How much freedom do your individual citizens have?
07-11-2003, 10:56
Do you crush your citizens under your boot, or do you let them live their own lives?
Recently Wolfsreich, faced with economic and crime difficulties, has begun cracking down on individual liberties in order to improve the economy and lower the crime rate. Crime is still "crippling", but the economy has improved two levels in the last four days to go from Strong to Thriving.
07-11-2003, 11:23
We try to alleviate the burden of making too many difficult choices from our subjects. After all, having to make choices means one can make the wrong choice!
07-11-2003, 11:30
The true strength of a state lies in the power of the individual. Without bothersome governmental regulation, Iansisleans are free to act out their dreams in a free market, democratic, economical way. Although there are some trade offs, in the area of safety in particular, the personal, economic, and political freedoms of our country are the key contributors to Iansisle's industry and glory.
The Right Honorable Prime Minister Hiresh Dhawan
In the name of His Imperial Majesty High King James III
Kurai Nami
07-11-2003, 11:35
They would'nt know what to do with political or personal freedom, my government have simply taken that burden from the citizens. Thus freeing them up to simply enjoy life and work..
President Sinclair
Dominion Kurai Nami
The less freedoms the people have the less of a chance they'll oust you 8)
The Imperial Navy
07-11-2003, 11:43
Our Citizens are born free, and live free.
(But not naked, of course...)
Austar Union
07-11-2003, 11:45
Us too!
Austar Union
07-11-2003, 11:45
Us too!
Rotovia has always had High political and civil liberties and a low crime rate, however the economy has always been grounded at reasonable and often dropping to devolping.
After deciding issues from a more bussiness minded attitude it has taken just three days to move from around developing to frightining. Howver by civil and political liberties have's a pitty you can't have both worlds.
07-11-2003, 11:50's a pitty you can't have both worlds.
(*has both worlds*)
A true democracy is run by the few. Only the highest of intellectuals are allowed to vote because only they are deemed to actually know what is going on. Who would want everyone to vote unless they were politically knowledgable on all fronts?
In an interesting note, although the U.S. has less than a 50% voter turn out, Australia has a shocking 90%. This is because they are forced to vote or be subject to a $30 dollar fine. They have a higher education quotient that us, but do you get higher voter turn out from education or from punitive measures.
Personal freedoms must be regulated to protect the minority from the masses. You have to put an end to the wants of all men or else the most powerful will dominate.
The Free Empire of Zyssia prides itself in granting it's populace a wide range of individual rights, whether they be civil or economical. Though the central authorities have been expanding the government size as of late, the real power still lies within the emperor and his council who have little stomach for more democratic approaches.
Hm… we are one of the worst nations in the world for political rights, yet one of the best in the world for civil rights, what’s more we are the 450th happiest people in the world. Lots of power, no complaints…
Oh… and I get the impression that I sometimes go too far with civil freedoms… after all.
You are free to wear no clothes (though it is not enforced)
You are free to walk your gimp in public
You are free to listen to super evil rock metal stuff.
You are free to say what you like
You are free to eat what you like
You are free to read Harry Potter (though it is frowned upon)
You are free to be a nazi (though you are generally hated, because they have the freedom to openly say so)
You are free to look at what ever you like on the Internet (though we have the freedom exile you via catapult if you make anymore pop-ups)
You are free to do what you like to your organs
You are not free in any fashion what so ever to run against the leaders of Iuthia or attempt to otherwise take power away from the benevolent leader James deGritz…
A true democracy is run by the few. Only the highest of intellectuals are allowed to vote because only they are deemed to actually know what is going on. Who would want everyone to vote unless they were politically knowledgable on all fronts?
In an interesting note, although the U.S. has less than a 50% voter turn out, Australia has a shocking 90%. This is because they are forced to vote or be subject to a $30 dollar fine. They have a higher education quotient that us, but do you get higher voter turn out from education or from punitive measures.
Personal freedoms must be regulated to protect the minority from the masses. You have to put an end to the wants of all men or else the most powerful will dominate.
Sorry I have to correct you, the fine is $300 with an option of up to 12 months inprisionment. Creating the wonderful Australian system of DonkeyVoting, since a large of Australians claims not to give an damn, they number the page from top-to-mottem 1-6 resulting in which ever party at the top of the ballot winning close elctions.
07-11-2003, 14:48
Donkey voting isn't the process of numbering the top box 1, the second top 2 and so on, and I've never heard of elections being decided by whose name appears first on the ballot. Donkey voting is the process of not filling in the ballot correctly (eg ticking one box, or just dropping an incompleted ballot into the box) - an informal ballot.
Everyone has to show up to elections, but nobody has to vote - they can just submit a blank ballot paper without actually voting.
And despite our alledged political apathy we like to boast so much about, the number of informal ballots is usually no higher than 5%.
The system of compulsory voting has the virtue of stopping "pressure groups" from having a non-representative amount of influence. Say a pressure group makes 5% of your population, but only 20% of your population votes. If that 5% all show up to vote, suddenly a pressure group representing 5% of your population represents a quarter of your electorate.
Our citizens have high freedoms, politcally and personally. However, soon our current President may become a dictator. But, even if political freedoms go down, the president will most likely keep personal freedom high.
07-11-2003, 16:41
Civil Rights: Excellent
Political Freedoms: Few
A benevolent empire.
It depends on what you mean by freedom... our nation is highly conservative, and even though you are legally alowed to do some things, most people don't. There are a bunch of weird drug laws in Raysia though, like no drinks with over 100mg of caffeine per serving, no alcohol, no tobacco... among other things. Also illegal are crimes like abortion, adultery, homosexual marriage, and forcing someone to work on a sunday.
My people are not as "free" as some other nations, but they consider this a haven from those uber-liberal nations... some people just really can't stand hippies ^_^
Also, since there is no seperation of church and state, and there is only a conservative party, there are never public elections.
07-11-2003, 16:57
My Citizens can do whatever they want with there personal lives, with little, too no Governmental Interference, (Civil Rights: Excessive). But as demonstrated by the Americans with George Bush, people are too stupid to elect there own Leaders. Thusly, I am Executor of the Nation,(UN Category: Benevolent Dictatorship.)
My Citizens may elect the Senate and Judicator Assembly, but in the end I have the final say in all governing affairs. (Political Freedoms: Low)
Plus since my position is an Inherited one, or appointed to one by the previous Executor, it is free of corporate Influence. Thusly, only the trly wise may rule. In fact we even have a civil rights department, with Civil Rights Officers who go out on the street and police the police. How much more freedom could you ask for?
Executor Edmund Dantes
Dominion of Tersanctus
07-11-2003, 17:16
Currently, i'm an inoffensive centralist democracy, but that can change at any time, :twisted: .
In Sketch, the only freedom is the freedom to give up your freedoms. Right before it is forcefully taken from you.
07-11-2003, 17:26
In Sketch, the only freedom is the freedom to give up your freedoms. Right before it is forcefully taken from you.Which freedom? The freedom you gave up or thr freedom to give up freedom?
07-11-2003, 17:53
Caselonia has also removed the burden of 'choice' from its citizens in the political realm. Caselonian citizens are free to do whatever they like in their personal lives, but affronts to the benevolent leadership of the President For Life, 'Che' McGinnis, are dealt with very harshly.
Private firearms ownership is legal, there is no compulsory military service, and no 'morality laws', i.e. regarding homosexuality, adultery, etc. Gambling is legal and drinking and 'adult entertainment' establishments can hold whatever business hours they please. Since the State Religion is Romano-Celtic Paganism there is no need to impose the morality of a certain group upon all the citizens, especially in regards to a certain day.
'Live and let live, and let ALL live in comfort' is one of the underlying ideals of our 'Iron Fist Socialist' regime, although the true spirit of Caselonia is embodied by our national motto: "Social Justice and National Identity!"
07-11-2003, 18:01
Nianacio is supposed to have World Benchmark freedoms, a Frightening economy, and totally unknown crime (and was just one political freedoms level from achieving that goal recently), but the new issues have really messed up my nation.
The Holy Empire of Illiyun is a "Mother Knows Best" state. We encourage many freedoms in the lives of our citizens, but as an imperial nation has few of what most countries choose to view as political freedom. Frankly we've seen what happens in most democracies where nations vote themselves into poverty, or end up voting away all their freedoms to some fringe group that can manipulate the system, and as a Holy nation dedicated to our Goddess and our Empress we choose not to let such a thing ever happen in our land. Only professionals should be in charge of running a nation, not some person that is best at making people LIKE them. So we let our Empress and council of Elder Priestesses run the government since that is their sole job.
The Holy Empire of Illiyun
Thru Her Faith We Are Empowered
Sorry I have to correct you, the fine is $300 with an option of up to 12 months inprisionment. Creating the wonderful Australian system of DonkeyVoting, since a large of Australians claims not to give an damn, they number the page from top-to-mottem 1-6 resulting in which ever party at the top of the ballot winning close elctions.
Oops, left off a zero. But I hear that the fines are relatively easy to waive to a judge with legitimate excuses
Aleph Strata Category Classification:
UN Category: Capitalist Paradise
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Very Strong
Political Freedoms: Very Good
See? You can have the best of all three worlds! You just have to dismiss a lot of issues, and vote with common sense. That's what I do.
UN Category: Anarchy
Civil Rights: Superb
Economy: Very Strong
Political Freedoms: World Benchmark
We describe ourselves as a "Libertarian Welfare State"
We are Democratic Socialists, with quite a bit of personal freedom, though not to extremes. Extremist political groups are illegal, and campaigns are highly regulated. The economy is highly regulated, so that large corporate entities cannot control the state. The economy is still strong, however. The Senate generally attempts to balance the needs of the people vs. that of business.
08-11-2003, 02:37
My civil rights are superb, my political freedoms are very good and my economy is frightening. I have never had to sacrifice personal freedoms for economic strength. Crime is also pretty much non-existant in my nation because of my all pervasive police force and progressive policies in social welfare and education.
Eris Kallisti
08-11-2003, 02:39
Normaly Eris Kallisti is a World Benchmark for civil rights
Janey Ravenhurst, KSC
Press Secretary
The Empire of Eris Kallisti (
People no longer need such rights, for I am God-Incarnate as declared in ancient prophecy of the Hindiislamic Sutras who has come to outline the path to salvation and paradise, "All shall one day worship she who sits on the Iron Throne and she shall rule the earth and lead the world to Paradise, a place where people are happy just by being there.- Hindiislam Fire Prophecy. It is this simple, do as I say and you shall be saved and you shall dwell in paradise.
The Black Empress Helena Cocytus-Black
Seek Freedom and become captive of your desires, Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Black Iron Imperium of Axackal II
OOC: wrong country... :oops:
What are these 'freedoms' you speak of, and why do the lower classes deserve them? Only the Aristocrats, rich, and proffesionals deserve anything. Manual laborers exist for no more reason than to keep the country running.
~Council of Roania
Yurka doesn't give the people the freedom of politics, and political activists are sure to be executed immediately. But we have some cival rights(for now).
Civil Rights: Some Economy: Strong Political Freedoms: Outlawed
08-11-2003, 18:01
See? You can have the best of all three worlds! You just have to dismiss a lot of issues, and vote with common sense. That's what I do.But you have a fair amount of crime. It's possible to have no crime, a good economy, and lots of freedoms, but you have to be very careful. As in dismissing the new issues and some of the old ones.