NationStates Jolt Archive

A New (Awesome) Region

09-11-2003, 05:18
I created a region several days ago. Currently, my nation is very small, and so is my region, with a population of just four countries. However, I am hoping they will both grow. My region is pretty cool because I have maps of the region on a website, along with stats and economies and all the more subtle things about our nations that tends to fail to provide. For this reason, any wars that we have in 'The Payse Basin Nations' will be WAY cool, because we will have diagrams and so forth on all of our threads showing the actual movement of troops & supplies. All the threads to do with us will be archived on the website ( and I might even put up animations of the spread of nations over time, and their growth and everything.

Anyways the point of this is to ask people if they want to join my region. You must be under 100 million populationwise and you must be willing to share some of the work that all this archiving and map-making involves. Post something if it appeals to you! Bye peoples.