Drakuyin is a small nation that plans on raising a navy soon. If you have any ideas to help us out let us know. We need allies to trade and talk with.
Your guidance is needed! :) :)
Don't start building up your military too quickly.This will make you look like,A)A threat,B)A Godmodder,or C)A war-hungry newb.
It will also drain your economy,which is needed to power your country in its early stages.
Also, don't make a big deal out of it, or some big nations may start not liking you REEEEEEEAL EARLY.
And thats about it for my advice on military.
24-10-2003, 14:17
Drakuyin is a small nation that plans on raising a navy soon. If you have any ideas to help us out let us know. We need allies to trade and talk with.
Your guidance is needed! :) :)
Get to 100 million, then you get start talking military.
24-10-2003, 14:31
i would disagree with jerusalem. you can have a military when you are small, its just a small military. :wink: Read the thread on the NationStates forum about info. all n00bs need to know. It helps alot.
And remember that you can always come up with interesting deffered payment, and good will oans and stuff like that which will allow you to build up a better military that you may necessarily be able to create on your own... and the best part is that your not godmoddigng just working the system. 8)
24-10-2003, 14:33
Ill also be willing to be a trade and military ally if you want one. We can come up with some stuff!
YAY, im not going to be the only one on the whole ns with a huge navy and minimal other miltaries
if you want to see our store thread, near future tech:
also we would be willing to ally with you, you can never get enough allies...until you start forgeting the names of the alliances but meehhh
Five Civilized Nations
24-10-2003, 17:13
YAY, im not going to be the only one on the whole ns with a huge navy and minimal other miltaries
if you want to see our store thread, near future tech:
also we would be willing to ally with you, you can never get enough allies...until you start forgeting the names of the alliances but meehhh
What are you talking about!?! There are a lot of nations who concentrate on a navy, like my own...
The Evil Overlord
24-10-2003, 18:43
Here are the first items on your agenda for developing (or buying) a military:
1- Go to the top of the first page in the NationStates forum.
2- Read the sticky entitled, New to NationStates? View these great threads.
3- Read all of the rest of the stickies in NationStates and International Incidents.
4- Make note of the names of the countries who made posts that you found most useful.
5- Send those nations telegrams with specific questions.
You do need a bit of a army in the early stages of the game. But don't even bother making it to big, your nation can't handle it being big yet. All you need a army for at this current state is for defence purposes.
So buy a couple of tanks, equip your men. And maybe some planes.
Gradenk would like to trade with you.
As for military, We do have our own military products and our own store thread.
OOC: I will post the link to the store thread later if you are interested.