New Region
thats right, the nations of the south, the new region. it's for all you southerners and rebels out there. im startin a confederacy. i'd like for many people to join, and if people do, we could become one of the most powerful regions of them all. *quickly discards idea of that from mind* but anyway, please join... unless you're a yankee... you could still join, as long as you dont talk too much. thank yall.
... uh ... whatever you say
im sure someone wants to join... i mean, he's got an ally that has a population of over a billion... thats pretty good insurance if ya ask me.
05-11-2003, 23:44
Credonia would like to supply ur region' air units. Check out our storefront if u want we can set up a permament discount for all nations in ur region. storefront:
wow, thanks, not sure what i did though... much abliged(if thats how you spell it...)! i'll be sure to tell all the nations in my region *goes to region and looks at the air* we get discounts!
05-11-2003, 23:53
why dont we make this deal even sweeter for you, if you agree to ally your region with credonia, we will even give you FREE units, as we do with all our other allies. No strings attached
*moves hands over credonia* hey, you're right... you are stringless! sure i'll ally my region with you, and i can also guarantee a strong ally, he will t-gram you asap. thank you very much.