Telegram to major nations: Assnine call for help.
Assnine is requesting aid from any country who does not support terroist tactics. The country of Spitfire89 after threatening invading Assnine over a peaceful launch of Blue Orbitor a Big Lens Space Telescope Sattelite. Now they have begun building what they call Guerilla Tactic Camps with the ''sole purpose of stoping terroism inside their country''. After further investigation we find that these Guerilla camps that spitfire89 wants to create will be utilizing biological warfare. Why would they use Guerilla tactics and biological warfare inside their own country to stop terroist attacks that seem to be apparantly be internal attacks from their repressed citizens. This doesn't make sence to us so we have come to the conclussion that they plan on using the biological warfare against us and other opossing countries. We are asking that nations larger then us and more advanced start monitoring all weapons that enter and leave this nation. We also ask that funding be cut to this nation until further investigation proves or disproves that they are infact planning on terroist strikes. We have set up special operation counter terroism forces in all major cities and have set our national risk to level one which is low but I'm afraid that will cost nearly 3 billion dollars. We can afford this ofcoarse but we are afarid if war becomes imminent that we will be left without enough national fundings. If any delegates wish to meet privatly and discuss what would be the best stances for our nation to take we would be most greatful.
Thank you for your time.
We at the Federation of Busby shall keep an eye on this nation. However, we cannot do any more than that, unless he actually uses them.
23-10-2003, 11:04
The People's Republic of Aequatio is willing to aid your nation any way it can, from military action to extra funding to moral support. Whatever it is you need, we will provide.
We're here to protect the little guys now.
Premier Bomfy
People's Republic of Aequatio
Aequatio and Busby I thank you both for your support. Busby we will contact you immeditaly if anything is used against us. Aequatio we are hoping that military force won't be nessesary but we can not in good nature let these guerilla forces build specially with large weapons such as biological warfare. Our main focus right now is to build up a solid defense against his tacticts including or Couter Terroist special forces. Any other suggestions as far as anti terroism would be greatly appreciated at this point. Thank you again for your time.
23-10-2003, 11:13
Turtling isn't a good idea right now, if you know these terrorist camps exist and that they have the ability to use biological weapons, your only choice would be to use military force at this moment.
Premier Bomfy
People's Republic of Aequatio
In that case we will give the nation of Spitfire one more chance to stand down with its guerrila tacticts camps and to stop all trade with Rabid Liberals. If they furthermore refuse to stand down then military strike will be imminent. Terrorist activity should be dealt with swiftly. Does everything sound ok to you up to this point?
23-10-2003, 11:21
A last warning sounds fair, if they refuse, then they are training terrorists to use against your nation and others.
We have now sent an urgent telegram that has been released to the public as well demanding the cease of all guerilla tactic camps and all trading of military warfare with the country who has promised biological warfare to the small terroist country.