The Great Palace of Jihamed rebuilt!
In newspapers across the world:
A great celebration was thrown in Scythirus' capital city, Jihamed, today after half of it was blown away by a suicide bomber in the war months earlier. Emperor Krildahd Voramix, standing on a high balcony above gathered citizens around the Palace, gave an uplifting speech.
"The rebuilt Palace is a sign from our God," the Emperor had stated, "a sign that states that Scythirus will not be put down by the oppressive West and stand proud for ages to come. Scythirus' courageous cause will continue on until all see how great we are! The war was long and difficult, but we triumphed and beat all odds, fighting away the invasion forces of the West. My two younger daughters died, but their memories live on... martyrs against the West. They shall always be remembered.
"Long live Scythirus! Long live Jihamed!"
"And long live our Emperor," answered the crowd as they cheered him. Finished with the speech, the Emperor retreated into his palace quarters. Citizens then danced through the streets and partied without worry.
Scythirus in the past has been accused of many things; illegal nuclear arms programs, spy satellites, and suicide bombers snuck into other countries as spies. Still the nation stands as proud as ever, unmarred by such allegations. The people are seen to love their country and their Emperor.
Catholic Europe
30-10-2003, 08:13
Catholic Europe, athough nt on good terms with the Scythiruns, would like to congratulat Scythirus on rebuilding its capital. It has finally achieved something worthwhile!
Pope Alexander IX
In newspapers across the world:
A great celebration was thrown in Scythirus' capital city, Jihamed, today after half of it was blown away by a suicide bomber in the war months earlier. Emperor Krildahd Voramix, standing on a high balcony above gathered citizens around the Palace, gave an uplifting speech.
"The rebuilt Palace is a sign from our God," the Emperor had stated, "a sign that states that Scythirus will not be put down by the oppressive West and stand proud for ages to come. Scythirus' courageous cause will continue on until all see how great we are! The war was long and difficult, but we triumphed and beat all odds, fighting away the invasion forces of the West. My two younger daughters died, but their memories live on... martyrs against the West. They shall always be remembered.
"Long live Scythirus! Long live Jihamed!"
"And long live our Emperor," answered the crowd as they cheered him. Finished with the speech, the Emperor retreated into his palace quarters. Citizens then danced through the streets and partied without worry.
Scythirus in the past has been accused of many things; illegal nuclear arms programs, spy satellites, and suicide bombers snuck into other countries as spies. Still the nation stands as proud as ever, unmarred by such allegations. The people are seen to love their country and their Emperor.
"I am simply appalled at the rebuilding of the Imperial Palace of Scythirus.
At a time when many citizens of the country starve while others are ruthlessly persecuted for little apparent reason, the building of a palace which celebrates the reign of a monstrous tyrant like Krildahd Voramix with no negative signs from Scythirus' neighbours is a shocking sign of the fact that that the majority of states in the Middle East have abandoned the Scythirian (?) people. My government shall endeavour at whatever cost to deliver the people of Scythirus from the hands of their monstrous leader and to bring about democratic change therein. I therefore call upon other nations of the Middle East to stand by the Scythirian (again ?) people this hour and to support the cause of freedom."
Erik Eigod
Prime Minister of the Incorporated States of Danish Scandinavia
and Representative of its majestic sovereign Queen Margaret II.
Rebuttals from Emperor Krildahd Voramix were harsh against Danish Scandinavia. Another gathering was thrown before the Great Palace as the Danish Scandinavian flag was burned and trampled by Scythirians. People spat upon pictures of the Queen Margarette II and the Prime Minister Erik Eigod. Once again the Emperor spoke to his people from his balcony.
"The Western-minded nation of Danish Scandinavia does not mean to bring you peace," he preached. "But only oppress you into agreeing with their sinful way of life! Danish Scandinavia, your democracy is not the way of the Middle East. It is not the way of Persia. It is not the way of Scythirus!! Your democracy brings upon corrupted, oppressive leaders like George W. Bush. Leaders who promote the sinful teachings of Christianity. You mean to corrupt our people and condemn them to Hell! They will not answer to you!"
However, several people in poor neighborhoods had a different tune to sing, agreeing with the Prime Minister of Danish Scandinavia.
"He is an evil, oppressive tyrant, descended from a line of many Emperors like him," one said. "It is indeed time for a change. I know three families who have had loved ones killed by the Emperor."
Still, statues and paintings of Krildahd Voramix stand proud throughout the country, majestic in their well kept splendor. When asked, small children call the Emperor the greatest man to ever live and the West "evil villains."
One mother said, "The West came and attacked our homeland. My husband died in that war. How could their democracy be any better than Krildahd?"
Catholic Europe
31-10-2003, 18:45
Danish Scandinavia, my comment was not one of appraisal for Scythirus and it's regime but one of mock... :lol:
Rebuttals from Emperor Krildahd Voramix were harsh against Danish Scandinavia. Another gathering was thrown before the Great Palace as the Danish Scandinavian flag was burned and trampled by Scythirians. People spat upon pictures of the Queen Margarette II and the Prime Minister Erik Eigod. Once again the Emperor spoke to his people from his balcony.
"The Western-minded nation of Danish Scandinavia does not mean to bring you peace," he preached. "But only oppress you into agreeing with their sinful way of life! Danish Scandinavia, your democracy is not the way of the Middle East. It is not the way of Persia. It is not the way of Scythirus!! Your democracy brings upon corrupted, oppressive leaders like George W. Bush. Leaders who promote the sinful teachings of Christianity. You mean to corrupt our people and condemn them to Hell! They will not answer to you!"
However, several people in poor neighborhoods had a different tune to sing, agreeing with the Prime Minister of Danish Scandinavia.
"He is an evil, oppressive tyrant, descended from a line of many Emperors like him," one said. "It is indeed time for a change. I know three families who have had loved ones killed by the Emperor."
Still, statues and paintings of Krildahd Voramix stand proud throughout the country, majestic in their well kept splendor. When asked, small children call the Emperor the greatest man to ever live and the West "evil villains."
One mother said, "The West came and attacked our homeland. My husband died in that war. How could their democracy be any better than Krildahd?"
"The statement made by the Emperor of Scythirus only goes to show the pure spin and lies upon which the regime survive." said Foreign Secretary Thorgils Thorsteinsson in an address to the Danish Parliamentary Commitee for Foreign Affairs. "I think the Prime Minister should be supported for his stance and that the Western World should unite behind the cause of Liberty in order to bring about the deliverance of the poor and repressed peoples of that country."
Polls show that a good 68% of Danes support the statement of the Prime Minister however a good 76% of students oppose any plans for war with Scythirus.
A terrible response fills Scythirus as citizens violently defame more images of Danish Scandinavia's leaders. Shouts of bringing down the "oppressive Western Imperialist tyrants" fill the crowd as they march through the streets unharassed. Scythirian officials pass around pamphlets detailing the loss of Scythirian lives during their last clash with the Western world, only spurring the hate for Danish Scandinavia even more.
Signs stating "democracy is evil" and images of Erik Eigod and Queen Margaret II depicted as devils dot the crowd. The hate for the West was brewed strong in Scythirus and support of Krildahd's regime was spread throughout the entire nation.