Starship battle one on one.
I wanted join Xantal's but couldn't so I'm asking here. Who wants to have a one on one war game with this thing?
I will, I've got plenty of warships to go around. Post stats so I know what to pit against it.
We'll take it on. The most advanced ship available to us will go.
The Yamota-A battleship
Now an outdated class, the first one was purchased 30 years ago from an then unknown race. Celackian scientist reverse engineered it and created the Celackian space fleet. There are currentl;y nine in the fleet at the moment. The Yamota-B is slowly replacing them.
28 Class-1 AS turrets
24 Class-2 AS turrets
12 Class-3 AS turrets
10 Class-1 Torpedo tubes
Hmm... A Dreadnaught wouldn't be fair here. Would you accept a Super Andromeda? The advantage will be slightly in your favor, but it's as close as I can get.
k. BTW this battleship has 36 Gillia fighters.
8 AMRAAM Missiles
6 Sledgehammer Missiles
3 Multi-Phase Cannons
2 CapShip Torpedoes
2 Photon Cannons
2 Plasmatic Cannons
Crew: 1
Engines: Tiberdyne
Heh...heheheh... My NEUE-ZIEL can kick that thing's ass! I'll get a pic soon, but until then, here are the specifications:
Head height: 76.6 meters / Base weight: 73.6 meters / Full weight: 198.2 tons / Generator output: 403.5 tons / Thruster output: 75,800 kilowatts / Sensor radius: 1,938,000 kilograms / Armament: mega cannon, mega particle cannon x 15, wired claw arm x 2, large missile launcher x 4, small missile launcher x 24
yeah. So? I'm doing this withXan. Notice the Outdated on it?
One more thing. Your a week old. GOD-Fucking-MODD!
damn. it posted twice again.
Your a week old. You cannot have a ship like that.
I know I can't- but my other nation can. Heheheh.
Pssst.. I believe your ship is made out of lego...
Nice... The advantage is definately yours. Well, I love a challenge. My Super Andromeda against your Yamota-A battleship. Agreed?
The Thadsa moves into possition and sets its weapons to war game status.
8 AMRAAM Missiles
AMRAAMs in space? :?
The Xanthalian Super Andromeda class IAS-53 moves into position as well, shields raised and weapons in game mode. It's slipfighters deploy and take defensive positions. It's captain transmits a message to the Thadsa. "Greetings! We're ready when you are."
Super Andromeda class (advanced tactical capability):
Essentially the same as the regular Andromeda class, the Super Andromeda class sacrifices some of the more grandiose facilities of the Andromeda class (crew amenities, sensor pallets, etc.) in favor of more weapons arrays and an increased missile capacity.
Dimensions: 1,600 X 1,050 X 800 meters
-Impulse drive (0.3 SL)
-Quantum Slipstream drive (500,000 SL)
-Transdimensional Gateway emitters
-Complement: 1,500 crew (1,400 super andromeda crew, 100 slipfighter pilots), one AI
-100 slipfighters
-Powerplant: One Dimensional Universe Energy Tapper
-Torpedo/Missile storage:
--10 nova bombs
--Storage for up to 5,000 standard torpedos
-Phased cloaking device
-Ion cannon
-Multiphasic Disrupter banks (total 90):
--Fore: 40
--Aft: 36
--Port: 16
--Starboard: 16
--Dorsal: 45
--Ventral: 16
-Torpedo/Missile tubes (total 200):
--Fore: 60
--Aft: 40
--Port: 30
--Starboard: 30
--Dorsal: 20
--Ventral: 20
--Primary: Type X
--Secondary: Type V
-Armor ratings:
--Body: 3
--Pylons: 2
-Atmospheric flight capable
Total commissioned vessels of this type: 38
Commissioned vessels of this type:
IAS-07, IAS-15, IAS-18, IAS-25, IAS-26, IAS-29, IAS-33, IAS-35, IAS-36, IAS-41, IAS-42, IAS-46, IAS-53, IAS-56, IAS-60, IAS-63, IAS-65, IAS-68, IAS-103, IAS-107, IAS-111, IAS-112, IAS-129, IAS-131, IAS-135, IAS-141, IAS-144, IAS-149, IAS-191, IAS-192, IAS-193, IAS-194, IAS-195, IAS-196, IAS-197, IAS-198, IAS-199, IAS-233.
The captain of the thadsa transmitts a message
"let me launch fighters and then we'll be ready"
When the comm system is off he turns to the weapons officer.
"charge up the main guns. i want to catch them by suprise."
The fuighters start pouring out fot he bottom and lock their "missles" on the slipfighters.
The slipfighters return the favor and get weapons locks on the enemy fighters. Aboard the Super Andromeda, red alert status is declared. On the bridge everthing runs like clockwork. "Sensors show the enemy vessel is powering it's primary weapons."
"Ambitious. We're the ones at a tactical disadvantage here, so we'll need to be clever. The instant you detect them firing, phase the ship. Once their first barrage has passed us, unphase and give 'em all we've got in the fore weapons arrays; ion cannon included."
"Yes Sir."
"Slipfighters, once we start, don't waste time getting picked off in defensive formation, get out there and give the enemy fighters hell."
"You got it."
"Okay, let's do it. With luck we'll get a jump on them, Super Andromedas don't usually fight aggressively, so it should be a surprise to their commander. Right, fire the starting gun!"
The Super Andromeda fires off a torpedo that detonates between the two vessels, signalling the start of the match. The slipfighters immediately race towards the enemy fighters, firing everything they have right off the bat, energy weapons and torpedos.
The gillia fire several missles and turn and head behind the bridge of the Thadsa. The anti-starfighter turrets come alive. 2 celackain fighters however were "destroyed" in the blast.
"Fire main guns and then charge them again launch torpedoes. Get the turbolasers ready to fire."
o.o.c. Phase :?:
The Slipfighters give chase, using their small size and maneuverability to dodge fire. A few lose shields, none are destroyed yet. The Super Andromeda begins moving forward at low velocity.
OOC: As in Phased cloak. Check the ship's specs., it's on there.
o.o.c. oh. If you cloak the blast will still hit. The thadsa will see the impact of it and will fire where it was. All it will do will be confuse the warheads.
i.c. The main guns of the Thadsa fire at the Super Andromada. four torpedo batteries come alive and launch 3 warheads each at the Super Andromada
OOC: No they won't, not unless your guns have some weird property I don't know about. Can you hit stuff that exists in another universe with them?
o.o.c. another universe? WTF?
Phased cloak pushes a ship out of dimensional phase. Only specially calibrated weapons can hit it, and only highly advanced and tuned sensors can see it. Conversely, they're half blind to ships in normal space, and there's only one type of weapon that can hit things in normal phase while they're cloaked (and only Dreadnaught and Super Dreadnaught vessels have it).
oh. I usually assume thatr cloak disguises a vessle but keeps it in the same dimension. but i digress
I.C. The gilla pull 180's and starts firing their lasers at the slipfighters while the turret continue to shoot.
The Assualt shuttle detaches form the bottom of the thadsa and moves to shoot down the slipfighters.
one GDI omag class ship jumpes in to the systam a fare distance from the batal
"to all ships this si the GDI warship librator do you mind if we observ if you do we will leave"
The Super Andromeda phases to avoid the first wave of fire, then unphases and fires all of it's forward facing weapons arrays at the Celack vessel, including it's ion cannon. It's peripheral torpedo arrays begin firing torpedos that home in on the assault shuttle as the slipfighters scatter out of range. Six are "destroyed".
Slipfighters remaining: 94
The gillia follow the slipfighters as well as the assualt shuttle while the turrets try to shoot down the missles.
"shields at 70% and dropping by the second sir"
"return fire"
All the guns aboard the thadsa(except for the turrets) fire a responding volley. The 10 torpedo batteries launch volley after volley of torpedoes.
The Super Andromeda rocks violently. "Shields at ninty percent."
"Modulate the disrupter banks, keep the phases rotating. That should get a few of our shots past the shields while the rest wear them down."
"Aye Sir, rotating modulation."
"Target the energy weapons arrays, we have no way to evade their fire. Slipfighters, cut your active sensors and initiate sensor scrambling. Make it hard for them to hit you while we beat up on them."
"Understood. Slipfighter sensors offline, scramblers engaged. Manual pilot targeting initiated."
"Keep throwing torpedos at that assault shuttle, it's a threat to the fighters. Put them in evasive mode, don't let their turrets get a lock."
"Aye Sir, second salvo away."
The Super Andromeda uses it's GMS to evade most of the incoming torpedos, but takes the impact of a few and almost the full barrage of energy weapons fire. Most of the first torpedo salvo is destroyed, but seven of the projectiles continue on to their target. The second peripheral salvo launches toward the assault shuttle, the projectiles twisting and turning in flight to evade suppression fire. The forward weapons arrays of the Super Andromeda fire modulating Disrupter blasts and powerful torpedos at the Thadsa. The slipfighters deactivate their active sensors and activate scramblers, becoming extremely difficult to target automatically. They wheel around and fall in behind their pursuers, adding their own fire to the first torpedo salvo targeting the assault shuttle.
Slipfighters remaining: 93
The gillia shoot their laser at the slipfighters while the turret switch to manual. The assault shuttle, depsite it's evasive actions gets hit three times and spins around.
"dammit. shields are out and so are laser. guess i'll have to bomb the big one" the pilot noted.
The assualt shuttle turned to face the Super andromada and fired all it's missels at it. The shuttle then got hit and was "destroyed"
"sir the assualt shuttle has been destroyed"
"Fine. Keep firing our main guns at the SA. I want it dead. If our shields go out play the trump card."
"Shields at seventy percent."
"Keep our torpedos after the fighters, forward weapons arrays on the Thadsa. Helm, increase speed; I want to pass the Thadsa and give her the full brunt of our Fore, Ventral, and Aft Disrupters."
"Aye Sir, increasing speed to maximum."
"Slipfighters, keep firing at the enemy fighters. Dodge and weave, it's hard to hit a moving target manually."
"Slipfighters are firing on the enemy, evasive maneuvers engaged."
The slipfighters begin taking evasive maneuvers as they continue their assault on the enemy fighters. The Super Andromeda continues firing it's peripheral torpedo arrays targeting the fighters as it continues to focus it's forward weapons arrays on the Thadsa. The Super Andromeda accellerates to 0.3 SL, it's maximum sublight velocity, heading towards the Thadsa.
Good after i applied the lotion.
Good after i applied the lotion.OOC: Say what?
Good after i applied the lotion.OOC: Say what? :oops: I usually have 2 browser windows open and i posted the wrong response in thsi one. That comment was meant for the General forum.
OOC: Oh. I thought that was a strange thing to say here... Especially without any context.
"Sir shields are at 67% and dropping."
"Boost power form the hyperspace engines to them."
"The SA is manuvering to get it a position where they can strike with most of their weapons"
"Preform manuver Alpha 37-b. Also shuttlebay launch the ace when shield have dropped to 50% or when the manuver Alpha-37-b is done."
The Thadsa starts to roll.
"They're rolling Sir."
"No matter, preform the maneuver as planned. Divert power to the shields as we go by, we'll be easy to hit then."
"Aye Sir."
The Super Andromeda fires it's forward, ventral, and aft weaponry in succession as it passes the Thadsa, diverting power to it's shields to protect it from the counterfire sure to follow.
Slipfighters remaining: 90
"sir shields are at 70%"
The Thadsa, still rolling, fired all it's guns at the SA while using it's retor rockets to psuh itself back several hundred metres.
"sir shields are at 70%"
The Thadsa, still rolling, fired all it's guns at the SA while using it's retor rockets to push itself back several hundred metres.
The Super Andromeda makes a perfect target, and it's shields are no substitute for those of a true warship. The aggressive attack obliterates the aft and ventral defense shields and opens (simulated) hull breaches in various points on the aft section. Power to the weapons fails as the ship comes to a dead stop. The captain hails the Thadsa a moment later.
"We're sitting ducks now, the battle is yours Thadsa. Congratulations on your victory. We're recalling our slipfighters and analyzing battle data now. Would you care to come aboard for dinner between friendly rivals?"
"of course. I'll be taking my personal frigate to rendevous with you."
"Excellent, I'll get things ready. Come aboard in one hour. IAS-53 out."
"i'll be there."
The comm was turned off.
"I don't trust them. Kept weapons ready until we dock. If I am taken down you are in command. Shuttle bay prepare the ace"
An hour passes and the Xanthalian shuttle bay doors open to admit the commander's shuttle.
OOC: Awfully suspicious of you to distrust us considering it was only a wargame...
o.o.c it's his nature.
ic. The frigate slowly enters the shuttle bay and lands on the deck.
The shuttlebay doors close behind him and the Xanthalian captain, a short male Xanthalian, makes his way to the hatch to greet the visitor.
"sir it is a pleasure to meet you. very good showing out there."
"And the same to you! Good thing we weren't really fighting or we would be screwed. Come with me, I've had a veritable feast laid out for us. I can't wait to speak to you about it."
He starts off across the shuttlebay and gets into a turbolift.