Anaxan Crisis Talks Begin!
Stuff and Shinies
27-10-2003, 19:13
As Anaxa is wracked by civil war, new crisis talks are arranged to try and save this once peaceful nation. Delegates are invited from around the region to offer their insight and advice and prevent an all-out military offensive.
The talks are to take place at a top-secret neutral venue provided by The People's Republic of Stuff and Shinies (to prevent any inappropriate action by any of the participants) and will focus on finding a diplomatic solution to the problem.
The stage is set and now only awaits the players...
<Tag> Check your telegrams
Stuff and Shinies
28-10-2003, 18:28
OOC: I have but I must have a bug coz some of them are taking ages to appear. Ho hum! :-)
STUFF AND SHINIES: The co-ordinates you were given lead you to a small, remote airstrip somewhere in northern Stuff and Shinies. The place is a hive of apparantly military activity with small fighter-jets circling overhead and a multitude of various land-based military vehicle dotted around the airstrip. Your plane is guided in and almost instantly attached to a small towing vehicle which pulls it into a large hangar at the end of the runway.
Once inside a flight of steps is put to the door and several ranks of armed guards take up position on either side of the aircraft. A long, black limousine pulls up near the foot of the steps and everything waits silently for your ambassador to disembark...
FYRN: There is a slight pause, and then a group of five tall, well built men in black suits with glasses and ear pieces move out. In their centre appears to be another, much smaller figure in a black coat and gloves, and an enourmous brimmed black hat. The head is bent forwards so that none of the features can be seen. The entourage progresses slowly and carefully down to the limousine and embarks.
Settling back into the comfortable seats, the smaller figure seems to relax a little. The bodyguards, on the other hand, show no such release of tension. One leans over and whispers in the ambassador's ear:
'You had better be sure about this, my friend, or we may all live to regret it.'
'I am perfectly sure, Hadrian.' This voice was even softer, and held a hint of amusement. 'I have been waiting for this moment for some time. It could mean the start of great things.'
'For them or for us?' mutters Hadrian, settling back in his seat. The rest of the journey is comleted in silence.
STUFF AND SHINIES: The limousine cruises rapidly across Stuff and Shinies, scenery whizzing past, until it pulls-up at what looks like a small, pleasure-boat dock. The occupant and his entourage are whisked out of the car and onto a waiting powerboat whose crew look well-trained and capable. He is escorted below and the entire delegation is provided with refreshments.
The boat is large and plush and has every mod-con you could hope for. A small, wiry man pops by briefly to explain that they will be leaving immediately and the delegation should feel free to make itself comfortable. They are due to arrive at the venue in approx 4 hours. He then dissapears upstairs and the group are left alone. There is a small inter-com on the table to order anything that may be required, but other than that they are pretty much left to their own devices.
FYRN: As the powerful motor propels the boat through the night seas, the occupants sit in the plush surroundings and look at their drinks. Only the slight figure in the hat takes anything more than a token sip. Hadrian leans across and grabs the figure's wrist.
"Don't be a fool! You don't know what they might have done to it!"
The figure calmly removes Hadrian's large hand, and takes another long pull at the glass, then places it on a small side table.
"The Empress will not harm any of us until she had heard what we have to say." The voice is still kept to a whisper, but it has a distinctly exasperated overtone. "And you are the fool, Hadrian, if you do not think that every word we have said has not been noted."
Hadrian snorts, but reluctantly takes another sip of whisky. At the same time, his bright blue eyes dart around the luxurious exterior of the cabin suspiciously.
"If that is the case, you might as well announce right now why we're here and have done with it. That way we can turn around and go home now, and the Empress will get your message."
"And so will all her subjects, and half of ours." The voice was now definately acidic. "With anything less important an ordinary message might have sufficed, but with this? I am well aware of the dangers involved in this course of action, but I consider them to be worth the risk."
"I wish you would let me be the judge of that." mutters Hadrian into his glass. "I don't like being kept in the dark."
The figure makes no answer to that, but settles back in the plush arm chair and appears to relax into sleep. The rest of the bodyquards remain alert, but respectfully maintain silence so as not to disturb the gently snoring ambassador.
Stuff and Shinies
29-10-2003, 12:51
The night darkens outside the windows of the apartment, stars winking overhead and reflecting off the calm, black water. The boat powers effortlessly onwards for several hours, until the small wiry man appears again. He is wearing the uniform of the Stuff and Shinies army and standing a lot straighter than the last time you saw him. He surveys the room briefly and smiles slightly at the snoring ambassador, seeming to debate something for a moment. He turns to the looming bulk of Hadrian with a wry grin, "The trip is obviously too much for him, eh?" He speaks in a hushed tone as one professional to another, with that time-honoured look of 'somebody's gotta do it' shared by many exasperated soldiers and bodyguards around the world. "Don't want to disturb him just yet, but we'll be reaching The Sea of Tranquility in about 20 minutes. Someone will meet you there to explain the protocols you will be expected to adhere to during your stay. In the meantime please feel free to make the most of the free drinks!" He winks at Hadrian and silently leaves the room. The engine note changes as the boat starts to slow slightly and turn to the right. Outside the scenery is unchanged and inky black, a pale moon doing little to illuminate the water.
As the boat pulls up at the dock, the ambassador's snoring gently slows to a stop, and the hatted figure shifts sleepily in the chair. Hadrian and the body guards stand up swiftly, all checking their inside pockets surreptitiously, and form into two ranks. The hatted figure leaves the comfotable comfines of the armchair with a slight sigh and walks to the centre of the ranks, which instantly close in a tight circle, almost hiding the small ambassador from sight. Hadrian checks his watch briefly, as they hear footsteps on the stairs.
"We've made good time." he mutters. "Well, my friend. This is it. Last chance to change your mind and turn back." The ambassador's enormous hat shakes from side to side.
"We passed that point before we even left Fyrn." the familiar whisper replies. "Really, Hadrian, I have told you before - there's nothing to worry about."
Despite these reassuring words, every member of the bodyguard tenses slightly as the door to the cabin opens and the Stuff and Shinies officer enters.
Stuff and Shinies
03-11-2003, 19:18
FYRN: The Ambassador's Arrival
The door swings open to reveal a tall, slim, pale young man. He's wearing black army-issue boots, charcoal-grey combat pants and a matching shirt. There is a flash of red on the lapels as he moves into the room and flicks his eyes casually over the assembled wall of men between him and the person he is looking for. Making a great show of looking through the bodyguards he smiles warmly and makes a formal little bow to the cramped ambassador, "It is my pleasure to greet you in the name of My Lady, The Empress of Stuff and Shinies, to The Sea of Tranquility. A neutral venue established to accomodate talks such as these, allowing all parties to attend and debate without bias. If you care to follow me I will take you through registration and show you to your rooms." He bows again and heads up the stairs, expecting you to follow him at your leisure. The stairs are lit by the boats internal lighting, at the top of the stairs there is darkness and silence as the emissary leads you up and into the cool night air. The boat is moored at a tiny dock, just big enough to accomodate the pleasure cruiser, dimly lit by small, downwards-pointing lamps on either side. The emissary pads down the ramp and follows a small, almost invisible path to the left. A patch of bright light appears suddenly as a door is opened and your delegation is ushered quickly inside. As soon as the door is closed again the lights on the dock silently cut out and the boat heads rapidly away from shore, into the open sea.
Inside the building is well-lit, a long corridor stretches away from you with many doors on either side. The sound of typing comes from behind a few doors despite the lateness of the hour. The room you are led into is warm and has several people poring over paperwork. The emissary heads towards a large desk and whispers to the harried-looking clerk sat behind it. She looks up and smiles politely, indicating to you to take seats whilst she fetches a folder from the filing cabinet next to her. Opening an unmarked folder she glances across it and then scans the delegation. She makes brief notes on the papers in front of her, then looks up and clears her throat, "Welcome ambassador, it is a pleasure to have you here as our honoured guests. Due to the nature of this facility there are procedures which all of our guests must adhere to for security to be maintained. We have a policy of X-ray and metal-detection in place, as well as searches of course, designed to prevent any unauthorised weaponry being carried by any delegation. If you do not object we will take you one at a time into the registration suite and run through the checks. This will maintain individual confidentiality whilst ensuring our job is done. Any weapons or items considered to be a threat will be removed and held here for collection upon your departure. Your luggage is already being checked as we speak. " She stands up and smiles brightly, "So, who's first?"
NIKEA: The Delegation's Arrival
The co-ordinates you were given lead you to a small, remote airstrip somewhere in northern Stuff and Shinies. The place is a hive of apparantly military activity with small fighter-jets circling overhead and a multitude of various land-based military vehicles dotted around the airstrip. Your plane is guided in and almost instantly attached to a small towing vehicle which pulls it into a large hangar at the end of the runway. On the far side of the hangar is another aircraft covered with a huge tarpaulin.
Once inside a flight of steps is put to the door and several ranks of armed guards take up position on either side of the aircraft. Several long, black limousines pull up near the foot of the steps and everything waits silently for your ambassador and their delegation to disembark. Once everyone is aboard the limousines pull away from the aircraft and head across the runway towards a large, black, unmarked helicopter with the passenger doors open. A pilot is running through pre-flight checks as you are shown onboard and provided with headsets for ease of communication during the flight. The pilot politely informs you that refreshments are sadly not practical, but that this should not be a problem as the flight is expected to take less than an hour. He runs through a fairly standard safety talk and advises the delegates that, should they need them, there are provisions for air sickness in the compartments under the seats. With that the helicopter lifts elegantly into the air, with a lot less noise than would be expected from a machine of this size, and heads quickly away from the airstrip.
OOC: Will pause here in case there's anything you want to do in-flight :-)
NOTES FOR YOUR VAMPIRE!: The Ambassador smells of magnolia perfume and face powder, and is definately female! (NB You still haven't seen her face under the hat!) Hadrian and the bodyguards smell of aftershave and nervous tension. Some have been smoking or sipping the drinks on the boat. Hadrian also has overtones of make-up. As your guy is an expert, he will realise after a close look that, should Hadrian lose a certain harshness and stubble-factor about his face, he would look quite similar to the one rather blurred photo that you have on record of Councillor Leyenda.
The luggage contains one or two unmarked files full of papers (encoded), clothes for the trip (including a very smart suit Hadrian's size, and an equally smart skirt suit for the Ambassador), a large make-up box and a lap top.
"If you have no objection, we will conduct the searches here, together." replies Hadrian loudly, standing up.
At a nod from him, the bodyguards reach slowly and peacefully inside their jackets and bring out their revolvers, which they reluctantly hand over. They then slowly file through the detectors and suffer themselves to be patted down. The sum total found is a pack of chewing gum, a glasses case, the individual ear pieces, a comb, a handful of loose change and a couple of sets of keys. When they have finished, the Ambassador stands up and holds out a gloved hand. Lying on the palm is a high-pressure pepper spray.
"I trust I will be permitted to retain this?" comes the whispering voice, with a slight touch of amusement. "Or am I to be stripped of all my protection?"
Hadrian steps forward and the bodyguards surround the slight figure.
"You will not search the Ambassador." he says, with a touch of belligerence. "As a token of trust. We have trusted you so far. YOu know we are here on a mission of peace. We have nothing to gain from disrupting this meeting, and everything to lose. So you will not search our Ambassador as if he were only a common official instead of a visiting dignitary."
For once, the Ambassador does not curb Hadrian's words, but waits calmly in the centre of the bodyguards, hands in pockets and head down, for the reply.
Stuff and Shinies
05-11-2003, 13:06
The Stuff and Shinies emissary smiles slightly and bows to the ambassador again, "We understand that you feel put-upon by our requests but they are in the interests of your safety. If we permit one offensive weapon, even non-lethal, then we must allow everyone to do likewise and that is not acceptable. Everyone attending these talks is a dignitary and as such we must treat all equally from the start. If we do not then the issue of neutrality is a moot point. We will not leave you without protection, my lady, as you will see." He snaps his fingers and several figures seem to melt out of the walls around the delegation. They are dressed in the same charcoal grey as the emissary, but have baseball caps pulled low over their faces. The shadows cast by the caps and the large sunglasses underneath effectively render them uniformly anonymous and sexless. They form a circle around the party and stand to attention. The emissary scans them briefly then turns back to the ambassador, "These will be your personal bodyguards for the duration of your stay. They have been briefed purely for you. If you have any security issues these will be the people to neutralise them. Your own bodyguards will be housed in the guest wing, with the exception of Hadrian here, I am sure he would rather stay by your side at all times. As for the issue of trust, you have been trusted enough merely by being invited here. You are the first people ever to set foot upon this soil and that is not an honour given lightly by My Lady. If you require further proof of our intentions then please feel free to contemplate the position you have been in since you set foot upon the boat, and just how easy it would have been to detonate the vessel, poison the refreshments <wry smile> or otherwise neutralise your entire delegation. But this is not something we should discuss as we have no desire to harm you or your people. If you will go through registration, my lady, we can then escort you all to your quarters and make sure you are comfortable. The hour is late and most of you I am sure require rest and relaxtion before the arduous business of negotiating takes place." He waves a hand towards the scanning equipment and waits politely...
When the emissary first addresses the Ambasador as 'my lady', his tension visibly increases and he opens his mouth. But the slight figure beside him places a restraining hand on his arm and he subsides reluctantly. When the emissary has finished speaking, the Ambassador nods calmly and places the pepper-spray on the table.
"You are a credit to your Empress." she says, her voice still a husky whisper. "And I thank you for the men. You will perhaps understand that we were bound to react as we did. I trust that the quarters for my own people will be loacted next to mine? Now, if you will give me a moment..."
She walks away from everyone and turns her back to them. From her pocket she takes a black handkerchief which she carefully ties over her face. Then she beckons to Hadrian.
"Hadrian will lead me into the registration suite, since this prevents me from seeing. You will search me without removing the scarf, and will find nothing more than a cell-phone and a hand-held organiser, neither of which are bugged to blow up or anything of similarly dramatic proportions. Then, perhaps we can get on with this meeting. Time grows short, gentlemen. Let us keep the wheel of politics moving at a reasonable speed."
On the edge of Stuff and Shinies national waters...
"This is Yerwahtten naval group escorting the talks delegation, helicopters are entering your airspace carrying our delegation, we would be glad if you did not shoot them down. Our personnel are currently armed and carry a security crate for when our weapons must be surrendered. Our helos are also armed, but will be returning to the ships once the delegation is delivered."
Simple reconnisance shows there is a small carrier battlegroup outside the national waters. A bit extreme perhaps, but they did have to go past Anaxa.
06-11-2003, 00:13
A small diplomatic jet flies low over Ichidu. Heading for an airfield in Stuff and Shineys, the plane radios ahead.
"This is diplomatic flight X-ray Charlie two two seven, requesting permission to enter Stuff and Shineys airspace... we have the Tarrican delegate for the Anaxan conference to convey to the requested co-ordnates. I repeat, XC227 requesting permission to enter your airspace and make the drop-off."
Stuff and Shinies
06-11-2003, 17:18
FYRN: The Masked Ambassador
The emissary smiles and the search is carried out swiftly and thoroughly. They do indeed only find a cell phone and a personal organiser. The silent and efficient staff place the items to one side and brandish a clipboard at the emissary who nods and signs the bottom. The clipboard is then proferred to the delegation for signing. On the clipboard is an inventory of all the goods and weapons carried by the party and a warning that illegal weaponry and/or items deemed a threat will be dealt with severely. The form also states that all the removed items will be held in storage until the delegates are ready to leave and can be viewed at any time with the presence of one or more members of the facility's staff. Once it has been signed the emissary opens the door and the party find themselves back in the corridor.
"Now the formalities are over allow me to show you to your rooms for the duration of your stay. You are along here gentleman <indicates the party with the exception of the ambassador and Hadrian> in the guest quarters. If there is anything you need feel free to ask the staff." Several people wearing the same bland uniform indicate a corridor heading off to the right. "Our more distinguished guests you are in the royal apartments, this way <indicates a corridor on the left and starts walking> Both corridors loop round upon themselves so they are only one level and several rooms below you. A map will be in your room of all the public-access areas of the facility and I'm sure this will make more sense when you are able to see for yourself. In the meantime we have provided two suites for you that have a connecting door, I trust this is appropriate?" He glances over his shoulder as he walks to check that this is not a problem...
YERWHAT: Diplomatic Over-kill
"This is Stuff and Shinies military air control. You have clearance to proceed to given co-ordinates, a delegation will meet you there. Only one aircraft will be permitted to wait within our borders, all others are to leave immediately after drop-off. Re-fuelling facilities will be at your disposal. Enjoy your stay!"
"Roger that X-ray Charlie two two seven, you are clear to proceed to given co-ordinates. A delegation will be awaiting your arrival and re-fuelling facilities are at your disposal. Please feel free to leave your transport with us, it will be perfectly safe, otherwise we request that you leave as soon as possible after drop-off. Enjoy your stay!"
Rendevouz Co-ordinates
The sound of rotor blades is followed shortly by the apperance of four Yerwahtten helicopters, two transport type similar to the UH-60 Blackhawk, and two attack type similar to the SeaCobra. The first transport lands and armed men spill out, then the second one lands and three men in suits get out. The leader of the troops approaches anyone who comes forward.
"Yerwahtten delegation ready. Once you are ready to have us, arms will be replaced in the helos and they will return to the ships."
Stuff and Shinies
06-11-2003, 18:04
A tall, slim, attractive young woman steps forward and nods to the soldiers heading the delegation. She is wearing a fitted uniform of soft black leather with red lapels, a black baseball cap and reflective shades. She's about 6ft tall, pale skin, blonde hair tucked up in a bun under the cap, anything else distinguishing is hidden by the all-encompassing uniform and gloves. She smiles easily at the soldiers heading the delegation and nods to a hangar a short distance away, "If it's ok with you guys I'd rather do this inside. We have a few protocol issues to go through before your transport arrives and I'd rather not make spectacles of ourselves." She turns and strides across the tarmac. expecting you to follow her. A few passing soldiers give her an appreciative look from under their caps, one looks as though he's going to extend this to verbal appreciation but one of his mates grabs him and whispers into his ear. The soldier visibly pales but his eyes continue to follow her until she dissapears into the open hangar door.
The Ambassador nods - a fact only seen by the movement of the hat - and Hadrian glances at her with a slight frown.
"What sort of security is in these apartments? Wire taps? Cameras? Who else has access? We don't want other delegations being able just to wander in and out - the risk of assassination or espionage is too high. And what about these men of yours? I assume they will be stationed outside the doors, rather than inside the apartment. The Ambassador likes her privacy, as I'm sure you will appreciate."
He shoots a suspicious glance at the emissary's back as he finishes this last sentence.
Stuff and Shinies
07-11-2003, 18:22
The emissary smiles and speaks to Hadrian over his shoulder as he continues to walk along the corridor, "Please be assured that no-one will be able to access these chambers without your permission. Your guards will be outside at all times, for your privacy and security, with regular checks made to see that all is well. If you have any security concerns please feel free to discuss your needs with your guards, they are specialised in this field and will be able to answer all of your questions to a better degree than I." He steps to one side and heads along a much larger, plusher-looking corridor which slopes upwards slightly. The carpet is thick and your footsteps become muffled as you pad along. The walls are beautifully decorated and walk the fine line between decadent and gaudy with ease, huge ornate, oak doors line both sides of the corridor as far as you can see. The emissary pads along and finally stops outside a richly carved double-door with huge brass handles. He swings them open dramatically and waves you inside with a theatrical gesture, "Your rooms".....
Lord Aurelius Blackdon, the representative from Whispering Voices, woke up from a dream in which he had conquered the world. He liked those dreams. They made him feel superior. The butler knocking at the door of his rented residence called out softly, "Breakfast, sir," before heading back into the morass of the palace. He quickly rose and dressed in his diplomatic suit, drank his morning tea and ate his morning cucumber sandwiches, and then ventured a look out of the window.
His limousine was waiting. He headed towards the talks.
08-11-2003, 00:09
X-Ray Charlie 227 continues on course for the rendesvous site and lands with exceptional precision, as though the pilot were trying to impress the waiting people.
As the door is cracked open, two guards poke their head out around the corner and take in the view. Seeing no guns pointed (or obvious snipers), they step out of the plane with a nod to the gentleman who looks bemused by their paranoia. Two more guards (one male, one female)follow the party down, along with an obvious member of flight crew.
The guards carry 5' iron-bound staves that look rather more ornamental than practical, as well as pistols in cross-draw holsters. (the holsters are clipped shut as in peacetime, though)
The inoffensive looking man in the centre looks around at the reception. "My name is Thomas Ambrose, appointed Officer Diplomus for this matter. These four are my security team and Pilot Officer Ibson is down here to get the plane refuelled for return flight. We don't need it to stick around... after all, we have no reason to leave in a hurry."
The rear security man remarks to the woman next to him "Assuming that they have cruise-missile defences around this one", but his soon shut up by a glare from the man obviously in charge of the security team.
EDIT 5" staves? Bound in iron? Ooh! Suits you sir :)
Stuff and Shinies
10-11-2003, 12:54
OOC: Sorry for the delay, no home comp and uni ones are getting harder to get at. Oh, and Tarrican, I'm guessing you meant 5' as opposed to 5" staffs. It would be a bit hard to hit anyone with a staff that was 5" :wink:
Whispering Voices - let me know when you get to the rendezvous co-ordinates so's my guys can meet you and get you to the facility. Ta :D
TARRICAN: Top Gun arrives!
A few pilots on a fag-break look amused as the aircraft comes to a stand-still, nodding in the direstion of the cockpit in a friendly fashion.
The delegation is met by an impressive black limousine and whisked across the airstrip to an expensive-looking private jet. The delegates are whisked on board as the jet powers up. They are made extremely comfortable and there is a roar from the engines as the jet starts to taxi down the strip.
A visible crew of 1 female hostess and 1 male steward serve refreshments of the highest order and inform the party that they should be arriving at the facility in less than an hour. This is confirmed by a brief announcement by the pilot 5 minutes into the flight. In the meantime you are advised to make the most of the facilities (which are extensive and very comfortable) and use the intercom on the main table if you require anything. The staff then tactically withdraw and leave your party alone.
The ten soldiers form loosely around the three suits and walk towards the hangar. One asks woman why the troops are a little...wary around her. this man carries the squad sniper rifle and probably noticed the troops reaction.
Hadrian steps into the rooms first, and starts prowling round them, opening doors and looking behind mirrors. The emissary [because he's a vampire and has really really good hearing!] just catches an almost silent chuckle from the Ambassador, who follows her bodyguard at a more leisurely pace and sits down with a sigh on the sofa. She nods in a friendly but dismissive way at the emissary, and whispers
"Many thanks for your assistance. Do please excuse Hadrian's behaviour - he takes his job a little too seriously. If it would not be too much trouble, I would like some Greek Yoghurt sent up in six hours. With a dash of honey, if possible. Hadrian?"
The burly man sticks his head back through the bathroom door.
"Do you want to order breakfast?"
"Cooked breakfast, all the trimmings. And strong coffee." He disappears again, and the sound of the shower being switched on filters into the room. The Ambassador smiles at the emissary, although this fact can only be seen by the wrinkling of the black face scarf.
"Yoghurt and and a fry-up then, if you would be so kind. Thank you." She waits until the emissary has closed the door behind him before standing up and walking over to the bathroom. A slight tenseness can now be noticed in the set of her shoulders and the angle of her head, suggesting that her earlier calmness was in some part due to superb acting. "Have you found anything?" She asks Hadrian in that familiar whisper. He emerges from underneath the bath (the side panelling is currently leaning against the wall) and shakes his head.
"Nothing at all. No cameras, no mikes or bugs. The doors and walls are all soundproofed. The place seems clean."
"Nevertheless..." The Ambassador reaches open and switches the shower back on. The loud hiss of water largely obliterates their conversation from the bug point of view. The Ambassador sighs and rubs her throat.
"Thank goodness for that." she says in a high-pitched voice completely unlike the whisper she has spoken in so far. "My throat is killing me." Hadrian puts an arm around her shoulders and gives her a quick hug.
"Do you want a scotch? I saw a drinks cabinet over in the corner." She nods and he disappears briefly into the other room, coming back with a half-filled glass. She removes the handkerchief, but not the hat, and takes a sip, all the while being careful to keep the wide black brim between her face and the mirror. "That's better. I'm exhausted. Would you mind if I took a nap?" Hadrian shakes his head.
"Of course not. I'll bring a mattress into your room and do the same. We're going to need our wits about us in the morning. How do you want to play it, by the way?" The Ambassador takes a thoughtful sip at her drink.
"It depends. If the Empress agrees to see us before the meeting, then keep as we are. If not, then reverse. Not that it makes a huge amount of difference in the end. Oh well, time to turn in. I just hope that bed is as comfortable as it looks."
She drains the glass and turns off the shower, then goes through into the bedroom and gets ready for bed, replacing the hat carefully and extremely quickly with a loose muslin bag. Hadrian knocks at the door and she scrambles under the covers. He enters, dragging a matress and bedding, which he sets up across the closed door.
"There. Better safe than sorry. Sleep well, Ennie."
"Night. See you in the morning."
11-11-2003, 00:22
In passenger compartment of the jet, one of the guards remarks to the others "You know... your deoderant stinks." "So does yours, Adams. Its supposed to, remember." remarks the man with the medical bag around his shoulders, to which the woman chips in "And your aftershave would knock a horse dead." "But Sandri, so does yours!" carol the two guys with laughter in their voices.
The diplomat turns to the alert guard. "Are they always like this, Sergeant Wisidski?" The Sarge glares at the mention of his surname (and the obnoxious smell), but replies nonetheless. "Only when they're breathing, sir."
And the jet passes onwards, while 'top gun' Ibson refuels and heads back to Tarrican.
Stuff and Shinies
13-11-2003, 17:26
OOC: Once again apologies for the delay, uni comp's suck! :?
YERWHAT: The Curious Sniper
The woman talks over her shoulder as she heads towards the hangar, "I've had a few problems in the past with soldiers who can't keep their minds on the job, but long periods of toilet-cleaning duties and graveyard shifts keep it under control. Occasionally one of the new ones gives it a try but the older guys tend to warn them off before they get too frisky." She smiles slightly and shrugs in a 'what can you do?' way before dissapearing into the hangar interior.
Inside the hangar looks like an advanced version of customs. A large metal-detector stands next to what looks like an X-ray machine and several efficient-looking personnel. The woman stops and turns back to the soldiers, "To speed things along a little we are going to put you through the registration process here. You will be required to leave all weapons, scanners and locational equipment here. You will then be subject to search, metal-detection and X-ray checks before being allowed to proceed. We will then be able to fly you directly to the facility with no further hassles. I am sure you all know the drill gentlemen, so whenever you're ready." She lounges against a wall and waits.
TARRICAN: The Mile-High Club
The jet continues onwards fairly peacefully until the pilot announces that he's coming in to land. The crew materialises and make sure everybody's safe and secure as the jet banks hard to the left and starts it's approach. There are no lights visible on the ground as the jet comes in, but at the last minute a strip lights up directly in front of the now very low aircraft. The landing is smooth and the second the plane has touched ground the strip falls dark again. The jet taxis to a waiting hangar and the crew prepare to help you disembark. You are led down the steps and across the hangar into a long corridor, the crew following behind with your luggage.
Inside the building is well-lit, a long corridor stretches away from you with many doors on either side. The sound of typing comes from behind a few doors despite the lateness of the hour. The room you are led into is warm and has several people poring over paperwork. A harried-looking clerk is sat behind a large oak desk in one corner and she looks up and smiles politely, indicating to you to take seats whilst she fetches a folder from the filing cabinet next to her. Opening an unmarked folder she glances across it and then scans the delegation. She makes brief notes on the papers in front of her, then looks up and clears her throat, "Welcome ambassadors, it is a pleasure to have you here as our honoured guests. Due to the nature of this facility there are procedures which all of our guests must adhere to for security to be maintained. We have a policy of X-ray and metal-detection in place, as well as searches of course, designed to prevent any unauthorised weaponry being carried by any delegation. If you do not object we will take you one at a time into the registration suite and run through the checks. This will maintain individual confidentiality whilst ensuring our job is done. Any weapons or items considered to be a threat will be removed and held here for collection upon your departure. Your luggage is already being checked as we speak. " She stands up and smiles brightly, "So, who's first?"
FYRN: The Strange Set-up
The bed is in fact comfier than it looks and you spend a peaceful night undisturbed by anything or anyone. When you wake in the morning it is to find breakfast set out on a small table next to a huge window, drapes pulled back, and a plain, white envelope on a silver tray addressed to 'The Ambassador' in immaculate copper-plate handwriting.
The squad sergeant steps forward. "Understood. How are you providing security at the venue and what would they be armed with? Will we be able to keep our short range tactical comms and where will people be during the event. What are the defense and evacuation arrangements in case of attack?"
He turns to two of the team. "Go get the crate and the other uniforms, looks like we are going to need them."
As the two men approach one of the transport helicopters, the pilot can be seen talking on the radio. As the soldiers approach he leans out. "The RDC has suffered a bit of disruption as the delegate from Stuff and Shinies turned out to be a vampire. You'd better tell the sarge to ensure biohazard security here and at the venue is in place." The man nods and speaks into his headset.
The sergeant appears to be listening for a moment then looks at the woman again. "One last thing. We have just recieved reports about a vampire at the RDC claiming to be acting on behalf of your country. Can you assure us that the here and the venue are clear of and secured against such biohazards?"
Stuff and Shinies
14-11-2003, 13:12
The woman removes her shades and fixes the sarge with a frosty glare, green eyes flashing. Her jaw hardens as she answers in an icily polite voice, "He does not 'claim' anything. He is in fact one of The Empress' most trusted aides and is widely well-regarded. furthermore, we would prefer it if you did not refer some of our valued citizens as biohazards, it is, quite frankly, rude." She goes back to lounging against the wall, "As for security, you need not trouble yourselves. The measures we have taken are more than adequate." She continuesto watch the sarge closely from under the peak of her cap as the registration process continues.
Without bothering to wake the gently snoring Hadrian, the Ambassador slips out of bed and over to the window. Ignoring the tray of food, she picks up the envelope by the corner and sniffs at it through the opaque muslin hood. She shrugs and, picking up the knife from Hadrian's breakfast tray, slits open the envelope and reads it.
She finishes the letter and reinserts it carefully in the envelope. Then she quietly dresses in a smart, tailored pin-stripe suit, replaces the hood with a large pair of dark glasses that obscure a surprisingly large amount of her face, and brushes her short white-blonde hair back into a neat bun. She carries the breakfast trays out into the main room, and then goes back and shakes Hadrian gently by the shoulder.
"Breakfast time." He grunts and rolls over.
"Wstfgl?" The Ambassador's thin lipped mouth smiles slightly.
"Exactly. Come on, the coffee is still hot. And there's a letter for you."
Hadrian sits up so fast that the blood rushes to his head and he collapses back against the pillows.
"To me? What does it say?"
"Well, I think it's actually aimed at both of us. Get dressed and come and eat. They even remembered the black pudding. I'll be next door. You can read it when you've eaten."
After a surprisingly long time, Hadrian emerges in an equally sharp suit. He has also apparently used the large make-up box to removes certain lines and shadows on his face - he now exactly resembles the Councillor Leyenda photo. He pours himself a coffee and then picks up the letter.
The sergeants eyes narrow, returning the stare. "I am afraid simple assurances are not good enough at this point in time. Unless you can satisfy me that this airfield and the talks venue are free of them, we are leaving. I will not have my charge put at risk."
Another of the men is staring at the woman intently, one hand holding the taped together dual magazines currently loaded into his rifle, the other, the magazine release catch, unlike everybody else.
17-11-2003, 12:25
The ambassador looks to his guards. His guards look back.
Thomas roles his eyes and sighs. "I'll go first... as long as there are magazines at the other end." The ambassador is completely free of weaponry and resigned to a long delay.
The guards willingly surrender the pistols and staves, three also surrender combat knives. Then the fun begins...
The final total is rather worrying, and the glare from the Tarricani security team suggests that they feel they lost this round of 'get things through customs'. The fourth knife is found, along with several sets of knuckle dusters, throwing blades, garroting wire and a nasty-looking punch-dagger. The woman is also found to be concealing a weapon that is quickly dubbed the "Cleavage Cannon" by her male associates: a two-shot derringer loaded with glazer rounds.
They look sullen as they are escorted through to meet the ambassador, disarmed at last. "Are we through?" queries Thomas to both his security team and the people escorting them.
Stuff and Shinies
17-11-2003, 17:57
OOC: Brief post to say stay tuned, will update tomorrow as lectures forces lack of time today. Sorry :(
Stuff and Shinies
18-11-2003, 18:49
OOC: Can somebody explain in very simple, one-syllable words how you put pictures up on threads coz I don't know how to do it but have some I wanna stick on this. Thanks! :oops:
FYRN: The Hooded Ambassador(?)
The letter reads, "My Dearest Ambassador, Allow me to personally welcome you to this facility. I hope that you have been dealt with respectfully and efficiently and that your needs have been catered to precisely. If not then please do not hesitate to contact me and I shall deal with it personally. I understand that you have some business you wish to discuss with me privately before the talks start. It would be my pleasure to meet with you this morning at 10 in one of the minor conference suites. If this is acceptable then please contact a member of my staff and all will be arranged. Sincerely yours, The Empress"
YERWHAT: Military Paranoia
The woman sighs heavily and waves her hand at the Yerwhat helicopters dismissively, "You either trust us, or you don't. I have no time to play truth or dare with you. If you feel that the word of a friend and ally is not assurance enough then by all means feel free to leave. Rest assured the insult will not go unnoticed." She waits impatiently by the machines.
Across the hangar two of the Stuff and Shinies armed escort suddenly look puzzled and shake their heads as if dazed. One of them lifts his rifle in a jerky manner and turns to look at his apparantly equally bemused comrade. They regard each other for a moment and then take in their surroundings with wide eyes. They settle on the woman stood next to the machines, narrow their gaze slightly and seem to be contemplating something...
TARRICAN: The Booby-Trap
A couple of the personnel conducting the searches smile slightly as the stack of weaponry grows on the table. The ambassador is provided with a few books and some light refreshments as the layers of varying artillery get stripped from the security team. One of the operatives mutters something about "impressive storage space" when the derringer is removed but is stared down by the clerk. The staff place the items to one side and brandish a clipboard at the emissary now waiting to escort the party to their quarters, who nods and signs the bottom. The clipboard is then proferred to the delegation for signing. On the clipboard is an inventory of all the goods and weapons carried by the party (which goes across two pages) and a warning that illegal weaponry and/or items deemed a threat will be dealt with severely. The form also states that all the removed items will be held in storage until the delegates are ready to leave and can be viewed at any time with the presence of one or more members of the facility's staff. Once it has been signed the emissary opens the door and the party find themselves back in the corridor, the sound of clanging can be heard behind them as the customs officials start to place the arsenal in safe-boxes.
The emissary then starts to lead the party further into the facility...
The sergeant shakes his head. "I'm sorry, we have standard protocols. We will leave for now and be in contact about re-organising the security precautions in light of this new information. We hope we can sort out this incedent without damaging our friendship too badly, but I fail to recall a time when Stuff and Shinies has acted as our ally. Good day."
The squad sniper guestures at the two men who seem to have readied for something and turns to the woman "Is there a security problem?".
Two of the three suits start moving the third back out to the helicopters as the gunship escorts prepare to lift.
Stuff and Shinies
21-11-2003, 17:23
The two soldiers look up as the sergeant speaks and something seems to click. They lose the look of confusion and start to stride towards the woman, circling round to the left and right. One of them takes a small syringe out of a pouch on his belt and carefully unscrews the steel cap on the end whilst his companion begins to shout something in an unfamiliar language and gesticulates at the woman. A look of pure disgust and hatred crosses her face as she turns towards the man screaming what sounds like foreign obscenities at her, hands bunching and long, cruel talons sliding out of her fingers-tips. The man falters for a moment and a smile flickers across the woman's face, his companion takes the opportunity to lunge forward and stab the syringe into the back of her neck. Screaming she spins and in a movement breaks his neck, the second soldier draws a long, cruel-looking knife and braces for her to turn back. The woman spins and seems ready to attack him when a look of utter shock and horror suddenly blazens itself on her features. She goes rigid for a moment, every muscle tense, then jerks convulsively a few times and slumps to the ground. The remaining soldiers in the hangar drop to their knees, with two exceptions, and groan as if they have been struck by something. Shaking their heads, cursing and clutching their weapons protectively in front of them.
The soldier wielding the machete-styled blade takes a pair of odd-looking manacles from his belt and fastens the womans arms so high up her back that the snap of her shoulders dislocating ricochets across the hangar like a gunshot. The manacles attach to her wrists and neck, pulling her into a nasty position allowing no movement whatsoever, as well as causing some unpleasant physical side-effects. The soldier stands back and looks at her for a moment before turning to your party and saluting smartly, "Aidan O'Brien, Lt First Class. Loyal member of The Empress' forces. At a loss for who you are or why you're here right now I'm afraid, but rest assured the situation with this bitch is now under control." He aims a vicious kick at the woman, now groaning slightly as she starts to come round. She looks up at O'Brien and snarls, revealing a pair of rather elongated canines...
The reaction from the soldiers is immediate on the appearance of the talons. The soldier who was looking intently at the now revealed to be vampire barks out "Protocol 1a!" nad all the members of the squad flip their magazines over and ready their weapons. When the vampire is secured weapons are lowered but safeties are still off. The sergeant turns to the lieutenant.
"Thank you for your assistance. We'll be leaving immediately, are there any messages you want us to carry with us? I will warn you now some of the Desert nations may get involved with this problem if needs be, us included."
The suits pile into one helicopter which lifts off, and the squad member who shouted the strange order is speaking into his headset.
"Vampire encountered, delt with by men loyal to Empress. Not destroyed, but up to them. Prepare facilities for our arrival, no casualties, Initiate Henderson out."
Hadrian puts the letter down and starts into his breakfast with enthusiasm. The woman smiles.
"What do you think?" Hadrian pauses long enough between mouthfuls to reply.
"I think we need to steal their cook. I never get food like this at home."
The woman sighs impatiently.
"Hadrian!" He shrugs.
"It's what you were waiting for. Just wait till that tour guide chappy comes back and tell him yes."
"No security worries? No demands to come too?" Hadrian swallows his sausage and washes it down with a long gulp of coffee.
"No point." he says at last. "I know that - " he stops as his bleeper goes. He reads it and frowns. "Townsend is sending me poetry. Do you think he's gone mad with boredom?" The woman reaches out for the bleeper and reads the message out loud.
"The glorious sun is dimmed by cloud –
Stained red by the evening light.
The night air grows to chilly gale
And eagles take their flight."
"It's not even very good poetry." Hadrian complains, picking up his knife and fork again. The woman shakes her head.
"Actually, it's excellent poetry. Stuff and Shinies have been excluded from the talks and the Empress seems to have gone." Hadrian raises an eyebrow.
"Like to explain that?" The woman shakes her head.
"Townsend and I have an excellent working relationship. Well, I think I can guess where the Empress has got to, in the light of this morning's letter, but just in case I'm wrong..." She gets up and disappears into the bedroom for a moment, reappearing with the huge hat and trench coat. "Will you go and see if the emissary is around, please?"
"But I'm still eating!"
"And you're still my bodyguard, Hadrian. You won't die of starvation on your way to and from the door." Grumbling, he gets to his feet and walks over to the front foor. He opens it and pokes his head out into the corridor.
"Anyone at home?"
23-11-2003, 19:24
"The terms or restriction are acceptable. Do we have any idea what delegates are here-present yet?" asks the Officer Diplomus as he walks down the passage with the emissary.
A large amount of amused looks and muffled sniggers are passed between the guards, before Thomas rolls his eyes and looks at the emissary. "I believe that they are attempting to consider the best joke that revolves around the concept of their bodies being lethal weapons. They are highly trained, after all. But I would hope that I am not to be arrested for smuggling them in... after all, they are purely defensive."
The last statement may, or may not have been directed at the guards with a hint of warning.
Stuff and Shinies
24-11-2003, 18:35
YERWHAT - Decisive Action
O'Brien nods when the sergeant has said his piece and takes a slim, white envelope out of the inside pocket of his fatigues. He looks at it for a while and then barks an order to one of the soldiers still picking themselves up from the hangar floor. A fresh-faced young man who looks keen and therefore probably not long out of training jogs up and salutes enthusiastically. O'Brien rolls his eyes slightly and then hands the kid the envelope, "Take this to the talks. You know the drill. Fail and I'll have your balls for breakfast." The young man nods and sprints off. O'Brien turns back to the Yerwhatten delegation, "All is in hand, but thanks for the offer. I'd recommend staying clear of our nation for a while, things are going to be interesting. We'll keep you informed." He salutes and marches off, verbally beating the remainder of his squad to their feet as he goes. They sheepishly tail after him and dissapear from sight. The remaining door-guards stand patiently awaiting your departure with polite insistence, as somewhere on the base a claxon starts to whine and the sound of many feet in motion echoes across the airfield.
FYRN - Bitching at Breakfast
The emissary appears round a bend in the corridor looking mildly flustered (for him) and smiles broadly at the sight of Hadrian's face poking out of the door. "Can I help?"
TARRICAN - Lethal Weapons
The emissary smiles broadly and blatantly looks the female guard up and down slowly and thoughtfully before remarking, "Well she could certainly knock people dead, and if she failed then his aftershave would certainly do the trick." He turns a corner and opens a huge pair of double doors, "Your quarters lady and gentlemen. The delegates from Fyrn are already here, Yerwhatten representation I believe to be incoming. Feel free to avail yourselves of the facilities and do not hesitate to ask if there is anything further you require." He backs out and closes the doors behind him.
The rooms are huge and impressive (think presidential suites) and all connect onto a main living area designed for communal rest and relaxtion. There's a full-size and well-stocked bar in the corner and every mod-con and luxury you could hope for. Each room has a telephone connected to 'room-service' and a full menu of what is available and when (everything and always) accompanied by a huge array of 'souvenirs' (bath-robes, towels, perfumes, aftershaves, shampoo, etc, etc) in full-size bottles. They all smell expensive.
Hadrian steps out into the corridor and lowers his voice.
"The Ambassador gladly accepts the invitation. I will, of course, want to inspect the conference suite first - purely standard procedure, you understand, but Councillor Leyenda is very hot on standard procedure and we all have it drummed into our skulls during training. Besides, he'd have my balls if I didn't do everything just so for the Ambassador. So, if you could take me along there in" he consults his watch briefly "say, fifteen minutes? That should give me long enough to finish that excellent breakfast. Oh, and could we possibly have some more coffee sent up? Thanks."
30-11-2003, 20:12
Thomas hastily engages their guide in some mild conversation... Times, dates... expected arrivals, means of contact and the possibility of an audience with a Empress. The Sarge steps up on his shoulder and listens in from a security point of view.
This convenienty conceals the fact that the two remaining male members of the security team are fighting to restrain their distaff comrade who seems intent on murdering the 'eyeballing' emissary. Fortunately they manage to bundle her into the suite behind the backs of the two speakers and prevent her from escaping for the duration of the discussion. She seems rather pissed off at the remark.
The Yerwahtten troops board their helicopter, then the flight forms up and heads back out to the waiting fleet. No-One relaxes until they are back on board.
Stuff and Shinies
15-12-2003, 12:18
OOC: Guys sorry for phenomenal delays, the flu stole my life for a couple of weeks. But am back now so lets get on with it...
FYRN: Security and coffee
The emissary nods briskly and pads off down the corridor mutering to himself. The coffee arrives shortly after with a non-descript grunt who politely informs Hadrian that he is to show him to the suite for the security check before the meeting whenever he is ready. The soldier then retreats to the corridor and takes up a position next to the door.
TARRICAN: Small talk and attempted murder
A message arrives at the the room shortly after your arrival detailing the schedule for the talks. The Empress is due to arrive shortly and will contact you to arrange a time to think things through before the talks themselves take place. Until then you are advised to eat, drink and be merry.
YERWHAT: Up, up and away
The airstrip below you is a hive of frantic activity as you start to leave, the sirens are still wailing and several tarpaulined shapes are being dragged out of hangars. They do not look familiar shapes and they are not uncovered. Several soldiers give your helicopters a glance as they leave but most people seem intent on the task at hand.
06-01-2004, 11:56
(OOC in an attempt to resurrect this thread :)
Well then, our ambassador shall eat drink and be merry, then... while the bodyguards continue to gripe, moan and be merry. There are all watching out for the ambassador's back, but not really covering each others'.
[quote Tarrican(OOC in an attempt to resurrect this thread :)quote]
Following a worthy effort by Tarrican!
Hadrian and his companion finish breakfast, dispose of the new pot of coffee and wait to be escorted to see the Empress. They say nothing of note, unless you're interested in differing opinions on what consitutes a decent breakfast. Hadrian is not a fan of yoghurt.
Stuff and Shinies
08-01-2004, 17:10
OOC: Guys, I'm really sorry to keep taking all day with this thread but with work, illness and home for x-mas it's been a bit mad. Will aim to update at least every day or two. Also, for ease of postage I'm assuming you are both now at the next morning and are running at the same time. Here we go again!
FYRN & TARRICAN: It's getting parallel!
There is a gentle knock at the doors of your respective rooms. A non-descript aide stands politely outside your rooms with a meet-and-greet smile on his face. "If it pleases you, The Empress will see you now." He steps back and gestures down the corridor with a slight bow, waiting for you to assemble and follow him...
Stuff and Shinies
13-01-2004, 13:18
<Open communication on all diplomatic and emergency channels>
Situation Code: Black <STOP> Foreign delegates involved <STOP> Empress located <STOP> Containment protocols initiated <STOP> Will keep informed <END>
::Transmission to loyal forces of the Empress::
Yerwhatten task force on stand by, ready to assist if requested. Comissioning of drop trooper squads and space platform Sentinel Star brought forward. Awaiting communication.
15-01-2004, 14:56
Into the Lion's Den
The ambassador and his sargeant exchange words. "Sir, if we all go today then the night shift will be tired... and we know what comes out at night."
"I know that, Wisidski, but this is meeting number 1, the first impression. We have to be in the Empress' good books if we're to get anywhere here and that means we need to look important from the get-go. Besides, if we're talking situation Ackbar*, this is when it'll happen... and I'd rather nobody was left behind."
"Sir, I..."
"Case closed, Sarge... it may be the wrong decision in the long run, but its the one I'm making. Clear?"
"Clear, Sir."
In the background a vague muttering of "When did he get a pair?" is shushed by the woman before it gets too loud.
The Tarricani Officer Diplomus and Escorts are ready to meet the Empress.
Message from Beyond
Confirm reciept of message STOP
Please clarify STOP
Confirm status of Tarricani party STOP
Tell us how we can help STOP
Geez not another one first Anaxa now Stuff and Shins what is up with this region ah well never mind erm you can STOP
dictation now... ... ... sigh STOP
OOC - Is the 'code black' emergency relevant to the ongoing delegates bit? Is there something I've missed or is this a return to status quo?
*It's a trap!"
The Ambassador steps out of the room, her face once again obliterated by the enormous hat and her figure swathed in the bulky coat. Hadrian follows swiftly behind, his eyes shifting expertly through the shadows and corners of the corridor. They both smell exactly the same as yesterday - both wearing makeup, although Hadrian has more than the Ambassador - with a distinct overlay of coffee. Hadrian has his bleeper on his belt, but apparently no other equipment on his person. The Ambassador could have anything hidden inside her coat, short of a large bomb, but having searched through the luggage yesterday, it's unlikely to be anything lethal.
They follow the guide along the corridors and down/up the staircases in silence. Hadrian seems to be suffering more and more from tense nerves, the closer they get to their destination, but the Ambassador appears to be completely oblivious not only of him but also of their surroundings. The hat brim is not raised once throughout the journey.
Stuff and Shinies
19-01-2004, 11:56
<Open communication on all diplomatic and emergency channels>
Offers of help appreciated <STOP> Will try to clarify situation ASAP <END>
TARRICAN & FYRN: Welcome to the party!
Both delegations are led by circuitous routes down many corridors until it is impossible to tell where you are within the complex. The emissaries do not speak for the entire journey, but leads you faultlessly to a large pair of double doors. You both arrive together and the two parties get their first look at each other. The emissaries signal for you to wait and one of them goes inside the doors. The second emmisary stands stoically outside for a while until the doors open to reveal a tall, pale gentleman in immaculate uniform. He looks like butler or equivalent and nods politely to the ambassadors, "My Lady will see you now." He indicates behind him with a slight bow and opens the double doors wide.
Inside there is a huge antichamber, richly decorated but impeccably tasteful throughout. A couple of men in greys and blacks are lounging in the corner, a further two stand by a second set of doors. They are unarmed and seem very relaxed. The butler gestures to the collection of tables and comfortable chairs upon which the men are lounging, "Your retinue can wait here. No-one will be permitted inside the inner chamber except for the ambassador. With the exception of yourself of course, Sir," he nods to Hadrian and waits patiently.
OOC: Code Black is the highest level of security in Stuff and Shinies. It indicates the shit has hit the fan on an epic level.
Hadrian eyes the other delegates and leans down to whisper in the Ambassador's ear out of the corner of his mouth:
"I thought this was meant to be a private meeting?" The Ambassador makes a slight hushing motion with her hand. He sighs. "Do you want me to come or not?" The tiniest inclination of her head made him straighten up and look at the 'butler'.
"Thank you, my good man. Before we proceed, it would perhaps be courteous to introduce ourselves." He bows towards the Tarrican delegation. "Councillor Leyenda of Fyrn, at your service. May I present my wife, Ennie?" He gestures towards the Ambassador, who bows slightly but keeps her face well hidden behind the wide hat brim. Hadrian looks towards the Tarrican delegates with an inviting smile. "And you are?"
Stuff and Shinies
22-01-2004, 16:32
OOC: Come on Tarrican, get in there!
27-01-2004, 14:04
The Tarricani gentleman returns the bow. "An honour to meet you Councillor, my Lady. My name is Thomas Ambrose, Tarricani Officer Diplomus for the Anaxan situation. I hope we can work together to bring a peacefull solution to this."
He turns briefly back to his security team and nods making a slight gesture with his right hand that could either be a nervous twitch or a code of some variety "As the Empress dictates... I suspect I shall see you shortly, Sargeant."
He returns his attention to the Frynians... "Lets not keep the Empress waiting too long, eh?"... and begins to proceed.
Hadrian courteously stands back to allow the Tarricani envoy to go first. Ennie is also ushered through. Hadrian gives the sergeant and the Stuff and Shinies man one last glance before following the other two into the room beyond.
Note for vampires: if you can smell emotions, Hadrian is apprehensive, Ennie completely calm.
Stuff and Shinies
27-01-2004, 18:57
OOC: Hang on to your helmets, here we go...
You walk through the enormous set of double doors and are ushered into a huge anti-chamber. The air smells very fragrant and heady, as if someone has been burning very expensive musky perfume. In stark contrast to the opulence of the rest of the facility the decor of the room is very plain and functional. A large but unadorned open fire runs along the left wall, with several comfortable-looking chairs in front of it, whilst on the right wall there is a huge display case running the entire length of the room. As you walk down the oak-floored 'runway' from the door, the case has a series of sets of amour from ye olde knights to the present-day uniform of Stuff and Shinies, along with their respective weapons and a brief history.
At the far end of the room there is a huge oak desk piled high with papers and books. There is a figure moving behind it, but you cannot see clearly who they are. In front of the desk there are three comfortable chairs and a variety of refreshments on a smaller side-table. Another of the black-clad men is lounging against the wall behind the unseen figure's chair. He smiles as you approach and gestures to the seats, "Esteemed guests, please take a chair. The Empress will be with you shortly." He waits until you are all seated and then leans down to mutter something to the person behind the stack of paperwork. The figure murmurs something back and the paperwork is moved to one side.
Seated in the chair is an obviously female figure wearing the dress uniform of the Stuff and Shinies army (we all remember this one right? black leather from neck down with red lapels and a zip running up the front) Long, black hair cascades down her back, held in place with a silver clasp at the base of the neck, and cool, green eyes regard you thoughtfully from behind the white, satin mask that covers her entire face from forehead to throat. She watches you for a long heartbeat and then her eyes smile, "Welcome, honoured delegates. It is my pleasure to be able to finally meet you in person. Face to face as it were." The eyes twinkle at you as the silken voice purrs on from behind the mask, "We have much business to discuss but first allow me to introduce myself officially, I am The Empress of Stuff and Shinies." She pauses and steeples her gloved hands beneath her chin, regarding you all in turn. As she does so it becomes apparent that the heady perfume that you have been smelling since entering the room is emanating from her, it hangs above her and follows her every movement as if it were wrapped around her somehow. She smiles again, "Please, help yourselves to the refreshments and we can begin. There are some developments I feel we should discuss." She leans back in her chair and waits...
Hadrian clears his throat, stands up and gives a bow.
"It is an honour to finally meet you, Empress. Our two great nations have been friends for many years - I feel this is a truly historic occasion, not merely as an unusual and important peace talk, but also as a milestone in our dealings together.
Before we start, I would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude for your generous and unfailing hospitality." He smiles suddenly in a very friendly fashion. "I am sure you are already informed of the fact, but for appearance's sake, may I have the pleasure of introducing my wife, Ennie?"
The Ambassador rises likewise and bows, careful to keep the brim of her hat always between the Empress' eyes and her own face.
"I am very pleased to meet you at last, Empress. Taliesin* always spoke very highly of you."
There is a flash of surprise on Hadrian's face, almost instantly covered over by smiling geniality as he bows once more and resumes his seat.
"Are we the only two diplomatic parties to attend? How very disappointing. Of course, I understand that many feel the Damocles talks will amply cover the subject of the Anaxan situation, but I confess that I do not share that optimism. The reports I have had of those talks indicate that by the time all parties have done talking, the situation will be beyond control. I feel we should move fast to prevent that lamentable result from occuring."
OOC:*Read your nation posts - some creative licence taken!
Yerwahtten Command to Stuff and Shines
Is the situation under control? Are the other delegates safe? The detatchment of the 3rd fleet is still in position, elements of the 5th fleet are readying to depart. Please reply.
Stuff and Shinies
03-02-2004, 16:01
YERWHAT - Raring to go
<Open communication on all diplomatic and emergency channels>
Assistance not required <STOP> Situation in hand internally <STOP> Delegates and Empress located and under guard <STOP> Any incursions will only complicate the situation <STOP> Will keep you informed <END>
Fyrn and Tarrican - The Office
The Empress' eyes smile behind the mask as Hadrian does his formal introduction. The scent in the room seems to intensify for a brief moment as she nods to Ennie, but there is no change of expression in the eyes when you mention Taliesin. When he has finished speaking she pauses for a moment before replying, "It is a pleasure to finally have you both here to discuss the increasingly heavy-handed approach that the other nations of our region seem to be employing. When will they learn that you cannot force peace?" She opens her gaze to include both delegations, "I am hoping that we will be able to bring about a resolution to this crisis which will result in the best solution for both the people of Anaxa and the remaining nations of the Devils Desert. As far as I understand it Anaxa has collapsed into itself under the strain of civil war and external threat. Therefore these talks have ceased to be a military operation, and are in fact a search and rescue plan for the people remaining inside the country. We need to organise aid and relief for the people and ensure that this does not descend into a race to see who can 'bag' Anaxa first. I propose that we form a coalition to enter Anaxa and stabilise the region until they are in a fit state to decide what they want for themselves." The Empress leans back in her chair and looks intently at each of the delegates in turn as she waits for a response.
Ennie's voice comes calmly out from beneath the hat in that familiar low whisper.
"Are you proposing to hold Anaxa's borders against other nations, should they decide to invade? Are you proposing to send in military units as well as aid? Would this coalition remain open for other nations to join?
You will forgive the questions, but since we are short on time I judge it best to be blunt. Such an act would undoubtedly be viewed in a land-grabbing light by other nations, and could easily result in war against us. Whilst Fyrn is fully behind a clean-up operation to set Anaxa back on its feet, we are not prepared to go to war with the rest of the nation to do it."
Hadrian nods his agreement, and adds with a faintly apologetic look at the Empress:
"My people must come first, Your Ladyship. Even before humanitarian aid to others."
04-02-2004, 11:53
The Tarricani ambassador speaks up at this point...
"Your Imperial Highness, I think that this is a volatile situation. One that should not be acted on hastily by a single nation... or even by a small coalition of nations."
He rises and bows. "Forgive my silence earlier, my name is Thomas Ambrose and speak for Tarrican here."
Then he resumes both his seat and his previous line. "It is true that the sitaution has evolved, or some might say devolved, since the original decision to consider military intervention was made. But I came here expecting to meet with numerous delegates to resolve the issue outside of the DRDC, so far it would seem... underpopulated by representation. Especially of some of the region's significant forces."
"Indeed." Hadrian nods his head. "I was under the impression that the vast majority of the region would be present, and that the Damocles Talks would remain just that - centered on Damocles. Should we not wait for the other delegates to arrive before starting?"
Ennie remains silent, but a slight tenseness about her shoulders becomes apparent when Hadrian suggests this.
Stuff and Shinies
09-02-2004, 14:32
TARRICAN AND FYRN: The Plot Thickens
The Empress waits until both the ambassador for Tarrican and Hadrian have finished speaking before she responds. She leans slightly forward in her chair and steeples her fingers beneath the mask. "My dear Hadrian, it appears that you have been misinformed. The remaining delegates of the defence council have spurned these talks in favour of the 'official' channels." A hint of amusement enters her voice as she continues, "I believe they are still debating as to how to stop the civil war that ended a few weeks ago." The man stood behind her shifts position slightly and seems to be hiding a grin. The Empress tilts her head very slightly in his direction and he is instantly still, the grin gone. The Empress flicks her eyes to the Tarricani ambassador and gives him a slight nod, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person Mr Ambrose. I have heard a lot about you and your men from my commanders. I am saddened that the nations present at the DRDC are more concerned with carving up the land than assisting the people, but I can assure you that Stuff and Shinies' interests lie purely in helping the populace. The time for grubbing for scraps of property will come soon enough, for now we should merely try and ensure that the people of Anaxa are given the time to recover sufficiently to allow negatiations to take place. My plan is to propose as a triumverate the idea that Anaxa be left as an independant state for the time being whilst aid is provided to soften the blow of war and stabilise the anarchy that threatens to overflow it. This aid should take the form of essential supplies - food, clothing, medical supplies, etc - and should not contain any military presence or political strings which may cause the people to panic or riot. Once the region has been allowed sufficient time to count its losses and establish social order further actions may then be taken. " She finishes speaking and regards the delegates from behind the mask to note any reactions.
Hadrian appears to be thinking over the Empress' words, sitting back in his chair with a frown. He glances at Ennie briefly before replying.
"We are certainly happy to aid in humanitarian gestures, and to allow Anaxa the chance to gather together the shattered pieces of its culture and economy. It must, however, be understood that any 'further actions' will be re-negotiated between the members of this alliance, and we reserve the right to withdraw from this policy at any time.
I think, also, that it would be wise to specify exact amounts of aid, and what form they should come in, that are expected from each country. In matters such as these, it is always best to know exactly where we stand."
16-02-2004, 11:00
OOC Way to detect if there is something new? Look at the next page. D'oh.
"Hmmm, you have apoint there. Humanitarian aid is a given, we are always willing to be generous for our comrades in turmoil. The application of pressure against an invasion is also good sense... we all know what happened the last time someone started adventurism in a collapsing nation."
He considers, "Somewhat ironicly, I believe that was Anaxa doing that. However, your first statement almost implied that a force should dispatched to Anaxa; which us why I became so jumpy. There is little or no indication that a reasoned attempt to intervene would be an more successfull than one as proposed by the DDAC, notwithstanding the fact that any action that excludes Thulackack is innately less chaotic."
Hadrian coughs.
"I believe," he says diffidently "that Thulackack has absented itself from the DAMOCLES talks. Things not quite fiery enough there. Their delegate did mention something about taking action alone - I am sure you will agree with me that this is an added motive for fast action on our part, if we plan to take any."
Ennie cuts in smoothly.
"We all seem to be agreed that there is a case for humanitarian aid only, with minimal or no military presence. Should the situation change, then we will have to reconvene. For the present, however, I suggest we move to the details of exactly how much aid should be given, and in what form."
"Personally I would suggest the minimum of raw materials." Adds Hadrian. "After all, we don't want Anaxa to become dependant on us, do we?"
Stuff and Shinies
19-02-2004, 18:17
OOC: Sorry guys, been really busy!
IC: The Empress sits and listens to the debate between the two delegates, eyes expressionless. As the discussion comes to a close she leans forward slightly and nods, "I suggest that we supply the minimum amount of aid which will see Anaxa through their troubles, to prevent dependancy, and that we support that with strong political voices against an invasion. The need for force should never arise, however if it does we will reconvene, if you are willing, and discuss things further. Does this course of action seem acceptable to you?" She leans back again and watches the responses of the delegates. The man behind her cocks his head ever so slightly and then leans forward and whispers inaudibly into The Empress' ear. She murmurs something in return and the room seems to grow colder briefly before she turns back to the delegates for their response.
Hadrian pauses for a moment, as if to carefully think through the Empress' words. His eyes flicker to the motionless form of Ennie, then he nods gravely.
"That is acceptable to me. I think we should decide exactly what each of our nations will give in terms of aid, so that nothing is dupicated or left undone. The general idea, however, is one with which Fyrn will participate willingly until any further developments change the situation."
23-02-2004, 14:54
"You are remarkably well informed on the DAMOCLES talks, Your Highness."
The ambassador lets that hang in the air as a reminder of why S&S was asked to leave it, before continuing with the discussion at hand.
"But the proposal you have made for the future of Anaxa is both acceptable and sensible; and I feel certain that the Triumvirate will endorse my decision. Would you like to deal with the details personally, or is that the job of" his eyes flick briefly to the man behind the Empress "your underlings."
Stuff and Shinies
24-02-2004, 17:43
OOC: Again, sorry for delay, but work demands my attention! On we go...
IC: The Empress nods slightly in response to Hadrian's endorsement of the planned aid movement, "As always you have reached the most sensible conclusion." She then turns to listen to the response from Tarrican. As the Tarricani minister opens his mouth and happily puts his diplomatic foot in it the room seems to grow freezing cold. Her "underling" visibly bristles, but only at the insult to his lady, not himself. As the Tarricani 'diplomat' ploughs onand finishes his speech the Empress stands and seems to draw all the light in the room with her, casting the delegation into shadow as she towers above them. The man behind her takes an involuntary step back as she turns to snap something inaudible at him which causes him to walk briskly away down the carpeted hall. She then turns her attention to the Tarricani. The mask looks less benign and truly sinister as she hisses at him, all the melodic beauty gone from her voice, "May I remind you, honoured guest, that you are here to deal with the crisis of the Anaxan people. Other issues of state have no place in this room." There is a sensation as of many eyes boring into the skulls of the delegates, stripping away their secrets and finding their weaknesses. The room goes from freezing to boiling as The Empress continues to stare at the Tarracani ambassador. A sense of dread starts to pour through the delegates as she draws breath slowly to speak again, "I shall deal with this personally." With that she folds back into her chair and the room slowly returns to normal. The Empress' eyes glitter dangerously behind the mask.
Hadrian coughs loudly and stands up.
"Well, I'm sure there was no offence meant, Your Highness." he says with an effort at cheerfulness. "Naturally this is of the greatest importance to all of us. The question is, shall we thrash out the details now or wait until we know more about the situation in Anaxa? I have to confess, my knowledge of the internal situation there is a little sketchy at present - "
"Hadrian." The word is a flat whipcrack interrupting his over-loud flow of chatter. Hadrian starts and looks at Ennie, before subsiding gracefully into his chair and lapsing into silence. Ennie nods at the Empress.
"Naturally we cannot commit any of our country's resources until we have discussed this agreement with our economists and know exactly what sort of numbers we have to play with. If I may make so bold as to suggest that we reconvene in a day or two, when we have been in contact with our home governments? At your convenience, naturally, Your Highness."
25-02-2004, 11:53
The boring stares descend to the Tarricani delegate like spears of malice... meeting a gaze that suprised its owner with its calmness. They stab into his skull through those openings and plunge into cool water; driving their way, ever-slowing into a pool of imeasurable depth.
He bows appology, "I ask forgiveness for the words I spoke, I merely meant to suggest that your time was the most precious of things... and your willingness to personally delve into the minutae of bookkeeping the aid speaks well of you dedication, and of your heart. If any other meaning was to be found in my words, then it was not I who placed it there."
(OOC any mind-reading that might have been implied by your post fails to get anything at all from him.)
Stuff and Shinies
17-03-2004, 16:28
OOC: Muchos apologies, essay deadlines suck! Plus there was no mind-reading, it was a physical effect not a mental one. Righty ho then...
IC: The Empress nods in response to the delegate's attempts at smoothing over what was said, a slight smile touching her eyes at Hadrian's enthusiatic attempts. She stands and bows very slightly to both parties, "I believe then that for now we have said all that needs to be said. The aid programme should begin immediately and be announced to the council by your respective delegates. In the meantime if the situation changes you may contact me securely and directly on this frequency", she hands a small white card with gold-embossed lettering to each delegate. On it is written a communications frequency number, nothing else. "I look forward to the improved relations between our nations that this will ensure, and hope that we have acted in time for the Anaxan people. My men will see you out." Several of the figures from the lobby are lounging in the doorway, the man who was lounging behind her chair walks down the hall and resumes his former position behind her left shoulder. The Empress sits down and waits patiently for the delegates to respond.
Hadrian glances across at Ennie and clears his throat.
"At your discretion, Empress, but we...I had hoped to be granted the honour of a private audience. When it is convenient to yourself, naturally."
Stuff and Shinies
25-03-2004, 16:12
When there is no objection from the Tarricani side the Empress nods slightly to the Fyrnian delegates and waits politely for the Tarricani ambassador to leave.
OOC: Was waiting for Tarricani response, but got bored. Apologies - I'm assuming you have already left!
When the door closes behind Ambrose, Hadrian sits back in his chair and looks expectantly at Ennie. She removes the hat and gives the Empress a brief nod.
"Hadrian. Leave us." Her voice has once again lost the husky whisper and become a hard crystal-cut accent. Hadrian looks surprised.
"Now, if you please." He hesitates, obviously indignant about this summary dismissal, then stands up and bows low to the Empress before walking out the door. Those with exceptional hearing might pick up disgruntled muttering about women in general and high-handed relations in particular. When he has finally gone, Ennie smiles.
"Please excuse him, YOur Highness. Men are all the same - they can't stand it if they aren't in control. Now, to business. I am sure your time is limited so I will keep this brief. Hadrian is not, as you may have gathered, my husband but in fact my cousin. Fyrnian society is, I regret to say, chauvinistic in the extreme. It is a man's world, and only men may rule. I was not content with this situation and have, over the years, come to rule the country with Hadrian as my mouthpiece and scrap thrown in the direction of the chauvinists. To all appearances, Councillor Leyenda is a man. No one seems to have commented on the femininity of his name, which is all to the good. The situation is about to change, however. I am ill, and have been for some time. Hadrian believes I am asking you for medical assistance - genetic restructuring or something similar. He is wrong. I am in fact offering you Fyrn.
As you have seen, Hadrian is a good man at heart and an excellent politician. He is not, however, a ruler. He is not ruthless enough, not intelligent enough, certainly not perceptive enough. If he remains in control then the country will collapse within a year of my death. We are not a large nation, but we are a rich one. With some greedy neighbours, Thulackack being the obvious example. If you were to agree to my proposal, you would gain a rich, populous, advanced nation situated in an advantageous geographical and trade position but an unenviable political one. I see no reason to dress up the facts.
I propose a marriage alliance between Hadrian and either yourself, if you will forgive my presumption, or a highly capable subordinate. This will make the takeover legal and acceptable - and also more subtle - in the eyes of the Fyrnian government, and should therefore present you with minimum difficulty. They may be old fools but they can be surprisingly obstinate when they want to." This statement is accompanied by a wry smile. From her coat she slowly draws out a large manilla file.
"You will find the economic growth and predicted growth figures for the past and next five years, copies of our current trade and military alliances, details of the government, social and military structures, a summary account of the imports and exports and so on within this file. If you agree to my proposals, it is yours. Naturally you may want to think it over, and some of the details will need to be worked out. I do hope, however, that you will agree." Her pale eyes twinkle unexpectedly for a moment.
"If nothing else, it will be a challenge for both sides and, as such, the shake-up may prove to be potentially hugely beneficial to all."
She waits calmly for a reply, the folder resting gently on her lap.
Stuff and Shinies
21-05-2004, 17:58
The man at the Empress' shoulder widens his eyes as the proposal is made, a flash appearing in his eyes at the mention of marriage. He tenses visibly and looks intently at the Empress as she listens to Ennie speak. When the proposal has been laid out, the Empress takes the folder gently from Ennie's hands and flicks briefly through the figures within it. She draws a second folder from a side drawer and makes a few notes in the margin before placing both folders in the hands of the man behind her. He takes them automatically and reluctantly heads for a panel at the side of the room. He taps it gently, waits for a moment and then walks straight through the wall. A few minutes later he reappears and walks back to his position behind his ruler. For the interval the Empress sits in silence, the mask impassive, her eyes full of the million questions and answers running through her mind. Eventually she looks up and nods, "Accepted. How long do we have?" She waits patiently for Ennie to respond...
Ennie permits herself a slight smile.
"How long do I have? A few months. Long enough. May I say how very pleased I am that you have agreed to this proposal? I am confident Fyrn will flourish under your rule. There is one more piece of paper you should see."
She reaches into another inner pocket and pulls out a single, thin strip with a load of letters and numbers written upon it.
"These are all the security and pass codes. You may find them useful. I shall be more than happy to answer any further questions you may have. I must confess, I have no intention of returning home from this trip. Once Hadrian has been informed, I had hoped to beg the loan of a chopper and remove to a nice little retirement home. I have no wish to die in office."
Again, that faint, self-deprecating smile hovers around the corner of her mouth.
(OOC: Check your telegrams, hon!)
Stuff and Shinies
02-06-2004, 14:32
The Empress nods and her eyes smile slightly, "If you wish to retire in anonimity somewhere quiet then I have the perfect place. I have a retreat that has never been used. It is small and picturesque with good (invisible) security and unlimited access to the local area. If you would like to use it then it's yours." She slides across a small white card with gold embossed writing on it, "Contact this frequency if you wish to make use of it. As for transport, you do not have to ask, it is the least I can do." She stands and moves around the table to shake Ennie's hand and then nods briefly to the man behind her who glances towrds the door and nods back. The Empress walks over to the wall and vanishes straight through it, the man looks towards Ennie and bows slightly, "Shall we?"...