North Star
27-10-2003, 05:37
Rising tensions in North Star
The Sultan threw the edict to the ground "I'll have them all beheaded! the nerve, call my household heads, we will show the power of the Sultan!"
Hatusu stretched her slender body on the couch , yawned and returned to reading the edict.
"And you, you dont seem to care! With a question over the right of succession to the throne, a clan war could occur! The nation could be thrown into the dark ages because these clerics see themselves as God! What I say is law! "
The Sultan looked at his wife stretched out cat like , her deep brown eyes and full red lips combined with her slender oiled body only covered by a loin cloth sent a thrill through the old mans body even in his current mental and physical state.
"Damn you woman! You have nothing to say to me? You have enough to say behind my back woman! Your mind is like a nest of vipers!"
Hatusu looked up and pouted at her husband
The Sultan staggered over to her
"I know you're up to something, but for now I have bigger things on my mind, I will make my mark felt for 10,000 years! I am the Sultan who God loves! North Star forever! Damn those clerics who drool all reactionary Iesus! Damn Iesus"
Hatusu smiled sweetly at her husband, the man whom God adored. She giggled to herself inwardly as she watched the old man stumble from the room, the Sultan who prized his perception so much really had no idea. If only the old fool knew the thrill and dreams that man of Iesus had awakened in her.
Admiral Anu Vikram , brother to the Ultra conservative hardliner Mular Vikram couldnt help but praise God as he read the Clerics edict. Truly God was with the people of North Star, and God help those who would oppose the clerics. Vikram looked skywards at the ‘jinn' repulsar fighter/bombers as they began their mock attacks on Vikrams carrier group, this was the power those who really loved God would unleash upon any who would oppose the truth of God.
"Admiral, Iesus transport closing"
"Excellent, make ready to greet our guests"
Vikram watched the Iesus craft close in, truly the victory of the Ieno war against Lavenrunz had been Iesus Christ is total dominance of these channel islands and St Dominic, that war had been a glorious victory for the Reich, praise Be God for that victory. This military exercise off Lyle again showed how pathetic SATOs showing in that war had been.
And the future would be full of more victories.
27-10-2003, 08:48
OOC: This is very good, North Star.
Telegram for you.
North Star
31-10-2003, 04:45
Admiral Vikram approached ,knelt on the ground and pressed his forehead against the tiled floor
"My heart is glad and my soul delights in the light of your face, oh messenger of the Divine one, incarnation of the wisdom of God, he who has heard the voice of God and lived"
"Quiet your praise, for there is but one God, whom rules us all, one master of the day of doom, you may kneel back. What brings my noble brother from the land of the burning sands?"
Vikram went back on his heels and stared up, the man on the throne before him stared down, his eyes flashed with something like anger.
"O noble Lord, the enemies of the Lord God are many and grow in numbers daily, at home the enemies of the lord manifest in all sections of our society, those whom were once brothers of you and our noble clerics are now seeking to usurp the very rule of God"
"and what do my brothers desire of me? My life is for God"
"o Noble one Matthew Iesus, grant those who are ready to uphold the law of God the following"
Vikram rattled of the list and knew Matthew Iesus would deny the cause of the hardline clerics nothing.
Amero, High Judge of the Sultan and his nephew, clutched at the rail as his aid urged the horses into a gallop. The desert quickly gave way to scrub land, eventually the oasis, a sprawling green island in the eastern desert, came into view. Amero glimpsed the glitter of bronze, flashes of color as the Mitanni dispatched the ceremonial war chariots to greet them.
"The Mitanni are showing off it seems" Amero murmured to himself
The Mintanni thundered towards them , the plumes of their war horses rising and falling. The soldiers within carried ceremonial shields and wore cuirasses of copper, leather kilts and bronze helmets with ostentatious plumes. Ameros Aid ignored them, keeping his horses at a gentle canter.. The mitanni war chariots ,circled before coming up on either side. Amero raised his hand in a gesture of peace and the commanding officer of the Mittani war chariots replied in kind. The Mittani commander grinned in a flash of white teeth and shouted at Amero to follow him, then suddenly the Mitanni chariot careered in front of them, and raced forward following the track way to the Scared Oasis.
Amero was surprised at how busy it was. The oasis stretched for four miles on either side and already it seems crowded with brightly colored pavilions, tents and people. The air was thick with the pungent smell of wood smoke, cooking meats ,perfumes and spices, and despite the apparent chaos Amero could tell that at the core, everything was well organized. He knew this clan meeting has been planned for some time and even if everything around him had a air of a ancient time, Amero knew behind the ancient rites and laws of ‘blood truce' was modern arms and firepower of the clans and government, still he knew no one would violate the blood peace, not yet anyhow.
At last they reached the centre of the oasis, the meeting tent had been set up next to the great pool, in the shade of the sycamore and palm trees. The meeting pavilion was luxurious, colored cloths stretched over the poles, ceremonial guards in white kirtles, bronze cuirasses and greaves stood on guard with shield and lance. Amero and his aid waited as the grooms unhitched the horses and led them away .Without waiting Amero quickly entered the tent, he knew as royal representative of the Sultan ,his arrival was last, still he didn't like keeping people waiting longer than needed
The guards quickly parted for the sultans judge and representive of the sultans clan ,the Omari, at first Amero was dazed by the dark cool interior, he stood till he grew accustomed to the light, varicolored cloths covered the ground, cushions lay stacked around small tables, most of which were covered in precious ornaments, statuettes, cups and bowls. Incense burners sent up plumes of perfumed smoke, Amero loved this place, the ancient tradition and culture of this place meant a lot to him and now, with the question of accession being so close to driving a wedge between the clans this place had a desperate importance to go with its deep cultural history.
Amero bowed to each of the seated heads of the major clans of North Star, Hida, The Inei and the ‘blood honor' host of the meeting, the Mitanni. In turn each nodded and greeted Amero, for he was the voice of the fourth and most powerful major clan, the Omari . For 500 years The Sultan had always been of Omari blood, now the shadow of doubt was cast across the nation.
"Brothers, let us talk as men, no ‘court' talk, but as men of god and the land, let us sit and find a way to prevent feud from occurring, let we, the true powers of North Star lead our people, not those peasant clerics"
Iesus Christi
06-11-2003, 10:44
The principle of promoting pan-humanist secular values is a aim fundamentally opposed to Islam and True Islams desire to abolish nationality and unite all mankind in a single community, under the banner of a state indifferent to the matter of race and colour.
We applaud loudly our brothers in North Star who speak against the growing secular sulatanite authorities and their distorted views of Islam, the power base of the sultan is becoming nothing more than the party of the infidel! You brothers who struggle against for and expound a universalist view of Islam are blessed....know we in Iesus Christi, your brothers in the Koran and our devoted Christian kine,, pray for you and will aid you now, and forever.....
Heil Victory
God is Great
Ayatollah Ruhollah Najaf
Leader of Iesus Christi Islamic community/Advisor on Shia/Muslim affairs
North Star
07-11-2003, 08:28
Vek Musawi, nephew of the Sultan wasnt quite sure what the name of the street he was driving down was but at some guess it would be named after one of the myriad of martyrs, the structures here defied all laws of architectural principle and the concept of planning seemed almost totally absent. Blocks of flats up to eight stories crammed this section of the town, above the streets hang a web of cables, strung like spaghetti from pole to pole and building to building forming the neighborhoods makeshift power supply. Murals and giant posters of Khomeini, Khameini and martyrs adorn the neighborhood, green and yellow flags of Islam and UMB flutter from windows and balconies, banners denouncing SATO and pledging to reclaim the Al-Quds were everywhere.
Vek Musawi ignored the poverty outside and glanced at the car clock, 12 o'clock and right on time he could hear the muadhdhin proclaiming the call to the faithful to come and pray.
Vek leant back in the seat of his new BMW and slowed down as he approached the traffic lights, he could hear the call clearly now but he had no intent to pull over and join the masses in their noontime daily devotions as they knelt towards Mecca. Vek turned up the radio as he slowed to a stopped at the lights , and sighed happily as the religious cry from outside was downed out by his far more secular tastes. Vek drifted into his secular paradise as he waited at the lights.
Suddenly Vek was ripped from his paradise, the car door pulled open, hands roughly gripping him and ripping him from the vechile.At first there was no panic, only surprise as he was thrown to the ground, his next thought was there must have been some mistake for some of the men in the group circling him wore military uniforms, He informed everyone loudly who he was and that this must be a mistake of some sort, then as the first soldier cracked his baton down onto him Veks cry changed to one of horror and anger. Vek spat and cursed in defiance of his assaulters , who's only reply was a intensifying of their assault and a loud declaration that no one was exempt from God's law.
Vek Mesawis world went black as a boot cracked into his face, his assailants left to offer up their devotions to the one God whom bound the world to his will, even as the nephew of the blessed sultan bleed to death next to his car.