11-11-2003, 00:33
After a while of laboring and with the help and advise of Menelmacar Pilon has finally finished the Martian Defence Grid, a system put in place to defend Pilon from foreign bodies and attacking ships or fleets. The grid consists of strategically placed Sattelites, (Military, Communication, and Spy sattelites), Weapons Platforms (heavily armed and armored stations), a series of ground based defences including mobile and fixed Energy Cannons, Gravetic Projectors, anti-bombardment defence systems, projected energy fields which can protect field assets from space bombardment, and a spacestation that monitors all traffic in and around Pilon territory. It is well armed and armored as well. Pilon has announced plans to link this grid up to a MIDAS controlled system that will evenutally protect the entire planet from attack once MIDAS gets fully organized and is ready for such a step.