Alliance of Soviet communists, RECRUITING
It is time that the believers of a strong state communist govt banded together against the stygmatism attached to the word "communism". As we all know the only way to the utopia is by setting up a very strong proletariat dictatorship, headed by a powerful central commitee, leading the various "republic" style Soviets. The commitee is democratically centralized to ensure the best course of action is followed by the state. Any nations wishing to join the alliance, submit your application here.
Long live the second COMINTERN
Scary, someone needs to organize the Free countries to deal with the communist threat, if there is one. Time to key up the propaganda to the people.
Herx, Chairmen of Zerni Corp
There is little that can stop the red tide when it commences. Organising a second Soiviet union is the way forward, when the structure of the multi state govt is in place it will be very hard to crush indeed. We will suceed where our predecesors failed. We wont betray the union.
Erm, how many ComIntern regions are there?
A point to raise, certainly, but how many of them have been successful? what is needed here is a strong commitee with reps from each Soviet, bringing there ideas, which are then synthesised by the central commitee who then decide on a good course of action which must then be followed to the letter, no questions. this is the only democrecy that will ever work, a democraticaly centralised govt. All that is needed is a small(to start with) number of fresh and lively nations that wish to make a difference and are no too up themselves to relinquish some sovereignty to the common good. Also Anyone who wishes at this time will be a member of the central commitee until more nations arrive to allow appointments to be made. Any nation wishing to be on the central commitee make it known soon.
Sharldonia despises Communism, because we are Democratic by nature, and we doubt any sort of "Red Tide" will ever occur, let alone succeed.
I always find there's something, well, dirty about democrats. Say u give the people freedom and equal rights, when all your doing is confusing them and decieving them with red tape. Equal? nyet. Your kind always leave the poorer people to starve, pretend they dont exist. you encourage capitalism which in turn encourages a complete abuse of the proletariat and their skills, jus to line the pockets of a fem fat pig-dogs. We despise your kind, and condemn you to fade away.
Condemn us all you want, it gives you no true power over us, in sharldonia we care for our people, and at least we don't have the "Secret Police" who make people vanish in the dark of night just for their political opinion, and we don't conduct "Purges" of our Armed Forces either, anc Capitalism is a good thing, our people must work for all they have, and this makes them stronger, we despise Communism.
purges? that is a stygmatism against communism that stalin caused. stalin was warped and paranoid. He gave us all a bad name. we renounce Stalin, as one of the traitors of the cause. Secret police? only deal with people who are causing damage to others in society, like your police force but more efficent and not openly racist and corrupt. Besides we no longer make them disappear, we enlighten them to the errors of their way, until they become a good communist and are returned to society. As for capitalism making people stonger, who poured that one into your ear? if you consider living on the streets because some greedy fat capitalist exploited you for all your worth, or even a fellow colleague back stabbed you for the "healthy competition" then indeed, the people are stronger.
I would tend to disagree with this way of life and say true strength lies in the soul of our valient people. waging a revolution against inequality, thats strength, fighting to bring the nation up to optimum power for the good of all, thats strength. What you call strength all call lazy, complacent bourgousieism at the expense of the true people.
Maineface will fully support a second Sovient Union, especially in the removal of capitalism from the world. Social equality is the way forward. The citizens of maineface will fully support any politicla action that is taken
Many thanks, however others must come forward to bear this burden with us, we cannot build a powerful organisation on our our own. I implore any aocially minded communist states to come forth and band together for the common good, as is the true communist way
The People's Republic of Kyiv will gladly join in this attempt to redefine the world order! As representatives elected by the people to rule for the good of the people, we commit ourselves entirely to this cause!
OT: Just so you all know (and to make sure you don't mind) this IS a puppet nation. This looked like an interesting RP opportunity, but, alas, my main nation is strongly capitalist. It isn't "Capitalizt" anymore, but it was for a while...
Just as long as you are not asleeper agent sent by the pig-dogs(and we hav ways of finding out), your help is gladly recieved, when a few more states join, we will contact you with regards to the organisation of the commitee and the duties entailed. In the meantime it is your priority to establish a stong local Soviet to govern your nation.
Many thanks comrade
No... I keep my main nation and occasional puppets (which are all, save one, purely for RP reasons) completely seperate. If one of my puppets is involved in an RP, my main nation stays uninvolved
(Dra-pol's interest is registered once again)
To the capitalists, our Director usually highlights the situation in Dra-pol, where invading capitalists have taken the Hamhung and Hungnam district, and re-named it Quinntonian Dra-pol. Since then we have noticed a disturbing degradation in the lives of the people there. Those living in the PRD are ranked by the UN as "less stupid" than those in QD, by some fifty thousand places in world terms. Likewise they are longer lived, more healthy, and so forth. That the human spirit, proven so strong, especially in defence of the republic, is so quickly crushed by capitalism and religion is a terrible thing.
-Secretary Hotan.
03-11-2003, 09:45
Sharldonia despises Communism, because we are Democratic by nature, and we doubt any sort of "Red Tide" will ever occur, let alone succeed.
We note, with some amusement, the less than enviable state of your Civil Rights.
Not to mention how your people are some of the unhealthiest in the world, thanks to (in all probability, as we have more pressing concerns than investigating your backwater in depth) privatized healthcare.
~Speaker Myrios, First Among Equals
The Commonwealth of Anhierarch