Simulated WMD War II.
I think the title is self-explanatory, I'm looking for someone to run a new simulated Nuclear Combat Scenario with the Holy Empire of Kecha, much like the first one (, some reasons for a nation to become involved in this are:
1): You can test your WMD arsenal's effectiveness.
2): You can test your reaction time.
3): You can test the resistance of your Military against WMD crippling strikes.
4): You can have a fun time, as the simulation will be played out to seem as close to the real thing as possible.
I'm setting the maximum number of participants at 3, including my nation, at which time the simulation will begin on my mark, is anyone interested at all?
P.S: I'd like everyone to list their WMD arsenals, also, unlike the first RP I did of this type, nukes are not the only permitted WMDs, my WMD arsenal is as listed:
20 SSBNs, each with 20 700 kiloton SLBMs.
15 Mobile Launchers, each with a single 500 kiloton ICBM.
100 Sunburn-Class Air Launch Cruise Missiles(ALCMs), each fitted with a 50 kiloton nuke, they are in pairs of two, each pair is in a Stealth Bomber, making for a total of 50 Stealth Bombers with WMDs, 25 of which are always in the air.
All of my nukes have enhanced EMP and fallout, I also have the M.E.D. Supervirus, which only kills males.
i would like to particiate. stats upcoming.
Belem has been admitted, one more open spot left.
18-11-2003, 06:31
Me! I'll get stats up soon.
Cyberutopia is admitted, all spots taken.
90 ohio class SSBNs 25 4 mirv missiles each. 2,250 missiles 9000 warheads
2000 sat launched ICBMs fusion model up to 300 megatons
1000 10 mirv ICBMs
2000 4 mirv ICBMs
2000 single ICBM
6000 tactical nukes
5000 suitcase nukes*wont be used but can be substitued as tacts in an actual war*
2000 dirty bombs
3000 free drop
47 thousand total
1000 EMP sats
countless bio and chem weapons.
300 active SDI sats.
300 that can go hot within a week
centerpoint station sdi defense.
Suitcase nukes and such are allowed, also, I've got my Nova Bombs, which i'm likley not going to be using, and my 4 Artillery Satellites.
excellent when do we start?
excellent when do we start? Soon as Cyberutopia puts up his stats, don't worry.
oh forgot to post 5 Mobile Orbital Defense Lasers oe MODL for short they are huge lasers on the ground that can fire 500 miles away alot better for hitting targets still in the atmosphere.
plus my defense wall but by the time the missile is that close there will still be damage to my country.
18-11-2003, 06:55
Here 'tis. Stupid invalid session is slowing me down.
2 Earthrippers
20 Silo-launched ICBMs, each fitted with twelve 250 kiloton MARV warheads
15 Haiphisaro class SSBN Submarines each with 16 IRBMs fitted with eight 200 kiloton MARV warheads
350 Hypernova class 50 kiloton air/ship launched standoff cruise missiles
Very well, now, for a reason to go to war, I've got some ideas set up, but does anybody else have some suggestions before we start?
18-11-2003, 07:01
Um...nope. Let's hear your ideas.
Alright: Just about 5 months ago, a large island was located by satellite in the Pacific, it was reported likley to be full of Valuable Minerals, and rich soil for farming, the nations of Kecha, Belem, and Cyberutopia rushed to claim it, and they all filed the necessary papers at the same time, so they tried the old way, rushing to the island willy-nilly to see who got to it first, they all got there on the same day, arguments broke out over who owned it, ad this to the shootings that started 1 week ago, and the fact that Kecha is a tad itchy around Belem, and war is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.
Under this plan, Belem gets Move #1.
well since im the most aggressive nation here I guess that makes sense.
18-11-2003, 07:13
Sounds good. I would probably come to the defense of Kecha when Belem attacks, and then I could get backstabbed by Kecha, and it'd turn into a nice nukefest. Alright! Let's get started.
((And...I have to go. Crap. Well, don't let too much happen now.))
when ever you guys are ready to start im good to go.
OOC: OK, also, conventional Military action is permitted, but this will center around a WMD war, and don't worry Cyberutopia, we'll make sure to remember you, ready to start with Move #1 Belem?......begin!
5 divisions consisting of 25 thousand troops each and 1500 tanks start a fall offensive against the Kechan controlled land. The Inquisition demands that the army end the ground war within 3 months to make way for a full scale invasion of Kecha.
In response commanders on the ground order the 5 thousand Artillery guns with the divisions to fire mustard gas and blister agent into the Kechan portion of the Island.
Meanwhile three imperial fleets race to blockade Kechan waters and another fleet races to aid the surrounding of the Island.
2 fireboats(they are remotely controlled)
4 Intrepid class carriers
4 Fiery Avenger missile boats
4 Tracker ASW ships
4 Shield AA ships
20 Iowa battleships
30 Ticonderoga cruisers
40 Perry frigates
60 Burke destroyers
15 LA class attack subs
15 Virginia class attack subs
10 Ohio class attack subs are in each fleet.
IC: The Kechn Navy found itself heavily outgunned, having only 2 Modular Cutters, each currently armed with SAM, and AA, as well as 2 long-ranged, Medium Rail Guns each, a single Battleship, with a long-ranged, Heavy Rail Gun, and 20 SSBNs, the Navy decided to stay out of sight, only engaging at night, the 50 Stealth Bomber not rigged with nukes took off, each loaded with 10 Cruise Missiles, meanwhile, on the island, the Kechans made no visible counterstrike, they just tried to stabilize, and seemed to be waiting.
The troops on the ground continue the assault wiping villages clean of inhabitants as they go continuing to litter the area with poisonius gas.
The fleet positions itself 800 miles off Kechas coast to cut off Kechan trade.
Meanwhile in Belem the top military anaylsts predict that a ground war with Kecha will require atleast 10 million ground troops and up to a year a mobilization time the military doesn't have before more nations will no doubt get involved. The Emperor and Belems top generals agree that the chem bio option is the best course of action.
IC: Finally, the Empress, in councill with her Ministers, and the High Command, decides that a totally conventional war cannot be chanced, a large punch of the M.E.D. Supervirus is mixed, and a Cruise missiles prepared.
The Emperor is moved to Trinsic command a hidden location under the Trinsic mountain range.
Meanwhile fleet command has instructed 1st 2nd 3rd 4th anf 5th fleets the ones currently in the hot zones the first three being off the coast of Kecha and the other 2 off the island to begin preparing for the bombardment of the coasts.
As 6th and 7th fleet begin aiding in practice beach assault runs off the Belem coast.
Strategic Air Defense has been activated and 25% of all available aircraft will be in the air at any given time.
IC: Inching along at slow speeds, maximum depth, 2 of Kechas SSBNs start creeping for Belem.
OOC: Gotta' go for now.
OOC: k.
IC: fleets begin unrestricted warfare against transport and cargo ships attempting to leave or enter Kechan ports.
IC: The Kechan Government demands that Belem stand down from these attacks of civilian ships, saying there will be consequences if they attacks go on.
OOC:just a note for my ASW defense I have m.a.d sats monitoring up to 500 miles off my coast.
IC: In Response to Kechas latest demands the fleet has launched 400 tomahawk missiles against Kechan Port cities 40 of which were loaded with blister agent.
Garrison II
20-11-2003, 03:34
OCC:I fire 5,000 nukes at you all!!! Pwned!! J/k
OCC:I fire 5,000 nukes at you all!!! Pwned!! J/k
OOC:watches SDI shoot them down PWNED!