Zerni to seek to open relations with Menelmacar
After Checking reports, it was discovered that goods from all over the world came into Zerni Airports and ports, that is ecept from Menelmacar. After discovering this fact and futhermore that no goods from Menelmacar even entered Zerni and that most Zerni Officals didn't have a clue there was a such a country, Emperor Mishimi has taken steps to expend Zerni Markets and the variety of goods available in the Free Market. To ensure this he is sending a courier to Menelmacar to ask for the opening of relations and trade talks.
20-11-2003, 23:08
The Prefect of State, Lord Turelio nos Fingolfin, and the Prefect of Trade, Lady Serindë nos Eärendil, would be glad to meet with your envoy to discuss these matters.
~Lady Sirithil
Good, because I plan on personally overseeing the opening of relations and the trade talks along with my Minster of commerce, Lord Herisami.
~Emperor Mishimi
So where should we hold the Talks, Lady Sirithil?
~Emperor Mishimi
The nation of Scaraba is willing to act as a host state for this trade summit.
Sounds like nice neutral ground. If Lady Sirithil agrees that is.
~Emperor Mishimi
Must you open up your country to Elves, I know Zerni is a free market but the only thing worse than a elf is a Orc and they are all lower than scum.
~Geran Corp Chairman, Mishai Geran who after this statement died mysteriously after being poisoned, stabbed, shot several tiems, thrown down a staircase and falling out of a three story window.
Bah, trade is trade and money is money does it really matter where it comes from.
~Emperor Mishimi
Bah, trade is trade and money is money does it really matter where it comes from.
~Emperor Mishimi
OOC:curse the gremlins infesting the servers tonightl, blast them.
The veiws of the Former Geran Corp head does not reflect the veiws of Tordor's government, he was found to be a surporter of the TLPA, that organization that conists of fanatical Neo Chairman Woe followers and is currently leading a civil war against the government.
~Queen Seria who soon had Mishai Geran's head decorating a pike outside her Palace.