NationStates Jolt Archive

Vampire Nation Seeks Brethern

21-10-2003, 23:52
The Dominion of The Dracul-Tepes family is a nation of vampires. I was wondering if there are any other nations such as ours, or perhaps a region of vampire nations that I could eventually join. Could somebody help me out please?
22-10-2003, 20:37
Truly, are there none of our brethern in this world?
22-10-2003, 20:40
My planet(Region: Wolf Earth) has vampire of it. Plus there are only a few vampire nation on NS earth. Come join us, my kin.

King JWolf
Age: 2,000
Race: Vampire
Sex: Male
Ht: 7'0"
Wt: 200 lbs
Ruler of Wolf Kingdom ( and Dark Templar Protoss (
22-10-2003, 20:43
Rave Shentavo is a vampire run nation.
22-10-2003, 20:49
Rave Shentavo is a vampire run nation.

I know. BTW I think he/she wants a vampire region.
23-10-2003, 07:03
Thank you for your responses, I truly appreciate it!
Wolf Kingdom....I won't join your region, sorry, too many clones...
Rave Shentavo? I'll try to contact that nation. Thanks for the info, Crimmond. Perhaps soon, we shall be united with our brethern, thanks to you. We will not forget this.
23-10-2003, 07:04
The order of VanHelsing will be watching your evil nation.
23-10-2003, 07:09
That's nice.
23-10-2003, 07:13
many of the nations in my regoin (industrialnation) are run by vampires.

ooc: i'm also a sanguinarium member and was thinking about starting a vampire region. let me know if you allready have or wanna join mine.
23-10-2003, 07:17
Midi: I shall certainly keep it mind. I'll add you to my dossier, and will contact you when the time is right to discuss this matter further. Be well, Sons of Kane!
23-10-2003, 07:19
ooc: heheheheh, i think i got that comment
23-10-2003, 07:24
23-10-2003, 07:29
ooc: vamp the masqurade.... or soul reaver. both are popular
23-10-2003, 07:32
Ya...I subscribe to the legend that the vampires were born of the union of Adam's son, Kane, with Adam's first wife, Lilith.
23-10-2003, 07:40
yeah i know about vamp lore. i was just lookimg to see wich you were refering to.
23-10-2003, 13:39
Thank you for your responses, I truly appreciate it!
Wolf Kingdom....I won't join your region, sorry, too many clones...
Rave Shentavo? I'll try to contact that nation. Thanks for the info, Crimmond. Perhaps soon, we shall be united with our brethern, thanks to you. We will not forget this.

What do you mean clones? Wolf Earth has a high vampire pop. It is higher that human of Wolf Earth.
Der Angst
23-10-2003, 13:41
*begins mass- producing holy water*

*Inserts red dye*

*Exports it to vampiric nations, labeled as 'blood'*
23-10-2003, 13:45
*begins mass- producing holy water*

*Inserts red dye*

*Exports it to vampiric nations, labeled as 'blood'*

*cuts arm*

*Blood going a bottle*

*mixs will water*

*Exports it to human nations, labeled as "Kool-Aid"*

Don't mess with a 2,000 year old vampire.
23-10-2003, 14:38
OOC: Surely your entire nation isn’t made up of vampires? That would be pretty impractical. Oh, and I’m pretty sure that Kain is spelt Cain in both Vampire the Masquerade and the bible….

Anyways, pedantry aside, welcome to NationStates, I look forward to maybe seeing you around with some of my vampires that don’t advertise the fact… after all, nations come a running when they here of evil vampires…

23-10-2003, 14:44
Istar is watching you.
Kingpriest Velorn X
”Fe Paladas cado, bid Istaras apalo, tam Gidam codo.”
The Holy Empire of Istar
Der Angst
23-10-2003, 14:47
Subhuman filth, worthless and dangerous.

Needs to be eradicated, lets hope the vatican will submit to our interests.

~ Ms. Althena
The Crecent Moon
23-10-2003, 14:48
Well, I don't know of any vampiric nations, but the Crecent Moon is comprised of moon elves and we have a nation of slaves that you can feast upon ...
The Crecent Moon
23-10-2003, 14:50
And why does everyone always hate vampires!?
They can kick some ass and make very powerful allies ...
23-10-2003, 14:57
And why does everyone always hate vampires!?
They can kick some ass and make very powerful allies ...

*ahem* providing they have a powerful nation backing them…
Eris Kallisti
23-10-2003, 15:11
((OOC: I would speak up in this thread but my vampire spokesmen is still kidnapped LOL damn all you religeous fanatics *snicker*))
Der Angst
23-10-2003, 15:15
((OOC: I would speak up in this thread but my vampire spokesmen is still kidnapped LOL damn all you religeous fanatics *snicker*))

ooc: Nah, only my secret service, the rest follows atheist believes ;)

<Add complicate explanation why this is like it is here>
23-10-2003, 18:39
The Diocesal Administration is taking this matter under advisement.
23-10-2003, 18:49
'Ey vampies! Dis is warlord Snottynoze of TGRM! Wez ain't got vampies, wez just goblins, but wez got squigs, dey like blood, and some of da wackier night gobbos seem to drink blood (humie blood, orc blood, vampie blood, you name it!) Maybe diz is okay with you, maybe not, but wez just wanna say hi! ...And possibly bite you.
23-10-2003, 19:06
The intelligence officer reported in:
It seems a new vampire nation has emerged. What action should I take?

Take none, just keeps your ears and your eyes open and memorize names and faces.
Santa Barbara
23-10-2003, 19:37
23-10-2003, 23:24
Oh my, all this attention, how thrilling!
23-10-2003, 23:30
Our nation is vampire run. Not completly made up of vampires though.

The free land of Lunoris would be happy to establish further contact with your nation.
23-10-2003, 23:48
You got mail.
23-10-2003, 23:49
You got mail.
24-10-2003, 07:14
The holy Roanian Inquisition stands ready to mete out retribution to you foul creatures.
24-10-2003, 11:35
The nation of Taka is alarmed by your offencive posturing against our friend Lunoris, though no alliance exists between us, any actions against his troops will bring the suport of Taka to his side.
24-10-2003, 11:36
Be alamred.

The Free Land of Lunoris will defend itself with whatever means are nessesary when your troops enter my territory. Also know that we will lend assistance if you undertake any steps against Dracul-Tepes.
24-10-2003, 11:38
Gulp...we may lose our do-gooder card for this, but...
We stand with Roania in this, to long have we allowed the demoic menace of vampires to go unstopped.
24-10-2003, 11:40
And any action against the Most Holy Principality shall call the other Catholic nations of this world down upon you!

Oh, and CENNA.

Our Inquisition shall observe, in the shadows.
24-10-2003, 11:41
Gulp...we may lose our do-gooder card for this, but...
We stand with Roania in this, to long have we allowed the demoic menace of vampires to go unstopped.

Hmph. You scared our representative away last time we spoke.
24-10-2003, 11:43
Catholic nations are one thing, Anti-Imperialists are anouther, this is a matter of sovergien rights, should you invade him, I will have no choice but to crush you on the field of battle.
24-10-2003, 11:48
You shall do no such thing.

As my dear friend Celeborne can attest to, my main battleplan is to target enemy civilians with weapons of mass destruction, to attack logistical support officers and destroy them and the supplies, and to never take prisoners save to torture them.

Also, Roania is a big island surrounded by cliffs and filled with evil and malovent wildlife.

How would you meet me if I'm dealing out death from a distance?
24-10-2003, 11:49
Gulp...we may lose our do-gooder card for this, but...
We stand with Roania in this, to long have we allowed the demoic menace of vampires to go unstopped.

Hmph. You scared our representative away last time we spoke.

And you caused mine to turn evil......Truce ?
24-10-2003, 11:51
Catholic nations are one thing, Anti-Imperialists are anouther, this is a matter of sovergien rights, should you invade him, I will have no choice but to crush you on the field of battle.

Yes, and demonic nations made up of blood sucking devil scum are yet another.

You stand no chance. I would suggest that if something were to start, you would not survive it.
24-10-2003, 11:54
Gulp...we may lose our do-gooder card for this, but...
We stand with Roania in this, to long have we allowed the demoic menace of vampires to go unstopped.

Hmph. You scared our representative away last time we spoke.

And you caused mine to turn evil......Truce ?

Rave Shentavo
24-10-2003, 11:55
Like to clarify a few things about my nation:

1. not a vampire nation

2. only exception is one clan (the Shentavos) and that's only ten people.

3. 2,000 years? respect your elders... :lol:

4. stay away from Inquizitors...they can become somewhat annoying...but if it's with WV...then stay...promise of a good rp.

5. Dont' have a vampiric region nor wish to start one.
24-10-2003, 12:14
Should you use WMD, then I will follow suit, how does a platoon of psychotic geneticly enhanced soldiers delivered via space born drop pod sound? I'm not so crass as to use carpet nuking, however should WMD be used, I will respond with Ortilary. You can not attack my populous, as they are in the Proxima Centari sector, many lightyears from earth, I was willing to be civil about this and meet you on your own technological terms, but if you insist on using such cowardly weapons, we will not only shoot them down before they leave your soil from space, and will return fire and leave you a chared wasteland. You have been warned, I have no problem with you hunting vampiric criminals within your own lands, or purging them from lands that accept you there, but I will not stand by while you invade a friend of mine. Two divisions of NESS units have been dispatched from Taka via folding transport, they will arrive and begin surface deployment in Lunoris as an advisor role within an hour.
24-10-2003, 12:22
I am a fully fledged space nation, and member of ESIUS, the PDP, and SAVIOUR.

I can destroy the vampires before you even knew what I did. I bet I spend more money on the military then you.

That's point one. Point two, Celeborne is also a space nation, and he has declared his support for me.

Point three, you have no reason to be involved so even discussing this is poor rp.
24-10-2003, 12:29
Should you use WMD, then I will follow suit, how does a platoon of psychotic geneticly enhanced soldiers delivered via space born drop pod sound?

If you add power armor and support craft, they sound like my space marines.....

Suggestion : Stay out of this.
24-10-2003, 12:37
24-10-2003, 12:38
The nation of Lunoris is a customer of mine, and being that, I have a vested intrest in making sure he can make his payments to me, as well as assuring that he does more buisness with me when he gets larger. You are not the only one who has Alliances in space, as I am a member of the PCDI and StarCon. I am not intimidated by your threats, and wherever I stand to lose profit, I am willing to step in to keep it in one piece. Point two, I highly doubt you spend more money on your military than I do for two simple reasons, 1) I am a larger nation than you, 2) I am a very militaristic culture, on paper I have a military of about 900 million, and devote a large portion of my income on the military.

(before you scream godmod, this is not combat personell, nor are they full time soldiers, simply put, every man, woman, and child is a member of the reserve, and spends one weekend a month training, that is in adition ot the full time military, it works, and it is economicaly feasable. The only ones not serving in the Military are those declaired "unfit for duty" criminals, sociopaths, and those with ailments so bad that they can not move. Training is dicated by age, the elderly are the dirrectors, the combat ready personell drill and do war games, and the children study military history and practice Takian swordsmanship)

you have questioned my reasons for being here, now I question yours, what does it matter to you if a nation is comprised of, or run by vampires, provided they do not attack, antagonize, or annex anouther country? Shouldn't you ahve better things to do than threaten tiny and *to you* insignificant countries?
24-10-2003, 12:39
--deleted per double post
24-10-2003, 13:56
the nation of hovis bread has many vampires and wishes to make friends with all other vampire nations. :lol: :twisted:
24-10-2003, 19:33
Gulp...we may lose our do-gooder card for this, but...
We stand with Roania in this, to long have we allowed the demoic menace of vampires to go unstopped.

First off:

Where did you get the idea that we are demonic?(I think that is what you meant).

We are not Demonic. We don't rule our people with an iron fist. We do not take more blood then needed. And we do not(unless needed) deliver pain.

Second off:

I ask for all vampire nations to contact me as soon as possible.

Third off:

We thank the nation of Taka for it's help and accept it happily.

Fourth point:

We did no harm to you or your country. We did not attack it, nor did we touch any citizens of your country. We ask to be left alone, and continue to go on with our business.

Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris
24-10-2003, 19:41
I ask for all vampire nations to contact me as soon as possible.

I ask why I need to talk to you.

King JWolf
A 2,000 year old daywalker vampire

Ruler of Wolf Kingdom ( and Dark Templar Protoss (
Co-Founder of the Newbie Protection Agency
Member of the Extra Solar Union of Systems (ESUS) (
Wolf Kingdom WebSite (
Wolf Kingdom Space Fleet (

OOC: Rave, are you older than King JWolf or is King JWolf older the the whole Shentavo clan?
24-10-2003, 19:47
In case you have not yet noticed. There are countries who are threathening nations who harbor vampires.

Those countries would be:

We might want to prepare us? Althought I'm not completly sure if they were also talking about you. Still, apparently they have a problem with vampire run nations. And being such I suggest a treaty between us.

We can talk further in TG.

Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris

OOC::: Who is Rave? Or is that a standard qoute beneath your sig?
24-10-2003, 19:53
In case you have not yet noticed. There are countries who are threathening nations who harbor vampires.

Those countries would be:

We might want to prepare us? Althought I'm not completly sure if they were also talking about you. Still, apparently they have a problem with vampire run nations. And being such I suggest a treaty between us.

We can talk further in TG.

Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris

OOC::: Who is Rave? Or is that a standard qoute beneath your sig?

All of my vampire are not on NS Earth(the place you are). If you what us to get you and your pop. off of NS Earth and take them to Wolf Earth.

King JWolf
OOC: look up a few post.
24-10-2003, 20:05
We would like to continue this discussion more privatly.

A message has been dispatched.

Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris

OOC:: Sorry, got it just a sec ago....
24-10-2003, 20:06
i've always been curious... do you guys like black pudding?
24-10-2003, 20:08
i've always been curious... do you guys like black pudding?


We can't eat. Our stomach and intestines have stopped functioning. Though there are some vampires who can still swallow and even taste food, they have to get it out again in a couple of hours.

I hope that answers your question?

OOC::: I'm using the V:TM standards for a vampire, if you want to know em TG me.
24-10-2003, 23:07
syncomp15 is in support of our dark brothers and sisters.
not implying that we are demonic or any form of sterotyping.
we just use the term "dark" as a formality.
vampires are ladies and gentilemen, we are diplomates and civilized people. we do not wish war on any one, war is hell for everybody.
if we could all sit down and discuse this issue, and aviod a war, i think every one will benifit.
thank you for your time.
zachary sikorsky, regent of the tzimisce
25-10-2003, 00:30
The Dracul-Tepes Clan has mobilized its forces fully and are prepared to defend their brothers and sisters. We have no desire to wage this war. However, know that should war be declared, we are prepared to defend ourselves to the last against the vile aggressors who would destroy us.
25-10-2003, 00:48
The Dracul-Tepes Clan has mobilized its forces fully and are prepared to defend their brothers and sisters. We have no desire to wage this war. However, know that should war be declared, we are prepared to defend ourselves to the last against the vile aggressors who would destroy us.

as are we. we urge all civilized nations to join us in avoiding a war
25-10-2003, 00:52
.......or aiding us in the defense of our people should war prove unavoidable.
Rave Shentavo
25-10-2003, 01:21
OOC: Rave, are you older than King JWolf or is King JWolf older the the whole Shentavo clan?

(lol...Rave is a LOT older than Jwolf...oldest female vampire...I beleive Corothisia is the oldest male. Qui and Genesis are older as well, but Seth can be debated. The others are younger.
25-10-2003, 04:13
OOC: Rave, are you older than King JWolf or is King JWolf older the the whole Shentavo clan?

(lol...Rave is a LOT older than JWolf...oldest female vampire...I beleive Corothisia is the oldest male. Qui and Genesis are older as well, but Seth can be debated. The others are younger.

(Ok. Just wanted to know that because you said respect your elders. Got any daywalkers in the Shentavo clan?)
25-10-2003, 13:48
Our forces also have been mobilized. We will do whatever it takes to push back the intruders when it comes down to it. Know that we will not easily be defeated.

OOC::: Euh.. people... Caine is still the oldest vamp alive? And, no, he has not yet died(unless you might have RP'ed slaying him in your group).

And wolf.. What discipline does your vampire use to daywalk? Fortitude 10 or something?
Rave Shentavo
25-10-2003, 13:58
yes..we do have daywalkers...for the hybrids at least
25-10-2003, 14:59
OOC::: Euh.. people... Caine is still the oldest vamp alive? And, no, he has not yet died(unless you might have RP'ed slaying him in your group).

Not everyone uses WoD, though it would be easier if they did for things like vampires as WoD incorperates alot of the books about vampires.

I personally use WoD (like I am for a character in the "The New Girl" thread) though I don't use it for my nation, just the supernatural creatures which no one knows about.
25-10-2003, 15:22
OOC::: True, but he was refering to caine and lilith in his previous posts..

Anywho, I do use the WOD defintion for vamps.
25-10-2003, 15:49
And wolf.. What discipline does your vampire use to daywalk? Fortitude 10 or something?

OOC: I use Blade & Angel vampire stuff. King JWolf was born Jason Scott Wolf to a human and a vampire. King JWolf is the only daywalker. He has the powers of vampire but does not have the weakness of a vampire.
25-10-2003, 15:51
OOC:: In comparison to a generation 5 vampire from WW I would geuss....

Okies, just nice to know what everyone is playing =)

I'm a generation 6 malkavian. Just for the record. If ya wonder what that is just drop me a TG.
25-10-2003, 15:58
*"ANGL2" asks: what are daywalkers?*
25-10-2003, 15:59
OOC:: Vampires who have the power to walk in daylight?
25-10-2003, 16:13
OOC:: In comparison to a generation 5 vampire from WW I would geuss....

Okies, just nice to know what everyone is playing =)

I'm a generation 6 malkavian. Just for the record. If ya wonder what that is just drop me a TG.

OOC: I'm a 3rd generation vampire. Wolf Kingdom started in 15 B.C.
At the age of 12, JWolf kill his own father because he kill his mother when JWolf was 4 year old. After that, JWolf become head of the Wolf Clan. When he was 21, he go the army of King James the 1st, the first king. At the age of 25, the King send vampire hunter after JWolf. At the age 36, JWolf lead a little army of vampires. Between age 25 to 321, JWolf and his army destroy what got in front of them. At the age of 321, JWolf meet Nightwolf ( of the Raven Clan. Nightwolf helped to put JWolf on the throne.
25-10-2003, 16:15
*"ANGL2" asks: what are daywalkers?*

"Someone you don't want to mess with."~ King JWolf
25-10-2003, 16:48
OOC:: In comparison to a generation 5 vampire from WW I would geuss....

Okies, just nice to know what everyone is playing =)

I'm a generation 6 malkavian. Just for the record. If ya wonder what that is just drop me a TG.

OOC: I'm a second generation vampire. Wolf Kingdom started in 15 B.C.
At the age of 12, JWolf kill his own father because he kill his mother when JWolf was 4 year old. After that, JWolf become head of the Wolf Clan. When he was 21, he go the army of King James the 1st, the first king. At the age of 25, the King send vampire hunter after JWolf. At the age 36, JWolf lead a little army of vampires. Between age 25 to 321, JWolf and his army destroy what got in front of them. At the age of 321, JWolf meet Nightwolf ( of the Raven Clan. Nightwolf helped to put JWolf on the throne.

OOC::: Euhms.. let me get this straight.. Your a second generation vampire? Only 1 step away from caine? Or is there no caine in your background
25-10-2003, 17:44
OOC::: Euhms.. let me get this straight.. Your a second generation vampire? Only 1 step away from caine? Or is there no caine in your background

OOC: Maybe Caine was my father.
25-10-2003, 17:46
OOC::: Could be :D Althought that would be quite powerfull...
25-10-2003, 17:48
OOC::: Could be :D Althought that would be quite powerfull...

OOC: I would have to be powerful to kill my own father. When was Caine born?
25-10-2003, 18:13
OOC: you could make your father Caine's son, though then you would be 3rd GEN.
25-10-2003, 18:20
Hello my demonic brethren
25-10-2003, 18:43
OOC: you could make your father Caine's son, though then you would be 3rd GEN.

OOC: OK, I will be a 3rd Gen. vampire. What was his name?
25-10-2003, 18:48
OOC: I dunno, all I know about vampires is from this thread ;) just offering advice ... but you can prolly make up some son he had ;)
25-10-2003, 18:51
OOC: I dunno, all I know about vampires is from this thread ;) just offering advice ... but you can prolly make up some son he had ;)

OOC: Will ask Lunoris about it.
25-10-2003, 19:15
OOC: OK, I will be a 3rd Gen. vampire. What was his name?

OOC: I suggest your "third generation" vampire stay out of my nation becuase I find the idea that one of the third generation vampires (the guys that made the twelve clans*) are walking around the earth and are not buried under the ground like they are supposed to be.

The thirteenth clan was completely destroyed by their founder. 5th Generation is more reasonable and it's still god-like, though not completely immune to damage.

Basically put, I will ignore 3rd Generation vampires...
25-10-2003, 20:02
OOC: OK, I will be a 3rd Gen. vampire. What was his name?

OOC: I suggest your "third generation" vampire stay out of my nation becuase I find the idea that one of the third generation vampires (the guys that made the twelve clans*) are walking around the earth and are not buried under the ground like they are supposed to be.

The thirteenth clan was completely destroyed by their founder. 5th Generation is more reasonable and it's still god-like, though not completely immune to damage.

Basically put, I will ignore 3rd Generation vampires...

OOC: Why would King JWolf go to your nation?

King JWolf was born Jason Scott Wolf to a human and a vampire(One of Caine's son). King JWolf is the only daywalker. He has the powers of vampire but does not have the weakness of a vampire.

I'm a 3rd generation vampire. Wolf Kingdom started in 15 B.C.
At the age of 12, JWolf kill his own father because he kill his mother when JWolf was 4 year old. After that, JWolf become head of the Wolf Clan. When he was 21, he go the army of King James the 1st, the first king. At the age of 25, the King send vampire hunter after JWolf. At the age 36, JWolf lead a little army of vampires. Between age 25 to 321, JWolf and his army destroy what got in front of them. At the age of 321, JWolf meet Nightwolf of the Raven Clan. Nightwolf helped to put JWolf on the throne. At the age of 600, King JWolf was giving a soul.

Plus in my timeline there is a 14th clan (the Wolf Clan).
25-10-2003, 20:05
I like original timelines ;)
25-10-2003, 20:11
I like original timelines ;)

Why? You like that the thirteenth clan was completely destroyed by their founder. King JWolf is one of the powerful vampires. Caine is powerful than King JWolf.

Hey, look at the bottom of King JWolf's history.
25-10-2003, 20:27
OOC: I would have to be powerful to kill my own father. When was Caine born?

OOC::: *coughs*

Caine was the son of Adam and eve. He was given the curse of vampirism by god for killing his brother: Able. He was given the powers of vampirism by the first wife of Adam: Lilith...

And seriously, you don't want to be a gen 3 vampire. My whole nation will set out to hunt you, well the vampires will... Lets just say we just escaped from the clutches of a antideluvian and don't really like em.

Let me fill you in on the background of White-Wolf vampires.

Well see the part I said about Caine. Well after that he felt lonely. After quite some time he embraced(Making new vampires). If I am correct he embraced 3 people(Correct me here if I'm wrong). His childeren started fighting amongst each other. As you could have seen coming those also quickly embraced new childern(the beginning of 13 clans(let it be noted that there are alot more then 13 clans, the 13 are just most known and most spread)). The 13 childern started fighting amongst each other. Thus the first city(a city where vampires and kine(humans) lived peacefully next to each other) was destroyed. Caine then forbid his childern and there childern to embrace. After that he disapeared(he traveld the world, created a new clan(I know of 1 clan there maybe be more)).

Ofcourse, the childeren didn't listen and continued embracing. Thus the 13 clans arrose. After some time the great flood came. Alot of the vampires were killed in this.

Anywho, this is a short summary of the background of WW concept of vamps. If I'm wrong somewhere please correct me.

Need more info?

Ow one more thing. A vampire may only raise in generation by drinking all of the blood of a lower generation vampire.
25-10-2003, 20:49
I with be a 4th gen vampire then.
25-10-2003, 20:51
King JWolf was born Jason Scott Wolf to a human and a vampire. King JWolf is the only daywalker. He has the powers of vampire but does not have the weakness of a vampire.

I'm a 4th generation vampire. Wolf Kingdom started in 15 B.C.
At the age of 12, JWolf kill his own father because he kill his mother when JWolf was 4 year old. After that, JWolf become head of the Wolf Clan. When he was 21, he go the army of King James the 1st, the first king. At the age of 25, the King send vampire hunter after JWolf. At the age 36, JWolf lead a little army of vampires. Between age 25 to 321, JWolf and his army destroy what got in front of them. At the age of 321, JWolf meet Nightwolf of the Raven Clan. Nightwolf helped to put JWolf on the throne. At the age of 600, King JWolf was giving a soul
25-10-2003, 20:53
You know that you will still be very powerfull? I mean.. If you use the powers a fourth generation vampire has there will be people screaming Godmod all over the place unless your nation is a really big one.

EDIT::: Just read your post... If you want to use the WW means of vampires..

well.. then you can't be human/vampire hybrid.. They do no excist... The reproduction system of a vampire stops working as soon as he is embrace... You know.. the whole walking dead thing.. I mean.. you CAN NOT have all the powers of a 4th generation but have none of the weaknesses.... Unless you take on the weaknesses of humans(like breathing and loads and loads of others(You can't take hits of sharp objects(Guns, swords), while vampires often can take big hits of this...)...
25-10-2003, 20:56
You know that you will still be very powerfull? I mean.. If you use the powers a fourth generation vampire has there will be people screaming Godmod all over the place unless your nation is a really big one.

I'm not going use the powers against anybody. Plus, I'm a big nation. My pop is 500 million +.
25-10-2003, 21:04
A nation of 500+ Still can't have to many vampires of low generation walking around.. And well, oks, if you are not gonna use the powers, it really doesn't matter =D
25-10-2003, 23:05
You know that you will still be very powerfull? I mean.. If you use the powers a fourth generation vampire has there will be people screaming Godmod all over the place unless your nation is a really big one.

I'm not going use the powers against anybody. Plus, I'm a big nation. My pop is 500 million +.

i think thats why white wolf starts you off at like nineth gen as the lowest you start at.
25-10-2003, 23:09
The people of Senoj are brothers and sisters to all. I must tell, though, that we have a successful garlic crop production and export business. Also a preponderance of women named Buffy.
25-10-2003, 23:14
.... is that a threat?......
25-10-2003, 23:22
You know that you will still be very powerfull? I mean.. If you use the powers a fourth generation vampire has there will be people screaming Godmod all over the place unless your nation is a really big one.

EDIT::: Just read your post... If you want to use the WW means of vampires..

well.. then you can't be human/vampire hybrid.. They do no excist... The reproduction system of a vampire stops working as soon as he is embrace... You know.. the whole walking dead thing.. I mean.. you CAN NOT have all the powers of a 4th generation but have none of the weaknesses.... Unless you take on the weaknesses of humans(like breathing and loads and loads of others(You can't take hits of sharp objects(Guns, swords), while vampires often can take big hits of this...)...

My mother was bite when she was prengant(sp?) with me. She turned into a vampire turn into a vampire when I was born. I'm not a hybrid, I'm a full blooded vampire.

Plus when I was born, I was a 7th gen. vampire. When I killed my father, I drunk all of his blood and stake him. That made me go nuts and I went of a killing spree. I killed other clan leaders in Wolf Kingdom and drunk all their blood.
26-10-2003, 01:01
Even though East Romit does not know of any vampires in its borders, if there were they would have full rights and citizenship. They would be prohibited to drink from 'innocent' people, but perhaps they could solve my countries' jail problems, yes?

OOC: I have very little knowledge of any vampiric lore, so excuse me if I use any terms wrong.
26-10-2003, 02:06
Even though East Romit does not know of any vampires in its borders, if there were they would have full rights and citizenship. They would be prohibited to drink from 'innocent' people, but perhaps they could solve my countries' jail problems, yes?

OOC: I have very little knowledge of any vampiric lore, so excuse me if I use any terms wrong.

ooc: i don't see any politicaly incorrect terms, or any terms that are wrong really
26-10-2003, 10:30
You guys got me really interested. Vampire Masquerade, right? Gonna have to go out and pick up a copy...
27-10-2003, 13:43
Even though East Romit does not know of any vampires in its borders, if there were they would have full rights and citizenship. They would be prohibited to drink from 'innocent' people, but perhaps they could solve my countries' jail problems, yes?

OOC: I have very little knowledge of any vampiric lore, so excuse me if I use any terms wrong.

That seems ok. But you have to know that biting is infact not painfull! It gives of ecstasy, and is almost impossible to fight(well, unless your giovanni, then it hurts like hell). It will also not hurt the person bitten as long as not to many blood is taken. Alot of cases have been known where humans sought out vampires to be bitten. Some people have become addicted.
27-10-2003, 14:30
Ignore the vampiric propaganda. We had a long conflict with vampires in one of the northern dukedoms, they essentially treated the populace as cows, only they were milked of blood, not milk. We are watching you bloodsuckers, and we remember how to fight in the Dark.
Vladimir, Duke of Bathame.
The Britmattian Govt feels obliged to warn all vampires and demi vampires etc that Duke Vladimir has the death penalty to vampires within his dukedom, travellers are checked at border posts with silver and holy water and religious paraphenalia. The rest of our state has no objection to vampiric entry, but biting our citizens is illegal and punishable by death by sunlight. Travellers are able to contact blood banks/purchase from butchers should they so need however.
Jonathan, Lord Jerome,
Minister of Tourism.
27-10-2003, 14:50
OOC: Hm… I wonder how many of you guys have read the recent “Hunter” WoD book. Those guys are great… the Hunter system makes you have someone who is not power gamed to hell (so no ex-marine ninjas) but instead you are encouraged to have a normal everyday person instead… then that person goes through what is called a “calling” where some kind of cryptic message is shown to them, almost hinting that something isn’t right about this world… then they can see anything unnatural, and it only happens when something like a un-dead creature, werewolf, vampire or mage is around. Depending on how they act, they get “imbued” in differing ways.

For example, they could re-act badly and try and eliminate the creature, this would almost always give them the power “cleave” which basically makes a melee weapon (if they don’t have one, one is conjured) cause +2 damage and makes that damage aggravated (so you can’t soak). Their powers often need some sort of trigger though, they are not like disciplines. If someone is called and they ignore it, they get none of the advantages of being a hunter but they can still help hunters in a supportive role.

They all get something called “conviction” points which are like vampires blood points in many ways, only they don’t get as much of it. This conviction can be used to allow them to see the un-natural creature no matter what for the rest of the scene. I ain’t kidding here, it takes a very powerful elder to get around it and if it is a experienced hunter then you can’t get around it. If you use obfuscate they can see you as though you were walking around clear as day. However, they cannot see through natural darkness with this, so stealth still works. When conviction they are incredibly hard to use mental disciplines on, this means disciplines like Dominate, Presence, Dementia, Obfuscate and Auspex (if you see their aura, they look human. And you can’t read their minds). The problem is that they don’t have conviction on all the time, they most often use it when they are alerted or expecting to see something.

The real beauty to them however, is that they look like normal humans to pretty much all abilities, so they can’t be hunted easily because they look like all the rest of the prey. You get some very odd powers from the “Innocents” in the hunter class, when they feel threatened they can hide in plain sight. Not so they are invisible, but so they are ignored.

Main reason I like hunter is because it’s all about normal people learning how messed up the world really is, and it really is messed up in WoD. You have eco-terrorist werewolves fighting to save Gaia (sp, the spirit of the earth). Vampires preparing for a holy war again their 3rd generation clan founders who are going to rise one day and eat them all. The Mages who are trying to ascend the human race and teach the world that we can alter reality. The Pentex Corporation also has plans to destroy civilisation and re-build it with them selves in control. It really is all messed up and you don’t see how much until you’ve seen some of the different books. Mage is a real headache to play because they are very vague about the spells you can pull off; you have to think of them your self because there are no generic spells.

The overall idea of Hunter is that humanity is beginning to react to it all and push back, trying to recover some sanity into the world.
27-10-2003, 14:57
OOC::: *Cough* Vamps aren't affected by holy water etc, UNLESS it is wielded by someone with true faith(and no, not your whole population has true faith). About 1 out of every 100 priests these days have true faith. And 1 out of every 50 In the old days. That should make things clear.

And now what Iuthia here below says is true, don't think that a hunter can take out a vampire with ease, He may recognise him. But fighting him is a real pain in the ass(vampires have some nasty disciplines(Like spitting acid blood, stopping time, changing themself, making other people hear and see things, etc etc.)). Hunter normally travel in packs. In which case, to be honest, a single vampire doesn't stand much of a chance. Unless he is extremely powerfull(like gen 6th and below).
27-10-2003, 15:02
Ignore the vampiric propaganda. We had a long conflict with vampires in one of the northern dukedoms, they essentially treated the populace as cows, only they were milked of blood, not milk. We are watching you bloodsuckers, and we remember how to fight in the Dark.
Vladimir, Duke of Bathame.
The Britmattian Govt feels obliged to warn all vampires and demi vampires etc that Duke Vladimir has the death penalty to vampires within his dukedom, travellers are checked at border posts with silver and holy water and religious paraphenalia. The rest of our state has no objection to vampiric entry, but biting our citizens is illegal and punishable by death by sunlight. Travellers are able to contact blood banks/purchase from butchers should they so need however.
Jonathan, Lord Jerome,
Minister of Tourism.

We are willing to help you fight the rebel vampires here. We don't ask anything for it in return, besides the fact that we might want to diablerize there oldest vampires(Hopefully a gen 5 =)). If you accept our offer we will send a combat pack of humans. And with some negotiation we will also send in a specially trained pack of vampires.
27-10-2003, 15:16
Gods no! Don't encourage the Bathammers, they're all headcases. (OOC Bathame is in the far north of our state, long winters, lots of tundra, etc) No, they're quite expert at dealing with vampires these days, internationally recognised as such. Van Helsing is an old Bathammer name you see. We've sent Duke Vladimir off on a cruise to distract from the "Vampiric Menace!" as he refers to it in council, please don't remind him about it at present, he's currently got control of our biggest battleship and is quite capable of launching a one man jihad with it if encouraged! Sorry about all this, as our Dukes have a great deal of personal charge in their dukedoms we find it best to keep them away from their particular pet hates. This message unfortunately caught Duke Vlad's eye. Our most formal apologies,
Grand Chancellor Duke William of Birmingham.
Jonathan, Lord Jerome, Minister for Tourism.
27-10-2003, 15:33
OOC: Thing to remember about the WoD system is that no matter how powerful you are, you can be taken down by something else. You would have to be an über vampire to stop a werewolf from ripping you in two, those furry things cause serious damage fast and they hunt in packs… vampires fear them and avoid them for a good reason. The Gangrel often point vampires they don’t like to roads that are unsafe for their travel.

Though I must admit, I remember someone telling me of this huge werewolf attack in one of the cities were tons of vampires were killed… but there was this one Malkavian (sp) who didn’t die because he believed he was a werewolf and had joined in the battle… I think they were bemused at his madness.

Anyways, Werewolves rarely venture into the cities (where almost all vampires live) and threaten vampires. They are too busy fighting Pentex and the Wyrm in the wilderness. They also have trouble with the whole “spirit world” (Umbra and Penumbra).

Gah… I’ve read too much. Like the additional clans for vampire and the really powerful disciplines (rank 6+). They warp your mind because a PC should never get hold of them. I think the “warp time” ability is something that is extremely rare though, I thought only the original Brujah could do that (when they weren’t all changed to anarchist like vampires).
27-10-2003, 15:50
OOC::: Yup, that's the true brujah dicipline.

Now do you know really is a uber discipline? Reality, the level 10 discipline of the ravos... He/she can make anything come true with just thinking it.. Ouch..

A funny storie about a malkavian(those guys keep cracking me up).

A person was playing one with about 5 char sheets, and he rolled a dice to see what he would be that day. Well, he rolled a 2. That meant that he was going to play the child. Now, that was kind of a setback seeing they were planning on robbing a big ass store today.

His reaction: Okay, what are we gonna play today? *roll dice* 2.. Hm... The child.. But we were gonna rob the store today.. bummer...

He was later reported to have been wanting cookies in the store :D

Ow, and werewolfs can take out vamps because of the whole pack thingy. You might stand a change if you have something silver on you and start hitting them with it(they really hate that).

IC::: And only the group of vampires? The whole point in those is that they can blend in. It will not be easy, but it will be duable.
27-10-2003, 16:59
OOC: You would have to have a reason for carrying silver on you at all times, after all, vampires can ignore silver so how would you know that silver works? The movies aren’t completely correct about vampires (In WoD, vampires don’t exist in real life…).

I wanted to have a character run around with silver stakes at one point, not because of films like Blade (which I ain’t too keen on) but because I liked the idea of impaling a werewolf with one and watching it get seriously messed up due to the silver stuck in it’s chest. But it was deemed unlikely; after all, werewolves not exist do they? That would be going too far.

Although if I remember correctly, werewolves are more likely to frenzy when in the presence of silver and they can smell that stuff. As for power scales… well from what I have read it takes a pack of vampires to take down a young werewolf… and they have to be lucky.

I think one of the funnier sides of Werewolf was that you caused delirium in humans… most humans forget about it, except for the higher willpower ones. Even then most of them fall into a stupor at the sight of one in Crinos form. Though vampires generally run on principal… they are immune to delirium but they know better then to fight what WoD refers to as Gaia’s warriors.

Humans can resist the bite of a vampire too, but they have to have willpower of something stupid like eight and then roll again it. Vampires have to roll an opposed roll I think, regardless of willpower.

Faith is interesting because of the many differing levels of faith. The first one allows you to revoke them (holy symbol of your faith) then you get other things are you go up in faith. However, the higher the faith, the less people there are who have that much faith. I think that faith five is 1 in 1’000’000… like the pope and people like that. Nations who are heavily based around religion can probably increase these probabilities… I think mine is very low because I have a nation full of agnostics.

What really surprises me is the amount of nations openly admitting (IC) they have vampires in there nation… vampires like to pretend to be humans, mainly because the humans outnumber them 100’000 to 1.

I think that will do me for now… I’ve ranted way too long about it. But if you want to survive longer in NS, don’t shout out “I am a vampire nation” because there are many religious nations that can and will wipe you our in some sort of crusade.
27-10-2003, 17:07
((*Baps you all for forgetting Changeling: The Dreaming, which is clearly the best WoD game ever, then goes back on topic*))

We easily accept whatever laws the human governments should see fit to apply within their own borders. We have neither the reason nor the desire to travel to their lands in any event. In matters of diplomacy, it is our peers with whom we seek relations. We encourage the holding of a gathering by one of the vampire states so that our people might discuss their common goals.
27-10-2003, 19:08
i agree, we should hold a summit or something...
27-10-2003, 19:14
"I think that will do me for now… I’ve ranted way too long about it. But if you want to survive longer in NS, don’t shout out “I am a vampire nation” because there are many religious nations that can and will wipe you our in some sort of crusade."

That is actually more or less the reason we are doing this. And until now, we have been able(with some luck) to scare/reason away the religious nations.

Anywho, I have yet to play other WOD games(all i played thus far is W:TA en V:TM, I have encountered mages now and then though).

IC::: I invite all the nations to come to my capital. This event is mainly for vampire/vampire controlled nations. I will let out a public message. But be alarmed, thus could, and undoubtely will cause strife. So I encourage everyone who will reply to reconsider and take a big body guard along for protection(although you are quite likely able to do that yourself).
27-10-2003, 19:17
I will certainly attend, although you must understand that I am retired from my position in power due to my populance not being able to understand the true nature of what has occoured to me. Still, I still know some things about world events and politics....although I sincerly hope the same outcome of the vampire confrences shall not occour here....

~Kain Irenicus
27-10-2003, 19:22
OOC::: I have a idea, i'll make it a invite only RP. And the invetations can be picked up here. In short, they will have to state that they will bring no harm etc etc. Automatic invetations go out to the region: The Children of Lilith, and to Kain, The Vampiric Princes, and Wolf.

Anyone disagree, or have a better idea? To be honest I think we will all be wiped out by something if we do not make it a invite only RP.
27-10-2003, 19:24
OOC Sure, make sure to do it right though....make it classy. And no you damned inquistors, you do not know where my character is, you think he is dead! You owe him big time for saving your pale white ass! Grrrr...number him 57 will you....anyways, go ahead with it. Just make sure we get some description on the area, as I say, "The more infomation we get, the better we can roleplay".
27-10-2003, 19:33
i agree fully 100%,
ooc: when does this start?
27-10-2003, 20:37
OOC:: Now.

IC:: Messanger have been dispatched, you are all welcome to come, that is, if you got a message.

If not, discuss it here. And most likely arrangements can be met.
27-10-2003, 20:45
So make the thread.
27-10-2003, 20:51
OOC::: working on it. I wish to make this a bit formal and stuff. =)
27-10-2003, 21:15
OOC::: Done, sorry for spelling and gramatical mistakes. I'm not english. English isn't my first language.

Anywho, the forums are being a bitch again!
27-10-2003, 22:04
hey don't worry about it.
Wandering Argonians
27-10-2003, 23:24
OOC: I'm here about an invite...
27-10-2003, 23:28
Is your vampire nation run?
Will you do us no harm? This is a peacefull meeting.
Why do you want acces to the meeting?

I'm sorry we have to ask you all these questions.. but we have to be carefull alot of people don't like vampires...

If anyone wants to get a invation answer these questions right away. Will speed up the progress.

Spokesmen of the Free Land of Lunoris

OOC::: I'm giving kain and Syncomp the ability to give out invetations. But please be carefull.
Wandering Argonians
27-10-2003, 23:35
OOC: Kain Irencius has RP'd with me before. I am seeking to introduce a new character, a former vampire-hunter-turned vampire. He has accepted his fate, and now seeks a clan to serve.

Name: Trasel Bladeclaw
Clan: Quarra
Base Race: Argonian
Gender: Male
Age: 152
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 191 lbs

Is he acceptable? He will cause no trouble, the only vampires he hated were his former clan, the Quarra, and he has removed them from exsistance.
28-10-2003, 02:07
OOC: Info info info! Vampires are certainly welcome in my country now... just figuring out an IC way to say that vampires are not creatures from your nightmares (shall I say, dreams; vampires aren't from nightmares anymore :)), then say they're admitted to this country hereon. Oh goody ;). At least I have Very Good Civil Rights :D. Oh yeah, W.A., Elder Scrolls (specifically Morrowind), right?

I suppose posting here will make me on the 'hit list' on religious country's lists... imagine, a non-vampire country actually being OK with vampires! (no offence intended to the other non-vampire countries who are decent to vampires, of course)
28-10-2003, 03:18
ooc: i think your char is ok Wandering Argonians, as long as you know that vampires in this thread are peacefull. as i have been told, i can invite you to a vampire "summit" taking place now. (actually the nation running it is a way right now, but feel free to join in.... just remember that this is an invite only summit, please do not make me regret inviting you.) you can enter it and intro duce yourself to the others. i look forward to a long lasting peace between us.

ic: to East Romit, yes, this has become an international hit list for psycho religious nations. it takes some real courage for a nation to make an anouncement such as you have. we have recently found that there are many nations who sympathise with our couse, and we are ever greatfull for each one. we look forward to a long lasting peace between us.
28-10-2003, 03:27
OOC: Iuthia is ruled by a single human, James deGritz. Generally the nation is made up of humans but has many other races in it's minorities, the most odd being the clanger.

However, this said, Iuthia has got a vampire population of 1 for every 3'000'000 which makes them reasonably rare in places. The Camarilla are the dominant faction due to the lack of crime in the nation itself... however, recently sabbat have been moving in with assistance from friends in high places...

The question remains however... does my nation some how bother with this summit... especially concidering they are recoving from the last one they publically held...
28-10-2003, 03:34
OOC: Iuthia is ruled by a single human, James deGritz. Generally the nation is made up of humans but has many other races in it's minorities, the most odd being the clanger.

However, this said, Iuthia has got a vampire population of 1 for every 3'000'000 which makes them reasonably rare in places. The Camarilla are the dominant faction due to the lack of crime in the nation itself... however, recently sabbat have been moving in with assistance from friends in high places...

The question remains however... does my nation some how bother with this summit... especially concidering they are recoving from the last one they publically held...

ooc: i think that last one was an accident, if you are refering to the one i think you are. and easy on the sabbat, i am one powerfull tzimisce, lol.
any way...
ic: where as you are friendly towards vampires, i have been given invitaions to nations who want to join our summit and are vampire friendly. if you would like to send a few deligates (spelling errors to be ignored) to our summit, i see no reason why you should not attend. but please keep in mind that as this is invite only, we expect you to be mindfull of our customes and the like. we look forward to seeing you there.
28-10-2003, 07:47
Iuthia is free to send a representative. The same goes for East Romit and Wandering Argonians.

Spokesmen of the Free Land of Lunoris
28-10-2003, 07:52
OOC: I guess I will not be recieving an invite....Hey Roania you wanna go to the party ? All those vamps in one spot......Yummy :)
28-10-2003, 07:54
OOC::: any hostile actions will be ignored. We'll just shoot the ignore cannon at you. You don't even know where the place is.

But you can get one as long as you promise to be peacefull etc etc.
28-10-2003, 07:58
OOC : Relax Lunoris, it was just a joke.

Sorry , nothing personal but I could not promise that, my nation hates vampires.
28-10-2003, 08:00
OOC:: hmm, ok. But you can get in if you want. You might find our we're not so bad company.

Anywho, school :(

EDIT:: Ok, lets make a comparison, you can send 1 member. He has to have no powers. And he will be kept under shot the whole time.
28-10-2003, 08:59
Olympus Coliseum would like to send it's minister of defence to this conference
28-10-2003, 09:17
I would like to attend the conference. Recent events in my nation and other nations involving former KM leaders *cough*Larkinia*cough* has left my nation in a semi-precarious position.

Prince of Kindred Masquerade
28-10-2003, 09:19
Olympus Coliseum would like to send it's minister of defence to this conference

are you a vampir nation, or a sympathizer?
28-10-2003, 09:21
I would like to attend the conference. Recent events in my nation and other nations involving former KM leaders *cough*Larkinia*cough* has left my nation in a semi-precarious position.

Prince of Kindred Masquerade

ooc:i don't much about the former.. larkinia, so until i do i can't really invite you until i do. but things might end up in your favor.
28-10-2003, 09:24
Well the last two princes of KM seemed to have a problem with one person in Larkinia in particular. So each went after him in turn (the last one resulting in a skiing resort in Larkinia getting turned into a war zone, the man in question getting kidnapped and almost drained and turned into a vampire). More than anything I am also interested in meeting with other vampires and turning the course that the two previous princes were busy leading us to.

28-10-2003, 09:32
Olympus Coliseum would like to send it's minister of defence to this conference

are you a vampir nation, or a sympathizer?
sympathizer, but the minister for defence is a vampire (stats below)

Name: Dimvilya Araregiel Bulëbor
Clan: Dolencam
Base Race: Silvan Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 2539
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 140 k.g.
28-10-2003, 09:50
An inivtation has been sent out to Dimvilya Araregiel Bulëbor. please feel free to enter the summit, make an introduction for your self, the meeting won't pick up for a while though.. (the host is in school) but i have been keeping an eye out for the time being. look for ward to seeing you ther Dimvilya Araregiel Bulëbor.
28-10-2003, 10:21
OOC: When I stated the vampiric factions of Iuthia, that was not because of any one post… I just felt it had to be understood that Iuthia doesn’t have many vampires, but we have some. You are much more likely to see a Clanger in Iuthia then you would a vampire.

Hm… the only vampire character I am using in NS currently is Varya… and she is getting a lot of attention. Only thing is that she is Sabbat and is unlikely to the message, seeing as the Camarilla still dominate vampire society in Iuthia.

Of course, you are not asking me to send in a vampire… but then I have the next problem; my Dictator is currently out of the nation on personnel business. Admittedly I could change the time period to suit the needs, but there is something unsettling about being invited to a conference full of vampires; even through James is fascinated by them. Knowing the power levels of all your characters, I don’t think any amount of mortal protection is going to make me feel safe (In Character) after all.

Overall, they don’t like the risk. Iuthian vampires (unknown to the Iuthian government) are not keen on going because it’s not been specified that it is only Camarilla only. Meanwhile the government are not prepared to send someone into a situation that is potentially lethal.
(The below is entered for err… either Summit… I think there might be two, but I don’t care either way, both of you can answer it if there is two…)

In the interest of role-play however… I hit you with my plot stick.

From: Acting Lord General Ursand, leader of Iuthia.

To: Narack, Spokesmen of the Free Land of Lunoris.

Subject: Vampire Summit Invitations

Message: We are preparing a representative as we speak to learn more about the vampire race and how they interact with one another. However, concerns have been raised as to the security of such a function.

As we understand it, many vampires from many nations are wishing to attend this meeting without discrimination. As such we feel it would be very possible that vampires with little to no conscience may decide that they do not respect a humans point of view. We are only human after all and we will not be pleased if one of our esteemed representatives were to suddenly disappear.

In this respect we require information on some of the un-confidential security measures you will have in place to stop this kind of thing happening, after all, none of us want a international incident… and few people ever want to have a international incident with Iuthia.

We will, should your security measures pass muster, send a representative to your Summit along with no less then an escort of two Black Viper Specialists who will be fully armed, bearing in mind we do that for every event we attend.

We wish you luck on your summit and only hope that our requests are well met and understood.

Thanks for your time,

::Lord General Ursand, leader of the Iuthian People::
28-10-2003, 12:54
OOC: Are you using the ‘Mage: Ascension’ Celeborne? Because that would be pretty funny…
28-10-2003, 12:55
OOC: Are you using the ‘Mage: Ascension’ Celeborne? Because that would be pretty funny…

OOC: yes, with a few modifications.
28-10-2003, 12:58
OOC: Nice… I’ll have to read the book again some time, only problem with Mage was making the spell as there and then, in oppose to thinking about it like you do on NationStates… but I hope you are going to have paradox bite you in the ass if you do anything big like blasts of energy or bullet time… 8)
28-10-2003, 13:11
As long as there are only magic folk and vamps around paradox should not be a problem. It is however the main reason why I have not played with this idea more.
28-10-2003, 13:15
Ok, I’ll leave it at that. Don’t want to give away too much about to insane abilities you can technically claim using Mage. Plus I’ll back you up if I hear that horrible cry “GODMOD!” because Mage characters are very balanced…
28-10-2003, 13:16
Thanks. I appreciate that.
28-10-2003, 14:56
OOC::: Meh, School... *shivers*


*hits Iuthia with his poke stick* STOP THAT!

Now, seeing we are all here as fantasy chars, I doubt that someone will scream godmod. Just make it reasonable. If you can, post your character.. or mail it to me. if you want to do that. Please state his powers/disciplines.

Anywho, if there is something I find really doubtful I’ll TG the user. Or post it.


Iuthia, the safety of every attendant is assured by the state of Lunoris. First of, no one knows of the place of the meeting unless chosen so by us. Second off, certain… individuals, have been hired to keep order during the conversations. They will come with just the slightest cry. Or.. some other things you do not need to know(OOC::: I’ve hired a bunch of Assamite to keep order, they are the best out there and came at quite a expense…). The one thing we can no do is allow your representative in with armed body guard. All the others are unarmed, so your representative has to come in unarmed as well. I’m sorry, but all have to be treaded equally. They are allowed to bring a ceremonial weapons like swords. If you want I can assign to vampires to guard you. They will do this till the end. You have my word on it.

Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris
28-10-2003, 15:54
I will not be going personally, we already have one national leader away from the nation, we are not about to have his replacement leave as well. No, we will be sending our esteemed representative, Kayla Harmone. However, we must object to your disapproval of our weapons. So far you are the first nation to ban them outright… plus we recognise that most vampires are a weapon in themselves.

However, they may leave their weapons behind in the Hippogriff Support Craft should it be insisted upon… however, that would be unfortunate to say the least.

The two additional guests are:

Jianto Grant (Human) – Black Viper Specialist (bodyguard)
Lizo (Clanger) - Black Viper Specialist (bodyguard)

Acting Lord General Ursand, leader of the Iuthian people.
28-10-2003, 15:58
Is it protection from vampires you want? If so we can allow you one weapon. And we suggest something like a crossbow. Not deathly, but it will take a vampire down if it is aimed right(hearth, btw, I'm talking about my vampires, I don't know about others, my vampires enter torpor until the thing is removed).

Is this agreeable?

Spokesmen of the Free Land of Lunoris
James Adams
28-10-2003, 15:59
i have a puppet vampire nation....around 500millian

i thought they would be cool to RP but it turned out they are cr@p
28-10-2003, 16:37
OOC: Personally, we would say that if you got staked in the heart you get immobilised until someone removes it. That’s the WoD system; you can actually use mental disciplines while staked so if someone was stupid enough to look into your eyes, you could dominate them. Of course, taking any hits in the head or the heart cause lethal damage no matter what it is, so while bullets are pretty crap against vampires (because vampires take half damage from them) if they are aimed at the head or the heart they do lethal damage (as well as +2 for vulnerable area) you could actually do lots of damage to a vampire.

Torpor is a terrible thing to do to your vampires upon staking, because if you have a low humanity, it could be years before you get out of it, and that is with blood being added.


Actually, it’s more on principal. It’s an Iuthia thing; we are a nation that depends highly on military training to indoctrinate people to become good citizens. As a result we have a near zero crime rate and a world class military. We don’t mind taking one Gauss Rifle, which will be unloaded, without munitions and kept on a Black Vipers back, probably Lizo our Clanger. Both guards will be suited in evening wear military jackets designed for such occasions, it’s light armour designed to look smart. The two bodyguards will most likely stay around the edges and keep an eye out. They will also be carrying knives as standard. The Gauss Rifle is a symbol of our nations military prowess and it is almost obligatory.

Again, you can insist that they go in completely unarmed. But this is not something any of our representatives will enjoy and may damage relations. Two men with knives are not going to make much difference if the place gets attacked so we can’t see any real security issues for the vampires concerned.

Regardless of your decision, we are sending our representatives now via Hippogriff support craft, here is their flight designation [press to transfer and decrypt] please do not shoot this military vehicle out of the sky.


Acting Lord General Ursand, leader of the Iuthian people.
Eris Kallisti
28-10-2003, 16:50
OOC: [size=10]Personally, we would say that if you got staked in the heart you get immobilised until someone removes it. That’s the WoD system; you can actually use mental disciplines while staked so if someone was stupid enough to look into your eyes, you could dominate them((OOC: Dominate won't work because you have to speak to be able to use Dominate. Now Presence, that would work well, or Auspex (Telepathy) etc etc. sorry... I'm a WoD geek. been playing for over 7 years now))
28-10-2003, 16:52
((OOC: Dominate won't work because you have to speak to be able to use Dominate. Now Presence, that would work well, or Auspex (Telepathy) etc etc. sorry... I'm a WoD geek. been playing for over 7 years now))

OOC: Oh yeah... hm... it's always the small details huh?
28-10-2003, 18:02
OOC::: Meh, I'm not at my second year yet. But anywho, it still sucks to get staked as a vamp. Loads of stuff can happen. Ow btw, I believe you can still call another person.. the 4th level dicipline of Dominate if I am correct, cause you don't have to say something?

IC:: *Message dispatched to Iuthia*

You're guard is very welcome with the empty gauss rifle and knives. We have discripted your message and two of our fighters have been dispatched to escort the plane.

Spokesmen of The Free Land of Lunoris
28-10-2003, 18:34
OOC::: Meh, I'm not at my second year yet. But anywho, it still sucks to get staked as a vamp. Loads of stuff can happen. Ow btw, I believe you can still call another person.. the 4th level dicipline of Dominate if I am correct, cause you don't have to say something?

OOC: Presence, the ability is called "Summon".

IC:: *Message dispatched to Lunoris*

Very well, it's nice to know we can come to an agreement. We will be there in the hour (RT - Later Tonight or Tomorrow, I'm going out soon).
Acting Lord General Ursand, leader of Iuthia
For more information about Iuthia and her history… (
Click here to see Iuthia’s Space Program (OOC note, this is now complete) (
28-10-2003, 18:41
OOC: Presence, the ability is called "Summon".

It's from presence? dang.... That's the same mistake twice :(

And I dunno what time scale your on.. but I live in holland so I don't know what later tonight is...
28-10-2003, 19:59
I live in England... so I'm about an hour behind, maybe more...
28-10-2003, 20:05
OOC:: nope your a hour behind.
Catholic Europe
28-10-2003, 20:06
Move to the Middle East - the region for the outcasts and extremists.
28-10-2003, 20:20
I live in England... so I'm about an hour behind, maybe more...

ooc: i'm in the states, so i am like way behind, but i have a weird sleeping pattern right now it's like three inthe afternoon for me.
28-10-2003, 23:40
OOC: I can see I'm way behind w/everything. All I have is the basic little myths. A quick rundown is in order, maybe? :shock: :) I'm on a hitlist! Hurrah! I'm in the US... usually on sometime between 3:30-8:30 (ah, the <sarcasm>pleasures</sarcasm> of being a middleschooler)

IC: *message to Lunoris*

Our representative would be glad to come to your confrence. Regrettably, I cannot come due to... personal matters ((OOC: translation: I am a wuss!)). Instead, I am sending an undersecretary of mine, ((OOC: fantasy or not? that is the question... I wonder what name I shall use... but I can guarentee you she will be a she! :wink: )). We have decided not to bring a guard, to show our goodwill.


((OOC: see previous note))
29-10-2003, 02:39
ooc: I love it when characters go against seth or's just extremely amusing. :D Seth is around ten millenia...

OOC: And I love that fact that no one character can be better then the Shentavo's unless it's written into plot. Please, we are in a freeform roleplay and I'd like to keep it that way... if you want to be respected for having a character with 10'000 years experience then you may want to think harder about how they would act.

It seems to me that almost all characters empowered in the Shentavo threads are arrogant when faced with someone claiming powerfull abilities yet not actually part of them. I may like alot of your threads becuase of the interaction even though I don't follow background too much for some pretty good reasons I'm not going to get into.

Basically, if someone opposes you and they arn't part of your plans; please don't patronise them like this, it doesn't serve the thread in any way other then to basically point out "That my character is far better then yours!"

Of course, maybe I'm being a little too hasty, but I've seen it alot in characters like Kain who are meant to be "Fledglings" who can do things that my own powerful elder vampire characters can never hope to acheive... again, I may be missing a huge part of it, but thats all I can see with the information at hand.

You see, Celeborne's character has something I have yet to see in many supernatural characters. Balance. I know exactly what system he is using and if I don't like something I can have him explain it too me. I know what can go wrong with his powers and what their limitations are... I don't like it when someone basically undercuts balanced characters, especially when they don't have balance themselves.

Hope you don't mind guys, but I'm using this thread as a OOC bitching ground because can see alot of posts coming my way that aren't going to be flatering.

I won't be doing this sort of thing during threads that are based around the Rave plot, becuase they are something different. When I started RPing I accepted the powers they have. However, going into someone elses thread changes the rules... becuase people don't have to actually listen to your powers, if they feel they are completely out of preportion then they will be ignored.

Sorry again for this... but I don't think people pay enough attention to some of little issues that free-form roleplay brings up...
29-10-2003, 06:08
Iuthia: A well thought out and well written post. I, as one who has been the victim of the "Shentavo mentality", applaud you. I also empower you to call me to the mat if my character in this role-play seems too powerful.
Thank you for the complement. I will try to maintain that balance you spoke of.
29-10-2003, 10:08
ooc: East Romit, you wanted to know more about vampires, as stated in your post. heheheh, i hope i will be able to answer your qustion about comon vampire myths. as this post is sure to be big, every one can skip it if they want, unless you want to learn what i know. so gather around children, it's story time....
as most of the people in this post and at the summit are already fammiliar with the white-wolf system of vampires, and some here arn't, i think this is a good start to start. <insert confused look with last three words> white-wolf is a populare role playing system that allows you to play 13 main clans of vampires, each with their own powers and advantages and flaws... and at least a dozen or so sub-clans and blood lines and what have you. it's system is really easy to lean, and it's rules for vampires break common lore. basicly holy objects like crosses do nothing to a vampire, unless the person using them really believes in it's power. staking a vampire only puts them in a comatose state. (makes them sleep)
they still need blood. the clans are divided into three factions.
the sabbat- mean basterds, they are dammed, so they act like it.
the cameralia- these guys are like the closet vampires, they try not to attract too much attention to them selves.
the independants- thses guys just don't really want to get involved.
to not wast more space in here, check out their web site,

i don't know much about other gamming systems

ok, first off i know that there is no such thing as a dracula type fellow in a tux stalking beutifull maidens in thick accents. lol. with that in mind i will go into real vampires. some of the people who claim to be real vampires are really just pasty faced goth kids who listin to waay too much bauhaus and need some real help. others are psycho paths that... well.. use your imagination. but there are a few people who like the lifestyle and want to live it. like the is a society of sain minded individuals out there called the "sanguinarium". (side note, i belong to them, they throw awsome partys around halloween in new orlens!!) i would give you a link to there site, but the past few months it has been of line i think. (a satilite site from them is up, i'm awaiting a password to come in before i can tell if they are still around) these guys live by a code wich basicly says be smart, safe and basicly a ladie or gentlemen. don't get me started on psychic vampires.... ok enough of that.

i think i might have answerd your question, or confused you further with my awfull spelling. i would go more into the subject, as i consider my self a student of vampire lore, but i might be borring the hell out of every one else and taking up way too much post room. i will end this post here, and post again if you need further assistance. if any one has a specific question in the vampire or demonlogy field (another hobby of mine)
fell free to e-mail at :twisted:

p.s. glad to have you at the summit East Romit and every one else!!!!!!!!
29-10-2003, 10:55
My Emperor would be honoured if you would considder inviting him to the summit. He is Raziel Dantes, Emperor of Qualis, a nation ruled by ancient vampire families who were forced to flee their homeland and have recently formed their own nation. New to this region we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to make allies with other vampire nations in this and other regions.

We eagerly await your reply.


Kamen Faust
1st Mage of Qualis
29-10-2003, 11:39
an inivte has been sent to Qualis, we are still doing introductions and small talk, haven't missed much. i look forward to seeing you there!
29-10-2003, 12:08
ooc: I love it when characters go against seth or's just extremely amusing. :D Seth is around ten millenia...

OOC: And I love that fact that no one character can be better then the Shentavo's unless it's written into plot. Please, we are in a freeform roleplay and I'd like to keep it that way... if you want to be respected for having a character with 10'000 years experience then you may want to think harder about how they would act.

It seems to me that almost all characters empowered in the Shentavo threads are arrogant when faced with someone claiming powerfull abilities yet not actually part of them. I may like alot of your threads becuase of the interaction even though I don't follow background too much for some pretty good reasons I'm not going to get into.

Basically, if someone opposes you and they arn't part of your plans; please don't patronise them like this, it doesn't serve the thread in any way other then to basically point out "That my character is far better then yours!"

Of course, maybe I'm being a little too hasty, but I've seen it alot in characters like Kain who are meant to be "Fledglings" who can do things that my own powerful elder vampire characters can never hope to acheive... again, I may be missing a huge part of it, but thats all I can see with the information at hand.

You see, Celeborne's character has something I have yet to see in many supernatural characters. Balance. I know exactly what system he is using and if I don't like something I can have him explain it too me. I know what can go wrong with his powers and what their limitations are... I don't like it when someone basically undercuts balanced characters, especially when they don't have balance themselves.

Hope you don't mind guys, but I'm using this thread as a OOC bitching ground because can see alot of posts coming my way that aren't going to be flatering.

I won't be doing this sort of thing during threads that are based around the Rave plot, becuase they are something different. When I started RPing I accepted the powers they have. However, going into someone elses thread changes the rules... becuase people don't have to actually listen to your powers, if they feel they are completely out of preportion then they will be ignored.

Sorry again for this... but I don't think people pay enough attention to some of little issues that free-form roleplay brings up...

OOC::: I agree, imho opinion being a vamp still has to have its draw backs. Narack is ussually extremly cold harted, and, well, to be honest, has nightmares from which he somethimes never awakes. My Leaders is crazy, he has MPS(malkavian). Anywho, don't start by saying your vamp is immune to fire... Unless you specially trained in this. If so, there are a few vamps who might resist, but otherwise, fire kills a vamp. It also scares the hell out of them (rotshreck). To be honest I don't like overpowerd vamps. Just try to balance him. Narack may be smart and quite good looking, but he hasn't got a lot of strength(unless he transforms, but then he looks like hell, can't manipulate, and his charisma drops to 1). So please, play balanced chars.
29-10-2003, 12:52
OOC: I’d say these rules aren’t golden, because this is freeform role-play and people can RP their characters how they like, just bare in mind that some of us don’t like being treated as inferior (OOC) despite the fact we have as much depth as you. I wasn’t re-acting to godmoding, I was just reacting to my annoyance at a OOC comment I feel can be very insulting.

If you want a über-character then don’t go around using your über powers against people, because they may ignore it or even better, IC negate it, then we get the funniest argument over who is godmoding. It’s simple, if you have un-balanced power, don’t use it unless you are allowed to, because being a god in someone else’s thread is ignorable.
29-10-2003, 12:55
OOC: I’d prefer that you don’t enforce WoD rules on people, we are not going to be using dice and I will pass and fail my characters willpower as appropriate. If someone is doing something other then WoD, let them explain it and if it is reasonable then fine, but some people don’t have the fear of fire because they are a different sort of Vampire… remember, this is free-form role-play, there aren’t any rules other then that of the mob.
29-10-2003, 18:44
OOC: I’d prefer that you don’t enforce WoD rules on people, we are not going to be using dice and I will pass and fail my characters willpower as appropriate. If someone is doing something other then WoD, let them explain it and if it is reasonable then fine, but some people don’t have the fear of fire because they are a different sort of Vampire… remember, this is free-form role-play, there aren’t any rules other then that of the mob.

Ofcourse I won't. I was making a example. How a char can be balanced. :)
31-10-2003, 10:58
OOC: I’d prefer that you don’t enforce WoD rules on people, we are not going to be using dice and I will pass and fail my characters willpower as appropriate. If someone is doing something other then WoD, let them explain it and if it is reasonable then fine, but some people don’t have the fear of fire because they are a different sort of Vampire… remember, this is free-form role-play, there aren’t any rules other then that of the mob.

ooc: as much as i love bringing up old points... i agree. i think we can have more fun and freedome if we all use a system that we are best fammiliar with. if that happens to be WoD, or "buffy" or whatever else there is, it is sure to bring up an interesting game to say the least.
31-10-2003, 12:18
OOC: I’d prefer that you don’t enforce WoD rules on people, we are not going to be using dice and I will pass and fail my characters willpower as appropriate. If someone is doing something other then WoD, let them explain it and if it is reasonable then fine, but some people don’t have the fear of fire because they are a different sort of Vampire… remember, this is free-form role-play, there aren’t any rules other then that of the mob.

ooc: as much as i love bringing up old points... i agree. i think we can have more fun and freedome if we all use a system that we are best fammiliar with. if that happens to be WoD, or "buffy" or whatever else there is, it is sure to bring up an interesting game to say the least.

Apparently different races of vampires excist =D
Mendacious Weasel
31-10-2003, 12:34
Hail the Great Weasel! We're delighted to discover such a menagerie of kith and kin. Come to the Sanguine Gardens where fountains flow red and greet the Great Weasel.
Mendacious Weasel
31-10-2003, 12:46
ooc: The Great Weasel favours the Vampires of Freda Warrington's Vampire Sequence! Freda rules! :D
04-11-2003, 07:44
OOC: uh, hi guys, I was wondering if I might be able to participate in your vampire council rp, I wish to play as a catholic ambassador that wishes to extend its hand of friendship towards those marked by Kaine.
04-11-2003, 08:13
Wod right? ok, i can invite, your in, the post might be burried though. join in and introduce yourself. welcoom abord!!!
p.s. please don't make me regret this
04-11-2003, 10:50
Meh, I’ve decided that my character is watching everyone as my few small attempts to get something started failed, including:

My rather un-subtle reminder of the horrible, horrible death my nation brings down on those who hurt Iuthian’s as a reason for not being too frightened… after all, when people know where you are and who your with they feel that bit safer.

My quick query into the horrible things that have affected the Flesh Crafted vampire’s humour… a question designed to either provoke the character because when someone is thinking on their feet they often tip up.

Now I will simply keep an eye out and watch vampiric behaviour… I would have been interested in Seth, but then I figured that my character would never believe he is 10’000 years old because he seems completely un-phased by 10’000 years of eating humans blood (by nature, what’s more, I doubt anyone had much morals 10’000 years ago, so I expect that killing would be in there somewhere… you don’t live for 10’000 years without committing some terrible acts and losing your humanity).

I would have done some nice RP with the eating thing, but I read into it enough to figure out it was in a separate room so I didn’t bother. Currently Kayla is simply staying on the edge of small groups of people listening to conversation and occasionally nodding and shaking her head with some of the points being made. Her guards are currently keeping an eye open and the Clanger is watching the musicians intensely as he likes music… damn I love those cute little guys…
04-11-2003, 13:42

V: tM = “Vampire the Masquerade” this is the system I use for vampires and like best, basically it is a role-play setting made by White Wolf and it describes in detail the creation and use of vampire characters… however, I respect that most people aren’t using this.

Anne Rice = she is the woman who wrote the “Interview with a vampire” book and the series that came after it, the books and the film (not Queen of the Damned, that sucked, though I didn’t mind the book) all portray a interesting idea of vampires and the troubles they have, including immortality. When I refer to her I am talking about the books and the powers from the books, which can be seen in a lot of literature…

Final Death = the ultimate death of a vampire that cannot be regenerated or healed. Basically your body may turn to dust (if your old) or turn into a corpse (if your young). This often is a result of sunlight, burning or decapitation but isn’t limited to this. Pretty much all vampire fiction uses this.

Torpor = this is the point where the vampire is so heavily damaged that look dead and almost are. Most often this is the state where the vampire isn’t dead, but they can’t regenerate themselves… or at least, not quickly, I’m talking about years here. Given blood you may be able to speed the regeneration process up and in many vampire fictions you can’t even start this process without blood… however it’s up to you, often it just mean your out of the game for a couple years.

Soak = I will try to avoid this phrase because it is associated with the V: tM system. Basically it’s used when referring to damaged being soaked or absorbed or taken… however you want to put it.

Kindred = Vampire, though I won’t use this phrase too much I hope.

Conventional Damage = Things like swords, clubs and bullets that the vampire can pretty much ignore (unless the force knocks them down or you hit them somewhere like the heart or head) if you chop/blow their arms off they will grow by the end of the night with the use of the blood they’ve still got. Electricity is pretty nasty too, but it’ll damage the inside and can be regenerated quickly with the use of blood. If a vampire takes enough damage with this they will enter torpor.

Aggravated Damage = Things like sunlight (every vampire should take damage from this, or explain it damn well), fire and err… more fire. This is the damage that takes a lot of time to heal because of its nature. The nasty wounds they leave will scar you for the following weeks you try healing… but it goes away with time. If a vampire is brought down with these they will die the final death.

Supernatural Damage = Things like supernatural claws, fangs and magic items. Like above, these cause serious wounds to them because they are supernatural… however, with some vampires can count these as conventional because we all don’t use V: tM, the only exception is magical weapons, which should make nasty wounds.

What hurts vampires?

Conventional Damage:

Bullets = Pain, general damage but nothing which will cause final death, however, if you get shot with them enough, you will have to spend time regenerating your fracture bones, muscles and probably your head. You can pretty much ignore damage taken in most areas, however if you are shot in the head or the heart (two vital areas for your average kindred) then I expect the damage will hurt more (but won’t cause final death though if done enough, could cause torpor)

Swords and other sharp weapons = these weapons are a little more damaging to a vampire, seeing as a bullet will just pass through the dead flesh (often causing little damage or leave much more then a hole) a sword will cut into you leaving a large wound.

Blunt bashing weapons = Not too much damage as you are pulverising dead flesh, it hurts though and if you hit the head you will be able to still cause nasty damage (like caving in their skull). Note that hitting the head is harder to do.

Stakes and the such = These cause conventional damage, but like swords they leave nasty wounds, however the added bonus is that if you have the strength to punch the vampires heart with one, any number of things could happen. We have the Buffy way of looking at it where they just blow up in a puff of smoke, or the V: tM way where the vampire simply becomes immobilised and can’t move a muscle.

Aggravated Damage:

Fire = Our favourite weapon in the fight against vampirism. This works in pretty much every single fiction I’ve seen on vampires. It causes nasty damage and if the vampire is brought down to torpor with it then (and they are still burning) then they come to their final death.

Sunlight = Again, another popular one that causes final death. This will injure almost all vampires and it will act quickly. Most fiction agrees on this and a lot of it claims instant death from sunlight. However, Anne Rice and V:tM seem to agree that while it hurts a lot, it doesn’t always finish you off unless you stay in it for too long (more then 30 seconds I think…).

Supernatural Damage:

Claws and Fangs = These are often nastier then your normal swords and clubs because of the supernatural energy put behind them… however, that’s just the V: tM. Other fiction just makes this damage conventional, but with the twist of a powerful creature on the end. If you are using the V: tM system then these can cause final death if you are brought down with them.

Magic = Depends on the magic, but often causes aggregated damage… always explain what you are doing.

Books and Films I’ve read on vampires…

Anne Rice’s Vampire series: Interview with a vampire, The Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned.

Interview with a vampire (film)

Queen of the Damned (bad, bad film; probably made for Goths even though most the ones I know hate it)

Necroscope Series (the first two books, they are really messed up…)

Vampire the Masquerade (two clan books, Sabbat and Camarilla guides)

John Carpenters Vampires (film, not too bad, but a little gory)

Blade and Blade2 (enjoyed them the first time, but now they annoy me… werewolves would wup their ass)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I watched way, way too much of this… after series 4 I got bored but watched out of hope it would get funny again… she whines too much and anyone who liked Glory as a bad guy... never tell me of this for I don’t like you already)

Innumerable bad vampire films (they really are innumerable)

This has been a rather long and pointless post… meh, I was I think I’ll leave it at that…
04-11-2003, 14:01
Seth can't be 10000 years old. The "No Angel" RP, where Rave first appeared in her non-vampiric form, was only 1000 years ago. Nobody from Rave Shentavo - except Daja, who is now dead - can logicallly claim to be older than that.
Dictatorship n Strife
04-11-2003, 22:14
OOC: Hm… I wonder how many of you guys have read the recent “Hunter” WoD book. Those guys are great… the Hunter system makes you have someone who is not power gamed to hell (so no ex-marine ninjas) but instead you are encouraged to have a normal everyday person instead… then that person goes through what is called a “calling” where some kind of cryptic message is shown to them, almost hinting that something isn’t right about this world… then they can see anything unnatural, and it only happens when something like a un-dead creature, werewolf, vampire or mage is around. Depending on how they act, they get “imbued” in differing ways.

For example, they could re-act badly and try and eliminate the creature, this would almost always give them the power “cleave” which basically makes a melee weapon (if they don’t have one, one is conjured) cause +2 damage and makes that damage aggravated (so you can’t soak). Their powers often need some sort of trigger though, they are not like disciplines. If someone is called and they ignore it, they get none of the advantages of being a hunter but they can still help hunters in a supportive role.

They all get something called “conviction” points which are like vampires blood points in many ways, only they don’t get as much of it. This conviction can be used to allow them to see the un-natural creature no matter what for the rest of the scene. I ain’t kidding here, it takes a very powerful elder to get around it and if it is a experienced hunter then you can’t get around it. If you use obfuscate they can see you as though you were walking around clear as day. However, they cannot see through natural darkness with this, so stealth still works. When conviction they are incredibly hard to use mental disciplines on, this means disciplines like Dominate, Presence, Dementia, Obfuscate and Auspex (if you see their aura, they look human. And you can’t read their minds). The problem is that they don’t have conviction on all the time, they most often use it when they are alerted or expecting to see something.

The real beauty to them however, is that they look like normal humans to pretty much all abilities, so they can’t be hunted easily because they look like all the rest of the prey. You get some very odd powers from the “Innocents” in the hunter class, when they feel threatened they can hide in plain sight. Not so they are invisible, but so they are ignored.

Main reason I like hunter is because it’s all about normal people learning how messed up the world really is, and it really is messed up in WoD. You have eco-terrorist werewolves fighting to save Gaia (sp, the spirit of the earth). Vampires preparing for a holy war again their 3rd generation clan founders who are going to rise one day and eat them all. The Mages who are trying to ascend the human race and teach the world that we can alter reality. The Pentex Corporation also has plans to destroy civilisation and re-build it with them selves in control. It really is all messed up and you don’t see how much until you’ve seen some of the different books. Mage is a real headache to play because they are very vague about the spells you can pull off; you have to think of them your self because there are no generic spells.

The overall idea of Hunter is that humanity is beginning to react to it all and push back, trying to recover some sanity into the world.

Sigh. n00bs.

1) Hunter isn't recent, its 2 years old
2) its lethal not agg. damage so supernaturals CAN soak
3) Mage is easy to play! Do you read the descriptions of the powers or just the systems? The spells are easy to think of you just need to know what you want to do and can you do it then the rest is RP!
4) Hunter is kinda cool

lastly can I get a invite to the vampire meeting? I used to be in the region vampire before buffy the vampire slayer and the "duplicate UN viovator krew" invaded. My nation is basical run by revenants.
04-11-2003, 23:18
Wow... all of a sudden I'm a n00b...

You would of thought you people would have noticed sooner with my posts were really so terrible as to warrant term "n00b"...

Maybe I should nook joo wit 34598275239057 nookz. :roll:

Anyways... just to clerify, maybe I should use n00b speak so you can further insult my comments.

1. To me it is recent... becuase my local store didn't bring it out until maybe 6 months ago, but thats becuase they are crap. Thanks for the pendantry none the less.

2. Actually, seeing as I play vampire more then Hunter I would say "aggervated" becuase thats the damage they would do to vampires... after all, in Vampire and Werewolf the difference between aggervated and lethal is huge and important, often the difference between life or death.

3. Hm... you like put people down don't you? Well I'm used to spell lists and I have read into Mage a fair bit, but it still can be a bitch to work out how you going to make an effect work without getting paradox... maybe I'm an idiot, after all arn't all use n00bs dumb?

4. Yeah... hunter is cool, and thanks for your "corrections"... it reminds me I'm not the only arrogant guy around here.

I'm sure you can enter the vampire meeting seeing as it is pretty much an open thread, however they don't want hunters getting all trigger happy becuase they're running a peaceful thing, if you want to go doing something like that (not that I'm suggesting you would) then contact the person who started the vampire meeting thread.

Oh, and I'm sure you can enjoy making fun of my RP too while your there... I'm rather happy with it but hell, you got to have a hobby, right?
08-11-2003, 05:32
Lestat is a nickname I have picked up a few years ago. I respect Lestat for his cunning and cold calculation. I"M NOT A 13 YEAR OLD GOTH WITH PERVERTED TASTES FOR BLOOD. Grow up and stop cutting your arms with safety sizzors just because you think you'll be considered more "hardcore for it" you are a douche get over it. And you damn goth wannabes stop sending me telegrams!
10-11-2003, 01:37
Lestat is a nickname I have picked up a few years ago. I respect Lestat for his cunning and cold calculation. I"M NOT A 13 YEAR OLD GOTH WITH PERVERTED TASTES FOR BLOOD. Grow up and stop cutting your arms with safety sizzors just because you think you'll be considered more "hardcore for it" you are a douche get over it. And you damn goth wannabes stop sending me telegrams!

ooc: lmfao!!! i am sorry but that was just too funny. but yeah, i agree with you. i fucking hate gothibies (goth wannabies) or as we call them up here "gravers". i was at an android lust show at my local goth club, and like they were freaking out when the pa was playing bauhaus or joy division. "this isn't goth, play some cruxshaodows or some a23" they would say. ruined the whole show, i spent most of the night teaching them what real goth is. but yeah, gothibies suck. my nation puts them in concentration camps.