researching new ships
we are researching many types of new ships like:
the nebula class
the sovereign class
the sabre class
these ships will more than likely take many months to complete both research and building
21-10-2003, 17:54
OOC: Someone has watched Star Trek.
21-10-2003, 20:45
OOC: Someone is looking for an Ignore. You can't possibly have the ships with your small infrastruture, even if the [img] tags were correct.
Check out this site for stats on ships like that.
21-10-2003, 20:47
Check out this site for stats on ships like that.!!!!! That site is based on some guys imagination is is the WORST place to go for facts... :lol:
Check out this site for stats on ships like that.!!!!! That site is based on some guys imagination is is the WORST place to go for facts... :lol:
I challenge you to find a site that's used more sources before begining to engaged in intelligent speculation to fill in the many gaps that the creators of ST have left. Have you even bothered to do more than glance at the site before you made up your mind? And I don't see you recommending an alternative.
Great Mateo
21-10-2003, 21:38
You're a 4 day old nation already in space? I think not.
OOC: Yes, the creator also clearly marks parts of his site as "Non-Canon" "Backstage Information" or "Canon Information."
The purpose of this site is two-fold. Firstly, I want people to be able to use it as a reference guide. You can come to this site, read anything in yellow, and know that it comes directly from an episode or film. At least, to within the limits of my own accuracy - if you spot mistakes like this, please email and let me know. In the blue section, which is written from within a 20th Century context, the Lists and Series Guides sections are intended to be a useful reference guide to various aspects of the Trek universe.
Secondly, the site is intended to act as a source of entertainment. Everything in white is purely my own creation, and my hope is that people will read these sections and enjoy them - no more, no less. To that end I've added the likes of fan fiction.
Go to the site guide button, and then to the ethos button. It's there. It is personally one of my favorite database sites for Star Trek. While I disagree with some of the speculation, and agree with some of it, no other website is so comphrehensive about the techical aspects of Star Trek.
Hey guys, back off a little. At least he's trying. Instead of ridiculing him, give him some pointers on how to be better.
Oh, and Great Mateo, he started in space, so that's why he has spaceships. Don't remember the thread right off the top of my head, but he was talking about it yesterday.
OOC: I would assume many months as in many RL months... 3 ships of that power level is quite enough for now. I would still suggest finding an established nation that uses Star Trek tech and buying from them - and I am not talking about the Klingons. There are several older nations that do, and some of them are decidedly capitalist.
<--- (Points to Self)
21-10-2003, 22:24
OOC: lol sunset, but I agree (I don't RP ST tech) You should go for buying from someone else.