guerrila tactics camp put on hyatis!!!!!!
Police today annouced that half the male population of spitfire89 will be recruited for guerrila training in case of unwanted dissputes. chief officer granhal of jikl city, had this to say "We are taking aggressive means of defending ourselves against terrorist threats and our preparing ourselves accordingly"
broadcast over...............................
As long as you use these new guerillas for defensive purposes only, we are willing to send in some of our elite Weretiger saboteurs to assist in their training.
thankyou that would be much appreciated :)
Suporters of Terroism will be dealt with swiftly. That is all.
So along with the Space Program, the Mech Program, and everything else won't think just about Bankrupt your fledgling country?
Suporters of Terroism will be dealt with swiftly. That is all.
We aren't a large nation. We protect ourselves by keeping agents in areas that might threaten us, and using them to destroy the nation's ability to attack us. We have never and will never use it for offensive purposes, or if we disagree with someone. If a nation decided we would be a nice little place to conquer, however...
We formly demand the cease of all guerrila tactic camps immeditaly. In doing so Assnine will formly declare peace with your nation and aid in peaceful programs. In accepting this treaty we will send delegates to your nation on a monthly basis to inspect to make sure that all forms of guerrila camps of ceased. We also demand that your mech project remains public along with the plans. There is no need for such aggressive machines in a nation as primitive as your own.
What if we say no? We are quite willing to both teach to assist in keeping spitfire89 safe, and counteracting any offensive tactics they use. Like I said before, we don't use them as an weapon except for defense. And, I hate to bring it up, but we're a lot bigger than you at the moment.
I know I'm a small country , and You think i'll use these for terror. well your wrong. If sum1 comes at you with tanks how would you deystroy them????? Probally with tanks correct????? So in my case I am fighting terrorist with terrorist tactics, and let me tell you this is to be used within my own country, as a civil war seems to be looming. I need help catching these terror cells lying in sleep.
The Sword and Sheild
23-10-2003, 04:55
I know I'm a small country , and You think i'll use these for terror. well your wrong. If sum1 comes at you with tanks how would you deystroy them????? Probally with tanks correct????? So in my case I am fighting terrorist with terrorist tactics, and let me tell you this is to be used within my own country, as a civil war seems to be looming. I need help catching these terror cells lying in sleep.
There is actually a difference between terrorist and guerilla actions, guerillas actions are generally undertaken as a military operation to defeat a much larger and much more well armed force, usually on ones own soil, since it requires the support of the population. It targets primarily enemy Military targets, whereareas terrorists will generally attack an enemy populace to spread fear and panic. See the difference? Good.
But really, how many programs can you afford to run?
I know I'm a small country , and You think i'll use these for terror. well your wrong. If sum1 comes at you with tanks how would you deystroy them????? Probally with tanks correct????? So in my case I am fighting terrorist with terrorist tactics, and let me tell you this is to be used within my own country, as a civil war seems to be looming. I need help catching these terror cells lying in sleep.
I was talking to Assnine, actually. You're in the process of having several trainers from our country come to assist you in your tactics.
I've mainly got two, my mech one wich I will tell you is only working on one PROTOTYPE, then thier is my guerilla group wich is my main focus. yes I know the difference and maybe assnine needs to see ths, seeing as he was calling me a terrorist dealing in terrorist acts. :?
We formly demand the cease of all guerrila tactic camps immeditaly. In doing so Assnine will formly declare peace with your nation and aid in peaceful programs. In accepting this treaty we will send delegates to your nation on a monthly basis to inspect to make sure that all forms of guerrila camps of ceased. We also demand that your mech project remains public along with the plans. There is no need for such aggressive machines in a nation as primitive as your own.
This aint going to happen as long as terrorist are in my country, Unless I get support militarly wise........The training will continue.
The Sword and Sheild
23-10-2003, 05:03
Oh yeah, and the best way to kill a tank is not a tank, it's an Anti-tank gun or an aircraft
Or the jug-band bomb. That works wonders on them.
23-10-2003, 05:07
Spanish cocktails work as well from the homemade weapons department.
Probably. But I just love the name. Jug Band bomb. It sounds so redneck.
I will stop the training and switch them to peace keepers if someone helps me financial aide :cry:
23-10-2003, 05:12
there is nothing wrong with training forces for Guerrilla warfare.
The Sword and Sheild
23-10-2003, 05:15
there is nothing wrong with training forces for Guerrilla warfare.
Well since most nations in NS use conventional armies, training a conventional (I'm counting Spec Ops) is a much better way to go, Guerilla war destroys whatever nation it is happening on, since to destroy it you have to capture or kills it's members (Who easily blend in with the populace), leading to all kinds of atrocities, so a conventional standing army is a much better way to go
23-10-2003, 05:18
True but as a last resort it can work depending on how determied the enemy is or all long they are willing to fight it out.
We rely on taking out anything the enemy depends on. If attacked, our people will destroy their factories, power plants, and hit-and-run against their soldiers.
My men will be trained as sf and will patrol the border of spitfire89 constantly.about 10% of those will be made into spies while 5% will be trained as guerrilla experts.
We are still willing to give you teachers, if you still want them.
that would be greatly appreciated. Are you willing to help in my persute to build mechs???????
23-10-2003, 05:23
You should if you wish for trainers also see about contacting the Todorans, they kept up a succesful Guerilla war agaist tw occpying nations intill they both withdrew.
that would be greatly appreciated. Are you willing to help in my persute to build mechs???????
I'm willing to lend you some bio-weaponry, but all weapons and machinery in our nation is biological. We may be of help with AIs, though.
where are they?????????
well yes we could give whole courses on how to wage a Guerrilla war with civilan weaponary, homemade weapons and other extremly cheap weaponary as well as a govemerent surported, armed and funded Gurrilla war. We even have a whole miltary school dedicated to Guerrilla warfare.
so if I send you ahundred men, you'll train em and hand em back????
It's so nice seeing another nation use guerilla techniques.
Then I will send you 1,000 men and a promise of military help in the future
Very well, send them and we will fully train them.
they be on there way :D :D :D :D
I would just like to say to Tordor that I wouldn't mind trading some teachers to help eachother become more well-rounded.
Of course sounds intresting theres always more to learn and adapt.
We have some wonderful bioweaponry available... (I'd tell, but I need to leave for an hour)
As action against Spitfire89 for not accepting the terms of the peace treaty set forth by our delegates we are hereby stoping all trade with their nation. We furthermore will be requesting with the aid of other nations to monitor all weapons of mass destruction including biological warefare going in and out of their country. No new citizens from Spitfire89 will be allowed to enter the United States of Assnine inless citzenship has already been retained. We will be requesting that other countries cut off any financial aid to this terroist country and any country supplying WOMD or biological warefare. We have witnessed terroist activity from the middle east and surrounding areas for hundreds of years so why should we stand by and let this country build up more terroists.
The United States of Assnine has now formed powerful allies to insure the cease of the guerilla tactict camps within the nation of Spitfire89. You will cease all guerilla tacticts immeditally, you will cease any further military trading and military aid including training from Rabid Liberals or you will face war strikes. As we stated before Assnine deals with terroism swiftly. We do feel that you have the right to protect and defend yourself from other nations but we have not seen this so far, we have seen an all out offensive streak from you and your forces. You have 2 months to accept and conform (ooc: roughly two realtime days) or attacks will begin on your newly founded camps and any areas believed to contain military weapons of mass destruction.
The United States of Assnine has now formed powerful allies to insure the cease of the guerilla tactict camps within the nation of Spitfire89. You will cease all guerilla tacticts immeditally, you will cease any further military trading and military aid including training from Rabid Liberals or you will face war strikes. As we stated before Assnine deals with terroism swiftly. We do feel that you have the right to protect and defend yourself from other nations but we have not seen this so far, we have seen an all out offensive streak from you and your forces. You have 2 months to accept and conform (ooc: roughly two realtime days) or attacks will begin on your newly founded camps and any areas believed to contain military weapons of mass destruction.
Guerrrillas and Terrorists are not the same thing, the Leaders in Assnine are showing lack of knowlage by saying so.
Commandant of the Tordoran Acadamy of Guerrilla warfare.
Please do not make assumptions. We know the difference between guerilla tactics and terroism and the last time we checked biological weapons such as the ones being offered from Rabid Liberals (without resistance from spitfire89 I might add) in use by leaders of these guerilla soldiers would qualify. I would also like to point out that he claims that these tacticts are to stop terrorism in his own nation, well I don't see how thats a possibility SPECIALLY with the use of chemical and biological weapons. Is one guerilla team going to sneak up on the other team and blow each other up, or does he just plan on pointing the biological warheads into his cities that way he will garantee to take out the terroist attack. This is not acceptable specially under the circamstances of his aggressive threat made about my peaceful sattelite mission Blue Orbitor which is a Big Lens Telescope. To not be fooled into thinking that this these camps are purely defensive theres much more effencient and cheaper methods of defense if that was the case.
Guerrilla warfare is cheap and it is really easy just to make a poison gas or bio weapon but chemical and Biological weapons have no place in Guerrilla warfare.
Such training is a wise move. In Nadaskor we give all our armed forces gurilla training, as our terrain of jungles and high montains make this kind of warfare the most effective form of defence. (We have strong conventional forces as well incase anyone gets any ideas :wink: ) But why stop at only half your armed forces. We instruct EVERYONE on the basics as part of their compulsory military or civil service.
Spitfire89 has a new form of government now, one based around the people instead of against them. The guerilla camps are being disbanded and assnine will send delegates to make sure this happens.
I still say there is nothing wrong with Geurrilla warfare and we will continue to train those who were sent to us even though the goverement fell.
Thos men are to be killed immidiatly. All remnants of the old regime are to be deystroyed and the wepons are to be confiscated. Such views by other nations are seens as filthy and ragteg
G.C.S. governing council of spitfire89
while they are in Tordor they are in Tordor they will not be harmed, they are under Tordoran Protection. I will not have people murdered or kidnaped by other countries, is that understood otherwise there will yet another goverment in your country as the current goverement will be wiped out. Is that understood.
Queen Seria
Is this a threat the G.C.S. governing council of spitfire89, doesn't like your offensive behavoir and wishes for it to stop. We merly do not wnt a counter revolution on our hands and those loyal to hemmil will be wipped out or sworn into the new army.
No its a promise if you try anything agaist these men while they are in Tordor, Tordoran Teritory or Tordoran Allied countries. Intil they willing leave Tordor they are under our protection.