Cheyanne's Flag Issue
Listen Up!!!!!! :!: :!: :!: if your looking through The East Pacific and you see the Confederacy of Cheyanne and you see my flag and you think why does he got that flag there and you telegram me about it i'm going to tell you that that is me thats my heritage, because i'm from America. I live in Southeast Georgia where there is more Rednecks then you can shake a stick at, there in the schools, homes, public places. We do things yankees never would like bonfire partys, go hunting, fishing, raising farm animals. I live in the country and I don't have the luxeries like some fellers might have, my family is about broke and my dad is trying to make enough money to live off of. You people might have problem with it and I would tell you that i'm offend by all y'alls flags and you should all change yours. :x :x :x P.S. If you are a real Rebel post here. ( # of Confederate Flags if possible ) I have 5 Confederate Flags 8)
Not to rain on your parade, but perhaps no one really cares about your flag. Plus, I don't think anyone looks through the East Pacific because there are over 2000 nations there.
Yup, what Slip said. There's more than enough southerners here that you'll have support if anyone complains. <whistles dixie innocently> With the flags pretty much anything is accepted except swastikas, hate messages or porn so. <shrugs> But....I would cut down on the amount of smileys per post...
:shock: At least I'm not alone :D Thanks :!: But I still like using alot of smileys :lol: :lol: :lol:
The small family of Edolians walked past the Cheyanne man. The father leaned down towards his young son. "That's what we call a racist asshole, son. Yokelus ignoramus. They're becomming a rare breed and it won't be long before they become extinct. They don't survive well in civilization. Consider yourself lucky to be able to see one before they disappear." The little boy smiled.
Its not about Racism its about why my Great Great Grandfather being killed for having it in his house. :cry:
Its not about Racism its about why my Great Great Grandfather being killed for having it in his house. :cry:
Your great great grandfather probably had it for racist reasons, even though you have it for heritage reasons.
Its not about Racism its about why my Great Great Grandfather being killed for having it in his house. :cry:
Your great great grandfather probably had it for racist reasons, even though you have it for heritage reasons.
This whole idea of "heritage" is completely ridiculous. The Confederate States of America, which this flag represents were an attempt by a bunch of wealthy slaveholders to break away from the United States when Lincoln was elected. They knew that their "right" to own slaves would be taken away from them. So they fought. And they lost (go Sherman!). For about a hundred years, the Confederate flag mostly disappeared. Then, it reappeared in the fifties as a response to the Civil Rights movement. Whether or not you are flying it because you are a racist or not, the flag is a symbol of a racist ideology and is deeply offensive to a very large group of people.
"Hey, I'm flying the swastika! It's not about killing Jews, it's about my heritage as a German nationalist!"
Its not about Racism its about why my Great Great Grandfather being killed for having it in his house. :cry:
Your great great grandfather probably had it for racist reasons, even though you have it for heritage reasons.
This whole idea of "heritage" is completely ridiculous. The Confederate States of America, which this flag represents were an attempt by a bunch of wealthy slaveholders to break away from the United States when Lincoln was elected. They knew that their "right" to own slaves would be taken away from them. So they fought. And they lost (go Sherman!). For about a hundred years, the Confederate flag mostly disappeared. Then, it reappeared in the fifties as a response to the Civil Rights movement. Whether or not you are flying it because you are a racist or not, the flag is a symbol of a racist ideology and is deeply offensive to a very large group of people.
"Hey, I'm flying the swastika! It's not about killing Jews, it's about my heritage as a German nationalist!"
Its about Heratige not racist reasons that is why I fly it. If it is offending people Please excuse me for it and yes I understand its history, but thanks for pointing it out to me. What I want to clarify to people is that some that fly it is because they might like it better instead of the new Georgia flag they got out now. Some others may have it for racist yes, but that doesn't bother me because I know that I would never join a cult or Klan or whatever you want to call it.
I do not mean to cause trouble over this issue, but telegrams I have recieved about it question it, but what I want to tell the public is that people should not be labeled as racists off the bat. You have to get to know them first before you question them about it. So please try and understand me before you judge me.
"Hey, I'm flying the swastika! It's not about killing Jews, it's about my heritage as a German nationalist!"
Slightly differently scenario. A world war wasn't waged and there were no stories of testing of drugs or "oven usage" against the slaves. Slavery was and will always be wrong, but you're not making a valid point by comparing the Holocaust to slavery.
Its not about Racism its about why my Great Great Grandfather being killed for having it in his house. :cry:
Your great great grandfather probably had it for racist reasons, even though you have it for heritage reasons.
This whole idea of "heritage" is completely ridiculous. The Confederate States of America, which this flag represents were an attempt by a bunch of wealthy slaveholders to break away from the United States when Lincoln was elected. They knew that their "right" to own slaves would be taken away from them. So they fought. And they lost (go Sherman!). For about a hundred years, the Confederate flag mostly disappeared. Then, it reappeared in the fifties as a response to the Civil Rights movement. Whether or not you are flying it because you are a racist or not, the flag is a symbol of a racist ideology and is deeply offensive to a very large group of people.
"Hey, I'm flying the swastika! It's not about killing Jews, it's about my heritage as a German nationalist!"
Edolia, aren't you dumbing down history a little, by turning the civil war into a single issue conflict? The war happened due to many many reasons such as (Some of the other major ones):
The Tariff Issue : North wanted high protective tariffs to protect northern industry, the South wanted open markets. (the Morill tariff of March 1861 (Signed by Buchanan), imposed the highest tariffs in US history, with over a 50% duty on iron products to 25% on clothing; and the other rates averaged to be about 47%. The South paid an undue proportion of the revenues derived from the tariffs (87% in 1860), while the US government spent most of this money in the north. The South also paid 83% of the $13 million federal fishing bounties paid to New England fishermen, and $35 million to Northern shipping interests which had a monopoly on Southern shipping (The Republican Platform of Lincoln was calling for even higher tariffs).
The States Rights Issue: Must states follow laws they feel are wrong? (Like the Tariffs).
Cultural Issues: Industrial North Vs. Agrarian South.
(go Sherman!) - Yeah go Mr. Total War! The first general to attack the civilian population as a way to win a war. Thanks to this man enemy civilians are now considered military targets.
They knew that their "right" to own slaves would be taken away from them. - Uhh. What are you smoking, Lincoln promised to uphold the fugitive slave laws and not interfere with slavery in the states where it was already established (, he just didn't want it to expand into the new territories.
Why don't you fly the Stars and Bars ( the first national flag of the Confederate States rather than the Naval Jack/Battle Flag:
People who blindly attack the naval jack/battle flag often don't know their history and they don't know what it is.
It isn't tainted by the KKK (btw: They flew just the US flag until the the end of the 50s)
It is one of the 3 national flags. (
Also check out:
Edit: Typos
The small family of Edolians walked past the Cheyanne man. The father leaned down towards his young son. "That's what we call a racist asshole, son. Yokelus ignoramus. They're becomming a rare breed and it won't be long before they become extinct. They don't survive well in civilization. Consider yourself lucky to be able to see one before they disappear." The little boy smiled.
Oh yeah, I believe that is Flaming! :tantrum:
Leave the newbies alone, they have a hard enough time as it is! :x
* Looks at Edolia's country profile and notices: the alarmingly racist TV show 'Bigtopians Say the Darndest Things' is a hit * :lol:
:oops: I'm sorry I could not reply sooner, but I was at school. In response to Patoxia's post I couldn't find the right sized flag :arrow: (6.5kb and it had to be a jpeg file picture) and it was the only right sized flag I could find, I looked on google so I could tell, but i was the only one that would fit The Confederacy that I picked at the start of it. I took it and made it a custume flag and after awhile started getting telegrams about it so I started this. It is my first time at this site and I didn't know much about it or what kind of people play this so it isn't easy for me to do. So i'm going back to Google to try and find a differrent flag, but some of you don't your hopes up because 6.5 KB sized flags is kind of hard to find.
Also the Swastika Edolia says it is flying I see no problem he has it for heritage even though the Nazi killed Jews, but would that mean he is racist, no it doesn't. He flyies it and it hurt no one. I fly the Confederate flag because it is my heritage, but that does not make me racist. Like today much of the world has racial problems such as Hussain he is racist against America, but he is the biggest racist since Hitler (no offense Edolia) , because he is terror bombing the U.S. and blowed up the Twin Towers on September 11,2001. Then when George Bush made the movement to take action against Bin Laden, because it was believed that it was his men that took over the planes and crashed them into the Twin Towers, but was later that he was working under Hussain's orders we later found out that he had missles in his country and the U.N. went to try and find them while the President tried negotiating with Iraq, but were unsucessful. The U.N. started finding some missles and chemical weapons then they had left to come home. Later in the year the U.N. noticed activity and looked a agian and found more chemical weapons. and pulled out the next week on Bush's orders. The more bombings started back after a while so Bush's started sending troops over to fight.
I hope that you understand that the flag you fly doesn't mean you are a racist and I understand that you have you thoughts about why I got it.
but I will try to find a different flag but I will not promise y'all anything. :?
I have gotten a new flag. It is the old Georgia flag :D
If anyone had taken offense to your original flag, hopefully this will quell them.
25-11-2003, 01:52
Small note on your motto:
"Rednecks, There Everywhere"
Is the spelling error intentional? Anyways... flag away. I've seen worse.
you sound like one of those rednecks to me. but you must be a rich redneck, since you are literate and can type on a computer. do you support the WHITE POWER movement. in my opinion, anyone who does is un-Patriotic.
I could say that the Nazi flag is part of my heritage, since some of my ancestors came from Germany. but i don't bragg about owning Nazi flags. by the way, how can one consider themself patriotic and at the same time have a Confederate flag, which was used by rebels against the United States. one of the key reasons for rebellion was to keep slavery? the Confederates say it was about states rights, but no state has the right to keep slaves.
i take offence to the Confederate flag on Georgia's flag, but i have no problem with someone using it in NationStates. this is, after all, a game.
i own 0 Confederate flags, but 1 Californian flag(in sticker form). plus 1 US flag.
OOC: I myself like the flag's design, not what it stood for during the Civil War. I do admire the fighting spirit of the Southern troops for holding back the Union for so long. I do NOT condone slavery and anyone in my nation/region who continues this foul and barbaric practice is immediately shot on grounds of personal right infringement.
:oops: I'm sorry I could not reply sooner, but I was at school. In response to Patoxia's post I couldn't find the right sized flag :arrow: (6.5kb and it had to be a jpeg file picture)
Actully the size and file format does not matter (Just look at my flag). Flags just have to be under 6kb. It has always been that way, I don't know why they just don't get rid of the "The image must be in JPEG (.jpg) format, 107x71 pixels in size" text.
OOC: I myself like the flag's design, not what it stood for during the Civil War. I do admire the fighting spirit of the Southern troops for holding back the Union for so long. I do NOT condone slavery and anyone in my nation/region who continues this foul and barbaric practice is immediately shot on grounds of personal right infringement.
Interesting fact about the battle flag:
The popularization of the Battle Flag in the post war years, particularly in the years after 1880, had a more political purpose. When the Confederate Veterans organizations were organized, eventually merging into the United Confederate Veterans in the early 1880s, there was a degree of vocal opposition to such organizations from some sources in the North, who suspected them of being cells preparing for a new war. Unrealistic paranoia, but it made for good print I suppose. The veterans were naturally most fond of their old regimental flags, but their use of the Battle Flag in public and the spreading use of the Battle Flag as a symbol of the South, instead of one of the old national flags was also a way to defuse the "Reb Peril" cries from the North. The battle flag was deliberately chosen as the flag representing the valor of the Southern soldier, rather than one of the political flags, which could be seen as representing the South's political aspiration for independence.
Source: FotW: Popularization of the Battle Flag (