NationStates Jolt Archive

School for the Training of International Irregulars.

26-10-2003, 04:52
The Government of the H.E.K. is seeking to form a School for the Training of International Irregulars, more commonly known as Special Forces, this Academy would take students from the Militaries of various nations, and train them in the ways of Special Forces, to be used by their respective nations for antiterror missions, and other tasks requiring Special Forces, this Academy would not be run totally by the H.E.K. however, we ask other nations who have no need of this Academy to send some of their best troops to be Instructors, Teachers, etc... will anyone join us in this?
26-10-2003, 04:53
We have no need of this academy. However, we are certainly willing to send instructors.
26-10-2003, 04:54
We have the following acadamies, would instucters from some of the following help?

The Acadamy of Electronic warfare
South Port(Think West Point)
The Acadamy of Combat Avation
New Tordor Naval Acadamy
Geri Acadamy of Urban and Gurrerilla warfare
Dorusi Acadamy of Space and Sattalite warfare
Mishimi Acadamy of Mech Warfare
26-10-2003, 04:54
Guanyu is willing to send up to four hundred instructors, depending on how large the academy is planned to be.
26-10-2003, 04:55
We have no need of this academy. However, we are certainly willing to send instructors. MEEF?
26-10-2003, 04:55
Tordor: Indeed.

Guanyu: 100 should do.
26-10-2003, 04:56
MEEF and CRT, for different purposes of training. Also maybe some Rangers.
26-10-2003, 04:56
Then we will gladly send them.
26-10-2003, 05:00
Tremalkier is willing to send a single Niall clan member to your "academy".

As the Niall are one of the most elite groups in the world, as a semi-nomadic, and semi-civilized people, there skills at unseen movement, and ambushes are reknowned world over. We are sending a former advisor of the Kaiser, who although his reputation on hard times, is still a leading figure, and quite capable of teaching ambush techniques.

Note: No Tremalkien tactics will be taught, this is going to be a more overall course.
26-10-2003, 05:02
OOC:That sounds about right, that would be like trying to get the Teritoran nikja or the RSC to teach their silent, quick and deadly techniques.
26-10-2003, 05:13
We will be sending something like 100 of our elite NADE-Warriors to act as Instructors, will anyone send soldiers to be taught here?
26-10-2003, 05:22
100 Special Ops instructors are on their way. They are trained in everything from infiltration/assassination and hand to hand/weapons combat to diplomatic negotiations. We hope they will be helpful.
26-10-2003, 05:24
100 Special Ops instructors are on their way. They are trained in everything from infiltration/assassination and hand to hand/weapons combat to dimplomatic negotiations. We hope they will be helpful. Thank you.
26-10-2003, 05:35
What is the maximum students I may send? And hwo much will that cost?
26-10-2003, 05:39
What is the maximum students I may send? And hwo much will that cost? 1,000, as many will most certainly fail, and we can negotiate prices based on how many pass, and some other factors.
26-10-2003, 05:42
I will have 1,000 of my top DATA officers by chopper, and will organise payment as soon as a price is settled apon.

OCC: DATA is a rather corny acronym that stands for Department Against Terrorist Affairs.
26-10-2003, 05:43
I will have 1,000 of my top DATA officers by chopper, and will organise payment as soon as a price is settled apon.

OCC: DATA is a rather corny acronym that stands for Department Against Terrorist Affairs. OOC: How good are they? paper-pushers? or what?

IC: Very well.
26-10-2003, 05:51
I will have 1,000 of my top DATA officers by chopper, and will organise payment as soon as a price is settled apon.

OCC: DATA is a rather corny acronym that stands for Department Against Terrorist Affairs. OOC: How good are they? paper-pushers? or what?

IC: Very well.

OOC: Let's just say...they lack feild training. We have never had a terrorist problem to warrent it.
Western Asia
26-10-2003, 08:57
Western Asia would be willing to allow some training and instruction to proceed at Western Asian military facilities.

Facilities include both bases in WA (RL Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, parts of Syria and some nearby lands. Very good for a variety of conditions and situations. WA training bases cover almost any geographic situation--from urban jungles to forrests to mountain ranges and desert scapes) and at WA bases around the world (The SE Corner of Ellesmere Island off of Canada (for Arctic and Cold Weather operations); Wake Islands, Midway Islands, Guam, and Malta (for Naval, harbor, amphibious, and rugged/undeveloped terrain operations).

We will be willing to allow this institute to operate Western Asian machinery and to, at times, cross-train forces with WA conventional and special operations forces. Munitions and such costs will be covered by the institute when WA forces are not involved, joint training with WA units will be covered by the IDF training budget either wholly or in part. WA trainers will also be available when WA facilities are in use.

We would be glad to train such forces, especially in support of the nation of Kecha, our sometimes ally and current friend.

Note: Some nations' representatives, mainly their trainees, their instructors, and their soldiers will be denied the use of or otherwise have their access limited to Western Asian facilities for both security and diplomatic reasons.
26-10-2003, 21:38
OOC: Syria?!
26-10-2003, 21:43
Western Asia: Nice.
Western Asia
27-10-2003, 09:25
OOC: Syria?!

OOC: Parts of it, yes. Remember, I only agreed to give up my control of it for that RP...which is now done.

We appreciate your approval and await your word on how these opportunities will be used by your training program.
03-11-2003, 14:48
Western Asia: We'll need to work that our in private with you.
15-11-2003, 23:33
Posting soon.
Western Asia
16-11-2003, 01:44
Western Asia: We'll need to work that our in private with you.

OOC: I have no clue what this means...and the lack of a TM means that it doesn't matter.

Kecha, my offer stands and I hope that this all does well.
16-11-2003, 01:49
Alright Western Asia, we'll work this out.