Threads influencing the NS recession, a summary
Below will be a summary of the threads relating (or possibly influencing) the NS recession as primarily caused by recent UN developments. Please feel free to centralize the discussion relating to these events here, and posting any links I might have missed or that are created in the coming hours.
Initial responses of various nations
Thelas looking to invest in Knootoss
Ravenspire acquires Hell
Underaloz leaving UN, struck by recession
Tarasovka outlaws Fastfood
Tanah Burung struck by recession
Wombat News news concerning the topic
Xanthalian economy downgrading
TVC measures to counter recession
Knootoss economy spinning out of control
Daistallia withdraws fro UN due to labor resolution
Lunatic Retarded Robots economy affected by recession
Cutthroat competition emerging
Five Civilized Nations respond to recession
Lietuveska State of economy severe
Al Anbar stock market crashing?
Tor Yvresse offers investors a safe haven
Roanian firms struck by recession
Steel Butterfly unaffected by recent economic downfall
Lusaka's lunatic economy looses momentum:
Dra-pol's booming economy extends a helpful hand
Maraka takes countermeasures
Corporations in Tarasovka take measures
The recession as related to Zerni
Stone River hit by the recession
Kasei in budget problems
25-11-2003, 18:27
My banning of Fast Foods contributed to global recession? :?
25-11-2003, 18:28
Good call, this thread. :)
My banning of Fast Foods contributed to global recession? :?
Of course. For instance, there is a nation called McCountry. Go figure :D
Santa Barbara
25-11-2003, 18:30
Bah. A few nations economies slump further into the slime from whence they came, and its a "global" recession?
25-11-2003, 18:30
Hmmm.... and through all that and three disasters, my nations economy is still doing okay. Well... the Crimmar did drop to only being four times the USD, but...
25-11-2003, 18:43
haha, enjoy your recession.
Bah. A few nations economies slump further into the slime from whence they came, and its a "global" recession?
Semi-global. It affects all UN nations, after all.
I mentioned that I solved the problem by bribing the stock market.
Cutthroat competition emerging, literally
Economy in Lunatic Retarded Robots affected by recession
25-11-2003, 18:53
Daistallia withdraws fro UN due to laor resolution[/i]
:shock: Certainly glad someone out there reads that. :D
25-11-2003, 18:53
(ooc: TVC, you should edit the first post and put the links in there ;) )
I did. Thanks for the advice.
Five Civilized Nations
25-11-2003, 19:00
My link --5CN worried about economic downturn...
25-11-2003, 20:09
#tag# and #bookmark#
Thank you Vortex for compiling this. ^_^
I think I may have started something. :P
25-11-2003, 20:32
Please add this one too...
Lietuveska State of economy severe
You ever seen the Ruthless Market Place threads, in Zerni, Coprorations and even small companies litterally wage open war on each other and theres no regulations on businesses or even taraffs, very little income tax and about everything is legal in Zerni, piracy, kidnapings, assassinations, you name it they do it in Zerni.
The SLAGLands
25-11-2003, 20:41
Al Anbar stock market crashing?
Tor Yvresse offers investors a safe haven
(For those of you struck by the recession: investing money in foreign assets degenerates your currency worth even more, since you increase the available supply of your currency on the international market)
Roanian firms struck by recession
Steel Butterfly unaffected by recent economic downfall
It's Official: Roania in Depression!
26-11-2003, 11:28
Lusaka's lunatic economy looses momentum after record highs:
This sub-Saharan African economy may not seem the most important in the world, but major trade deals have recently been signed with the nations of Sambezi and Hrstrovokia. The down-turn is linked and threatens to worsen the present border dispute with the African Commonwealth, and may contribute to the outbreak of hostilities between the previously friendly states. No one can yet say how many other nations may be drawn in, with neighbouring Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and distant Gladania already showing concern.
Dra-pol's booming economy extends a helpful hand to the struggling world scene by opening up to unprecidented trade!
[/shameless advertising]
Both events have been noted and added to the first page
Maraka takes countermeasures
Corporations in Tarasovka take measures
Invest in Pure Evil.
The world's True Economic power, While others fall part in Recession Pure Evil continues to be at the highest possible level.
26-11-2003, 12:46
Invest in Pure Evil.
The world's True Economic power, While others fall part in Recession Pure Evil continues to be at the highest possible level.
I didn't fall apart.
In fact - my economy is even growing :D
Only that my corporations that have filials in the nations in recession are taking measures to lessen the impact of the recession on their filials...
Otherwise - the domestic economy is booming :)
Invest in Pure Evil.
The world's True Economic power, While others fall part in Recession Pure Evil continues to be at the highest possible level.
I'm in the same situation as Tarasovka. Internal SFN markets help a lot. But anyway: any nation that engages in international trade in times of recession will be affected in one way or another.
26-11-2003, 13:08
The DP news wire is reporting the early signs of a recovery.
Zerni market on edge panic over Global resession. Emperor tries to open Menelmacari Market. Corporations grow even more ruthless than ever before. Corporate war expected in the most ruthless marketplace in the world.
26-11-2003, 14:59
I dunno, you moan when we support revolutionaries, you moan when we use the legitimate channels of the UN :P
(For those of you struck by the recession: investing money in foreign assets degenerates your currency worth even more, since you increase the available supply of your currency on the international market)]
ooc: quite true, and moreover, moving investment overseas will reduce the saving supply in your own nation, weakening domestic production and buying power. of course it's not profitable, which is the problem; corporations WILL go overseas when they SHOULD stay in country.
26-11-2003, 17:11
****Watfordshire Evening News Headlines - Broadcast by BriSAT****
Despite the lowest turnout for employment postings in nearly a decade, there was celebration in all five of the major Shiree settlements this evening, due to the successful implementation of the recent UN resolution regarding Labour Unions.
"I expected a party on a large scale, and haven't been disappointed" commented Magic Hooley Jnr. - Head of Military Dancing, whose urban Moderators certainly earned their overtime, supervising the celebrations.
"The empowerment of workers across the world has taken a huge boost, due to this proposal becoming a resolution. Power to the People!" exclaimed Felix Jethoscopes - Shiree Herald to the UN
Celebrations are expected to disrupt production for a few days more, while Economic spokesperson, Heidi Stoffer stated that the change in UN economic classification from Strong to Good was:
"A step in the right direction.. we need to find more efficiency in our exchange of surplus production within the CACE and with other International Fair Trade signatory nations, if we are to regain any kind of sensible 'Average' economic status"
26-11-2003, 17:51
OOC: nice one Vortex
*BUMP* to increase the panic :twisted:
26-11-2003, 18:01
8) s'cuse me while i giggle like a little girl at all the collapsing economies.
ooc: Bio, I'm glad to see you are very happy with not being affected by the recession. So may I assume that you have no financial ties with foreign nations whatsoever? That your currency is not noted on any stockmarket whatsoever? That there is absolutely no flow of currency from foreign nations to yours?
26-11-2003, 18:24
OOC: There, there VC, hope you're not cranky from staying up late reading all those text books. [all the best]. Well actually our economy did drop down to "powerhouse" from all consuming, disappointing considering how few economic issues we seem to get, but we will survive. On the other hand we moved up to 'left-leaning college state'.
We signed the IFTA and are part of CACE so we are fairly secure economically speaking because we are not faced with the same turbulence of the capitalist economic system. [Obviously ask SeOCC for more, unless you want to argue with a high school econs student :wink:]. We also use the Union Paw, which is the adopted currency of all Non-Human Union members, the recent liberalisation of trade between nations has meant that we are buffeted from all but a NS depression as NHU, CACE and IFTA nations ar ethe only ones we have any form of trade or currencu exchange with.
Tanah Burung
26-11-2003, 18:26
This thread is great, and it's great to see so many people willing to RP a recession. I think Biotopia as part of the CACE would be well within their rights to claim few or no foreign trade ties, CACE being pretty inward-looking, not tradign outside their own bloc until the IFTA was created, and apparently not too badly affected by the recession (Celdonia economic rating unchanged, Xikuang up, etc).
26-11-2003, 18:36
Thank you thank you.
Being Eco-Scoialist also helps.
Free Burkina Faso hit by drought, unemployment; major corn/cotton/peanut/gold producer's economy goes down the crapper.
Santa Barbara
26-11-2003, 18:45
OOC: Sadly, even if the UN-inspired recession negatively effected my nation, we don't exactly have free press, and its doubtful we'd advertise.
Besides, its hard for me to RP a recession with these increasingly high economic ratings. :wink:
26-11-2003, 18:46
OOC: Sadly, even if the UN-inspired recession negatively effected my nation, we don't exactly have free press, and its doubtful we'd advertise.
Besides, its hard for me to RP a recession with these increasingly high economic ratings. :wink:
(ooc: well, Underaloz's economy is doing good. However, it's not the first time the UN resolutions lower it... so the corporations are a bit pissed off and so are the citizens)
My economy went up. Go figure. I credit CACE/IFTA membership: no need for reforms, as unions have not only been legal but government subsidised from our inception.
(Mechanically, I have no idea what happened. But yes, my economy did indeed go up)
26-11-2003, 23:54
Kasei hits budget problems (
Stone River
27-11-2003, 01:46
The Recession: A State of the Confederacy Address
Both threads added to first page.
28-11-2003, 00:59
More to add...
Celackian response to Recession.
I will have more in the morning as well.