19-11-2003, 16:43
In the TSSD (Trasian Security-Science Divion) a man lay dying amoung the corpes of the Dead Scientists and Soldiers.
somthing wrong had happened here...
The man Cries out in pain as he tries to crawl to a Security Panel, he manages to reach the panel and he press's a Botton, a door to the medical facility opens, there is no sounds in the base except the screams of the continueing massecre
He crawls through the door and shuts it behind them, he goes to the Medical Cabinet and get's a dose of the exparimental Drug Reilimum that could possible cure his wounds quickly.
he opens the small bottle but he never manages to pour it onto the wounds before blackness takes him
OOC:Ok, the story is that the TSD Scientists where trying to expariment with a Alien-Predator Hybred and they got screwed
somthing wrong had happened here...
The man Cries out in pain as he tries to crawl to a Security Panel, he manages to reach the panel and he press's a Botton, a door to the medical facility opens, there is no sounds in the base except the screams of the continueing massecre
He crawls through the door and shuts it behind them, he goes to the Medical Cabinet and get's a dose of the exparimental Drug Reilimum that could possible cure his wounds quickly.
he opens the small bottle but he never manages to pour it onto the wounds before blackness takes him
OOC:Ok, the story is that the TSD Scientists where trying to expariment with a Alien-Predator Hybred and they got screwed