Here's a question. . .
[ :?: [OOC: Here's a question, and I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before and I haven't had the time to sift through a million posts, but is it possible to map out your country in any form? This would only be for reference and realism's sake.] :?: ]
Ya, but I'm not exactly sure where the threads are. The easiest way to do so is to draw a hand sketch or a .bmp file (or something of the sort).
26-10-2003, 08:16
NationStates doesn't actually support maps, but it *is* possible to simply make a map and upload it to the Internet as a .JPG or .GIF. Quite a few regions and a lot of nations have their own maps.
The Belmore Family
26-10-2003, 08:20
Yes, a few examples
So I CAN have my own map of my own political space, yes? Good, because here it is!
A map of the Dimeldish Continent, a small land-mass, mind you, but full of hard-working, nearly zealous people willing to to anything to protect their home.
Much thanks to Tiburon, Tsaraine, and The Belmore Family!
26-10-2003, 09:26
Unfortunately, all I'm getting is the dread red X. What webhost are you using? Geocities, Tripod, Angelfire and probably some others don't allow off-site image linking.
The Belmore Family
26-10-2003, 09:27
Unfortunately, all I'm getting is the dread red X. What webhost are you using? Geocities, Tripod, Angelfire and probably some others don't allow off-site image linking.
He's using Geocities
On Geocities, change the extension to .txt
((OOC: Voila! Thanks Merania.))