I've just started playing nationstates.
my questions:
1. What is the UN good for?
2. What are regions good for and what for example would be the point of creating one for all you freinds?
my answers
1. Nothing really (but it can help take control of region)
2. a good place for you and your friends to hang out alone.
12-11-2003, 10:02
Welcome to NationStates.
To answer your Q's:
1. None really. The UN is more there for decoration.
2. Regions are places where your nation "lives", similar to hemispheres or continents. And why would you create a region for your friends? So you can all hang out of course! :wink:
My answers:
1: What is this UN you speak of, and why does it matter? ((A famous line from one of my earlier rps, next to "Humans have rights?" and "Shoot everyone between that civilian and that civilian"))
2. To keep all of your colonies and allies together, and plan in relative peace.