NationStates Jolt Archive

From the Ashes: 4th Communist Internationale!(region invite)

Red Scandinavia
24-10-2003, 15:52
The 4th ComIntern invites ALL socialist nations to come unto it and further our just and communal struggle to further socialism in this world!
Like the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ComInterns, we present a place for all communist nations to strengthen their ties, and split their resources for the better of all men and women on this earth! We take guidance from the Interns of the past, but also review the contrarevolutionary problems of the modern age, such as corporate powermongering and exploitation of the proletariat, patent fascism against the hungering masses, capitalist imperialism such as practiced by the United States, Spain and Great Britain in recent pre-emptive strikes against sovereign nations. We do also take great distance from the crimes committed in the name of socialism, forever staining our reputation - We are here thinking of the gulags, fascism and opression crimes committed by the Soviet Union, Cambodia and Libya into the modern age.

The ComIntern region welcomes all socialist regions that are serious in their devotion to our ideology. Failure to comply(by exploiting the proletariat, embracing free market techniques or deliberately fostering social inequality), can and likely will result in a nation's expulsion.

Follow us into the future, comrades!
Red Scandinavia,
Proud member of the ComIntern.
Comrade Lenin opening the first Communist Internationale congress

OOC: Yes, this is an invitation. If you want a socialist region with good roleplaying and plenty of solidarity in international matters, we're for you. We're relatively small, but like the ComInterns of the past, we plan on growing and becoming a power in our own right. We only request that you keep more or less to the tenets of socialism and keep a decent roleplaying standard - In return we hope to offer a fun region and devoted RP'ers who'll help you out in the turmoil that is Nationstates ;)
Red Scandinavia
07-12-2003, 19:19
07-12-2003, 21:14
anyone interested in such a region might also check out the Coalition of Anti Capitalist Economies (, which is not a region but a rather huge group of non-capitalist nations joined together for mutual economic and political aid. also, as IFTA signatories, we're part of the largest trade bloc (and only fair trade bloc) in the world.
Red Scandinavia
27-01-2004, 14:34
((OOC: BUMP for no particular reason... Be sure to check out SeOCC's CACE and IFTA links while you're at it.))