NationStates Jolt Archive

Church of the Quingazi seeks Believers!

08-11-2003, 23:03
OOC: Hope you like the phonetic spellings in the High Priest's speech. Below it is the normal spelling.


The Church of the Quingazi, seeking believers, has Television advertisements, purchased in places all over the world...


The logo of the Church of the Quingazi fades to....

A man in the mauve robe and yellow sweatervest of a High Preist of Quing walks into the Grand Hall of a Temple of Quing.

"Greetings, from the Quingazi. We are those who buh-leeee-uv in the gray-at, in-soor-a-mow-tay-bull, may-ga-neef-i-scant, woon-duh-fa, omnee-see-ont, omnee-pray-sant, omnee-pow-tant QUING!" he says, yelling, while doing an odd dance. "We seek to con-vairt yee en-fad-uls! QUING! welcomes you! QUING! is woon-duh-fa! QUING! QUING! QUING!" he says, while crawling on the floor and doing the odd dance. "Cometh to the land of the Quingazi, those who buh-leeee-uv in the gray-at, in-soor-a-mow-tay-bull, may-ga-neef-i-scant, woon-duh-fa, omnee-see-ont, omnee-pray-sant, omnee-pow-tant QUING!" He is standing back up again, but is doing cartwheels around the temple. "Oi am High Pray-st Revas, the laydair of the Quingazi! Behold my mauve robes and yellow sweatervest, symbols of my dedication to QUING! QUING! QUING! QUING!" He is now back to doing the odd dance. "QUING! will take care of you in ex-chay-nage for your hard woo-ark!"

He continues doing the dance, while a phone number flashes on screen, with the words "MAKE DONATIONS TO QUING! QUING! QUING! QUING!" below it. It then fades to the logo again.


"Greetings, from the Quingazi. We are those who believe in the great, insurmountable, magnifcent, wonderful, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent QUING!" he says, yelling, while doing an odd dance. "We seek to convert you infidels! QUING! welcomes you! QUING! is wonderful! QUING! QUING! QUING!" he says, while crawling on the floor and doing the odd dance. "Come to the land of the Quingazi, those who believe in the great, insurmountable, magnifcent, wonderful, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent QUING!" He is standing back up again, but is doing cartwheels around the temple. "I am High Preist Revas, the leader of the Quingazi! Behold my mauve robes and yellow sweatervest, symbols of my dedication to QUING! QUING! QUING! QUING!" He is now back to doing the odd dance. "QUING! will take care of you in exchange for your hard work!"
08-11-2003, 23:45
"Ay-teen en-fud-ales? They will royt in the styrofoam doo-wom that is the land of Ling, the evil twin of the gray-at QUING! QUING! QUING!"

says a priest, in his mauve robe (but without a yellow sweatervest).

Without phonetic spellings:

"Eighteen infidels? They will rot in the styrofoam doom that is the land of Ling, the evil twin of the great QUING! QUING! QUING"
08-11-2003, 23:55
ow m-I go-o-o-o-od ... ay dont think ay la-ik this .... aym awtof hear!!
:roll: :roll: :roll:
08-11-2003, 23:58
OOC: The nation is intended to have funny leaders with weird accents.
09-11-2003, 00:07
:shock: I'm scared :shock:

Somebody hold me!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
10-11-2003, 04:22