NationStates Jolt Archive

Count to 10 / Asri ot 10

08-11-2003, 18:57
In the spirit of education and learning, the Shambles introduces a guide to counting to 10 in the national language, Shambolique.

(OOC: And then, to bed......:)

The Shambolique language is an obscure mix of Romance grammar and eastern European vocabulary, joined by an appearance and sound not unlike Cymraeg-meets-Polish. In essence a phonetic language, the tongue is fairly easy to learn.

1. Un (as the last two letters in “gun”)
2. Dö (dow, as in hard “d” followed by the sound commonly used when you stub your toe. Rhymes with cow.)
3. Tren (as spelled, think “train” with a nasal “eh”, not “ay”.)
4. Pedrun (two syllables, ped and run, this latter as “un” above)
5. Fenv. (one syllable, the “nv” not the separate “invade” but together, as in “envy”)
6. Seć (as “sex” but with Eastern “ts” )
7. Sebna (two syllables, “b” is as in “balloon”)
8. Ezína (first syllable as “etch”, then long “e” to short, sharp “na”.)
9. Net (as spelled)
10. Desem (two syllables, “Deh” to “sem” (not lazy “sum”))

"0" is nul, or more commonly these days "záro".