Problems in paradise...
Fleet group Delta, consisting of 3 Carriers, 12 Destroyers and 5 assualt frigates patroled near the Tydus System.
"Distress signal from our Felk'hir Colony! They say they're under attack!"
"What from?"
"Looks alien."
"Set a course. jump to Hyperspace when i range. And let our allies know about it!"
The Imperial Navy
13-11-2003, 12:09
Tydus Prime central control:
"Confirm this communication?"
"Confirmed sir."
"Contact the Mothership. tell her to deploy her fleet."
In orbit:
The Mothership recieved the signal.
detatched from the mothership, 12 Destroyers and 4 carriers set a course for the co-ordiates and jumped.
The fleet jumped out.
"Sir-the system is... empty..."
"There's life on our colony...but much less than before."
"Prepare the dropgroup. send them down with a medipack team."
"Aye sir."
The Imperial Navy
13-11-2003, 12:17
The fleet dropped out somewhere behind The Taiidan.
"They say they need medical help!"
"Well deploy a Med team in a dropship then!"
As the Interceptors and the Heavy Corvette entered visual range, horror struck the Captains face.
"My god... it looks more like a crater..."
The Imperial Navy
13-11-2003, 12:23
Dropships 1 & 2 entered the atmosphere and looked in horror.
"Whatevers happened down there, I never want to see happen somwhere else..."