Elindel has launched a probe into space for the first time with intent to gather information on sutable planets for colinizeation
A Pilonese Diplomatic Craft intercepts the probe after it is launched trying to establish a communique with the owners of the craft.
20-10-2003, 19:16
A pablicostan vessel approaces the probe, and sends the following message:-
"Leaders of Asmir, we as an established nation with a reasonable but not excessive space fleet have colonized a good number of planets. and would be willing to share one with you so our peoples could live in harmony togethor.
If you were to accept our offer, we would reccomend Diton VI, the fourth moon of Diton. We have an established life support dome and full electrical services on this planet. It is also fully inhabitable. More details on your request.
Even if you do not wish to acceot our offer, we extend our hand to you as an allie and friend.
Transmission end"