Feline Holds Celebration! (RP in celebration of 1,000 Posts)
OOC: As you can tell, this is my 1,000 Post. :D
Feline invites all nations that are either A, liberal, or B, Democracies/Republics, or C, both to our colony on the moon to celebrate Feline having sent 1,000 messages to the international community total, including this one. We'll have a zero-gee diplomatic function! Come one, come all! Bodyguards welcome, but please only with non-lethal arms. If transportation is not possible, it will be provided. Real-time translator units will be handed out to all guests for use while at the colony.
19-10-2003, 18:03
I would be willing to attend personally.
Lord Goobergunch, Goobergunchian President
DU Regional Delegate
19-10-2003, 18:06
The Republic of Tradewinds wishes to send an ambassador to represent us and join in on the 1,000 post festivities.
Nyerguds, the Tzurnashh (High Commander) of Interplanetary invasions teleports in and looks around.
"Hello. I am Nyerguds, currently supervisor of the Nigashar Earth Colony project. While I am pretty new around here I do wish to congratulate you on your 1000th post. However, since I visit so many other places on this planet I will most likely never reach that number."
The Prime Minister Cameron Williams would be happy to attend, however we're currently suffering a minor economic crisis and are unable to procure transportation.
Office of the Prime Minister
19-10-2003, 18:47
OOC: *points to my uber post count*
IC: Empress Domino Andolini is unable to attend at this time.
OOC: I just don't post as often as you, Crimmond. Big deal.
IC: All are welcome, head on up! If you cannot go, go to our country, where we will send you up!
"Hello, Nyerguds" says King Boostei. "I am King Boostei. I have powers equivilent to the president of a nation, but a different title, and I am also elected. Eventually you will reach 1,000 posts. Our nation was started on December 30, 2002. We've been working at this for some time. Please, have a drink."
19-10-2003, 18:52
OOC: Why can you make a big deal out of 1,000 posts, but I can't make one out of 4,000?
OOC: You can. I have no problem with you doing so. It's the arrogant way you do it that I have a problem with. Your post implied that your IC empress would not attend because of it.
20-10-2003, 03:40
Seeing as I am not A, B, or C, I am unable to go to this party.