Hippie Tolneps to host first NationStates LaserQuest Cup
Come one come all to Hippie Tolneps! We have donated most of our starting national budget to purchase huge advanced LaserQuest facilities. We have grown somewhat bored shooting each other over and over again so we now invite the entire world to take part! Be warned only 25000 people can be in our facilities at one time; for the Tournament you should send a team maximum of ten.
Hippie Tolneps has seven of their best hippie tolneps on a team. Color = red blue and purple.
bump... it's pretty boring playing LaserQuest with ourselves now. Come here if you can handle it! 8)
01-11-2003, 03:09
Thunderstraat sends ten genetically modified giants with snake-fast reflexes. Your puny Tolneps will flee in terror! :twisted:
Its wonderful to see internation competetions of more obscure games! Buri's team colors will be blue, white, and yellow, and our team will consist of;
Lucius Taguf: While he doesnt like to use guns, his skills as a royal guard should be perfect for the game.
Zagoth: He's the best marksman I've ever seen, though I had to do a bit of proding to get him to join the team...
Prince Buri: Im not that great physically, but it sounds like fun, and with Lucius and Zagoth to protect me, I should do ok.
Jager Strodoff: The captain of the royal guard, even though we've sworn off violence, the royal guard still trains to peek condition. His skill is about equal to Lucius.
The Resi Corporation
01-11-2003, 04:00
Our colors will be chrome, blue, and royal blue. We have created six of our robotic troops exclusivly for such a sport, headed by a single human.
Miles Gandan - Commander of the robots, adds a human heart and mind to the cold battle tactics of the robots. He excels in defense and fluid battle strategy.
Unit LT00 - The muscle of the team, "Zero" (as Miles calls him) has extremely high agility and firing rate, but he seems to lack in the precision department. He often acts as bait for his opponents.
Unit LT01 - The team's sniper, "One" isn't as mobile as his counterparts, but he can move completely silently and can fire with incredible accuracy. It is rumored that he employs adaptive camophlauge, but the press release neglected to confirm or deny this.
Unit LT02 - "Two" likes to hide and ambush his foes. He has incredibly low precision and firing rate, but high speed and agility, with silent movement. It seems that he derives satisfaction from shooting his opponents at point blank range. He too is rumored to have adaptive camophlauge.
Unit LT03 - A massive fire rate, extremely high precision, and low mobility make "Three" the perfect defensive unit. He and Miles work jointly in many defensive manuvers.
Unit LT04 - A good all-around robot, "Four" has no strengths or weaknesses. His versatility is key in Miles' plans.
Unit LT05 - A tactical unit, "Five" has various items of strategical importance within his body. While a slightly less capible soldier than Four, Five has adaptive camophlauge (confirmed by the press), tasers in his hands, non-toxic riot control gas generators, flash generators, and the ability to excreet a slick substance.
The Empire of Ziggurath will be sending a single entree, along with an alternate. Our colors are Red, and black.
Milliardo: The leader of Ziggurath, his combat skills are quite good, he dislikes participating in such events, but has decided to make an exception.
The Alternate: In the event Milliardo is hurt, or unable to play, another player will replace him. He wishs to withhold his name at this time.
Maniaca will send a team of nine, their colors are black and blue.
Flick Grelly-A paintball extrordinaire, you're never safe if he's got a gun in his hand. A guy who always seems to pop out of the air with his firearm to the back of your head. When he doesn't succeed in this, he makes his opponents extremely paranoid.
Lou Reginald-Horribly meticulous, he always seems to shoot you from where you can't see him. It seems the only time you see him is during his victory celebration
Mav Splitrack-Unlike Lou, you can always see him, which just makes it more frustrating when you miss terribly every time you take a shot, while he's circling you, and pumping you full of figurative lead. If you didn't
catch on, he's really fast.
Knob Corlinson-Spends lots of time behind obstacles, a great giver of support fire, yet still can fire relentlessly into you, while continuing to move forward, effectively backing you into a wall with no room to fire. Tends to be nowhere to be found until you really need him.
Schwartz Melvel-Very brash, it usually turns out for the better. Charging headlong into a group of bad guys, seemingly vulnerably, usually ends up scoring several hits, usually takes fewer hits than he dishes in that rush, probably because he usually has cover fire from Knob or Mav from above, or Flick from behind some kind of box. Also makes you paranoid, because you never no when he'll run around a corner, put his gun up to you and squeeze so hard you can hear his his gun strain.
Q Horlack-A great mover, and a great observer. He can get more hits on you than you do on him when you're chasing after him. Can also look at you and see what the situation is with your team, and then where he should go or what he should do to help out. Impossible to corner, he's never "taken care of" by the other team.
Morris Twayback-A skilled marksman, and great at finding the best spot to shoot. Not exceptional at moving, but with the skills he has, he doesn't need to be.
Mickey Vammetile-A good all around force, with one skill being ability to dive behind obstacles and slip into hideaways. Yet another master of the art of inducing paranoia, because you get to wondering, "Is that pole just a pole, or is Mickey Mouse behind it?"
Wendell Seabuck-Can do anything. An incredible asset, while he has no skills that stick out, he can snipe, muscle, hide, stealth, and shoot just as well as many of the players around the world. Also is great at doing homework, studying film and reading profiles.