Why does Tony Bliar even think about converting us to the euro? i agree with the tories, KEEP BRITAIN'S SOVEREIGNITY!
Tor Yvresse
11-11-2003, 20:16
Okay one this should be in General...
Secondly in answer because the Euro is not an assult on our Sovereignity. it is rather an acknowledgement that we have close Economic Ties with the Mainland, and that most of our Export and Inports are with European Nations. In joining the Single Currency this Trade will recieve a boost, as nations no longer need to worry about Exchange rates. There are of course Problems our Currencys strength will be tied into the econmic situation amongest all member states, when we want to have a weak currency it may be that we have a strong one, and vce versa. Yet this is a small problem when weighed against the potential Gains.
Blair wants in to the Euro because of the economic and political gains that can be achieved from joining it. As a side point this is actually the opposite sides in this debate than when we first Joined the organisation that would later become the EU.
Back then Labour was opposed and the Conservatives for, we spent so long dithering that when we joined we had little say over how the EU would be made up. History seems to be repeating itself now, when we eventually join the Single Currency we will be in a weak position to influance it, and we will join, as Europe grows ever more tied to it, our Trade will demand it.
And I hope you guys will join us soon.