NationStates Jolt Archive

How far...?

Athel Nora
05-11-2003, 22:48
I don't know if this is the right place to post such a quistion but it didn't seem to fit anywhere.

Seeing as most of the worlds population hates/fears nazis (and rightfully so) I was wondering what would the reaction be to me (or anyone for that matter) saying that his military uses simular uniforms to those used by WW II wehrmacht/waffen SS?
for example:

"Athel Noran troops usually wear multi-coloured uniforms over their standard grey ones."

Would I be spammed to hell and kicked out, or would you say it's alright as long as I don't start propaganding nazi political ideals?
05-11-2003, 23:27
05-11-2003, 23:28
I wouldn't have a problem with it, but there'll always be some idiot who is unable to distinguish between Reality and Fiction, and who will immediately declare you to be Nazi who has posters of Hitler and listens to Nazi Marching Songs.
That individual will then proceed to "liberate" your country.
05-11-2003, 23:43
OOC: As far as I'm concerned, your soldiers can wear whatever you want, and you can say whatever you want. Some people will be pricks and attack without real provocation, but that's life.