An enriching time. (Crime RP)
OOC: okay folks this is a crime RP, thus, no invasions or the like. I will be controlling a group of people known as the Dark Clar, they are a crime syndicate running everything from extortion rackets to drug running, most notably the new drug Soma. All weapons used will be from this site:
I am going to be a moderator for this, deciding what happens, and what does not. Please, keep magic and psycic stuff to a minimum. If you are godmodding I will tell you, again, as far as this RP is concerned I am God.
Now Please post character descriptions, sex, age, race and the like, not to mention specialties, and favorite weapon, and the weapon he is using. This is modern day with a good amount of Future tech. Please modern weapons only. This will take place all over the world, and by joining this RP you allow me to use your nation as a stage, a place where my RP may unfold.
Ohh, about character descriptions, please tell me occupation, if this guy is a normal person, a gangster, or even a cop.
Maniacan Good-guy Claw Starling was bored out of his wits. He took a trip from his home on the outskirts of Kalosampton to Thelas where he heard a crime ring was gaining influence. He fingered his sword, knowing it would likely be useless on this trip. He knew it would be difficult for a seventeen year-old to legally buy a firearm when he pondered this journey, but he picked up a rather tiny gun from his friends at the forefront of Maniaca.
Claw Starling
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Race: Human(Caucasian)
Specialties: Energetic, Stealthy, Unafraid
Occupation: Adventurer, Student, Do-Gooder
Hair: Black
Pet: Iguana
Weapon: Maniacan Police Trainer--9mm, Can encapsule the handle+trigger guard in one hand. A barrel of normal size, however.
Other Weapons: Emerald Sword. Real sharp, for when you don't want to make a really loud noise and alert a mob
He didn't know if he could hook up with the police to bring down this ring, or if he would have to be a renegade. He had some very good stuff on his resume, but he knew many police forces didn't want a kid to look after....
OOC: I am assuming that he came to Thelas by plane.
IC: The large airplane started to come down for a landing, this gave Claw a good view of the capitol. The massive buildings were made of a blue-white crystal, that glowed even in the daylight. But he could also see that there was an area on the outskirts of the city that was composed of run down shacks and the like. Then the plane landed, “Welcome to Thelas, the flight crew hopes you enjoy your stay.”
OOC:Good assumption.
IC: He pondered those shacks. He thought: "Of course, that's where they're hideout is. Unless that's what they want me to think." His first stop was the police station. He talked to the attendant, and tried to make an appointment with the cheif of police. Right now, the attendant had to make a phone call. He sat down. The wall blinded him. If he had a mirror, his pupils would probably microscopic. "What do they make these buildings out of, this is insane." The attendant finally hung up, and he started to discuss times he could talk to the cheif.
The attendant looked at him, "So kid, what do you want with the cheif, we have been having some mnor crime issues and he is quite bussy right now."
01-11-2003, 20:12
OOC: I already control the Soma market!!! Umh... I mean, the Maso market. :P.
But I won't nitpick here, good luck with your RP. I unfortunately don't have enough time to join in.
"I need to speak with the cheif about the Dark Clar ring. I feel I can be of assisstance in bringing them down. I can wait as long as you need me too." He doubted this statement, rubbing his eyes. The sunglasses he put on didn't help much, neither did closing his eyes. He actually would probably like that slummy place on the outskirts of this city much better.
Free Pacific States
04-11-2003, 23:47
OOC: Um, your website don't work, the one with the guns. And by real kill, i mean assasination. If he shoots a cop while escaping, he doesn't count it.
The man put his eye up to the scope...waited...then fired. The man fell down, dead. That was his 21st real kill...maybe he'd get a bonus from someone. If only he worked full time for someone. He immediatly ran from the building, jumped into a car, and sped off. In the back of the car was his payment, a fake ID, and a passport. An hour later, he was out of the nation, watching as the President of Free Pacific States adressed his nation about the recent death of National Police Agency Director Core Nurben. The man laughed. Then he nearly dropped his coke in horror. They had a full description of him..a picture even. FUCK. He wasn't gonna be able to go back there again. So he cought a ride to the nearest friendly place he knew of...Thelas. As he got off the plane, he realized he was going to need a new boss...he wasn't going back to Free Pacific States anytime soon. As he got off the plane, a man was waiting there. They looked at each other. He simply said "Aaron". The other man looked at him and said "The Jackal, a pleasure, I'll be giving you a ride" before they both left.
The Jackal (real name unkown)
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Race: Human (Caucasian)
Height: 5'10
Specialties: Stealth, assasination, not being cought.
Occupation: No questions asked Hitman
Hair: Brown
Weapon: Whatever he needs on a certain mission. However, he normally keeps a Desert Eagle (if thats one of the guns he can use...I really don't know, as I said, site isn't working) on him at all times.
Free Pacific States
11-11-2003, 20:16
OOC: Anyone out there? Posted this over a week ago, no responses still!
sorry, life called, I will get you a post in a couple of hours.