21-10-2003, 16:42
OOC: Before I even start, let me say that yes, this is the player you know as Xanthal. I am creating this nation as an interesting dynamic of space piracy that has not before been seen and will most likely grow to become a major issue causing friction between spacefaring nations in the future. I have planned how this naton will run, and I think prospects are good for it becoming an influencial force among space nations. No, they are not strong, but you will soon see that there is more to them than first meets the eye. I will post an IC message introducing Trasnia to the universe here within the next few hours. Until then, wait in breathless anticipation...
IC: The Rogue Nation of Trasnia is not really a nation at all, but is rather a large organization of pirates that loot weak targets. They do not generally attack armed convoys, though they have been known to when the potential reward is great enough, and almost never engage in battle unless they are absolutely certain of their victory. They operate a wide range of ships, none very big, new, or advanced; just enough to achieve their ends. What sets the Trasnian pirates aside from others like them is that they operate openly within the territory of another nation. That nation? Xanthal. The way that they acheive this is as crafty as it is damaging to unarmed convoys everywhere. Trasnia operates out of the Xanthalian-claimed Talmaraan system on the planet Talmaraan V; a habitable, Earthlike planet which Xanthal has never chosen to develop itself. Trasnia, in it's infancy, legally requested to establish a colony on Talmaraan V as a protectorate of Xanthal. By law they were allowed to take root there and began to grow. Trasnian pirates never attack Xanthalian vessels or violate piracy laws within Xanthalian space. Also, because of their protectorate status, any attack on them by other nations would be considered an act of war against Xanthal itself, making eliminating the pirates on their homeground a nearly impossible task without risking interstellar war. Still, their compliance with Xanthalian law prevents the government of Xanthal from expelling them or revoking their protectorate status. The Trasnians, though secure in their position, are not foolish. They rarely take lives in their raids, and try not to destroy the vessels that they loot or loot too much at once. They are aware that their victims will retaliate regardless of the consequences if they push too far. So they continue, looting and pillaging in the protective shadow of the United Socialist States of Xanthal and it's great Armada. They pay their fees to Xanthal for protectorate status with the money and technology they steal from others, and there seems to be nothing that anyone can do about it, including the frusterated Xanthalian government, which has completely failed, much to it's distress, to find any legal grounds to expel them.
IC: The Rogue Nation of Trasnia is not really a nation at all, but is rather a large organization of pirates that loot weak targets. They do not generally attack armed convoys, though they have been known to when the potential reward is great enough, and almost never engage in battle unless they are absolutely certain of their victory. They operate a wide range of ships, none very big, new, or advanced; just enough to achieve their ends. What sets the Trasnian pirates aside from others like them is that they operate openly within the territory of another nation. That nation? Xanthal. The way that they acheive this is as crafty as it is damaging to unarmed convoys everywhere. Trasnia operates out of the Xanthalian-claimed Talmaraan system on the planet Talmaraan V; a habitable, Earthlike planet which Xanthal has never chosen to develop itself. Trasnia, in it's infancy, legally requested to establish a colony on Talmaraan V as a protectorate of Xanthal. By law they were allowed to take root there and began to grow. Trasnian pirates never attack Xanthalian vessels or violate piracy laws within Xanthalian space. Also, because of their protectorate status, any attack on them by other nations would be considered an act of war against Xanthal itself, making eliminating the pirates on their homeground a nearly impossible task without risking interstellar war. Still, their compliance with Xanthalian law prevents the government of Xanthal from expelling them or revoking their protectorate status. The Trasnians, though secure in their position, are not foolish. They rarely take lives in their raids, and try not to destroy the vessels that they loot or loot too much at once. They are aware that their victims will retaliate regardless of the consequences if they push too far. So they continue, looting and pillaging in the protective shadow of the United Socialist States of Xanthal and it's great Armada. They pay their fees to Xanthal for protectorate status with the money and technology they steal from others, and there seems to be nothing that anyone can do about it, including the frusterated Xanthalian government, which has completely failed, much to it's distress, to find any legal grounds to expel them.