27-11-2003, 22:28
BACKGROUND: A month ago the new High Delegate was elected and now the new Advisory Council Candidates have been appointed by him (4) for each department. One of the four will be elected by unviersal manhood and woman suffrage (starting from age 17). Now as the law commands the leader elected gets this office for a lifetime. The Advisory Council (much like the Cabinet) is in effect a check to the High Delegate's power, by unanimity it can overrule his decisions. As the law states, the High Delegate must nominate four candidates for each position (3 from the the 3 major parties and 1 from a small fourth party of the High Delegate's choice). The people thus let their voice be heard in the government and the High Delegate doesn't have to have radicals from an opposing party to be his advisors (he usually selects moderates from opposing parties so they don't contrast his administration to sharply.
The Nominations for the first election for the Department of the Interior.
Raymond Lee (57 years old) of the NCCP (National Catholic Communist Party)
Brief Party Info: The NCCP has been power for quite some time in recent times. It's ideals are highly conservative, and isolationistic. The party is founded on the basis of combining the Catholic faith and certain principles of Communism. The Papacy is not recognized as legitamate leadership of the Catholic Church. After The Wars of Religion NCCP says the Papacy grew to soft and withered away into appeasing the forces of evil. However the NCCP maintains that all its principles are unmodified dogmas. The communistic element affirms most Comunistic ideals and firmly supports government ownership of all property and equality among all.
The candidate is a moderate NCCP member and has decided to revise the policies of isolationism to more suit the modern years of today. He proposes nothing new and maintains that the status quoa "is the best we can manage".
L. D. Pesci (43 years old) of the PRP (People's Rights Party) (This is the elected High Delegate's party)
Brief Party Info: The PRP is more radical major party in the fact that it indirectly preaches expansion of the borders, due to overpopulation and lack of satisfactory housing. It appeals to the urban-industrial sectors of the empire and gains much of its power in the sprawling capital of Borleone. It preaches for the need of new internal improvements, housing projects, and for relief projects in major cities.
The candidate is very focused on his party's ideals and is a very strict People's Rightist. He proposes to fully reconstruct the slums of the cities, create better housing, and begin a program of food distribution to the poorer districts. Otherwise the status quo inside the borders of the Empire will be maintained.
Bishop John Paul Pope (84 years old) of the MCP (Moralistic Catholic Party)
Party Info: The biggest opponent of the extent of communism inside Amerigo. The MCP wishes to bring more Catholicism and curb communistic ideals. This party makes clear that the Papacy is the legitamate leader of the Catholic Church and the longer the government of Amerigo denies it, the more people will rot in the bowels of hell. The MSP is heavily tied with the Amerigan Catholic Church.
The candidate is 84 years old and senility has recently descended upon his head. He is hard of hearing and nearly blind, his heart problems have been increasing. Obviously the High Delegates choice reflects that he expects this candidate to die in office if elected. The candidate has recently been bed ridden during the elections and little is known of him.
Mathew Bringham (49 years old) of the Humanitarian Party
Party Info: The Humanitarian Party has only one major stand. It wants to abolish "inhumane elements" remaining in the Aemrigan government. Among these "abuses" that "need" to be abolished is the death penalty, the loophole that allows torture inflicted on "terrorists" if the "state is threatened or jeopardized by some danger stemming from said terrorism and, thusly, will likely cost Amerigan lives" (Article 39, Section 2, Clause D, LAPOSR).
The Candidate will likely lose, not only because he is a part of the minority party, but has also been known to be a heavy heroin addict (leagal in Amerigo) and has been dissimissed by the public as an actual candidate for that office.
The Nominations for the first election for the Department of the Interior.
Raymond Lee (57 years old) of the NCCP (National Catholic Communist Party)
Brief Party Info: The NCCP has been power for quite some time in recent times. It's ideals are highly conservative, and isolationistic. The party is founded on the basis of combining the Catholic faith and certain principles of Communism. The Papacy is not recognized as legitamate leadership of the Catholic Church. After The Wars of Religion NCCP says the Papacy grew to soft and withered away into appeasing the forces of evil. However the NCCP maintains that all its principles are unmodified dogmas. The communistic element affirms most Comunistic ideals and firmly supports government ownership of all property and equality among all.
The candidate is a moderate NCCP member and has decided to revise the policies of isolationism to more suit the modern years of today. He proposes nothing new and maintains that the status quoa "is the best we can manage".
L. D. Pesci (43 years old) of the PRP (People's Rights Party) (This is the elected High Delegate's party)
Brief Party Info: The PRP is more radical major party in the fact that it indirectly preaches expansion of the borders, due to overpopulation and lack of satisfactory housing. It appeals to the urban-industrial sectors of the empire and gains much of its power in the sprawling capital of Borleone. It preaches for the need of new internal improvements, housing projects, and for relief projects in major cities.
The candidate is very focused on his party's ideals and is a very strict People's Rightist. He proposes to fully reconstruct the slums of the cities, create better housing, and begin a program of food distribution to the poorer districts. Otherwise the status quo inside the borders of the Empire will be maintained.
Bishop John Paul Pope (84 years old) of the MCP (Moralistic Catholic Party)
Party Info: The biggest opponent of the extent of communism inside Amerigo. The MCP wishes to bring more Catholicism and curb communistic ideals. This party makes clear that the Papacy is the legitamate leader of the Catholic Church and the longer the government of Amerigo denies it, the more people will rot in the bowels of hell. The MSP is heavily tied with the Amerigan Catholic Church.
The candidate is 84 years old and senility has recently descended upon his head. He is hard of hearing and nearly blind, his heart problems have been increasing. Obviously the High Delegates choice reflects that he expects this candidate to die in office if elected. The candidate has recently been bed ridden during the elections and little is known of him.
Mathew Bringham (49 years old) of the Humanitarian Party
Party Info: The Humanitarian Party has only one major stand. It wants to abolish "inhumane elements" remaining in the Aemrigan government. Among these "abuses" that "need" to be abolished is the death penalty, the loophole that allows torture inflicted on "terrorists" if the "state is threatened or jeopardized by some danger stemming from said terrorism and, thusly, will likely cost Amerigan lives" (Article 39, Section 2, Clause D, LAPOSR).
The Candidate will likely lose, not only because he is a part of the minority party, but has also been known to be a heavy heroin addict (leagal in Amerigo) and has been dissimissed by the public as an actual candidate for that office.