Who's the most powerful?
Sorry I coudn't make a poll for this, I wouldn't know who to put down.
But, I would like to get the opinion of the masses as to the question
"Who is the most powerful nation?"
Drizzts Army
12-11-2003, 04:06
Thats a very hard choice to make.
Rave Shentavo
12-11-2003, 04:07
Al Anbar.
*snickers slightly*
Steel Butterfly
12-11-2003, 04:08
Al Anbar.
*snickers slightly*
*Promptly laughs out loud*
12-11-2003, 04:08
Your second cousin Kim.
Southern Illinois
12-11-2003, 04:09
Josifovich, 3+ Billion in his nation.
Steel Butterfly
12-11-2003, 04:09
Sorry I coudn't make a poll for this, I wouldn't know who to put down.
But, I would like to get the opinion of the masses as to the question
"Who is the most powerful nation?"
You have to be more specific.
Most powerful economy?
Most powerful military?
Most powerful modern tech?
Most powerful future tech?
Most feared?
Most Victorious in Battle?
King Binks
12-11-2003, 04:11
Sorry I coudn't make a poll for this, I wouldn't know who to put down.
But, I would like to get the opinion of the masses as to the question
"Who is the most powerful nation?"
You have to be more specific.
Most powerful economy?
Most powerful military?
Most powerful modern tech?
Most powerful future tech?
Most feared?
Most Victorious in Battle?
Or you could go by opinion and have it turn into a flame war...
Steel Butterfly
12-11-2003, 04:12
Sorry I coudn't make a poll for this, I wouldn't know who to put down.
But, I would like to get the opinion of the masses as to the question
"Who is the most powerful nation?"
You have to be more specific.
Most powerful economy?
Most powerful military?
Most powerful modern tech?
Most powerful future tech?
Most feared?
Most Victorious in Battle?
Or you could go by opinion and have it turn into a flame war...
Lol...it would/will anyhow
The Resi Corporation
12-11-2003, 04:15
Most powerful economy?Siri or I.
Most powerful military?Hmmm... I think there's a UN poll for that.
Most powerful modern tech?I'd say either AMF or Pantera. Or is AMF still future tech?
Most powerful future tech?Melkor, Siri, Zero-One, Angelus... the list goes on.
Most feared?SLAG! No seriously, probably Nod or Melkor.
Largest?Check that here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/memberlist.php).
Most Victorious in Battle?Melkor, Pantera, NOD, and a bunch of other imperalistic nations.
Steel Butterfly
12-11-2003, 04:19
Most powerful economy?There's a poll for that I think...and mine is nothing to scoff at
Most powerful military?DittoMost powerful modern tech?AMF...he's modern
Most powerful future tech?Don't just assume the ToY...I'd say Praetor, Sketch, or myself.
Most feared?Melkor...although not as much anymore
Largest?Check that here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/memberlist.php).
Most Victorious in Battle?Most likely Melkor
It also depends on how much you listen to the UN rankings for economy. For example, according to the UN I have the 7th biggest IT and Pizza Delievery industries in existance. But I don't claim to have the most powerful economically. Really, no one can. ... well, maybe Sketch can. :wink:
The Resi Corporation
12-11-2003, 04:27
It also depends on how much you listen to the UN rankings for economy. For example, according to the UN I have the 7th biggest IT and Pizza Delievery industries in existance. But I don't claim to have the most powerful economically. Really, no one can. ... well, maybe Sketch can. :wink:Yeah, I forgot about Sketch, but he doesn't flaunt it nearly as much as Siri and I. :wink:
But I do claim and play that I have obscenly large IT and Pizza Delievery industries. 8)
But I also play modern-ish tech (2010 to be precise). No gravships, holoprojectors, or teleporters for me. Just more modern computers. :D
12-11-2003, 04:33
Whenever I click on a name, it just shows myself and says "Would you like to telegram everonia?"
Nah, I don't feel like telegramming myself rightnow... :?
The Gulf States
12-11-2003, 04:39
I got to wonder just how old is AMF.
I don't think I'm that much older, but I am. And I'm modern tech. ... except for the Klonorian Harbingers. That's to make @@Nation@@ my personal little @@dog@@.
Santa Barbara
12-11-2003, 04:48
Don't believe the hype.
Sigma Octavus
12-11-2003, 06:04
I'm not the most powerful, but I'm up there. Pretty high for an april nation in power.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Check that here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/memberlist.php).
OOC: I would still like to know why I can't see the membership list and others can. I don't have that damn button.
The Eastern Bloc
12-11-2003, 06:12
Hmmm... I don't think it's truly fair to just... make it so cut and dry. It's not necessarily how much you have... it's how you use it.
And to claim that you yourself are the strongest in anything... is dorky.
In fact... I think trying to determine just who is the most powerful... would be way to hard to do. It's all subjective.
*looks around and sees he actually posted his opinion for once*
The Resi Corporation
12-11-2003, 06:13
OOC: I would still like to know why I can't see the membership list and others can. I don't have that damn button.
Ah...hijack.((OOC: I don't have the button either, I just copied the URL when someone posted it. :( ))
Imperial Forces
12-11-2003, 06:17
Most powerful economy?
Everyone on Frightening really, there is a poll for fastest growing economy, but that's it.
Most powerful military?
Pure opinion, their is a UN poll for most spent on defence, though.
Most powerful modern tech?
Me......*I wish*
Most powerful future tech?
Excluding the pop bugs, Melkor.
Most feared?
Noone reallly, thought I'd hate to be a small nation againist those Reichies.
Most Victorious in Battle?
I dout anyone kept record.
12-11-2003, 07:34
While AMF certainly could hold it's own against most (yes, I'm modern tech), AMF is far from the most powerful.
See, I also have this little problem: I have an inferiority complex, but it's the opposite. Instead of feeling like everybody else is inferior, I feel that no matter how large my nation is or no matter how great my military is, I feel that I'll never be even remotely close to top dog. I dunno, it's just this thing I've always had....I tend to feel inadequate. That also could be contributed to the fact that in NS, the general mood is that the older the nation, the more powerful it is. I don't feel that way however, as there are some June/July nations that even I wouldn't want to mess with.
Anyways, my list would be:
Most powerful economy: Sketch
Most powerful military: Praetor
Most powerful modern tech: Pantera
Most powerful future tech: Angelus and or Siri
Most feared: Melkor
Most victorious: Not sure. My personal record is 11-0-1 (W/L/T)
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
12-11-2003, 07:40
I think AMF should disappear, it has donde nothing but annoy NS users.
Go away AMF!
And you Mr. N00b can bugger off.
12-11-2003, 07:40
I think AMF should disappear, it has donde nothing but annoy NS users.
Go away AMF!*points to the destroyed nation of New Spartha* That's the last guy to say that...
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
12-11-2003, 07:45
The destroyed nation of New Spartha? the last guy who said that?
you mean, he said "go away AMF" and was destroyed? by AMF?
No, New Spartha was making fun of me ICly, so my nation leveled his.
Whereas you are insulting me OOCly, which if you continue to do so is greifing. And that will only earn you a moderator smackdown.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
12-11-2003, 07:50
I don't know, there's something about you I don't like
Then please keep it to yourself. Thanks.
The Belmore Family
12-11-2003, 07:51
mwhahahahaha, feel my powerful wrath.
12-11-2003, 07:51
mwhahahahaha, feel my powerful wrath.
Wait, who are you?
The Belmore Family
12-11-2003, 07:52
Seriously, there is no 1 powerful nation (I fear them all)-Only joking, sort of.
I think AMF should disappear, it has donde nothing but annoy NS users.
Go away AMF!*points to the destroyed nation of New Spartha* That's the last guy to say that...
Let him have his say. Despite the fact that you might be very involved in the forum, the basic fact is that if a nation has been investing in the military since they were created, and if they are older, than they are probably stronger.
12-11-2003, 08:02
Let him have his say. Despite the fact that you might be very involved in the forum, the basic fact is that if a nation has been investing in the military since they were created, and if they are older, than they are probably stronger.
Not exactly true. The date that you signed up does NOT determine how powerful someone is. With only 450+ posts, I'm willing to bet that your military has seen little to no action. There are some May nations here that have been in numerous wars, and subsequently could probably defeat you with relative ease. That is because they have put more effort into their military and nation, and it's very cheap and downright n00bish to run up in the forum and say that because you're older you're more powerful. That's rubbish in every sense because power on NS is EARNED, never assumed. Just because your military has been "saving up" since it's creation does not mean it could hold a candle to a battle hardened military.
Let him have his say. Despite the fact that you might be very involved in the forum, the basic fact is that if a nation has been investing in the military since they were created, and if they are older, than they are probably stronger.
Not exactly true. The date that you signed up does NOT determine how powerful someone is. With only 450+ posts, I'm willing to bet that your military has seen little to no action. There are some May nations here that have been in numerous wars, and subsequently could probably defeat you with relative ease. That is because they have put more effort into their military and nation, and it's very cheap and downright n00bish to run up in the forum and say that because you're older you're more powerful. That's rubbish in every sense because power on NS is EARNED, never assumed. Just because your military has been "saving up" since it's creation does not mean it could hold a candle to a battle hardened military.
First of all, there is conflict outside of the forums. Second of all, if you cannot keep an army in top shape through lethal war-games, then you couldn't keep it sharp through a war. Try to expand your mind beyond the forum.
12-11-2003, 08:16
First of all, there is conflict outside of the forums. Second of all, if you cannot keep an army in top shape through lethal war-games, then you couldn't keep it sharp through a war. Try to expand your mind beyond the forum.
You also have to realize that not everybody has time to look at your region or private board. :roll:
Your buddy's in your region may think your super powerful, but here on the forum things are different. On the forum, you're subjected to a wider variety of people. It makes no difference if you've won 1,000 wars in your region, because you have yet to prove yourself to the rest of the world. And war games are all well and fine, but they are not the same as being in real combat.
Besides, you're located in The Underwater Bubble, and that region's been defunct for months now.
First of all, there is conflict outside of the forums. Second of all, if you cannot keep an army in top shape through lethal war-games, then you couldn't keep it sharp through a war. Try to expand your mind beyond the forum.
You also have to realize that not everybody has time to look at your region or private board. :roll:
Your buddy's in your region may think your super powerful, but here on the forum things are different. And war games are all well and fine, but they are not the same as being in real combat.
I never claimed that my "buddy's" think that I'm super powerful, I simply claimed that spending time in a RPing war is hardly a good way to judge your nation's true strength. Many times, the best RPers are forced to lose the war because the other side will come up with ways for themselves to win, whether or not it is completely realistic (all the while claiming that mass sneak attacks are not god-modding). You can either claim that a nation's age and money spent on the military determine their strength, or you can admit that it is impossible to know.
12-11-2003, 08:29
I simply claimed that spending time in a RPing war is hardly a good way to judge your nation's true strength.
On the contrary, isn't that the best way to figure out the strong and the weak?
Many times, the best RPers are forced to lose the war because the other side will come up with ways for themselves to win, whether or not it is completely realistic
That rarely happens. Good RPers like Melkor are almost impossible to take down because they consider everything. I've almost never seen a good RPer (with a decent force) take a loss.
You can either claim that a nation's age and money spent on the military determine their strength, or you can admit that it is impossible to know.
We cannot just assume that because a nation is older that is has poured it's money into the military. With any hobby, how good you are is equal to how much time you spend doing it. Those that may have not been here as long are more than capable of taking an older nation down. Underestimation is a dangerous thing, and assumptions are just as wrong. I also think it's stupid to say that an older nation's military is automatically superior because "more money has been poured into it over time", that's BS.
If you want to see what I'm saying, come to AMF sometime, my Sentinels will show you first hand that a smaller nation can be just as if not more leathal than a larger nation.
The Pakleds
12-11-2003, 08:45
Sentinels are strong. Can you make our ship go?
12-11-2003, 08:46
Sentinels are strong.
Erm...sure they are. Not Sentinels how you would think (not from the Matrix), they are my own brand of human soldier.
Can you make our ship go?
Normack 8)
:shock: :shock:
:evil: AUTO!!! :evil: :x
Most powerful economy?Siri or I.
Most powerful military?Hmmm... I think there's a UN poll for that.
Most powerful modern tech?I'd say either AMF or Pantera. Or is AMF still future tech?
Most powerful future tech?Melkor, Siri, Zero-One, Angelus... the list goes on.
Most feared?SLAG! No seriously, probably Nod or Melkor.
Largest?Check that here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/memberlist.php).
Most Victorious in Battle?Melkor, Pantera, NOD, and a bunch of other imperalistic nations.
For most feared, and I'm sure you'll all agree with me, I nominate myself. For most victorious in battle, I'd say me as one of them as I have only ever lost twice, and I've destroyed several entire nations.
12-11-2003, 08:49
Normack 8)
:shock: :shock:
:evil: AUTO!!! :evil: :x
12-11-2003, 08:50
and I've destroyed several entire nations.
Here's my list of destroyed nations:
NATIONS WIPED FROM EXISTANCE:Perrier, MagicChina, The Most Moral Order, Magicians of Knights, Gangstas Paradise, Mohahi, Tech-Annihater, New Spartha
Alright, I'm done! :lol:
Flame war! What I say below will get me a few flames too.
Personally, I'd say that if someone says they are the best at something, it is probably propaganda.
There are a lot of powerful and feared nations in NS, and all for different political, military, ideological, and other reasons. The most powerful tend not to cross each other in any way that could threaten their superpower status. Therefore, when looking for powerful nations, you should look for one or a few nations completely laying out/destroying many smaller ones.
Example: The destruction of AMF. About three well known nations obliterated a multi-national armada of ships defending AMF...then proceeded to invade. Of course, AMF has ignored the situation, but he (the player) conveniently dissappeared from the thread (not the forums) for a few days as it happened then came back complaining OOCly despite MASSIVE amounts of very good RP by said three nations.
So you know that AMF is just high on ego with his earlier post(s) in this thread and the three nations who destroyed the armada are pretty powerful.
and I've destroyed several entire nations.
Here's my list of destroyed nations:
NATIONS WIPED FROM EXISTANCE:Perrier, MagicChina, The Most Moral Order, Magicians of Knights, Gangstas Paradise, Mohahi, Tech-Annihater, New Spartha
Alright, I'm done! :lol:
Don't forget to add Automagfreek to that list!
Normack 8)
:shock: :shock:
:evil: AUTO!!! :evil: :x
http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-5/184615/execution.gif I saw what you did with your hot or not pic... I do not approve :x
:shock: I didn't use the right emoto..
12-11-2003, 08:54
Example: The destruction of AMF. About three well known nations obliterated a multi-national armada of ships defending AMF...then proceeded to invade. Of course, AMF has ignored the situation, but he (the player) conveniently dissappeared from the thread (not the forums) for a few days as it happened then came back complaining OOCly despite MASSIVE amounts of very good RP by said three nations.
I find it highly hypocritical how people like you preach about how this is free form RP, but then you blast me because I ignore space tech. And you know damn well I didn't stand a chance in hell against uber space ships and other future wank weapons.
So you know that AMF is just high on ego with his earlier post(s) in this thread and the three nations who destroyed the armada are pretty powerful.
I'm the one high on ego? You're probably one of the most arrogant people on NS.
and I've destroyed several entire nations.
Here's my list of destroyed nations:
NATIONS WIPED FROM EXISTANCE:Perrier, MagicChina, The Most Moral Order, Magicians of Knights, Gangstas Paradise, Mohahi, Tech-Annihater, New Spartha
Alright, I'm done! :lol:
Say, what's MagicCrater's newest incarnation. Did I say MagicCrater? I meant MagicChina. Yeah, that's it, MagicCHINA
back on topic: the largest still existing nation is Last Hope (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=Last%20Hope)
and I've destroyed several entire nations.
Here's my list of destroyed nations:
NATIONS WIPED FROM EXISTANCE:Perrier, MagicChina, The Most Moral Order, Magicians of Knights, Gangstas Paradise, Mohahi, Tech-Annihater, New Spartha
Alright, I'm done! :lol:
NATIONS TURNED INTO URANIUM MINES/CHEMICAL WEAPONS TEST SITES: Jiggolostic, New Spartha, Freemantia, New Dubbrillion thinga-mabob, ATA ((Almost, damn him.)) Resi ((Almost, got bored with whole thing)), Xixagou ((Watch the Japann war))
12-11-2003, 09:00
NATIONS TURNED INTO URANIUM MINES/CHEMICAL WEAPONS TEST SITES: Jiggolostic, New Spartha, Freemantia, New Dubbrillion thinga-mabob, ATA ((Almost, damn him.)) Resi ((Almost, got bored with whole thing)), Xixagou ((Watch the Japann war))
Hmmm...not bad!
Example: The destruction of AMF. About three well known nations obliterated a multi-national armada of ships defending AMF...then proceeded to invade. Of course, AMF has ignored the situation, but he (the player) conveniently dissappeared from the thread (not the forums) for a few days as it happened then came back complaining OOCly despite MASSIVE amounts of very good RP by said three nations.
I find it highly hypocritical how people like you preach about how this is free form RP, but then you blast me because I ignore space tech. And you know damn well I didn't stand a chance in hell against uber space ships and other future wank weapons.
Then you should have said then you'd ignore space/future tech rather then dissappearing.
So you know that AMF is just high on ego with his earlier post(s) in this thread and the three nations who destroyed the armada are pretty powerful.
I'm the one high on ego? You're probably one of the most arrogant people on NS.
I'm not the one boasting about my nation here, am I?
Yes, I'm arrogant...I sit atop my high horse as "The Cardboard Avenger" yelling at n00bs who sell X-kilometer long space dreadnaughts for US $50k each. I scream in my all-knowing voice how arming and transporting half your national population to a forign war sees your nation die to bankroupsy. And yes, I even bemoan players for mixing IC and OOC, for not RPing, and for disappearing when IC moves they make backfire in a way they don't intend.
What an arrogant bastard I am.
hahahhahahaha!!!! I have a huge pop that will crush your old nations!!!
Okay... that was dumb.
AMF, Wazzu has a point. Wazzu, AMF has a point.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a n00b to explain things to.
:P my new army will crush you oldies!!! oh no!!! I feel bad... you all have arthritis!!
:P my new army will crush you oldies!!! oh no!!! I feel bad... you all have arthritis!!
You might be a resurrected nation, but I still can outnumber you.
12-11-2003, 09:08
Then you should have said then you'd ignore space/future tech rather then dissappearing.
I DID. Only after the harrassment became too great did I take a few week break to cool down.
I'm not the one boasting about my nation here, am I?
Oh c'mon, me and Roania are doing this in good fun. Not my first post in this thread that states that I don't think I'm all powerful.
Yes, I'm arrogant...I sit atop my high horse as "The Cardboard Avenger" yelling at n00bs who sell X-kilometer long space dreadnaughts for US $50k each. I scream in my all-knowing voice how arming and transporting half your national population to a forign war sees your nation die to bankroupsy. And yes, I even bemoan players for mixing IC and OOC, for not RPing, and for disappearing when IC moves they make backfire in a way they don't intend.
What an arrogant bastard I am.
Well, sticking your nose in here and bringing up a topic that has been dead for weeks isn't helping your situation.
AutoMagFrEeK: let me get this straight: on NS, does a player have the right to RP with whom he chooses regardless of the scenario?
Rep.: Generally, yeah. Sometimes it's looked upon as piss poor roleplaying, but the idea basically is that if you don't want to play with somebody, you don't have to
AutoMagFrEeK: well, that's not the impression alot of players are giving me. I don't think it's out of the question for me to want to stick to only modern tech, is it?
Rep.: Not really, but given how you've pretty much run the gamut of nation-styles (including space tech), I can see why a lot of people would suddenly be rather unhappy about yer current incarnation
AutoMagFrEeK: true, but I made it clear that I didn't like space tech and no longer wished to RP it
Rep.: Well, then yer best bet is to either politely ask the guys buggering you to leave you alone, or bust out some oldskool Ignore tactics and just not acknowledge them
AutoMagFrEeK: yeah, I guess the latter will have to suffice. They won't quit hounding me over the whole situation
Rep.: If it starts to border on harassment, file it to the tasklist =/
AutoMagFrEeK: alright, will do.
Well, I'm going to go with what the site admin is saying and go on about my business now. I'm satisfied in knowing that my ignore of an all-space-nation invasion is perfectly within my rights as an RPer. I have made it abundandtly clear that I do not wish to RP with space tech any longer, and there is nothing anybody else can do about it because that's the one right I do have on this site.
Now, if you wish to further this discussion, don't expect me to reply to your posts.
:P my new army will crush you oldies!!! oh no!!! I feel bad... you all have arthritis!!
You might be a resurrected nation, but I still can outnumber you.
you can not hope to outnumber me!! I fight dirty!! hahahahahah
<--- has 25 puppets
:cry: no one loves me..
:P my new army will crush you oldies!!! oh no!!! I feel bad... you all have arthritis!!
You might be a resurrected nation, but I still can outnumber you.
you can not hope to outnumber me!! I fight dirty!! hahahahahah
<--- has 25 puppets
:cry: no one loves me..
<---Has 5 puppets, each larger than you.
Now, please stop this poor rp, and actually play, okay?
NATIONS TURNED INTO URANIUM MINES/CHEMICAL WEAPONS TEST SITES: Jiggolostic, New Spartha, Freemantia, New Dubbrillion thinga-mabob, ATA ((Almost, damn him.)) Resi ((Almost, got bored with whole thing)), Xixagou ((Watch the Japann war))
Hmmm...not bad!
Your praise humbles me.
I actually find it enjoyable to be able to write convincingly in all time scales. Modern, future, historical, medieval, fantasy, it's all so easy.
Just for future references, Auto, are you ignoring space tech or future tech in general? Would space nations be able to go to war with you providing they didn't use their space assets?
12-11-2003, 09:20
I actually find it enjoyable to be able to write convincingly in all time scales. Modern, future, historical, medieval, fantasy, it's all so easy.
I only enjoy writing about things I undertand. I undertand guns, bombs, tanks, etc. I also undertand swords, horses, catapults, etc.
In short, I only like RPing modern (though I'd LOVE to do a medieval RP) tech because it's easy to understand. I don't know the first thing about plasma reactors, FTL drives, or other spacedy stuff...sci fi isn't (and never really was) my bag.
:P my new army will crush you oldies!!! oh no!!! I feel bad... you all have arthritis!!
You might be a resurrected nation, but I still can outnumber you.
you can not hope to outnumber me!! I fight dirty!! hahahahahah
<--- has 25 puppets
:cry: no one loves me..
<---Has 5 puppets, each larger than you.
Now, please stop this poor rp, and actually play, okay?
:shock: oh
:cry: you win.. mine are just:
848 million
478 million
835 million
521 million
1.146 billion
1.273 billion
889 million
545 million
312 million
635 million
779 million
575 million
690 million
1.780 billion
864 million
I concede defeat :cry:
n00bs, you CAN NOT use puppets to help you fight in wars.
And has everyone forgetten about me? Not that many Dec 2002 nations left these days.
Like the last word, do you? So do I. But in the interest of not getting too crazy, I won't respond quote for quote to your last post. Let me just say this.
As you said, this is Free Form RP, and you have every right to ignore the space nations. Just as they (and I) have every right to consider AMF colonized by other nations.
Your nation was only meant as an example for my point...that the strongest nations can be determined by:
1: Lack of boasting to be the best.
2: Ability to RP.
3: Willingness to RP the consequences of their IC actions, both good and bad.
4: Realism...even with future tech, the recognition of economy, labor, costs, and times it takes to do things...using such as plot tools rather then as personal weapons against players behind other nations.
5: The ability to enact domestic policy on forign nations through military force.
6: Perhaps most importantly, the ability to sway the opinions of other nations/players in NS
That last is my definition of a superpower for NS (and would describe nations like Menelmacar, Melkor_Unchained, and sadly, even Russian Forces). If your nation makes a policy and other nations, especially strong nations line up to follow it, then your nation is a superpower.
I am sure there are more ways to tell, but these are some guidlines I use.
12-11-2003, 09:22
Just for future references, Auto, are you ignoring space tech or future tech in general? Would space nations be able to go to war with you providing they didn't use their space assets?
Hmmm...interesting point. I ignore space tech, I'm not too sure what all "future" tech entails, because in RL we're kinda inching towards "future" tech, I dunno....
It would depend on the person I guess. If space assets weren't being used, I guess I might be able to work something out, because frankly there is no way my Abrams can stand up to battlecruisers.
OOC: Necronmicon, your chutzpa amuses me. We could do great things together...
n00bs, you CAN NOT use puppets to help you fight in wars.
And has everyone forgetten about me? Not that many Dec 2002 nations left these days.
you can if no one knows they are puppets :P
OOC: Necronmicon, your chutzpa amuses me. We could do great things together...
:mrgreen: well maybe 8)
if so you could drop me a line sometime
my bed awaits... Mmm... warm..
Hugs Binki
night all
Just for future references, Auto, are you ignoring space tech or future tech in general? Would space nations be able to go to war with you providing they didn't use their space assets?
Hmmm...interesting point. I ignore space tech, I'm not too sure what all "future" tech entails, because in RL we're kinda inching towards "future" tech, I dunno....
It would depend on the person I guess. If space assets weren't being used, I guess I might be able to work something out, because frankly there is no way my Abrams can stand up to battlecruisers.
It also kind of begs the question 'what is modern tech?'. Clearly some space assets are modern tech; even ortillery could be construed as modern tech (orbital nuclear weapons are effectively ortillerty). If we extend this to near future, say 10 or 20 years, (which is where AMF must be, given the creation of Sentinels and thier subsequent training and upbringing) the possibilities are huge- battlefield lasers, stealth craft of all kinds, orbital fighters, and all sorts of other devices could be acceptable.
12-11-2003, 09:27
Well, thanks for not touching on "that" again.
As you said, this is Free Form RP, and you have every right to ignore the space nations. Just as they (and I) have every right to consider AMF colonized by other nations.
If I do not acknowledge space tech nations as existing, can't they extend me the same courtesy? How is it fair to say that because I ignored them that my naiton is property of others? That's in a sense trying to lure me into lifting my ignore on space tech.
12-11-2003, 09:30
It also kind of begs the question 'what is modern tech?'.
And that question is one that will never be answered (at least answered so everybody is happy).
Clearly some space assets are modern tech; even ortillery could be construed as modern tech (orbital nuclear weapons are effectively ortillerty). If we extend this to near future, say 10 or 20 years, (which is where AMF must be, given the creation of Sentinels and thier subsequent training and upbringing) the possibilities are huge- battlefield lasers, stealth craft of all kinds, orbital fighters, and all sorts of other devices could be acceptable.
Yeah, alot of stuff COULD exist, but it dosen't. Just like ortillery could exist, so could "farms" where humans are cloned. While I do incorporate some advanced tech, I gernerally stick to the same modern tech principles. Sure, a Sentinel raised all it's life to kill and destroy is fierce, but a .50 to the face will solve that real quick.
So where do you personally draw the line? Would even space tech be fine so long as it was not 'superior' to your own forces? Can this possibly be reduced to old adage: cyborgs and spaceships are fine, as long as they die as easy as everything else?
Like the last word, do you? So do I. But in the interest of not getting too crazy, I won't respond quote for quote to your last post. Let me just say this.
As you said, this is Free Form RP, and you have every right to ignore the space nations. Just as they (and I) have every right to consider AMF colonized by other nations.
Your nation was only meant as an example for my point...that the strongest nations can be determined by:
1: Lack of boasting to be the best.
2: Ability to RP.
3: Willingness to RP the consequences of their IC actions, both good and bad.
4: Realism...even with future tech, the recognition of economy, labor, costs, and times it takes to do things...using such as plot tools rather then as personal weapons against players behind other nations.
5: The ability to enact domestic policy on forign nations through military force.
6: Perhaps most importantly, the ability to sway the opinions of other nations/players in NS
That last is my definition of a superpower for NS (and would describe nations like Menelmacar, Melkor_Unchained, and sadly, even Russian Forces). If your nation makes a policy and other nations, especially strong nations line up to follow it, then your nation is a superpower.
I am sure there are more ways to tell, but these are some guidlines I use.
In response, because I enjoy matching wits with people...
1. So, by your standards, the US is not the most powerful nation ever to exist on this planet. ((Last I checked, it was, sadly))
2. There I am. Yay! Of course, my rps are generally yelled at because, heaven forbid, I act like a real nation and use propaganda. :roll:
3. Again, there I go. Yay, me! ((I'm acting like this to show that your theory doesn't work, because those things can be applied to many people))
4. There. That's where we disagree. There are ways you don't need an economy to make something good. If you don't pay your workers, or soldiers, and just force everyone in your nation to do your bidding, you can get things done easily. Sure, you'll have a revolt, but only if you choose to rp one.
5. If military force is the first choice, then something has gone wrong with your nation. That one's out, I'm afraid. Last time I used my military, I obliterated the enemy's army from this Earth, killed all his civilian population, and sent his leader back to the dungeons under the Pana Sophia... but only after I gave him a fair warning of the consequences of his actions, and gave him a chance to change his ways.
6. And again, that's me. And, sorry to say, AMF and you.
The Most Glorious Hack
12-11-2003, 09:38
and I've destroyed several entire nations.
Here's my list of destroyed nations:
NATIONS WIPED FROM EXISTANCE:Perrier, MagicChina, The Most Moral Order, Magicians of Knights, Gangstas Paradise, Mohahi, Tech-Annihater, New Spartha
Alright, I'm done! :lol:
NATIONS TURNED INTO URANIUM MINES/CHEMICAL WEAPONS TEST SITES: Jiggolostic, New Spartha, Freemantia, New Dubbrillion thinga-mabob, ATA ((Almost, damn him.)) Resi ((Almost, got bored with whole thing)), Xixagou ((Watch the Japann war))
That's it? I've personally annihilated over 150 nations.
Oh, wait. You guys ment IC, right? Damn. Change that to 0...
12-11-2003, 09:40
So where do you personally draw the line?
I take it that's a rhetorical question.
Would even space tech be fine so long as it was not 'superior' to your own forces?
I don't mind cyborgs, but anything that's capable of doing damage from outside the atmosphere is a no-no in my book.
Can this possibly be reduced to old adage: cyborgs and spaceships are fine, as long as they die as easy as everything else?
It's kinda hard to shoot artillery straight up into the sky and have it make it. It's also hard for ICBM's not get shot down as they make the long journey towards space. I don't like the concept of spaceships.
12-11-2003, 09:40
That's it? I've personally annihilated over 150 nations.
Oh, wait. You guys ment IC, right? Damn. Change that to 0...
But who's to say? :wink:
So where do you personally draw the line?
I take it that's a rhetorical question.
Actually, I meant it literally. I'm trying to find out what you deem acceptably modern.
I don't mind cyborgs, but anything that's capable of doing damage from outside the atmosphere is a no-no in my book.
Isn't that what skynet does though?
Independant Pluto
12-11-2003, 09:44
But it's now possible to put a nuke in orbit, ne?
12-11-2003, 09:46
Actually, I meant it literally. I'm trying to find out what you deem acceptably modern.
Well, what I deem as modern may be too advanced for others. I'll just leave that as a rhetorical question.
Isn't that what skynet does though?
Skynet was my little IC way of ignoring nukes. Remember my petition for those that wanted to ignore nukes? Well, we were met with harsh criticism, so I concieved Skynet. And has there been one nuclear holocaust since then? No, because he who sets off Skynet gets ignored. How? Simple, either Skynet detects an incoming nuke (then launches interceptors and retallitory missiles) and blasts the nation who launched it into a crater, causing mass environmental damage and possible ending life in a large portion of NS Earth...OR.....simply ignore the instigator.
Oh well, it worked for me.
...but nuclear weapons are a real-world, modern tech device. It seems fairly unfair to dismiss them.
To be honest, I posted here because I'm trying to figure out if your change to 'modern' tech was a legitimate, though very ill-timed, move, or an opportunistic maneouver out of a situation you didn't like. I'd like to believe the former, but I'm not sure I do. You don't seem to have any real problem with unrealistic technology; Skynet certainly qualifies. You don't seem to have any problem RPing with other future tech nations. Of course, you're right that you don't have to RP with anyone you don't want to, but these seems very poor RP. I also remember you forcing your, and admittedly mine as well, RP on other nations; the magic china incident is an example of this. I understand that you felt you were in an unfair situation; however, I think it was unsportsmanlike to flee the situation due to an imminent loss, if this is indeed what occured.
Anyways, I don't want this to come off as an attack on you IC or OOC... I'm just trying to get a clear sense of what is/has gone on.
Okay. AMF has been copping a lot of flack about this, so I'll say it once.
Sentient AI is a possibility now. Immediately. In RL. In Japan or Silicon Valley. At most, it will take only 5 more years to get a fully sentient robot.
Or, Skynet could be an SDI byproduct.
Okay. AMF has been copping a lot of flack about this, so I'll say it once.
Sentient AI is a possibility now. Immediately. In RL. In Japan or Silicon Valley. At most, it will take only 5 more years to get a fully sentient robot.
Or, Skynet could be an SDI byproduct.
SDI is currently unfeasible. It is not likely to be functioninable for at least 15-20 years, for various reasons.
12-11-2003, 09:59
...but nuclear weapons are a real-world, modern tech device. It seems fairly unfair to dismiss them.
To be honest, I posted here because I'm trying to figure out if your change to 'modern' tech was a legitimate, though very ill-timed, move, or an opportunistic maneouver out of a situation you didn't like. I'd like to believe the former, but I'm not sure I do. You don't seem to have any real problem with unrealistic technology; Skynet certainly qualifies. You don't seem to have any problem RPing with other future tech nations. Of course, you're right that you don't have to RP with anyone you don't want to, but these seems very poor RP. I also remember you forcing your, and admittedly mine as well, RP on other nations; the magic china incident is an example of this. I understand that you felt you were in an unfair situation; however, I think it was unsportsmanlike to flee the situation due to an imminent loss, if this is indeed what occured.
Anyways, I don't want this to come off as an attack on you IC or OOC... I'm just trying to get a clear sense of what is/has gone on.
If you dig through the threads, you'll note I abandoned space tech several months before that whole incident started.
Also, please don't bring up the past. You know what happened with MagicChina was us back in our newbie days, so don't hold that against us.
Also, what is so highly futuristic about Skynet? A missile system that can detect a nuclear launch and react accordingly within seconds? That dosen't seem to out of this world. If it being "sentient" is what your beef is, then take this into consideration: Skynet going "sentient" was the dramatic conclusion of a vast RP involving Dark Vengeance and about 8 nations, remember the mass riots some months ago? That was a way to conclude an RP, period. I have never used that fact to my advantage though, never. It is true I hate RPing nukes and so do many, many others, but that's our choice. I'm sorry if the thought of "push the red button and millions die" isn't appealing to RP.
12-11-2003, 10:00
Okay. AMF has been copping a lot of flack about this
I always do. That's the price you pay for being different.
Okay. AMF has been copping a lot of flack about this, so I'll say it once.
Sentient AI is a possibility now. Immediately. In RL. In Japan or Silicon Valley. At most, it will take only 5 more years to get a fully sentient robot.
Or, Skynet could be an SDI byproduct.
SDI is currently unfeasible. It is not likely to be functioninable for at least 15-20 years, for various reasons.
Yes, but that's because of the scale. To be blunt, AMF is a great deal richer and larger than the USA will ever be.
12-11-2003, 10:05
n00kz r teh cheaze.
That said, it doesn't matter. Powerful or not, I'm here to tell a story. If the rest of you fit the plot, and can do so maturely, I'm more than happy to include you. The problem I have with 'Uber-Powerful' nations, is that they will rarely take the ass whipping, even if it was legit.
Part of writing believable, quality stories is taking the bad with the good, and dealing with it as it comes. Take my small part in the Melkor War, oh so long ago. While I only got a piece of it, the piece I did get was a resounding defeat, and I loved it. Sadly my RL fell to a million shitty pieces soon after the conflict began, and I didn't get to finish the RP. But, since then I've Roleplayed that we took a crushing defeat, cut our losses, and decided to keep away from space-based RP.
Above all, Roleplaying ability is the deciding factor in any nations economical, military, or sexual prowess. They can be a Nov '02 nation, #1 on the UN defense list, and "Purchased his 100000 n00kz from Bisons in a thread". If you can't make an attempt at Roleplaying, then you're a meager, third world nation that I might deport my sewage to, but would never give thought to interacting with any regularity.
*has forgotten his point*
Who cares? Naked midget unicyclists will be the d00m of us all. Know that.
Screw being modest,"I AM TEH KING OF NS. BRING ME YOUR PANTS! Now."
Like the last word, do you? So do I. But in the interest of not getting too crazy, I won't respond quote for quote to your last post. Let me just say this.
As you said, this is Free Form RP, and you have every right to ignore the space nations. Just as they (and I) have every right to consider AMF colonized by other nations.
Your nation was only meant as an example for my point...that the strongest nations can be determined by:
1: Lack of boasting to be the best.
2: Ability to RP.
3: Willingness to RP the consequences of their IC actions, both good and bad.
4: Realism...even with future tech, the recognition of economy, labor, costs, and times it takes to do things...using such as plot tools rather then as personal weapons against players behind other nations.
5: The ability to enact domestic policy on forign nations through military force.
6: Perhaps most importantly, the ability to sway the opinions of other nations/players in NS
That last is my definition of a superpower for NS (and would describe nations like Menelmacar, Melkor_Unchained, and sadly, even Russian Forces). If your nation makes a policy and other nations, especially strong nations line up to follow it, then your nation is a superpower.
I am sure there are more ways to tell, but these are some guidlines I use.
In response, because I enjoy matching wits with people...
1. So, by your standards, the US is not the most powerful nation ever to exist on this planet. ((Last I checked, it was, sadly))
2. There I am. Yay! Of course, my rps are generally yelled at because, heaven forbid, I act like a real nation and use propaganda. :roll:
3. Again, there I go. Yay, me! ((I'm acting like this to show that your theory doesn't work, because those things can be applied to many people))
4. There. That's where we disagree. There are ways you don't need an economy to make something good. If you don't pay your workers, or soldiers, and just force everyone in your nation to do your bidding, you can get things done easily. Sure, you'll have a revolt, but only if you choose to rp one.
5. If military force is the first choice, then something has gone wrong with your nation. That one's out, I'm afraid. Last time I used my military, I obliterated the enemy's army from this Earth, killed all his civilian population, and sent his leader back to the dungeons under the Pana Sophia... but only after I gave him a fair warning of the consequences of his actions, and gave him a chance to change his ways.
6. And again, that's me. And, sorry to say, AMF and you.
OOC: At the risk of putting words in Wazzu's mouth, I would say that a combination of the previously mentioned factors is what is intended here, and not in isolation as you appear to be doing.
OOC: Yes, but my points remain equally valid either way.
OOC: Yes, but my points remain equally valid either way.
OOC: No, it does not. A varied combination of the above factors determine "superpower" (or whatever) status. After all, someone like myself doesn't go around attacking people but would you actually say that I lack influence? Or military might?
I'm not tooting my own horn here, okay? I'm just using myself as an example since it's one I'm familiar with. That's all. 8)
OOC: Yes, but my points remain equally valid either way.
OOC: No, it does not. A varied combination of the above factors determine "superpower" (or whatever) status. After all, someone like myself doesn't go around attacking people but would you actually say that I lack influence? Or military might?
I'm not tooting my own horn here, okay? I'm just using myself as an example since it's one I'm familiar with. That's all. 8)
Wazzu's definition of RP seems to be one half of NS is unfamiliar with.
Again, that makes me a superpower, because I've proven my rp skills, and when I speak, people listen.
And then cower in fear.
The Most Glorious Hack
12-11-2003, 10:18
OOC: Yes, but my points remain equally valid either way.
OOC: No, it does not. A varied combination of the above factors determine "superpower" (or whatever) status. After all, someone like myself doesn't go around attacking people but would you actually say that I lack influence? Or military might?
I'm not tooting my own horn here, okay? I'm just using myself as an example since it's one I'm familiar with. That's all. 8)
Wazzu's definition of RP seems to be one half of NS is unfamiliar with.
Again, that makes me a superpower, because I've proven my rp skills, and when I speak, people listen.
And then cower in fear.
Odd. I don't think I even knew you existed until about a month ago...
I try to avoid Moderator attention, oh glorious one.
OOC: Yes, but my points remain equally valid either way.
OOC: No, it does not. A varied combination of the above factors determine "superpower" (or whatever) status. After all, someone like myself doesn't go around attacking people but would you actually say that I lack influence? Or military might?
I'm not tooting my own horn here, okay? I'm just using myself as an example since it's one I'm familiar with. That's all. 8)
Wazzu's definition of RP seems to be one half of NS is unfamiliar with.
Again, that makes me a superpower, because I've proven my rp skills, and when I speak, people listen.
And then cower in fear.
OOC: Well, are you using Wazzu's definition here to define yourself? I believe you are. But anyhow, Wazzu's definition of a "superpower" is quite realistic and perhaps more people in NS should be aware of it.
I guess if you feel all fuzzy about being called a "superpower" then I dub thee a "superpower". Go forth and spread cheer!
OOC: I was using it to prove a point. I consider myself to be, at most, a power.
OOC: I was using it to prove a point. I consider myself to be, at most, a power.
OOC: Basically, you buttressed Wazzu's definition. Good job!
OOC: I was using it to prove a point. I consider myself to be, at most, a power.
OOC: Basically, you buttressed Wazzu's definition. Good job!
OOC: No, I didn't. My point was that those definitions could be taken to include everyone from... Canada-Germany to you, and beyond. Everyone would be a superpower if they fulfilled those, even if they were just 7 days old.
Wombat News
12-11-2003, 11:40
We'd say you've all got it wrong. On the basis that everyone runs for cover when a Wombat News van hoves into view, Wombat News is the most powerful ...
12-11-2003, 11:42
We'd say you've all got it wrong. On the basis that everyone runs for cover when a Wombat News van hoves into view, Wombat News is the most powerful ...
:lol: Agreed.
*closes the closet-door on all those embarrasing skeletons*
Feer teh Wombat.
Santa Barbara
12-11-2003, 16:56
OOC: Looking at that list of superpower status? Realism, even with future tech?
Buah ha ha gha bha ha ha har haw haw!
Its not an oxymoron, but on NS it might very well be. I'd like to see just who out there can say exactly how their spaceships fit realistically into their economies, with supporting data about material procurement and operational costs.
Its amazing, people are very anal about modern tech support and finances, but then you can just go "oh im future tech" and justify just about anything. Breaking the speed of light, dollar-a-dozen spaceships that don't have mass (and use inertialess drives), using impossible plasma-bottle weaponry, with magic artificial gravity, etc etc. Laws of physics, economy, etc, get thrown out the WINDOW for so many future tech nations, because they can't be bothered to figure things out in a realistic manner. Hell I doubt 75% of space tech nations even know how much mass their ships are, or how fast they can accelerate. Its not that hard, but its too much for the lazy ass future tech people.
So by that definition, *none* of the listed future-tech superpowers *are*, since when it comes to realism they are more than willing to cut corners. Bah.
Oh yeah, and the thing about swaying other nations ...or PLAYERS? Are you kidding me? OOC influence counts towards superpower status? Since when? Never, thats when! Its way too easy to, as a single person playing this game, go around to people and convince them of something. For example, General Franco in the Pacific with his mass-TG endorsement strategy. Very successful, and he is the delegate. But is Francos Spain a superpower to anyone here? Raise your hand if you've ever been afraid of a Pacific nation because they might be working for Francos Spain.
At the very least, its limited to these forums. But even then, OOC and IC are NOT the same. All the game and forum mods, and anyone who's a fecking post/attention whore, has an awe-inspiring ability to sway the minds of other players. Big deal. I could just attach an image of Laetitia Casta to all my messages and influence people 50% more of the time... wouldn't make me 50% more of a superpower. (Hey, thats a good idea now that I think of it...) Player influence is about pure social psychology, and has absolutely nothing to do with ICly being a superpower. Period.
/2nd rant
OOC: I was using it to prove a point. I consider myself to be, at most, a power.
OOC: Basically, you buttressed Wazzu's definition. Good job!
OOC: No, I didn't. My point was that those definitions could be taken to include everyone from... Canada-Germany to you, and beyond. Everyone would be a superpower if they fulfilled those, even if they were just 7 days old.
7 days old a "superpower"? I don't believe Wazzu's definition would necessarily support that assessment. That is, such a young nation would be severly lacking in #5 and #6 and will need to establish a reputation - that is, #4.
I don't think he (Wazzu) was saying that each factor in isolation can be taken to mean that one is a "superpower". Perhaps the best way to look at this would be to rate on a scale, say 1-10, each factor and then an aggregate score could then define a "superpower".
Certainly Wazzu's definition can be modified because, and I forgot to mention this earlier, I agree with your assessment about economic strength should be factored. In fairness, he did state "I am sure there are more ways to tell, but these are some guidlines I use."
Influence is harder to judge but certainly one way would be how many nations will act on your behalf. OOC influence I don't think should count but there is no denying that some OOC/IC stuff is happening here. I'd like to think that the definition is strictly neutral and not necessarily offerring commentary on what is "right".
Anyhow, we're probably closer in agreement that we might like to admit, Roania. :)
My top 3 would be: Kecha, Pilon, and Istar.
Oh yeah, and the thing about swaying other nations ...or PLAYERS? Are you kidding me? OOC influence counts towards superpower status? Since when? Never, thats when! Its way too easy to, as a single person playing this game, go around to people and convince them of something. For example, General Franco in the Pacific with his mass-TG endorsement strategy. Very successful, and he is the delegate. But is Francos Spain a superpower to anyone here? Raise your hand if you've ever been afraid of a Pacific nation because they might be working for Francos Spain.
At the very least, its limited to these forums. But even then, OOC and IC are NOT the same. All the game and forum mods, and anyone who's a fecking post/attention whore, has an awe-inspiring ability to sway the minds of other players. Big deal. I could just attach an image of Laetitia Casta to all my messages and influence people 50% more of the time... wouldn't make me 50% more of a superpower. (Hey, thats a good idea now that I think of it...) Player influence is about pure social psychology, and has absolutely nothing to do with ICly being a superpower. Period.
/2nd rant
OOC: Laetitia says "That's a good idea Mr Pratt."
Steel Butterfly
13-11-2003, 02:39
OOC: Looking at that list of superpower status? Realism, even with future tech?
Buah ha ha gha bha ha ha har haw haw!
Its not an oxymoron, but on NS it might very well be. I'd like to see just who out there can say exactly how their spaceships fit realistically into their economies, with supporting data about material procurement and operational costs.
Its amazing, people are very anal about modern tech support and finances, but then you can just go "oh im future tech" and justify just about anything. Breaking the speed of light, dollar-a-dozen spaceships that don't have mass (and use inertialess drives), using impossible plasma-bottle weaponry, with magic artificial gravity, etc etc. Laws of physics, economy, etc, get thrown out the WINDOW for so many future tech nations, because they can't be bothered to figure things out in a realistic manner. Hell I doubt 75% of space tech nations even know how much mass their ships are, or how fast they can accelerate. Its not that hard, but its too much for the lazy ass future tech people.
So by that definition, *none* of the listed future-tech superpowers *are*, since when it comes to realism they are more than willing to cut corners. Bah.
Please kill the steriotype...now...
Let me explain myself.
I started out as a modern tech nation like everyone else (There were no vampires back then, no spaceships...and the most uncommon thing was a nation of AI) Granted that you are older than I am in terms of NS...so you should know this fact even more that I do.
I fought (read: noobishly warmongered with a flare of RP skills) a good bit of good battles, most concluding with some sort of WMD for an epic ending. In the beginning, when this was a relatively new idea, it caused massive social outcry...but as more and more nations flung WMD's around...it didn't matter much.
So I finally decided to quit it. In the midst of my final war, I RPed as a crack commando team inside an enemy city, as both sides of the war were fighting around them. Sniper Country and a few others were involved in this. The RP ended with a terrorist setting off a nuclear explosion in my capitol, killing the man who had been my emperor my whole NS existance. After that...a few things happened...leading me to my current emperor.
Tired of NS and all the people hounding others about specifics of their modern day tech (which I knew little about...well...I knew enough to survive) I took some time off, concentrating on my RL conflicts with the girl who was at that time my girlfriend. My senior year in HS was coming to an end...and parties and playing baseball were my main concern.
I had been keeping up with my issues though, and around late June I came back, and made the transition to space. I RPed that my "nation" on earth was merely a colony...and that "Steel Butterfly" was in fact a nation from space...the Orion Sector specifically. SB was also at the time updating their military arsenal in space...allowing me to create ships...and thanks to those like "The Seraphim Fleet"...I came around to making specs for them...all very realistic...merely bending laws of nature and physics...not breaking them.
As my nation progressed, I became more and more interested in character interaction and less and less interested in global...or galactic...conflict. Since I haven't been in a battle since RL April, I allowed my tech to get unrealisticly advanced...simply in the quest for a better RP. My characters needed to be allowed to do things...things that reality wouldn't let them do. Fantasy and Sci-Fi had always been my thing after all. I live in the real world...why should I write about it?
I could explain all of my tech...and make it realistic...but not without improvising some things...
Besides...who would read it all anyhow?
I'm simply sick of nations coming up with Uber space fleets and the like...simply on a quest for more power. I did it because it's what I like...and it's what I RP. Please...hold your judgement on space nations...for not all are bad.
I'am the most powerful bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Oh yeah, and the thing about swaying other nations ...or PLAYERS? Are you kidding me? OOC influence counts towards superpower status? Since when? Never, thats when! Its way too easy to, as a single person playing this game, go around to people and convince them of something. For example, General Franco in the Pacific with his mass-TG endorsement strategy. Very successful, and he is the delegate. But is Francos Spain a superpower to anyone here? Raise your hand if you've ever been afraid of a Pacific nation because they might be working for Francos Spain.
At the very least, its limited to these forums. But even then, OOC and IC are NOT the same. All the game and forum mods, and anyone who's a fecking post/attention whore, has an awe-inspiring ability to sway the minds of other players. Big deal. I could just attach an image of Laetitia Casta to all my messages and influence people 50% more of the time... wouldn't make me 50% more of a superpower. (Hey, thats a good idea now that I think of it...) Player influence is about pure social psychology, and has absolutely nothing to do with ICly being a superpower. Period.
/2nd rant
OOC: Laetitia says "That's a good idea Mr Pratt."
Santa Barbara
13-11-2003, 05:15
Ah.... Laetitia Casta. Yes.
Um, where was I? Oh yeah.
Well SB, I didnt mean to generalize -- I should note of course that I myself am a space nation too. Its just that when it comes to realism, theres a definite curve and most people are toward the lower end. Mostly, because not everyone knows about rocket physics and everything.
Still, my suggestion is always to make sure that the realism is at least there, whether its explained in great detail or not. You do, but many do not. I totally understand having character driven technology, character driven anything for that matter. But when it comes to huge wars realism, or lack thereof, can mess things up. It always comes down to what is possible, or what is better than another thing, etc.
There are a lot of reasons why I haven't had a war in a long time as well. Most I ever really done on NS was send a battle fleet on some GDODAD mission, didnt engage in combat either. Alas... militarized, and yet so peaceful.
Anyway, not all space nations are bad, and its mostly concerned with wars and other tech-related competitions that trouble arises.
Steel Butterfly
14-11-2003, 18:25
Alas... militarized, and yet so peaceful.
So very true