... well... that's inconvenient.
Euh, non. 24 think that they are sentient, 15 think that they are not, and 11 want to crush your skull.
~Holy Emperor Vladimir
Only 11? That's a good day.
Maybe the others aren't orcs, or preffer to cut off your head, or something?
Possibly even a combination of both!
"Okay. It appears that world opinion is that orcs are sentient. And that we need to prepare for a very, very long war." Alexander Black said, according to a leaked council internal memo.