And the seed will fall on fertile soil...(Alliance)
24-10-2003, 19:08
//Message to world leaders and their governments.\\
~~Line//:Government 4/Transmission/All/
In a well lit room with light oak furniture and many cabinets aswell as a long table a tall man enters the camera shot. He has grey hair. ut not much of it, the old back and sides. He wears a smart suit and places his breifcase on the laong table behind him.
He turns back to the camera, straightens his jacket and tie, and clears his through.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, leaders of the free world. Or so we like to think.
The word free means
not enslaved nor confined.
Now, how many of you who can see me now, beleive that we live in a world, rule in a world where no peoples are enslaved nor confined? (Pause)
The, the reason I ask is because, well because I allready know the answer. I know that everyone of you said "not me". I know this, because it is the truth, and the truth is what I am about. I am the truth.
I am Howard Dawson, of the Government Foreign Intelligence and Action Comitee of the Pablicosta government.
We have for years now, five long years been observing the world. Now, to you this sounds a very bizzare and pointless operation. But me, I beg to differ.
During these five years we have watched many conflicts, wars, enslavements, invasions, surrenders and betrayals.
Lets start with the first, War;
Open armed conflict between two or mroe parties.
At the begining of a war, a modern war military every one involved thinks they will win, but by the end, one nation is under the control of the other. Normally under the opressive rule of the conquering nation.
We Want to stop this!
We WILL Stop this
This, my friends is why I have called this tele-conference. To ask you for your support. Your help.
We have permission from the government to open memberships to an alliance, a Freedom Alliance.
As you have probably geussed, The Freedom Alliance will be a force to free opressed peoples, and to stop more people loosing their freedom.
We will acheive our goals through ultimayums, negotiations, and when nescesery, force.
If you are interested, which I sincerely hope you are, please respond to this message soon.
Anyone has the option to apply for position in the Freedom Alliance, however not all will beccepted, for example vcous dictators will be rejected.
There will be a ranking system in place. Well, not a rnaking, merley positions held in the Alliance. These are:
Commissioner-Mr Gerald Dawson of Pablicosta
Secondary Commissioner
Call Up Controler
Action Council
Action Council
Action Council
Inteligence Controler
Affairs Controler
Highest postion in the Alliance, has the power to vetó anything, but can not solely take the organisation to war.
Secondary Commissioner
The second in command, while the Commissioner is away or un available, this person has control. At all other times this member is to act as adviser.
Personal Adviser to the Commissioner, works closely with the Intellgience Controler to bring news to the Alliance concerning possible situations.
Call Up Controler
Has control over call-ups to the Alliance Task Force, unless their is a more than reasonable case, all nations must comply to the CUC's request. Can also send troops home when not needed.
Action Council
These three mebers msy debate possible situations for action, for example if a slave trade begins they mustd ecide wheter to take action, and if so to what measure.
Inteligence Controler
Has control over Alliance spies and other Inteligence equipment and personel, may draw on inteligence form anywhere (except OOC knowlegde).
Affairs Controler
Watches conflicts and action of other nations trying to create good feelings and alliances with other alliances. Also responsible for recruting new natiosn to the Alliance.
So Ladies and Gentlemen, Leaders of the not so free world, I have said my piece, now it is your turn, to join and make a difference to the world.
Thank you.
~~Line//:Government 4/Transmission/All/Closed/
[size=16]Forum ([/size
How do you feel about enslaving of people?
Example: The enslavement of prisoners rather then confining them? In this way they still have use to the nation they harmed. Ofcourse not all penalty's have life long enslavement, those are reserved for crimes such as murder and rape.
In this case we have found out enslavement works good.
Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris
Look at my population
don't be tricked by my age
OOC: I remember you Bu-Long Tea.
IC: I am interested in this strange alliance you have proposed... However Istar will most likely be unable to join due to our "detainment" of the evil Minotaur race.
Kingpriest Velorn X
”Fe Paladas cado, bid Istaras apalo, tam Gidam codo.”
The Holy Empire of Istar
OOC: I remember you Bu-Long Tea.
IC: I am interested in this strange alliance you have proposed... However Istar will most likely be unable to join due to our "detainment" of the evil Minotaur race.
Kingpriest Velorn X
”Fe Paladas cado, bid Istaras apalo, tam Gidam codo.”
The Holy Empire of Istar
How do you remeber me? I was dead before you were born.
I had this nation regenerated
OOC: I remember you Bu-Long Tea.
IC: I am interested in this strange alliance you have proposed... However Istar will most likely be unable to join due to our "detainment" of the evil Minotaur race.
Kingpriest Velorn X
”Fe Paladas cado, bid Istaras apalo, tam Gidam codo.”
The Holy Empire of Istar
How do you remeber me? I was dead before you were born.
I had this nation regenerated
Because my nation was regenerated also, look at the population, you'll see.
I am intersted in joining this alliance.
TG me with details
Supreme Leader of Piddlywoo:
I am humored by your arrogance, yet disappointed with your spelling. Before you can have an "Intelligence" agency, you should take a cue from you smart suit and learn how to spell it first.
My Iron fist-like doggy creature shoots sperm upon your proposal!
Godfrey Goddlyson
24-10-2003, 19:33
How do you feel about enslaving of people?
Example: The enslavement of prisoners rather then confining them? In this way they still have use to the nation they harmed. Ofcourse not all penalty's have life long enslavement, those are reserved for crimes such as murder and rape.
In this case we have found out enslavement works good.
Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris
The Freedom Alliance looks down on enslavement, but it is prefered to the likes of opressive rule.
Aslong as it is done in a harmless manor, meaning, you do not throw bricks at them, and or, delibratly make them work in dangerous environments.
If, like you say you only enslave people for a set length of time, and they are not harmed nor put in danger then the FA can take no action against you.
Is this correct?
24-10-2003, 19:35
OOC: I remember you Bu-Long Tea.
IC: I am interested in this strange alliance you have proposed... However Istar will most likely be unable to join due to our "detainment" of the evil Minotaur race.
Kingpriest Velorn X
”Fe Paladas cado, bid Istaras apalo, tam Gidam codo.”
The Holy Empire of Istar
Hmmmmmm, yould be accepted into the Alliance, however you would have to meet criteria.
For you to join we would ask that you begin the release of the Minotaurs.
However, this may not be nescesary depending on the circumstances on which they are held, and how they are kept ect.
Please send me this information for analysis. Thank you.
Indeed this is true, we do not harm the slaves on purpose. Nor do we employ them in dangerous envoyerments without good equipment. But they don't get pay for there work. There only rights is to be allowed to live.
24-10-2003, 19:38
Indeed this is true, we do not harm the slaves on purpose. Nor do we employ them in dangerous envoyerments without good equipment. But they don't get pay for there work. There only rights is to be allowed to live.
In this case we can bring nothing against you, however we can not endorse your actions as good.
In this case we can bring nothing against you, however we can not endorse your actions as good.
You might have better ideas what to do with the murders and rapists?
This is the basic lowdown.
The Minotaur race was first enslaved inmass after the War of the Twin Kingdoms 500 years ago when the Minotaur race invaded the Holy Empire in an attempt to enslave the humans and elves of the Empire, however after three decades of fighting the Twin Kingdoms of Mithas and Kothas were taken over by Istar and the capital city of Nethosak was destroyed and a new city called "Lattakay" was built in it's place. The Kingpriest who ruled after the war (Kingpriest Zin VI) believed that the Minotaur needed to be controled and the best way for that to be done was to enslave the entire race which was done over a period of five years (though rogue tribes and pirates remain free to this day).
Basic Information:
The average Minotaur slave is born to a life of misery and servitude, the strongest ones are either sent to the mines for a lifetime of backbreaking work in conditions that would be considered cruel and inhumane (if used on humans) or the Coliseums to fight as Slave-Gladiators for the paying fans to watch the famous bloodsports of the Kingdom. The women and children are usually used as the following streetcleaners, personal servants, kitchen workers, construction workers, farm labor, breeders for more slaves, etc. The conditions are the pure whim of the master which vary from kind to just plain twisted. It is considered disgusting for a human to use a minotaur slave as a sex slave (by law it is considered to be a form of bestiality).
~Istar Tourist Information Center
24-10-2003, 20:37
This is the basic lowdown.
The Minotaur race was first enslaved inmass after the War of the Twin Kingdoms 500 years ago when the Minotaur race invaded the Holy Empire in an attempt to enslave the humans and elves of the Empire, however after three decades of fighting the Twin Kingdoms of Mithas and Kothas were taken over by Istar and the capital city of Nethosak was destroyed and a new city called "Lattakay" was built in it's place. The Kingpriest who ruled after the war (Kingpriest Zin VI) believed that the Minotaur needed to be controled and the best way for that to be done was to enslave the entire race which was done over a period of five years (though rogue tribes and pirates remain free to this day).
Basic Information:
The average Minotaur slave is born to a life of misery and servitude, the strongest ones are either sent to the mines for a lifetime of backbreaking work in conditions that would be considered cruel and inhumane (if used on humans) or the Coliseums to fight as Slave-Gladiators for the paying fans to watch the famous bloodsports of the Kingdom. The women and children are usually used as the following streetcleaners, personal servants, kitchen workers, construction workers, farm labor, breeders for more slaves, etc. The conditions are the pure whim of the master which vary from kind to just plain twisted. It is considered disgusting for a human to use a minotaur slave as a sex slave (by law it is considered to be a form of bestiality).
~Istar Tourist Information Center
Right, I see the original terms of the enslaving would have been considered reasonable, at the time.
But time has changed, and we do think that your terms of enslaving the minataur are unreasonable.
We ask, that if you still wish to become a member of the FA that you do make an effort to free the minataur', over a period of time.
If you do not agree to this, or a similar agreement then I am afraid you can not be permitted into the Alliance.
Thank you for your Intrest,.
24-10-2003, 20:41
In this case we can bring nothing against you, however we can not endorse your actions as good.
You might have better ideas what to do with the murders and rapists?
Ye we feel we do, In pablicosta:
Extract from the bbok of Law Pablicosta passed 2000.
Offenders shall be punished by the removal of the testis and penis, and then up to 35 years in prison at the discretion of the judge.
A manditory 50 years in solitary confinement, unless the Prison Officer feels the inmate is fit to be put in normal prison conditions. Also, if the family of the victim(s) wish, the offender can be trialed with regard to the death penalty.
we will join your alliance if you'll have us
In this case we can bring nothing against you, however we can not endorse your actions as good.
You might have better ideas what to do with the murders and rapists?
Ye we feel we do, In pablicosta:
Extract from the bbok of Law Pablicosta passed 2000.
Offenders shall be punished by the removal of the testis and penis, and then up to 35 years in prison at the discretion of the judge.
A manditory 50 years in solitary confinement, unless the Prison Officer feels the inmate is fit to be put in normal prison conditions. Also, if the family of the victim(s) wish, the offender can be trialed with regard to the death penalty.
I agree that those laws also could work. But in this way the criminals don't even come close to repay there debt to society. In the way we use in our countrey, this does happen.
24-10-2003, 20:58
we will join your alliance if you'll have us
After consideration of your application, we have decided that the nation of Jitano is a suitable candidate for the Freedom Alliance.
Your application is accepted who, heartedly, and we would like to offer you a place on the action council?
OOC-Please invent a charcter or use one you allready have for meetings and such. Thanks.
24-10-2003, 21:00
In this case we can bring nothing against you, however we can not endorse your actions as good.
You might have better ideas what to do with the murders and rapists?
Ye we feel we do, In pablicosta:
Extract from the bbok of Law Pablicosta passed 2000.
Offenders shall be punished by the removal of the testis and penis, and then up to 35 years in prison at the discretion of the judge.
A manditory 50 years in solitary confinement, unless the Prison Officer feels the inmate is fit to be put in normal prison conditions. Also, if the family of the victim(s) wish, the offender can be trialed with regard to the death penalty.
I agree that those laws also could work. But in this way the criminals don't even come close to repay there debt to society. In the way we use in our countrey, this does happen.
You do raise a good poin, but we personly never have considered, now ever will consioder slavery.
Prisoners work in their prisons and in the local community, but not to the extent of slavery.
How we figured this.
When the person followed to ignore the rules the nation implied, the rules won't work for him either. He has no right because he choice to forfeit them.
OOC: I remember you Bu-Long Tea.
IC: I am interested in this strange alliance you have proposed... However Istar will most likely be unable to join due to our "detainment" of the evil Minotaur race.
Kingpriest Velorn X
”Fe Paladas cado, bid Istaras apalo, tam Gidam codo.”
The Holy Empire of Istar
How do you remeber me? I was dead before you were born.
I had this nation regenerated
Because my nation was regenerated also, look at the population, you'll see.
OOC:o, well that makes some sense
IC:Pablicosta, would you like a private forum?
I can create one for this alliance.
The Armed Republic of Daikerta
~Ur Trade Pact, The Chromestar Alliance, UAAOT, Galactic Alliance, COTW, FNA;
Kane Gurloukivich, Emperor of Daikerta
Daikertian owned Territories: Vigilatium and Koejan Chromestar; Planet Nemesis Tessera and Alcatus.
25-10-2003, 07:55
IC:Pablicosta, would you like a private forum?
I can create one for this alliance.
So can I, but I would like you to be admin or mod when I get it set up.
Thanks for the offer.
25-10-2003, 16:49
Camouflaged Bump.
The Minotaur race is evil and a threat to the glory of Istar, therefore they will never be free so as long as I am Kingpriest, even though there is a wakko fringe group of clerics that think that enslaving the minotaur is wrong, HAHAHA! What a joke!
Kingpriest Velorn X
”Fe Paladas cado, bid Istaras apalo, tam Gidam codo.”
The Holy Empire of Istar
IC:Pablicosta, would you like a private forum?
I can create one for this alliance.
So can I, but I would like you to be admin or mod when I get it set up.
Thanks for the offer.
OOC:Alright, once you get it made, TG me the addy or post it here.
26-10-2003, 08:13
will do....
26-10-2003, 08:14
actually screw that, I'l probably mess it up, could you handle that for me afterall?
26-10-2003, 08:14
actually screw that, I'l probably mess it up, could you handle that for me afterall?
26-10-2003, 08:14
actually screw that, I'l probably mess it up, could you handle that for me afterall?
Ya sure
*trotts off to make forum*
26-10-2003, 19:46
Thanks a lot
Here is the URL
26-10-2003, 20:44
Thanks, damned databse error! [*_*]
Ya i know, are there anymore members that will be joining?
28-10-2003, 09:08
Ya i know, are there anymore members that will be joining?
Hopefuly yeah, I want more-Its just it takes time to get peoples attention.