n00b looking to find out about the Amerigan War
30-11-2003, 04:23
All the threads are gone, so I can't find out what the Amerigan Slave War was all about, or what happened in it, or why everyone considers it to be the pinnacle of Nation States wars. Please, some Postmaster-General or something help me out--I don't want to be a stupid unknowledgeable n00b forever!
Steel Butterfly
30-11-2003, 04:27
I like your interest in NS history. More n00bs should be that way. :P
Anyhow...the Amerigan Slaver War was before even my time...but it is the undisputed WWIII and widely considered the best RPed war in NS...let alone major war.
Doesn't have the actual RP though, sorry
New Genoa
30-11-2003, 04:30
Simple. Amerigo sells slaves. Anti-slavers blockade Amerigo. Nations come to Amerigo's aid (pro-national sovereignty). War.
Uhhh... eventual peace treaty and Amerigo becomes a commie or socialist. Ask Syskeyia or even Amerigo for precise details.
The Underground City
30-11-2003, 04:30
I want to know too! But I'm not new, I have an april nation, and that was not my first.
30-11-2003, 04:31
I heard of it but never seen it, the Largest war I seen because I was in it was the Tordoran wars which are the best example of how to wage a war agaist a force that has taken over your country and drive them out and the best example on how to get crushed by pissing off a powerful Defense Allaince.
Here is a something from the war
New Genoa
30-11-2003, 04:44
World War Three (Amerigan Slave War)
Archive: WWIII Archive (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30536&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0)
Date: February 6, 2003 to February 21, 2003
Cause: The use of slaves by the nation of Amerigo.
Plot: The conflict began when the Republic of Syskeyia blockaded Amerigo for the latter country's selling of slaves. Soon theafter, anti-slaver nations, including Texarnica, Aerigia, Chimaea and Cucolo, joined in the blockade. Other, pro-slavery or pro-soverignty nations, inlcuding Melkor Unchained and The Water Cooler, sided with Amerigo and an undeclared naval war happened. There was one exception to this: the Empire of The Eternal Dawn. EOTED fought for neither side, but nontheless was involved; they fought an Intervention War, with small success, and parted the sides slightly for a brief period of time towards the end of the war - but only at sea. During this time, several attempts were made at peace, including Ineptia's unsuccessful attempt to buy all the slaves for emancipation, and an aborted peace conference at the port city of Liasa. Still, attempts at peace were made while forces escalated. Finally, Amerigo declared war on the blockading nations. Iesus Christi and the Reich struck first, initiating a campaign of terror thoughout the Pacific country. Soon therafter, join Syskeyian-Chimaean-Rastonian forces made their assault, stopping just short of the city of Jungle Falls. A kilotonne-range nuclear device is rumoured to have been let off in the Bay of Amerigo, towards the end of the war, either by EOTED or Tahar Joblis. It is unclear exactly which nation unleashed the nuclear weapon, although public opinion tends towards Tahar Joblissian usage.
Results: In the middle of the war, the Amerigan government fell (usually this means the end of the war, but oh well) and, after the Reich had sent all its troops (and numerous deported Amerigans) back to their shores, an Amerigan general seized power and abolished slavery as a program of Communism. The remaining anti-slavery forces subsequently withdrew.
Submitted by Nanakaland, Ma-tek, and Syskeyia
Sigma Octavus
30-11-2003, 05:31
God, I wish I was around during that. I really wish I coulda been in it.
30-11-2003, 15:14
God, I wish I was around during that. I really wish I coulda been in it.
I agree with you! Thanx, everybody who posted stuff...now I know!