White Tundra Invasion of Infex
Rank upon rank of Krumhultz infantry marches through Liberty Square, in front of the Imperial Palace. Decked out in their finest grab they go leave tomorrow for the Country of Infex, that pathetic little bug of a nation that insulted their leader, Frostreaver. Now they will pay as 5,000,000 strong board the grave ships, and 10,000 Centurion tanks are loaded into transports. The White Tundrian Air Force, some 5,000 ships strong have already left aboard massive carriers.
Infex, prepare to be eliminated, you have 24 hours to prepare your defenses, then bombing runs will begin.
May I see some evidence as to why this nation is deserving of your nation's foot being implanted in its arse?
Please the Federation of Infex has done nothing to you nation! We beg of your mercy! Our small nation is defenseless. This is only an act of genocide! Why must my people suffer for your irrevrocable evil? The Federation will not defend itself vs. a true act of murder! This goes against the Geneva Convention! You have no damn right!
May I see some evidence as to why this nation is deserving of your nation's foot being implanted in its arse?
well put and i agree totally
OOC: He's this little kid from my school, he's been bothering me about these stupid Missles I'm getting rid of, he wants them but he seems to think they are for free... o well, he's all mine now.
WRONG- please see the White Tudra Trade Pact! They are under grounds for extortion! They are pressuring my small country to purchase their missiles. For that this is merly an act of genocide!
If anyone thinks to make trubble for the obliteration of Infex know that the order of Phoenix supports their allies completely.
OOC: this is a school battle guys you are welcome to join I guess, if you ask White Tundra.
To the nation of Infex:
New Edom is also a small nation. Nevertheless, we offer to send you help!
Do not give in to the oppressor.
Premier Milos Kosigan.
White Tundra, The Republic of Evopia Disagrees what with waht you are doing, these actions are greatly frowned upon in the NS world
if any viloce pursues aginst Infex you will have a massive problem on your hands
Soviet Kratzia shall help Infex against the grasp of the imperialists!
We will assist you any way we can!
Liberty, Equality, and Vodka.
right this battle is between Infex and I. I intend to tech him how to Rp, the rest of you are really not invited. Don't lecture me what is frowned upon inthe NS world, i've been around the block a few times. Like I if you are interested in participating in this RP, Tg me, otherwiose bugger off.
06-11-2003, 19:09
The Galactic Defence Alliance is considering whether or not to aid Infex.
If the overall vote is in favor we will immidiatly begin preperations to nuetralize White Tundra.
In the mean time, DGNT supports Infex and is sending aid.
OOC: You can't privatize a war RP unless both sides agree. Otherwise you'll probably just get ignored for excluding your rival's allies.
DOES NO ONE READ THE FING POSTS??? THIS RP IS ON AN INVITE BASIS ONLY!!!! If you are interested in playing tg me... This is really only a trainning mission, not to big of a deal.
OOC: You can't privatize a war RP unless both sides agree. Otherwise you'll probably just get ignored for excluding your rival's allies.
Oh really thanks I'll tell him to post, thx
OOC: Still, it's good grounds for Infex to ignore you unless he/she agrees. I know I would in that position... Limiting another nation's ability to get allies OOC is cheap, especially when they're smaller than you.
Yeah but then again I'm trying to teah him how to rp... I just don't want this getting to out of control thats all
I'm going to be backing Infex with loaned weapons, tanks, and planes, I've TGed Tundra, and I agree that it shouldn't get out of hand. He won't be getting his ass kicked, not unless he does something incredibly stupid anyways, and I pray Tundra will keep the war a limited one.
my forces thus far... still needs a little work though
Report on White Tundra Military
Air Force Division
Troops en-route to Infex Via Crimson Tide Carriers: ETA: 0600 hours November, 5
First Airborne Recon Division: Total aircraft 158: Total personnel: 2,000
68 Icewrathe fighters
40 Demonwind fighters
42 Shadow bombers (stealth)
Second Airborne Recon Division: Total aircraft 126: Total personnel: 2,123
36 Trident fighters
34 Demonwind fighters
15 Frostdrake bombers
15 Shadow bombers (stealth)
26 Icewrathe fighters
Third Airborne Bombing Division: Total aircraft 564: Total personnel: 10,624
100 Icewrathe fighters
30 King Raptor fighters
146 Demonwind fighters
57 Frostdrake bombers
43 Shadow bombers (stealth)
70 Galactic bombers
54 Orca bombers (first battle test run)
64 Dragonhawk bombers (first battle test run)
Fourth Airborne Fighter Division: Total aircraft 536: Total personnel: 10,595
36 Orca bombers
100 Demonwind fighters
150 Icewrath fighters
100 King Raptor fighters
50 Trident fighters
50 Alpha fighters
50 Beta fighters
Fifth Airborne Reinforcement Division: Total aircraft 1,376: Total Personnel: 22,156
Statistics and numbers are classified.
Sixth Airborne Reinforcement Division: Total aircraft 1,724: Total personnel: 25,165
Statistics and numbers are classified.
Seventh Airborne Transport Division: Total aircraft 516: Total Personnel: 10,123
216 Crypt troop transports (can carry up to 300 men fully equipped or 73 tanks)
264 Ocra carry-all transports (designed to carry very heavy weights, specifically tanks, can carry up to 300 tanks, or a net load of 600,000 tons.
36 Icehopper transports (stealth) (vertical landing and launching, designed to work in cooperation with the Krumholtz, White Tundra’s elite operations unit)
Totals for air force heading to Infex
Total Aircraft: 5,000: Total Personnel: 82,786
<end of text>
Naval Division
Ships en-route to Infex: ETA: 0600 hours November, 5
Location in main battle group: far off each flank and ahead
First Naval Recon Group: Total ships: 35 Total personnel: 4,667
5 WTS Stockwell class radar ships
7 WTS Milestone scout ships
3 WTS Stingray class scout submarines
12 WTS Barracuda class scout ships
5 WTS Abyss class destroyers
Location in main battle group: mid to aft
Second Naval Bombardment Group: Total ships: 79 Total personnel: 70,230
14 WTS Juggarnaught class missile frigates
25 WTS Dreadnaught class battle ships
15 WTS Capitol class battle ships
5 WTS Seawolf class Missile submarines
6 WTS Journey class cruisers
9 WTS Armageddon class destroyers (with black napalm delivery systems)
5 WTS Acuta class attack submarines
Location in main battle group: mid to front
Third Naval Invasion Group: Total Ships: 110 Total personnel: 977,450
27 WTS Nexus Carriers (equipped with 100 crypt troop transports each, a total of 30,000 infantry troops)
53 WTS Crimson Tide Carriers (carrying the White Tundra air power to be delivered against Infex)
10 WTS Light carriers
5 WTS Dreadnaught class battleships
10 WTS Acuta class attack submarines
5 WTS Tearian class escort ships
Location: Flanks
Fourth Naval Attack and Escort Group: Total Ships: 150 ships Total Personnel:
25 WTS Acuta class attack submarines
25 WTS Capitol class battle ships
25 WTS Tearian class escort ships
25 WTS Dreadnaught class battle ships
25 WTS Armageddon class destroyers
25 WTS Galactic class Frigates
There now the forum gods are happy...
Are you going to start a new topic, or continue in this one? It might take me a while to get what I can tranfered over to him, and as I don't have much of a naval fleet *well, not on water anyways* he will require some additional assistance in that respect.