NationStates Jolt Archive


14-11-2003, 21:48
The GDI govermant is planing to construct sevral deepspace stashons in the hopes that all space nashons will whish to yous the fasiletys and to help defens all mancind from out side forces

class: O´Neil
type: Deep Space Station
length: 8,064.5 meter
mass: 9.1 billion metric tons
crew: 2,500
troop: 15,000
fighter: 96 Starfury/thunderbolt fighter craft
power: 8 Fusion Reactors
duration: 10 years
weapon: Twin Particle arrays
Particle Laser Cannons
Pulse Cannons
Plasma Cannons
defense: 8 - 12 meter armored hull
Mk. II Defense Grid

The first stashon will be in the sol systam close to the GDIs mane starbases and shipyards on the eage of the systam

If there are any govermants that are intrested in helping please let us know if you are intrested in having one of these stashons near your space let us know

This has been GDI news

OOC if this tipe of stashon is the same as yours let me know and i will chang it
United Indiastan
15-11-2003, 04:00
We actually have a larger "stand up" design O'Neil class currently orbiting Jupiter. Gammack Base has an estimated mass of 13.6 billion tonnes, and a diameter of a few kilometers. If you would like to hire experts in the field of space station construction, Indiastan's Rocketdyne Coperation is a leader in the field. Thank you.
15-11-2003, 04:07
Do you have no respect at all for the series? You could at least pretend to have some originality in your design, instead of an exact clone of Babylon 5. Oh well at least you may be smart enought not to keep trying after the first few blow up.
J/K about the copyright infringement thing, but seriously.
15-11-2003, 04:22
Also, you can't spell. Have a nice day. :P
17-11-2003, 23:31
The first secshons were moved in to place today compleshan of the stashon mane sechshon in 2 years
18-11-2003, 21:40
To do the first fushan reactor was moved in to place at the rear of the superstrucher of Babylon 1, the reactor will be tested tomorow and shoud be powring the stashon by the end of the week.
work on the stashon has stoped because the power from the reactor is needed to continu the bilding work.

du to a rader threat in the neear by astrod belt 4 Heavey Destroyers will be along side the construcshon site until the stashon go's oprashnal
18-11-2003, 21:41
To do the first fushan reactor was moved in to place at the rear of the superstrucher of Babylon 1, the reactor will be tested tomorow and shoud be powring the stashon by the end of the week.
work on the stashon has stoped because the power from the reactor is needed to continu the bilding work.

du to a rader threat in the neear by astrod belt 4 Heavey Destroyers will be along side the construcshon site until the stashon go's oprashnal
27-11-2003, 22:25
GDI citsens selbrat to day as the millterey anonses teh complshon of the first Babylon stashon, Genral warman is planing a prade parst the stashon befor the plance of the second babylon stashon is revild.