NationStates Jolt Archive


28-10-2003, 18:02
Ok, this is my idea.

We open a new forum and al the countries start off with, lets say 50billion dollars. All the countries that acknowledge their presence will be recorded down by one person and will have their countries name and money saved by the person who will be keeping all the records.

Each time someone buys something from a different country, the buyer has to tell the recorder and the recorder will subtract that much money from the buyers money record. And the recorder will add the money to the sellers record. And also, the recorder should keep all the list of weapons bought by the country. So when war is declared the recorder then pastes the countries military status in the forums and the war is fought out stratigically using all the weapons that the countries bought. Also, if a country wants to make their own weapons, it shall cost them 10billion dollars to make the discovery. And the discovery has to be realisistic.

please give me feedback on this idea.
28-10-2003, 18:05
'NationStates and Dragons' eh?

Sounds like WAY too much work.
28-10-2003, 18:07
You've got a good idea there. But it is too much work. No one will go through all of that.
28-10-2003, 18:08
well... their is going to be a lot of work involved but once we get all the records and the budget set for all nations it shouldn't be much work. Just a little bit time consuming. All the records can be kept in Microsoft Works spreadsheet to make it extra simple. The "recorder" will just have to keep up to date everyday.
Sigma Octavus
28-10-2003, 18:08
Yes, way to complicated. And many nations will put more money than that into a war effort.
28-10-2003, 18:09
sounds like an OK idea, but you havent said anything of how countries can actually make cash......
28-10-2003, 18:11
this was an example but the budget and everything else can be changed afterwards to make it better. And if it too much work for some people i can make the records and all, and i'll send it to someone who will be able to visit the forums daily.
28-10-2003, 18:13
this is just a strating idea. The income of cash will be figured out soon if people like the sound of this idea. This is just nothing we can make income of cash and everything else later. I just need approval of everyone on this idea.
28-10-2003, 18:14
1 example of cash is by selling stuff to other countries. And also we will make little trades like lumber trade or something to make cash.
28-10-2003, 21:30
28-10-2003, 21:34
Perhaps if it was a website that people just login and sign up and the website keeps track of the transactions and such it would be worth while but depending on a person to keep track i think opens up all sorts of problems, not to mention who would want to keep track of 10,000 countries.

But not a bad idea it it can be worked out and if you threw the gdp calculator into it that i think would make it more realistic.
28-10-2003, 21:40
the records can be kept using programs like MS works spreadsheet or other spreadsheet programs.

Name Weaponary WMD's
[Name of Nation] 56- F-16's 1000- Chemical bombs
68- Mig-29's 4- Nukes
114- Harriers 23- Hydrogen Bombs
10 000- T-90 Tanks
9 000- M1 Abrams
2- Aircraft Carriers
280 000- Troops

To calculate the cash coming in: If income tax 35%
Population 7million
Then income= 35% of 7 million

The attacking nation telegrams the "recorder" and the recorder makes a new thread.

Subject: Daily News---Nation 1 vs. Nation 2

Message: Nation 1 air strikes major Nation 2 cities with B-2 bombers. 2 Billion dollars of damage inflicted. 12 B-2 bombers shot down by intercepting F-16's.

------Using this system we will get a very accurate war system-------
28-10-2003, 21:44
and I do not accept 1 person to do all this. We can divide up the jobs. One person can be the war recorder, another can be the financial recorder.
Or we can even seperate countries so that countries:

A-F: first recorder
F-L: second recorder
L-R: third recorder
and so on...
28-10-2003, 21:49
*bump again*
28-10-2003, 21:53
anymore feedback???
28-10-2003, 22:00
can we make this thread sticky??? because i want everyone to see it and this seems to disappear pretty fast
28-10-2003, 23:08
28-10-2003, 23:08
Personally i think Kriseva's idea of a largely automated website (using some unholy mess of XML, php and sql or something) would likely be the only really feasible way of doing this but then that would really be a whole other game.

A GM style system might work for fairly small scale stuff but for NS at large it would be unworkable (and human nature would throw too many spanners in the works in my view).

A fine and noble idea in cocnept but to be honest more trouble than it's worth for more than a limited amount of well minded players.

We already have some degree of budgetary indication using pipians GDP calculator and to be honest when nations get to large sizes (say 600mil or more) with decent economies, funds are naturally going to become rather stagering and most purchases (unless ridiculous in level, like buying an OICW for all of your 10million troops etc) are of little consequence.

Many of us try to regulate ourselves and make use of tools suchs pipian's GDP and The Newer England's military calc system. To be honest i preffer this way it allows more in the way of creativity and allows things to be strict if you so desire (ie try RPing with the Attican empire with anything vaguely loose...).
29-10-2003, 00:45
well, thats true but this is the only way i could figure out to go to war and fight a battle with all the weaponary that you have purchased. I mean the other stuff might help you buy stuff but this is the only organised way that all countries could go to war on the same scale.
East Islandia
29-10-2003, 19:27
i think this is a really good idea, but its really hard to pull off. Also, one's money is constantly being refreshed and replenished, so it will be hard to keep track of everything.
29-10-2003, 20:04
ok guyz, I will launch a beta testing. We will try to play by these rules for atleast 1 week. I will be the "recorder" but please do not expect me to be on daily because this is BETA testing, not the real thing. Also, since i will be the only "recorder", we will try this out with only 10 nations. All the nations that want to enter this Beta test, leave your name below. Remeber only 10 countries will be in this testing.
29-10-2003, 20:14
Yeah, I'l give it a shot-it sounds like a great idea-but hard work.
29-10-2003, 20:17
k, 9 more to go.

nations in Beta testing

1. The Empire of Pablicosta
29-10-2003, 20:35
29-10-2003, 20:49
*bump again*
29-10-2003, 20:53
C'mon, give this guys idea a chance!
29-10-2003, 21:32
30-10-2003, 00:40
if this is all i get, then i guess no BETA :cry: