NationStates Jolt Archive

Trasian surviviors say no to Catpeople

13-11-2003, 22:18
The Trasian Colony for surviviors of the LV incident have been protesting the number of Catpeople entering the Colony WY.

the Government has agreed to Ban all Catpeole and Foxpeople from entering the Colony's even though they are peaceful the TCSD do not want a riot on their hands.

my sincere apology's to catpeople everywhere, but we must please our people.
13-11-2003, 22:20
An evil government full of irradiated dark jedi must please their people?

Mommy... I'm confused...
(It's ok dear...)
13-11-2003, 22:21
Well, you can ban anyone you want. We for instance ban Orcs from traveling freely through the Empire.

What of the cat anmd foxpeople already in the colony? Will they be allowed to stay or be deported?