NationStates Jolt Archive


24-10-2003, 04:24
SNN – Satellite News Network Exclusive

MERIDIAN FALLS – An explosion rocked the capital city of New Kevlandia early this morning as rebel forces stormed government buildings and took the small, only recently formed police forces, completely by surprise. There are reports of dozens of deaths and numerous civilian casualties in the brief but intense fighting in the streets of the capital. Hospitals are flooded with the wounded and dying as a few lingering firefights continue throughout the city at this hour.

New Kevlandian emperor, Kevinius Maximus III, is currently on a twelve nation diplomatic tour attempting to foster relations between various foreign nations and his newly formed country. Taking advantage of his absence, a rebel force calling themselves the “Red Star Army” have attacked and overrun the capital city of Meridian Falls and two neighboring cities, Grand Pass and Astoria, are under siege.

The previously unknown rebel group, the “Red Star Army” is led by a man who calls himself Generalissimo Guapo Junta and claims that “the Emperor’s rule over Kevlandia is illegal and unauthorized.” On a statement read by Gen. Junta on state sponsored television, he went on to say that “the people of New Kevlandia have a right to be governed by the code of law, my code of law” and that he is instituting a “powerful leadership caste that will take the people of New Kevlandia out of the dark age and into the Red Age!” What the "Red Age" is, is still unclear at this point.

The empire of New Kevlandia is a recently formed nation and was recently admitted into the United Nations. New Kevlandian Foreign Minister, Walter Raleigh Trenton, currently at a diplomatic mission to the United Nations spoke to reporters briefly before going into a closed door meeting, calling the coup “an unprovoked and unconscionable attack on the peaceful people of New Kevlandia that threatened the stability and security of the entire region” and warned that the aggression would be met with a “strong and fierce” response by the New Kevlandian government. Trenton believed the international response would be extremely negative and hoped that the UN would back an "appropriate response."
New York and Jersey
24-10-2003, 04:33
Federal Republic News Network(FRNN):

"Today Foreign Secretary Issac Whitmore announced that Emperor Kevinus Maximus III could seek asylum within the Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey. This as General George Patton organizational commander of the Federal Republic Army announced that under orders of President de los Santos has called up the 1st Infantry Division, 3rd Mechanized Division and 7th Armored Division to form IV Army Corps. The purpose of IV Army Corps is still unclear and the Federal Senate is calling an emergency meeting to discuss the possibility of assisting in the removal of the Red Star government. More developments to come as they are available."
24-10-2003, 04:48
MERIDIAN FALLS – Small gun battles persist to erupt in the capital city as the few remaining pockets of resistance to the rebel “Red Star Army” continue to fight. After only ten hours of fighting, almost half the country is already under the control of Generalissimo Guapo Junta and his rebel army, which is estimated to number approximately 120,000.

The Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey, Foreign Secretary Issac Whitmore today, confirmed that an offer of Asylum has been made by his country to Emperor Kevinius Maximus III of New Kevlandia. No word yet on whether the Emperor has accepted. When asked whether or not his country’s mobilization of their IV Army Corps, Whitmore said “no comment”.

The international community seems to be still evaluating the emerging situation and there has not been a response from the United Nations as of yet, but one is expected shortly. An ambassador for the Holy Empire of the Druze, a UN delegate nation, refused comment claiming that he has not yet had the opportunity to consult the Holy Druzan Emperor because of the Emperor’s “personal commitments” but claimed that he assured New Kevlandian Foreign Minister, Walter Raleigh Trenton that his country was taking the matter very seriously.

A spokesperson for the The United States of Remiesia said that Remiesia is considering the possibility of some sort of intervention or assistance to the New Kevlandian government, but was currently investigating the civil rights record of the new nation before committing any actions. While still a very young nation, New Kevlandia is not known to be on the UN watchlist of civil rights violators.
24-10-2003, 05:01
NEW YORK – According to UN sources, UN delegate nation, The United Socialist States of Syncomp15, has offered “support” to Emperor Kevinius Maximus’ regime versus Generalissimo Guapo Junta and his Red Star Army. Another UN delegate nation, the Holy Empire of the Druze, has stepped forward to suggest that a “more democratic regime” be installed in New Kevlandia. No word from the New Kevlandian Foreign Minister on the ambassador’s statement.

In a bizarre incident, the ambassador of the Holy Empire of the Druze and a diplomat from The United States of Remiesia got into an argument over the New Kevlandian situation. No details on what in particular caused the disagreement and it did not escalate past a few harsh words.
New York and Jersey
24-10-2003, 05:15
New York City-
President Gregory de los Santos and his key political allies, advisors and military advisors are in the Capital buildings meeting room discussing the events going on in New Kevlandia.

"120,000 estimated strength? That's it? Get me contact with the Red Star leader immediately...even if it involves delivering them a cellphone by air drop. I wanna see if we can talk them into some agreement before it gets further out of hand."

"We'll try Mr. President. Communications from the area is still sketchy at best.We've had no real luck contacting anyone in the nation as of yet."

"Well then put it out over the airwaves. We want to speak with the head of the Reds and try to negotiate a peaceful agreement."

"Mr. President, IV Army Corps is reporting 44% moblization rate achieved. It'll be sometime though before it's at 100%. Many of the troops were on leave and others were out on combat exercises. That still puts the total number of our troops at 20,680 out of 47,000 combat troops."

"General Patton, the Army has 2.6 million people your telling me your having trouble organizing a fraction of that power?"

"Sorry sir, we werent ready for a rapid deployment. We werent expecting the events to unfold were we were going to be actively involved."

"General Doubleday I want you to take the Marine Corps Units that are currently on active rotation and get them ready for combat. That will give us how many more troops?"

"We currently have 25,000 Marines awaiting combat deployment sir."

"Good, Issac, go on TV again and broadcast our intentions. Leave out the military callups again."

"Understood Mr President."

Federal Republic News Network:

"President de los Santos has asked me today to relay a message to those incharge of the Red Star army. The Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey wishes to discuss peacefully a common ground between Emperor Maximus III and General Junta. We feel that through open dialouge and negotiations this matter can be resolved with minimal loss of life and an amicable agreement can be reached between both sides."

Of course reporters and their nature got to the questions the rest of the nation was already wondering.

"Just how many NYNJ Troops are scheduled for deployment?"

"I'm sorry I dont have those numbers."

"Is it true that President de los Santos already has choosen a plan for invasion?"

"No that is completely untrue. President de los Santos wishes to exhaust every non-violent mean available to ensure the lives of our men and women before picking anything so overtly geared to war. Last question then I have to go."

"Are reports true that President de los Santos will make a speech sometime in the near future?"

"Of course President de los Santos always makes speeches. When though I have no clue. Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen."
24-10-2003, 05:39
NEW YORK - In a prepared statement, New Kevlandian Foreign Minister, Walter Raleigh Trenton, called upon the United Nations to assist his nation against the rebel Red Star Army which is “needlessly killing” his people and creating a “dangerous situation of anarchy and panic”. Over six hundred people are reported killed in the day long fight for the capital city thus far. The Red Star Army, led by Generalissimo Guapo Junta, claims to control more than 65% of the country. New Kevlandian government estimates place it at around 35%. After his statement, Minister Trenton went into a closed door meeting with delegates from the Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey.
24-10-2003, 05:39
MERIDIAN FALLS – A spokesperson for President Gregory de los Santos of the Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey was seen via satellite television asking for a peaceful resolution to the coup currently in progress in the capital city of New Kevlandia. Generalissimo Guapo Junta, leader of the Red Star Army which numbers in the low 100,000’s, was said to be furious at what he deemed was a “needless and intrusive attempt to steal his power from him by a bully nation.” He Gen. Junta called upon all “respectable and intelligent” nations to prevent “the Federal Invasion Force of New Yorks” from attacking or moving forces into New Kevlandia.
New York and Jersey
24-10-2003, 05:56
Federal Republic News Network:

"Coming out of closed door meetings with his counterpart from New Kevlandia Foreign Secretary Issac Whitmore announced that as possible peaceful solutions have been exhausted the Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey has agreed to assist the Government in exile led by Emperor Kevinius Maximus III. We take you now to a special live report from Huntington Strategic Command Center. Our reporter Marsha Clark has been monitoring the airfield for sometime now.Marsha?"

"Thank you Mike,thats right ladies and gentlemen I'm here at Huntington Strategic Command Center where the airforce has readied what appears to be the largest sortie in months. Dozens of bombers are visable being pulled from their hangars and loaded up. Hold on..."

The camara leaves the female reporter and shows one of the lumbering B-52Hs move down the runway at a surprisingly fast speed for something of that size before it began to lift up from the ground and skyward.

"That is the first bomber that has taken off from the airfield so far. Military officals are keeping tight lipped on just what areas are being targeted however it is speculation of our own military contacts that areas under Red Star control will be indirectly targeted in order to scare a diplomatic solution. We'll keep you monitored if anymore developments occur."

Huntington Strategic Command Center-
The base was awash with activity it had been sometime since the bombers were fueled and readied for actual and not training combat. Dummy bombs were replaced with live ordenance and the fresh crews were given one last briefing by the veteren crews on the does and donts of flying on such a long run. The run would be comprised of about 48 B-52H Bombers carrying GPS guided dumb bombs. Ahead of the bombers though flew a flight of 12 B-58M Hustlers. Small super sonic bombers which had a new role. Wild weasel. If a SAM site popped up, it was the B-58s job to make sure it no longer existed afterward.

New London Naval Station,Connieticut:
The Marines of the 1st and 2nd MEUs began to board the docked troop transports, carrying 1,500 each the 10 transports would be the first wave of troops to be deployed from the Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey. They would also be under heavy escort as the Nimitz class Carriers Admiral Halsey and Admiral Fletcher left port with their respective battlegroups of various surface warfare and support vessels to deal with any coastal of ariel threat to the transports.
24-10-2003, 06:06
MERIDIAN FALLS – In a shocking and inhuman show of force, Generalissimo Guapo Junta publicly executed a hundred women, children and elderly civilians on statewide television, threatening to kill many more should New Kevlandia be invaded by the “evil and despicable” forces of the Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey. “If the devil Santos and his renegade mercenaries dare invade our lands we will send them home with bloody hands and bloody feet! The blood will not only be their own but also the innocent people, my innocent people, that they will be guilty of assassinating!”

New Kevlandian Foreign Minister, Walter Raleigh Trenton was clearly appalled at the barbaric action by “clearly a deranged and insane person.” The military forces being marshaled by the Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey are not due to arrive off the shores of New Kevlandia for a few more days.
New York and Jersey
24-10-2003, 13:29
Federal Republic News Network:

" 'A struggle against a common enemy to man,' was how President de los Santos described the impending military action against Red Star forces. Public opinion polls which were once disfavorable of NYNJ intervention are now strongly infavor with the release of footage showing the execution of civilians not in a combat zone. Foreign Secretary Issac Whitmore has announced for the first time that the Federal Republic would undertake military action and warned the following, 'Should more civilians be killed, the perpitratiors of the actions, and those who gave the order will be tried as war criminals and will be hunted to the ends of the earth. Believe us when we say the deaths of these war criminals will be slow and painful.' Military officals have been highly visable leaving and going to the Capital building in within the last fourty eight hours and many news anaylsts agree that something big is about to happen."

Trenton Army Staging Facility(A few hours earlier)-
With the discloser of the tape to the general public moments ago a call out went to the Airborne Divisions to moblize and ready themselves for a rapid deployment. Being NYNJs only quick to action force, the light troops had been used extensively with mixed results in the past. With a strong land force on the way, the Airborne troops would only have to hold out for several days before being relieved. General Taylor the commander of the Airborne Divisions each numbering 4,000 said to his people before they began to board the C-130 transports. "Men, give me four good days of hard fighting and you will be relieved." This to an astounding cheer from the troops. Normally when they were deployed they would also advance with the regular army further inland.

Their targets were few and spread across the nation. The three Airborne Divisions(18th Airborne,82nd Airborne,and 129th Airborne) were tasked with dropping into various parts of the country side and taking several small villages and crossroads. The mission was simple,liberate the small towns and rural areas first to prevent a mass execution of civilians while denying the Red Star a future hiding spot when the assault on the urban centers took place.